I have created a python GUI application. It works great, and I've styled everything to my liking, save for the ComboBox. Styling on the ttk.Combobox doesn't seem to work.
That should give an idea of the material style I'm going for. Here's the styling block I have for the combobox.
globalStyle = ttk.Style()
globalStyle.configure('TCombobox', foreground=textColor, background=backgroundColor, fieldbackground=selectColor, fieldforeground=textColor, font='Verdana')
The only thing I have been able to successfully change is the text and the foreground color. I am looking to edit the following attributes:
Text color
Field background
Dropdown text color
Dropdown background
EDIT: I should mention that the color variables used are all valid hex color codes.
selectColor = '#333333'
backgroundColor = '#444444'
foregroundColor = '#555555'
textColor = '#999999'
So I ran in to the same issue but found most of the solution here. All you have to do is add the following to your code:
option add *TCombobox*Listbox.background color
option add *TCombobox*Listbox.font font
option add *TCombobox*Listbox.foreground color
option add *TCombobox*Listbox.selectBackground color
option add *TCombobox*Listbox.selectForeground color
Then to change the font inside the box (when the drop down isn't present) add font='font_style' to your code.
So in my case I had:
class CreateProfile(tk.Frame):
def __init__(self, parent, controller):
tk.Frame.__init__(self, parent, bg='dodgerblue4')
label = tk.Label(self, text="Create Profile", font=large_font, bg='dodgerblue4', fg='deepskyblue')
label.grid(columnspan=10, row=0, column=0, pady=5, padx=5)
self.grid_rowconfigure(1, weight=1)
self.grid_columnconfigure(1, weight=1)
self.option_add("*TCombobox*Listbox*Background", "dodgerblue")
self.option_add("*TCombobox*Listbox*Font", "pirulen")
self.list_c = ttk.Combobox(self, values=("1", "2", "3", "4"), font='pirulen')
self.list_c.grid(row=1, column=1, pady=5, padx=5)
Make sure you also have the following imports:
import tkinter as tk
import tkinter.ttk as ttk
My issue is I'm only able to change the background color of the actual box (when the drop down isn't present). I'm still trying to figure out how to change the font color (foreground doesn't work for me), and the color of the box itself. So if anybody could add to this answer that would be great!
I know that this question is half a year old, but I had a similar issue and managed to solve it. For changing the color of a ttk Combobox popdown frame you can use the following code:
# these imports are indeed only valid for python 3.x
import tkinter as tk
import tkinter.ttk as ttk
# for python 2.x the following import statements should work:
# import Tkinter as tk
# import ttk
root = tk.Tk()
# adding the options to the root elements
# (all comboboxes will receive this options)
root.option_add("*background", "#444444"),
root.option_add("*foreground", "#999999"),
# create a combobox
ttk.Combobox(root, values=["Banana", "Coconut", "Strawberry"]).pack()
I'm not sure whether I understand the styling mechanisms of tk correctly.
At least the above code works for me on Python 3.2 and Python 3.4
So I made a text editor using tkinter and I used tag_config to highlight the syntax.
#Importing modules
from tkinter import *
#Main Window
Window = Tk()
Window.minsize(400, 550)
##Main Script
#Main frame
main = Frame(Window)
#Main text widget
text = Text(main, bd=0, highlightthickness=0, borderwidth=0, bg="#323232", fg="white")
text.config(width=55, height=35)
main.config(width=55, height=35)
#Tag config for coloring syntax
text.tag_configure("import", foreground="yellow")
#Packs and places
#main.place(anchor="c", rely=.5, relx=.5)
main.pack(expand=True, fill=BOTH, side="right")
text.pack(expand=True, fill=BOTH)
#Update window
The tag_configure is not working in line 23
text.tag_configure("import", foreground="yellow")
Is there a way to fix that? or Is there any way to highlighting text in tkinter?
I add
def check_syntax(event):
text.tag_add('import', 1.0, END)
text.bind("<Return>", check_syntax)
on the code but there are 1 problem, when i run the code and type
import tkinter in the text widget for test and press enter the "tkinter" is highlighted too
How to fix that?
I believe the reason is that you need to actually add a tag first using the tag_add function. You should read this other question with a similar problem. I tried out the code myself and it works. (You'll have to press enter after completing a line)
How to use tkinter tag_config? Python 3.7.3
tag_configure only configures a tag, it doesn't apply the tag to a range of text. To use the tag you need to call tag_add and give it a start and end index. That, or add the tag when calling insert.
For example, this shows how to insert some text, and then apply highlighting to a few characters:
text.insert("end", "import foo\nimport bar\n")
text.tag_add("import", "1.0", "1.6")
text.tag_add("import", "2.0", "2.6")
When I create a button like this in tkinter:
self.submition_button=Button(self.root, text='Submit',
font='Times 12 bold italic', command=self.onSubmition, bg='blue')
the button isn't blue.
Why isn't it blue, and what can I do to make it blue?
Are you using tkinter.Button or are you really using ttk.Button?
You'll know which one your using based on what you imported in the top of code
regular tkinter widgets importing
import tkinter
typical TTK widgets importing
from tkinter import ttk
Because TTK is more modern version of the library it's styling system is different. So setting flag options on it wont work. instead you have to use style theme.
See this reply.
This is the code for a blue button, check it :
from tkinter import *
#create a window
root =Tk()
button=Button(root, text='Submit', font='Times 12 bold italic', bg='blue', activebackground="blue")
I've been trying to configure the border colour of a widget in Tkinter, and I was wondering how to do that....
