I am quite confused how to handle websockets/streams data within a function in Python.
I have a Python script that triggers a ws/stream which runs 24/7:
async def quote_callback(q):
print('quote', q)
return q
# Initiate Class Instance
stream = Stream(public_key,
# Subscribing to all relevant symbols
for symbol in traded_symbols:
stream.subscribe_quotes(quote_callback, symbol)
# run stream
This returns an infinite stream of quotes for all symbols in traded_symbols:
quote Quote({ 'ask_exchange': 'N',
'ask_price': 79.0,
'ask_size': 5,
'bid_exchange': 'U',
'bid_price': 78.99,
'bid_size': 3,
'conditions': ['R'],
'symbol': 'MRK',
'tape': 'A',
'timestamp': 1641496334124695884})
quote Quote({ 'ask_exchange': 'H',
'ask_price': 334.64,
'ask_size': 1,
'bid_exchange': 'A',
'bid_price': 334.48,
'bid_size': 1,
'conditions': ['R'],
'symbol': 'FB',
'tape': 'C',
'timestamp': 1641496334125929728})
... etc.
Now I have a function within this script where I want to grab the (last) next value out of the stream for any given symbol like so:
def get_quote(symbol):
ask_price = # stream to catch the (last) occurring ask_price of symbol
return ask_price
# should return --> 334.64
How to accomplish this?
It seems that all of the code after stream.run isn't executed when triggered via main.py while loop?
# trader.py
# Stream logic
quotes = {}
async def quote_callback(q):
quotes[q.symbol] = q
return q
# Initiate Class Instance
stream = Stream(public_key,
data_feed='sip') # <- replace to SIP if you have PRO subscription
# Subscribing to all symbols
for symbol in traded_symbols:
stream.subscribe_quotes(quote_callback, symbol)
# run stream
def run_rufus():
stream_price = quotes[symbol].ask_price
# main.py
from trader import run_rufus
while True:
When I remove all of the stream part run_rufus() is continuously executed. I guess there is some bug with my code structure.
import multiprocessing
import os
from alpaca_trade_api.stream import Stream
# Grab required env variables
secret_key = os.environ['SECRET_KEY']
public_key = os.environ['PUB_KEY']
base_url = os.environ['APCA_API_BASE_URL']
traded_symbols = [
"ADBE", # Adobe
"ABNB", # Airbnb
"AMZN", # Amazon
quotes = {}
async def quote_callback(q):
quotes[q.symbol] = q
print(F'Quotes: {quotes}')
return q
# Initiate Class Instance
stream = Stream(public_key,
# Subscribing to all relevant symbols
for symbol in traded_symbols:
stream.subscribe_quotes(quote_callback, symbol)
# run stream
p = multiprocessing.Process(target=stream.run)
def get_quote(symbol):
if symbol in quotes: # if the dictionary quotes has a key with the value of symbol
return quotes[symbol].ask_price
return -1 # a return value of -1 indicates that there was no quote with the given symbol received yet
price = get_quote("FB")
while price == -1:
price = get_quote("FB")
Quotes: {'ABNB': Quote({ 'ask_exchange': 'M',
'ask_price': 156.7,
'ask_size': 1,
'bid_exchange': 'Q',
'bid_price': 156.57,
'bid_size': 2,
'conditions': ['R'],
'symbol': 'ABNB',
'tape': 'C',
'timestamp': 1641840163168672614}), 'ADBE': Quote({ 'ask_exchange': 'P',
'ask_price': 517.0,
'ask_size': 2,
'bid_exchange': 'P',
'bid_price': 516.79,
'bid_size': 1,
'conditions': ['R'],
'symbol': 'ADBE',
'tape': 'C',
'timestamp': 1641840163466840647}), 'FB': Quote({ 'ask_exchange': 'Q',
'ask_price': 323.97,
'ask_size': 3,
'bid_exchange': 'V',
'bid_price': 323.88,
'bid_size': 3,
'conditions': ['R'],
'symbol': 'FB',
'tape': 'C',
'timestamp': 1641840160572326189}), 'AMZN': Quote({ 'ask_exchange': 'M',
'ask_price': 3178.2,
'ask_size': 2,
'bid_exchange': 'M',
'bid_price': 3175.81,
'bid_size': 2,
'conditions': ['R'],
'symbol': 'AMZN',
'tape': 'C',
'timestamp': 1641840162908516864})
First, you can directly access the dictionary fields as members of the Quote objects - i.e. you can just do q.ask_price to get the price from the received Quotes.
In your quote_callback function you get every Quote object as an argument. So, if you always only want to access the last received Quote object which has symbol = "HB", you could define a global dictionary named e.g. quotes which will contain one key == symbol and value == last Quote with that symbol per symbol type.
Now, in get_quote you can use a simple dictionary lookup for the desired key in the quotes dictionary. In the end, you need to repeatedly call get_quote until a quote object with the desired symbol value is received. The whole code could look like this:
import multiprocessing
quotes = {}
async def quote_callback(q):
quotes[q.symbol] = q
return q
# Initiate Class Instance
stream = Stream(public_key,
# Subscribing to all relevant symbols
for symbol in traded_symbols:
stream.subscribe_quotes(quote_callback, symbol)
# run stream
p = multiprocessing.Process(target=stream.run)
def get_quote(symbol):
if symbol in quotes.keys():
return quotes[symbol].ask_price
return -1
price = get_quote("FB")
while price == -1:
price = get_quote("FB")
If there are any errors, please add them to your question, then I can take a look.
I'm looking for simple password-based obfuscation/security of strings.
I've pretty much gone over each example of > Simple way to encode a string according to a password?
And none of them work with my python 3.7.
I got the error with ord() so I updated the code, but even after, its still broken. For examle:
from itertools import cycle
def encode_zip_cycle(key, clear):
enc = [chr((ord(clear_char) + ord(key_char)) % 256)
for clear_char, key_char in zip(clear, cycle(key))]
return base64.urlsafe_b64encode("".join(enc).encode())
def decode_zip_cycle(key, enc):
enc = base64.urlsafe_b64decode(enc)
dec = [chr((256 + enc_char - ord(key_char)) % 256)
for enc_char, key_char in zip(enc, cycle(key))]
return "".join(dec)
text = "ATTACKATONCEfor Live 2154125-21-512^!££613-123!"
s = "1235348udgfjff"
print("Text : " + text)
print("Shift : " + str(s))
print("Cipher: ", encode_zip_cycle(s, text)) # , type(encode(s, text)))
print("Original text: ", decode_zip_cycle(s, encode_zip_cycle(s, text)))
Gives me
Text : ATTACKATONCEfor Live 2154125-21-512^!££613-123!
Shift : 1235348udgfjff
Cipher: b'csKGwod2dn95w4nCs8K1wqnCr8OMw5XCo1J_wp7CqcKZWMKVwoTCmcKXwp_CmsKXY2dgZ2RhbcKmwpbDhcKHDQnCnGJlYGZlZ1k='
['A', '\x90', 'S', '\x8d', 'T', 'B', '>', '\n', '\x15', '\\', '#', 'X', 'M', '\\', '\x84', '\x90', 'v', '\x8d', '|', '\x8f', 'T', 'N', '1', '[', '=', 'è', '\x19', '\\', 'm', '\x90', 'v', '\x8d', 'f', '$', '\x8a', ' ', '^', '\x1d', '\\', '/', '\\', '1', '\x91', 'm', '\x8f', 'e', '\x8f', 'c', '+', 'ò', 'ü', '\x00', 'þ', '÷', '\x07', '\\', 'u', '\x90', 'c', '\x8e', 'R', '\x8e', 'O', '\x98', '¥', '[', '6', 'ø', 'ÿ', 'ú', '5', '3', '4', '$']
Original text: ASTB>
\#XM\v|TN1[=è\mvf$ ^\/\1mec+òü þ÷\ucRO¥[6øÿú534$
In encode_zip_cycle you encode the "encrypted" string into utf-8 before doing the second encoding into base64. Yet, you don't revert this operation later in decode_zip_cycle.
This is the correct decode_zip_cycle function:
def decode_zip_cycle(key, enc):
enc = base64.urlsafe_b64decode(enc).decode()
dec = [chr((256 + ord(enc_char) - ord(key_char)) % 256)
for enc_char, key_char in zip(enc, cycle(key))]
return "".join(dec)
I have a list which looks like this:
['क', ',', 'म', '-', 'ह', 'औ', "'", ')', '(', 'स', '.', 'ए', 'प', 'श',
'भ', 'ल', 'य', 'न', 'इ', '}', 'ज', 'र', 'उ', 'ग', 'द', 'त', 't', 'थ',
'ब', 'अ', 'ई', 'o', '%', 'व', 'a', 'आ', '#', '–', 'q', 'i', '।', '/',
'ओ', 'फ', 'f', 's', 'u', '!', '?', 'ध', 'ऐ', '१', '+', '२', 'p', 'd',
'j', 'च', 'ऑ', 'b', 'छ', 'ऊ', 'l', 'e', 'w', 'ख', 'घ', 'c', 'r', 'y',
'g', 'n', 'ट', 'ड', 'x', '५', '"', '३', 'm', 'ठ', 'h', '४', '•', '$',
'>', 'v', 'z', 'झ', '७', '—', '६', 'k', 'ढ', '८', '&', 'ऋ', '\', '९',
'✉', '०', '॥', '°', '^', '~', '−', '·', 'ॐ', '×', '_', '→', '☆', '£',
'€', 'α', '‘', 'ष', '±', '†', 'β', '#', '\u200e', '░', '¬', '₹', 'π',
'½', '…', 'ऍ', 'º', 'σ', 'γ', 'δ', 'ऽ', '0', '²', 'ङ', 'ॠ', 'à', '≥',
'ः', 'ऎ', 'ω', 'μ', '{', 'ण', 'ं', '≈', 'ε', 'λ', 'θ', '्', '<', '↑',
'\uf0a7', 'φ', '\u200b', '📝', 'ञ', 'о', 'ƒ', '©', '←', 'ळ', 'ा', '■',
'¢', 'ρ', '∞', 'î', '⁄', '√', 'ব', '§', '¾', '≤', '॰', '্', 'é', 'و',
'`', '¥', '♂', '₩', 'å', '´', 'ü', 'á', 'ó', 'ভ', 'в', '¼', '़', 'è',
'ʁ', 'े', 'и', '≡', 'ζ', 'í', '↙', '″', '\u200d', '₫', 'م', '»', 'ː',
'‡', 'ö', 'ँ', 'د', 'η', 'ð', '♦', 'শ', 'প', 'ी', 'ú', '⅓', 'ب', '≠',
'κ', '∈', 'ç', '�', 'এ', 'উ', 'র', 'ν', 'â', 'ê', 'ū', 'к', 'ø', 'ù',
'ā', 'ä', 'æ', '↓', 'ô', 'স', 'ो', 'ō', '●', 'ē', '₨', 'ि', '„', 'ī',
'฿', 'ò', 'τ', 'ਸ', 'ऩ', 'ª', 'р', 'ত', 'н', 'с', 'χ', 'ಕ', 'ë', 'ॉ',
'خ', 'ا', 'ψ', 'а', '¿', 'ì', 'ý', 'µ', 'ौ', 'š', '‰', '÷', 'ি', 'আ',
'ə', 'у', '★', 'ل', 'ॡ', 'č', '⊕', 'ृ', 'ñ', 'ै', 'û', 'ु', 'ू', 'м',
'þ', 'г', 'ι', 'മ', 'پ', '☉', 'த', 'ш', '¤', 'е', '📥', 'ş', 'ã', 'ž',
'খ', 'ع', '水', 'õ', 'ক', 'д', 'ï', 'ج', 'ধ', 'ж', 'ऒ', 'ଓ', '¹', 'ॅ',
'ħ', 'ন', 'ও', 'ʃ', '\u200c', 'ز', 'х', 'מ', '⊂', 'ф', 'য', 'എ',
'\u202a', 'ষ', '九', '♣', 'ł', 'ऌ', 'া', 'త', 'з', 'ß', 'ف', 'ר', '―',
'п', 'غ', 'ऱ', 'ر', 'ŋ', 'ϕ', 'ऴ', 'ክ', 'ğ', 'ą', 'ś', 'ę', '¨', 'ч',
'ż', '№', 'س', 'œ', 'ă', '♠', 'ش', '◾', '\uf0fc', 'ÿ', 'ש', '\ufeff',
'ಜ', 'ن', 'ʊ', '³', 'ć', 'آ', 'চ', 'ɛ', 'я', '이', 'đ', 'জ', 'ġ', '⅜',
'ɑ', '˚', 'ξ', 'л', 'б', 'т', 'ц', '∟', 'й', 'ಭ', 'സ', 'ɒ', 'అ', 'న',
'⍨', '⌛', '⌣', 'ĝ', 'ő', 'ĉ', '،', 'ċ', 'ĵ', 'ژ', 'হ', 'ŝ', 'ণ', '沖',
'⅞', 'ت', '١', 'ɸ', 'ɪ', 'ʌ', 'ě', 'ע', '¸', 'দ', 'ŭ', '∧', 'أ', 'અ',
'ɨ', 'ĥ', '∀', 'ગ', 'ű', 'ʒ', 'ح', 'ث', '█', '∩', 'ق', '↔', '®', 'ਪ',
'⇒', '⅔', '∑', '⇔', 'ழ', 'ю', '月', 'ذ', 'ǻ', 'ń', '∪', 'ك', 'ʰ', 'ё',
'э', '™', 'ض', 'ਦ', 'ɹ', '☞', 'ঞ', 'ম', 'ু', '②', '道', 'ӏ', '大', 'щ',
'א', 'ʔ', 'ǁ', 'ה', '∂', 'ţ', 'പ', '∨', '성', 'ỳ', 'ബ', '∇', 'ظ', 'ط',
'ẽ', 'ص', 'ಶ', 'υ', 'ഞ', 'қ', 'ỹ', 'ź']
I need to select only the Devanagari characters (i.e. 'अ', 'आ'...'क','ख','घ'..) out of above characters. Is there any other way to do this in python except that of manually selecting the indices?
You can iterate through each item in the list, convert each character to a unicode number using ord, then test whether it lies within the Devanagari unicode character range (see: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Devanagari_(Unicode_block)). If it does, add it to the output list.
It will end up something like this:
newlist = []
for c in list:
if ord(c) >= 2304 and ord(c) <= 2431: