Is it possible to use remote vagrant based python interpreter when coding Visual Studio + PTVS - python

In our company we using vagrant VM's to have the save env. for all. Is it possible to configure VisualStudio + PTVS (python tools for VS) to use vagrant based python interpreter via ssh for example?

There's no special support for remote interpreters in PTVS, like what PyCharm has. It's probably possible to hack something based on the existing constraints, but it would be some work...
To register an interpreter that can actually run, it would have to have a local (well, CreateProcess'able - so e.g. SMB shares are okay) binary that accepts the same command line options as python.exe. It might be possible to use ssh directly by adding the corresponding command line options to project settings. Otherwise, a proxy binary that just turns around and invokes the remote process would definitely work.
Running under debugger is much trickier. For that to work, the invoked Python binary would also have to be able to load the PTVS debugging bits (which is a bunch of .py files in PTVS install directory), and to connect to VS over TCP to establish a debugger connection. I don't see how this could be done without writing significant amounts of code to correctly proxy everything.
Attaching to a remotely running process using ptvsd, on the other hand, would be trivial.
For code editing experience, you'd need a local copy (or a share etc) of the standard library for that interpreter, so that it can be analyzed by the type inference engine.


Modules appear to not be installed when running python through ssh

I am connecting to a remote server through
and run
in the appropriate directory. However, I get the error
ImportError: No module named numpy
even though I know the module is installed and the script runs with no problems when I am physically logged in to that server.
None of the answers I was able to find worked (for example this, and this). Do have any ideas as to how I can run the script using ssh?
The remote server has Python 2.6.6 installed, and
which python
The remote serves runs CentOS.
See similar problem describe here: Why does an SSH remote command get fewer environment variables then when run manually?.
Compare your environment variables in the local (physical) mode to the remote mode by running env in both cases. Move missing variables from your local profile to /etc/profile. Then log out from ssh session and connect again.
Another approach: If you don't want to change anything, then after ssh switch to your user via su - <your user>. This may look weird because you already logged it with this user. The difference is, that after su all your env. variables will set like in a local (physical) mode. Advantage: it is quick. Disadvantage: You will have to do it each time you want to run your Python script. So the first approach with configuring /etc/profile may be better on the long run.

Python ssh program not working due to different path separator on linux and windows

I am using MacOS to develop a Python2.7 application that uses paramiko to connect to a remote linux machine. Now, I gave my early code to a Microsoft Windows user to test, and immediately ran into the problem that os.path.join by default uses \ as a separator in the path, when the application calls a command to be executed on the remote machine. So, I have to make sure to use the correct separator when doing operations on linux, while using the default separator on the local machine.
I'm thinking the easiest solution here is to just define my own joinpath function that always uses /as separator, and just call this function whenever the operation is being done remotely.
def joinpath(*args):
return "/".join(args)
Or is there a better and more general of dealing with such a situation?
when the application is operating on the linux machine
This sentence basically means that Python is running on Linux. While this:
This is being called from a Windows computer, but the sftp client opens a file on a remote linux machine
was actually what this is all about.
os module operates on your OS (where the Python is running), giving you OS-specific and correct results
SSH (including SFTP) servers do not provide what CLI they use, that includes separators. They just give you a common interface to connect (and in case of SFTP, handle file transfer) but the rest is basically your problem. - I've dealt with network devices over ssh using Python myself, I had to e.g. manually deal with recognising errors etc because the output is text only.
That means, if you know that you'll be connecting to Linux machines only, use that join of yours (probably add a bit more, in case you have a dir path that ends in "/" - in your case, this will result in "//" in the path).
If you will connect both to Windows and Linux, do a fallback - catch the error (or manually find it in the output, I haven't worked with paramiko so I don't know how it dealt with it), and use another separator as a fallback and remember it for that session.

RDP script in python?