I've checked on StackOverflow, and it says that I should use the configure option and then set highlightbackgroundcolor = {insert color here}. I've tried that and nothing has worked. Can someone please show me a working sample of code so I can figure it out?
There is no way to change the border color of a widget, the border color is tied to the background color of the widget. Instead, you can turn off the border, and then use a frame widget where you can set the background color of the frame.
import tkinter as tk
root = tk.Tk()
label_border = tk.Frame(root, background="red")
label = tk.Label(label_border, text="This has a red border", bd=0)
label.pack(fill="both", expand=True, padx=1, pady=1 )
label_border.pack(padx=20, pady=20)
I want the label text to be blue, as it is by default on Windows.
I'm following a tutorial on Python and Tkinter that was written for Windows, but I'm doing it on Linux (Python 3.5.1 on xubuntu 16.04.5). Right now I'm puzzled by the fact that all the LabelFrame examples in the book have a blue header label, but when I run their code, my header labels are black.
I see from this question that blue is default in Windows. I'd like to see the same effect in Linux. However, I have been unable to reverse the suggestions there. For instance, "foreground" does not appear to be an option for ttk.LabelFrame(), and I also don't know how to make the text of a Label to be blue to use it as the labelwidget option.
Here's the code:
from tkinter import *
from tkinter import ttk
root = Tk()
root.title("My question")
lf = ttk.LabelFrame(root, text="Why is this not blue?")
label = ttk.Label(lf, text="frame contents can remain black or whatever.")
from tkinter import *
from tkinter import ttk
root = Tk()
root.title("My question")
lw = Label(root, text="This is blue now", fg="blue")
lf = ttk.LabelFrame(root,labelwidget=lw)
label = ttk.Label(lf, text="frame contents can remain black or whatever.")
I wrote the answer but didn't notice you're using LabelFrame instead of Label.
As the documentation says, you need to pass an options argument to your LabelFrame class.
Try this:
lf = ttk.LabelFrame(root, fg='blue', text="Now it should be blue")
I've created a couple of buttons using my program and I've made them include images. However, I wish to now remove the border that remains (see http://i.imgur.com/XRlmq39.png for screenshot).
The code for the "back" button as an example:
backbutton = ttk.Button(mainframe, command=homereturn)
backbuttonimage = PhotoImage(file="back.gif")
backbutton.grid(column=0, row=1)
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
backbutton = tk.Button(..., highlightthickness = 0, bd = 0)
This works for Python 3.x, I tried...
icon = PhotoImage(file="lock.png")
self.company_lock_button = Button(self.control_lock_frame, image = icon, highlightthickness = 0, bd = 0)
self.day_lock_button = Button(self.control_lock_frame, image = icon)
self.hour_lock_button = Button(self.control_lock_frame, image = icon)
If you are using images to define a custom button, use the standard button class rather than the ttk button class. This will allow you to set the borderwidth attribute to zero:
import tkinter as tk
backbutton = tk.Button(..., borderwidth=0)
(unrelated: there's no point in calling backbutton.pack() and immediately follow it with backbutton.grid(...) - you can only use one for a particular widget, and the last one you call is the one that has any effect. In this case the call to pack is completely useless)
Using a new Mac I had the same issue and none of the other answers fully removed the border surrounding the button. I found that setting highlightbackground to the canvas's background color did the trick.
I had the same issue with imaged buttons. Neither bd=0 nor highlichtthickness=0 alone helped. I even suspected the relief-option to play it's part.
What finally helped (with me): pady=0, padx=0
So for the question asked: backbutton.config(image=backbuttonimage, highlichtthickness=0, pady=0, padx=0) could work.
You can use highlightthickness=0 and bd=0
None of the solutions provided so far worked in my case.
(I can only suspect that this is related to the new MacOS GUI style policy of recent versions (I'm using Big Sur). Also other style options don't work on MacOS, e.g. the relief option doesn't have any effect on the appearance of a button.)
Here is my solution: when you put an image to a button, the options width and height take pixels as unit. When you chose small values, i.e. 10x10, the border seems to be covered by the image. Voilá!
Here's one way you could do it..
Use ttk.Style() to set the button's background color to the color of mainframe.
root_color = "red" #Just an example, can't remember the default tk window color
mainframe = tk.Tk() #or whatever mainframe is
mainframe.configure(bg = root_color)
style = ttk.Style()
style.configure('TButton', background = root_color)
backbutton = ttk.Button(mainframe, command=homereturn)
backbutton.grid(column=0, row=1)
As a side note, you don't have to specify style = .. in your ttk button here because you are configuring the default TButton style ttk uses. If you defined a custom style for this button you would have to specify this in the keyword arguements for the button.
An example would be giving your button rounded edges instead of using images to achieve the desired effect.
If you are using the import function as:
from tkinter import *
Button(main_scr, text = "OK", bg = "yellow", bd = 0, command = delete1).pack()
The bd = 0 would not show the border.
Not all themes support changing borderwidth. Try using tkinter.tk instead of using ttk.Button.
Use keyword borderwidth=0 for Button's parameter.
You cannot use both backbutton.pack() and backbutton.grid(). You can select one of them.
from tkinter import ttk
import tkinter as tk
mainframe = tk.Tk()
def homereturn():
backbutton = tk.Button(mainframe, command=homereturn, borderwidth=0)
backbuttonimage = tk.PhotoImage(file="p1.png")
Screenshot w/out border: