I am working on discriminating some signals for the calculation of the free-period oscillation and damping ratio of a spring-mass system (seismometer). I am using Python as the main processing program. What I need to do is import this signal, parse the signal and find the falling edge, then return a list of the peaks from the tops of each oscillation as a list so that I can calculate the damping ratio. The calculation of the free-period is fairly straightforward once I've determined the location of the oscillation within the dataset.
Where I am mostly hung up are how to parse through the list, identify the falling edge, and then capture each of the Z0..Zn elements. The oscillation frequency can be calculated using an FFT fairly easily, once I know where that falling edge is, but if I process the whole file, a lot of energy from the energizing of the system before the release can sometimes force the algorithm to kick out an ultra-low frequency that represents the near-DC offset, rather than the actual oscillation. (It's especially a problem at higher damping ratios where there might be only four or five measurable rebounds).
Has anyone got some ideas on how I can go about this? Right now, the code below uses the arbitrarily assigned values for the signal in the screenshot. However I need to have code calculate those values. Also, I haven't yet determined how to create my list of peaks for the calculation of the damping ratio h. Your help in getting some ideas together for solving this would be very welcome. Due to the fact I have such a small Stackoverflow reputation, I have included my signal in a sample screenshot at the following link:
(Boy, I hope this works!)
Tycho's sample signal -->
import os, sys, csv
from scipy import signal
from scipy.integrate import simps
import pylab as plt
import numpy as np
import scipy as sp
# code goes here that imports the data from the csv file into lists.
# One of those lists is called laser, a time-history list in counts from an analog-digital-converter
# sample rate is 130.28 samples / second.
# Find the period of the observed signal
delta = 0.00767 # Calculated elsewhere in code, represents 130.28 samples/sec
# laser is a list with about 20,000 elements representing time-history data from a laser position sensor
# The release of the mass and system response occurs starting at sample number 2400 in this particular instance.
sense = signal.detrend(laser[2400:(2400+8192)]) # Remove the mean of the signal
N = len(sense)
W = np.fft.fft(sense)
freq = np.fft.fftfreq(len(sense),delta) # First value represents the number of samples and delta is the sample rate
# Take the sample with the largest amplitude as our center frequency.
# This only works if the signal is heavily sinusoidal and stationary
# in nature, like our calibration data.
idx = np.where(abs(W)==max(np.abs(W)))[0][-1]
Frequency = abs(freq[idx]) # Frequency in Hz
period = 1/(Frequency*delta) # represents the number of samples for one cycle of the test signal.
# create an axis representing time.
dt = [] # Create an x axis that represents elapsed time in seconds. delta = seconds per sample, i represents sample count
for i in range(0,len(sensor)):
# At this point, we know the frequency interval, the delta, and we have the arrays
# for signal and laser. We can now discriminate out the peaks of each rebound and use them to process the damping ratio of either the 'undamped' system or the damping ratio of the 'electrically damped' system.
print 'Frequency calcuated to ',Frequency,' Hz.'
Here's a somewhat unconventional idea, which I think is might be fairly robust and doesn't require a lot of heuristics and guesswork. The data you have is really high quality and fits a known curve so that helps a lot here. Here I assume the "good part" of your curve has the form:
V = a * exp(-γ * t) * cos(2 * π * f * t + φ) + V0 # [Eq1]
V: voltage
t: time
γ: damping constant
f: frequency
a: starting amplitude
φ: starting phase
V0: DC offset
Outline of the algorithm
Getting rid of the offset
Firstly, calculate the derivative numerically. Since the data quality is quite high, the noise shouldn't affect things too much.
The voltage derivative V_deriv has the same form as the original data: same frequency and damping constant, but with a different phase ψ and amplitude b,
V_deriv = b * exp(-γ * t) * cos(2 * π * f * t + ψ) # [Eq2]
The nice thing is that this will automatically get rid of your DC offset.
Alternative: This step isn't completely needed – the offset is a relatively minor complication to the curve fitting, since you can always provide a good guess for an offset by averaging the entire curve. Trade-off is you get a better signal-to-noise if you don't use the derivative.
Preliminary guesswork
Now consider the curve of the derivative (or the original curve if you skipped the last step). Start with the data point on the very far right, and then follow the curve leftward as many oscillations as you can until you reach an oscillation whose amplitude is greater than some amplitude threshold A. You want to find a section of the curve containing one oscillation with a good signal-to-noise ratio.
How you determine the amplitude threshold is difficult to say. It depends on how good your sensors are. I suggest leaving this as a parameter for tweaking later.