I am writing a script in python, and part of it needs to connect to a remote computer using rdp. Is there a script or an api that I could use to create this function? Also, if there is not, is there a way to package a rdp application along side python and then use a python script to run it? Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance, Nate
If you need an interactive window, use the subprocess module to start your rdesktop.exe (or whatever).
If you need to run some command automatically, you're probably better off forgetting about RDP and using ssh (with passwordless, passphraseless authentication via RSA or similar), psexec (note that some antivirus programs may dislike psexec, not because it's bad, but because it's infrequently been used by malware for bad purposes) or WinRM (this is what you use in PowerShell; it's like ssh or psexec, except it serializes objects on the sender, transmits, and deserializes back to an object on the recipient).
Given a choice among the 3, I'd choose ssh. Cygwin ssh works fine, but there are several other implementations available for Windows.
As per this GitHub comment, you can try to use libfreerdp via ctypes in Python.
See: FreeRDP library at GitHub which is a free remote desktop protocol library and clients.
Home page:
Related: Programmatically manipulating active RDP session.

How do I access a remote filesystem using Python on Windows?

I'm writing a Python script to access all computers on the network, log in to them and read some log files. I don't want to use something as low-level as socket, but I can if I must. I realize that my problem is similar to this question, but not the same.
Are there any modules for accessing external Windows machines?
Has anyone done anything like this before?
I'm specifically looking to log into Windows 7 machines, not unix.
Let's also assume that each computer I want to log into has Remote Desktop installed and enabled. I'm also not worried about network security or encryption because these files are not confidential. Windows machines don't have SSH installed on the by default do they?
There has to be something on the other side for you to talk to. This limits you to either setting up a "server" on each machine, installing a real server (i.e. sshd), building a "server" yourself and installing it, or using a built in and active feature of the OS.
Based upon this, what kind of system do you want to set up on these machines? What does it need to do? Just read the contents of a prespecified file list? Will that list change?
One solution is to turn on telnet, and use paramiko or twisted to
talk across it. This isn't very secure of course
Next up, set up a samba share, and access the folder remotely. This
is also insecure, though less so than telnet
You could find a ssh daemon port and run that, if you are so inclined
Psexec from sysinternals might work
Use twisted to build a server app with the features you need
Use ncat to listen on a port and spawn a cmd prompt
Be aware that most of the solutions for accessing windows remotely are... poor. The best solution is probably to roll your own, but that is hard work and you will probably make mistakes.
Also, Windows 7 is not exactly multi-user friendly. Individual processes can run as separate users, but the OS does not support having multiple users logged in at the same time. Someone is going to be the "user" and everyone else is just a process with a different credential set.
This is more an artificial limitation on M$'s part than anything technical. To see this in action, try to log in with RDP while a user is logged in locally. Fun times.
Per your edit, the easiest thing to do is just set up a samba share on the box.
After this share is set up:
with open(r'\\myCompNameOrIP\C\windows\logs\logfile.txt','rb') as logfile:
loglines = logfile.readlines()
Or you can use the gencat sample found here. Just give it r'\\myCompNameOrIP\C\windows\logs\*.txt' as the search path and watch the magic.
From Ubuntu I use samba:
In Bash:
gvfs-mount smb://them/folder
Here I give name, domain and password
Then in python:
folder = '/home/me/.gvfs/folder on them'
using the os module I read folders and files inside.
I am working in a small business environment.
Why not have each of the computers send the log file to the central computer?

Python and Django IDE with remote editing?

I'm looking for an IDE that will allow me to edit remote Python projects and also has decent Django support, remote command execution, and maybe remote debugging. I've tried PyCharm and Aptana with PyDev but I'm not having much luck configuring them for remote editing. Thanks for your help!
I have Pycharm setup on a Ubuntu 10.10. The key is to use "sshfs" - it maps to my web-host - via ssh. Those are the pre-reqs : ssh access, sshfs. (unless you can figure out a way to map ssh to a windows shared drive).
So once ssh, sshfs are setup, I create a linux mount locally - so my webhost's directory appears locally as "/webhostx" .. From then on Pycharm (or WingIde or any editor) does not care that "/webhostx" is really a remote folder mounted locally.
If all else fails there's always Emacs (everything included :-) ).
Pycharm also has a remote debugging feature - I am in the process of testing it with my host (webfaction).
Emacs has tramp for remote editing on top of ssh, ftp or other protocols(works out of the box). nxhtml has support for editing Django templates (needs setup). I don't know about remote debugging. I've never done that.
Of course, Emacs is a lifestyle rather than an editor as most of its users will tell you so be warned.
Try WingIDE.