Now that you have captured one oscillation, you can do lots of easy things: estimate the frequency f and damping constant γ. Using these initial estimates, you can perform a nonlinear curve fit of all the data to the right of this oscillation (including the oscillation itself).
The function that you fit is [Eq2] if you're using the derivative, or [Eq1] if you use the original curve (but they are the same functions anyway, so rather moot point).
Why do you need these initial estimates? For a nonlinear curve fit to a decaying wave, it's critical that you give a good initial guess for the parameters, especially the frequency and damping constant. The other parameters are comparatively less important (at least that's my experience), but here's how you can get the others just in case:
The phase is 0 if you start from a maximum, or π if you start at a minimum.
You can guess the starting amplitude too, though the fitting algorithm will typically do fine even if you just set it to 1.
Finding the edge
The curve fit should be really good at this point – you can tell because discrepancy between your curve and the fit is very low. Now the trick is to attempt to increase the domain of the curve to the left.
If you stay within the sinusoidal region, the curve fit should remain quite good (how you judge the "goodness" requires some experimenting). As soon as you hit the flat region of the curve, however, the errors will start to increase dramatically and the parameters will start to deviate. This can be used to determine where the "good" data ends.
You don't have to do this point by point though – that's quite inefficient. A binary search should work quite well here (possibly the "one-sided" variation of it).
You don't have to follow this exact procedure, but the basic gist is that you can perform some analysis on a small part of the data starting on the very right, and then gradually increase the time domain until you reach a point where you find that the errors are getting larger rather than smaller as they ought to be.
Furthermore, you can also combine different heuristics to see if they agree with each other. If they don't, then it's probably a rather sketchy data point that requires some manual intervention.
Note that one particular advantage of the algorithm I sketched above is that you will get the results you want (damping constant and frequency) as part of the process, along with uncertainty estimates.
I neglected to mention most of the gory mathematical and algorithmic details so as to provide a general overview, but if needed I can provide more detail.
I am working with audio digital signal processing and binaural audio processing.
I am still learning the basics.
Right now, the idea is to do deconvolution and get an impulse response.
Please see the attached screenshot
Detailed description of what is happening:
Here, an exponential sweep signal is taken and played back back through loudspeaker. The playback is recorded using microphone. The recorded signal is extended using zero padding(probably double the original length) and the original exponential sweep signal is also extended as well. FFTs are taken for both (extended recorded and the extended original), their FFT's are divided and we get room transfer function. Finally,Inverse FFT is taken and some windowing is performed to get Impulse response.
My question:
I am having difficulty implementing this diagram in python. How would you divide two FFT's? Is it possible? I can probably do all steps like zero padding and fft's, but I guess I am not going the correct way. I do not understand the windowing and discarding second half option.
Please can anyone with his/her knowledge show me how would I implement this in python with sweep signal? Just a small example would also help to get an idea with few plots. Please help.
Source of this image: http://www.four-audio.com/data/MF/aes-swp-english.pdf
Thanks in advance,
Sanket Jain
Yes, deviding two FFT-spectra is possible and actually quite easy to implement in python (but with some caveats).
Simply said: As convolution of two time signal corresponds to multiplying their spectra, vice versa the deconvolution can be realized by dividing the spectra.
Here is an example for a simple deconvolution with numpy:
(x is your excitation sweep signal and y is the recorded sweep signal, from which you want to obtain the impulse response.)
import numpy as np
from numpy.fft import rfft, irfft
# define length of FFT (zero padding): at least double length of input
input_length = np.size(x)
n = np.ceil(np.log2(input_length)) + 1
N_fft = int(pow(2, n))
# transform
# real fft: N real input -> N/2+1 complex output (single sided spectrum)
# real ifft: N/2+1 complex input -> N real output
X_f = rfft(x, N_fft)
Y_f = rfft(x, N_fft)
# deconvolve
H = Y_f / X_f
# backward transform
h = irfft(H, N_fft)
# truncate to original length
h = h[:input_length]
This simple solution is a practical one but can (and should be) be improved. A problem is that you will get a boost of the noise floor at those frequencies where X_f has a low amplitude. For example if your exponential sine sweep starts at 100Hz, for the frequency bins below that frequency, you get a division of (almost) zero. One simple possible solution to that is to first invert X_f, apply a bandlimit filter (highpass+lowpass) to remove the "boost areas" and then multiply it with Y_f:
# deconvolve
Xinv_f = 1 / X_f
Xinv_f = Xinv_f * bandlimit_filter
H = Y_f * Xinv_f
Regarding the distortion:
A nice property of the exponential sine sweep is that harmonic distortion production during the measurement (e.g. by nonlinearities in the loudpspeaker) will produce smaller "side" responses before the "main" response after deconvolution (see this for more details). These side responses are the distortion products and can be simply removed by a time window. If there is no delay of the "main" response (starts at t=0), those side responses will appear at the end of the whole iFFT, so you remove them by windowing out the second half.
I cannot guarantee that this is 100% correct from a signal-theory point of view, but I think it shows the point and it works ;)
This is a little over my head, but maybe the following bits of advice can help.
First, I came across a very helpful amount of sample code presented in Steve Smith's book The Scientist and Engineer's Guide to Digital Signal Processing. This includes a range operations, from basics of convolution to the FFT algorithm itself. The sample code is in BASIC, not Python. But the BASIC is perfectly readable, and should be easy to translate.
I'm not entirely sure about the specific calculation you describe, but many operations in this realm (when dealing with multiple signals) turn out to simply employ addition or subtraction of constituent elements. To get an authoritative answer, I think you will have better luck at Stack Overflow's Signal Processing forum or at one of the forums at DSP Related.
If you do get an answer elsewhere, it might be good to either recap it here or delete this question entirely to reduce clutter.
Does aubio have a way to detect sections of a piece of audio that lack tonal elements -- rhythm only? I tested a piece of music that has 16 seconds of rhythm at the start, but all the aubiopitch and aubionotes algorithms seemed to detect tonality during the rhythmic section. Could it be tuned somehow to distinguish tonal from non-tonal onsets? Or is there a related library that can do this?
Been busy the past couple of days - but started looking into this today...
It'll take a while to perfect I guess but I thought I'd give you a few thoughts and some code I've started working on to attack this!
Firstly, pseudo code's a good way to design an initial method.
1/ use import matplotlib.pyplot as plt to spectrum analyse the audio, and plot various fft and audio signals.
2/ import numpy as np for basic array-like structure handling.
(I know this is more than pseudo code, but hey :-)
3/ plt.specgram creates spectral maps of your audio. Apart from the image it creates (which can be used to start to manually deconstruct your audio file), it returns 4 structures.
ffts,freqs,times,img = plt.specgram(signal,Fs=44100)
ffts is a 2 dimentional array where the columns are the ffts (Fast Fourier Transforms) of the time sections (rows).
The plain vanilla specgram analyses time sections of 256 samples long, stepping 128 samples forwards each time.
This gives a very low resolution frequency array at a pretty fast rate.
As musical notes merge into a single sound when played at more or less 10 hz, I decided to use the specgram options to divide the audio into 4096 sample lengths (circa 10 hz) stepping forwards every 2048 samples (ie 20 times a second).
This gives a decent frequency resolution, and the time sections being 20th sec apart are faster than people can perceive individual notes.
This means calling the specgram as follows:
(Note the mode - this seems to give me amplitudes of between 0 - 0.1: I have a problem with fft not giving me amplitudes of the same scale as the audio signal (you may have seen the question I posted). But here we are...
4/ Next I decided to get rid of noise in the ffts returned. This means we can concentrate on freqs of a decent amplitude, and zero out the noise which is always present in ffts (in my experience).
Here is (are) my function(s):
def gate(signal,minAmplitude):
return np.array([int((((a-minAmplitude)+abs(a-minAmplitude))/2) > 0) * a for a in signal])
Looks a bit crazy - and I'm sure a proper mathematician could come up with something more efficient - but this is the best I could invent. It zeros any freqencies of amplitude less than minAmplitude.
This is the relevant code to call it from the ffts returned by plt.specgram as follows, my function is more involved as it is part of a class, and has other functions it references - but this should be enough:
def fft_noise_gate(minAmplitude=0.001,check=True):
zero the amplitudes of frequencies
with amplitudes below minAmplitude
across self.ffts
check - plot middle fft just because!
nffts = ffts.shape[1]
gated_ffts = []
for f in range(nffts):
fft = ffts[...,f]
# Anyone got a more efficient noise gate formula? Best I could think up!
fft_gated = gate(fft,minAmplitude)
ffts = np.array(gated_ffts)
if check:
# plot middle fft just to see!
return ffts
This should give you a start I'm still working on it and will get back to you when I've got further - but if you have any ideas, please share them.
Any way my strategy from here is to:
1/ find the peaks ( ie start of any sounds) then
2/ Look for ranges of frequencies which rise and fall in unison (ie make up a sound).
3/ Differentiate them into individual instruments (sound sources more specifically), and plot the times and amplitudes thereof to create your analysis (score).
Hope you're having fun with it - I know I am.
As I said any thoughts...
Use a spectrum analyser to detect sections with high amplitude. If you program - you could take each section and make an average of the freqencies (and amplitudes) present to give you an idea of the instrument(s) involved in creating that amplitude peak.
Hope that helps - if you're using python I could give you some pointers how to program this!?
I have a set of acceleration data points read from the sensor.
I also have the time at which the reading was taken.
How do I numerically integrate to find the instantaneous velocity?
I have tried the following which does give me the result but the I am wondering whether there is a better more accurate method.
Where dt is calculated from the difference between the times at which the data was measured.
And by iterating the above I could find the instantaneous velocity.
If you only have a number of discrete data points, it is reasonable to assume that the acceleration changes linearly between the data points, i.e.,
When integrating this function, the midpoint rule is completely accurate. (Midpoint is typically better than trapezoidal btw.)
You can get more fancy assuming that the acceleration is continuously differentiable in which case you'd have to construct a quadratic polynomial in each intersection and integrating that, resulting in Simpson's rule.
So this is a bit of a nitty gritty question...
I have a time-series signal that has a non-uniform response spectrum that I need to whiten. I do this whitening using a frequency time normalization method, where I incrementally filter my signal between two frequency endpoints, using a constant narrow frequency band (~1/4 the lowest frequency end-member). I then find the envelope that characterizes each one of these narrow bands, and normalize that frequency component. I then rebuild my signal using these normalized signals... all done in python (sorry, has to be a python solution)...
Here is the raw data:
and here is its spectrum:
and here is the spectrum of the whitened data:
The problem is, that I have to do this for maybe ~500,000 signals like this, and it takes a while (~a minute each)... With almost the entirety of the time being spend doing the actual (multiple) Hilbert transforms
I have it running on a small cluster already. I don't want to parallelize the loop the Hilbert is in.
I'm looking for alternative envelope routines/functions (non Hilbert), or alternative ways to calculate the entire narrowband response function without doing a loop.
The other option is to make the frequency bands adaptive to the center frequency over which its filtering, so they get progressively larger as we march through the routines; which would just decrease the number of times I have to go through the loop.
Any and all suggestions welcome!!!
example code/dataset:
Here is a faster method to calculate the enveloop by local max:
def calc_envelope(x, ind):
x_abs = np.abs(x)
loc = np.where(np.diff(np.sign(np.diff(x_abs))) < 0)[0] + 1
peak = x_abs[loc]
envelope = np.interp(ind, loc, peak)
return envelope
Here is an example output:
It's about 6x faster than hilbert. To speedup even more, you can write a cython function that find next local max point and does normalization up to the local max point iteratively.
I have a data with unevenly spaced (time) samples. How can I find the FFT of the signal and plot it.
Apart from the suggested answers, if your goal is find the frequencies (and not have to use FFT for some reason - which I can't infer from your question), you can consider using periodograms; more specifically, the Lomb-Scargle Periodogram - which can yield frequencies corresponding to unevenly spaced data.
Here is a great answer illustrating this suggestion.
You can't do an FFT of an unevenly sampled signal. That invalidates the assumptions of the math the FFT is based upon.
You'll have to resample the signal so you have evenly spaced samples.
This is slightly out of scope of this forum, but you can start in the dsp stackexchange
If you want a quick and dirty solution use the following approach :
choose a time delay less than or equal your smallest time between points --> dt or alternatively 20% of the inverse of the maximum frequency you are interested in.
make a buffer with N points with N a power of 2 and N*dt > Tmax - Tmin, or whatever the time window you are interested in.
distribute your points over the 2 closest points, or if you do not mind a bit more 'fuzz' just put it at the nearest point.
You'll end up with a buffer with spikes and zeroes in it, but with the same energy as your original signal.
Now FFT and only use the lowest 20% or so of the frequency lines.
This is an incredibly 'raw' and 'approximative' way of doing things, but it will give some approximation of wiggly power bars over frequency. You can clean the signal up by applying windows.
Note that digital signal processing is a field unto itself. I recommend to explore that rabbithole, but do expect to spent quite some time down there.
To use an FFT, you will need to created a vector of samples evenly spaced in time.
If the signal was bandlimited to below a sample rate implied by the widest sample spacings, you can try polynomial interpolation between your unevenly spaced samples to create a grid of about the same number of equally spaced samples in time. But, depending on polynomial degree, this might be highly sensitive to any noise in the bandlimiting or sampling process.