I am currently defining regular expressions in order to capture parameters in a URL, as described in the tutorial. How do I access parameters from the URL as part the HttpRequest object?
My HttpRequest.GET currently returns an empty QueryDict object.
I'd like to learn how to do this without a library, so I can get to know Django better.
When a URL is like domain/search/?q=haha, you would use request.GET.get('q', '').
q is the parameter you want, and '' is the default value if q isn't found.
However, if you are instead just configuring your URLconf**, then your captures from the regex are passed to the function as arguments (or named arguments).
Such as:
(r'^user/(?P<username>\w{0,50})/$', views.profile_page,),
Then in your views.py you would have
def profile_page(request, username):
# Rest of the method
To clarify camflan's explanation, let's suppose you have
the rule url(regex=r'^user/(?P<username>\w{1,50})/$', view='views.profile_page')
an incoming request for http://domain/user/thaiyoshi/?message=Hi
The URL dispatcher rule will catch parts of the URL path (here "user/thaiyoshi/") and pass them to the view function along with the request object.
The query string (here message=Hi) is parsed and parameters are stored as a QueryDict in request.GET. No further matching or processing for HTTP GET parameters is done.
This view function would use both parts extracted from the URL path and a query parameter:
def profile_page(request, username=None):
user = User.objects.get(username=username)
message = request.GET.get('message')
As a side note, you'll find the request method (in this case "GET", and for submitted forms usually "POST") in request.method. In some cases, it's useful to check that it matches what you're expecting.
Update: When deciding whether to use the URL path or the query parameters for passing information, the following may help:
use the URL path for uniquely identifying resources, e.g. /blog/post/15/ (not /blog/posts/?id=15)
use query parameters for changing the way the resource is displayed, e.g. /blog/post/15/?show_comments=1 or /blog/posts/2008/?sort_by=date&direction=desc
to make human-friendly URLs, avoid using ID numbers and use e.g. dates, categories, and/or slugs: /blog/post/2008/09/30/django-urls/
Using GET
Using POST
Someone would wonder how to set path in file urls.py, such as
so that we could invoke query.
The fact is that it is not necessary to set such a route in file urls.py. You need to set just the route in urls.py:
urlpatterns = [
path('domain/search/', views.CityListView.as_view()),
And when you input http://servername:port/domain/search/?q=CA. The query part '?q=CA' will be automatically reserved in the hash table which you can reference though
request.GET.get('q', None).
Here is an example (file views.py)
class CityListView(generics.ListAPIView):
serializer_class = CityNameSerializer
def get_queryset(self):
if self.request.method == 'GET':
queryset = City.objects.all()
state_name = self.request.GET.get('q', None)
if state_name is not None:
queryset = queryset.filter(state__name=state_name)
return queryset
In addition, when you write query string in the URL:
Do not wrap query string in quotes. For example,
def some_view(request, *args, **kwargs):
if kwargs.get('q', None):
# Do something here ..
For situations where you only have the request object you can use request.parser_context['kwargs']['your_param']
You have two common ways to do that in case your URL looks like that:
Version 1:
If a specific key is mandatory you can use:
key_a = request.GET['a']
This will return a value of a if the key exists and an exception if not.
Version 2:
If your keys are optional:
You can try that without any argument and this will not crash.
So you can wrap it with try: except: and return HttpResponseBadRequest() in example.
This is a simple way to make your code less complex, without using special exceptions handling.
I would like to share a tip that may save you some time.
If you plan to use something like this in your urls.py file:
url(r'^(?P<username>\w+)/$', views.profile_page,),
Which basically means www.example.com/<username>. Be sure to place it at the end of your URL entries, because otherwise, it is prone to cause conflicts with the URL entries that follow below, i.e. accessing one of them will give you the nice error: User matching query does not exist.
I've just experienced it myself; hope it helps!
These queries are currently done in two ways. If you want to access the query parameters (GET) you can query the following:
request.query_params.get('status', None) => 1
If you want to access the parameters passed by POST, you need to access this way:
request.data.get('role', None)
Accessing the dictionary (QueryDict) with 'get()', you can set a default value. In the cases above, if 'status' or 'role' are not informed, the values are None.
If you don't know the name of params and want to work with them all, you can use request.GET.keys() or dict(request.GET) functions
This is not exactly what you asked for, but this snippet is helpful for managing query_strings in templates.
If you only have access to the view object, then you can get the parameters defined in the URL path this way:
If you only have access to the request object, use the following:
Tested on Django 3.
from rest_framework.response import Response
def update_product(request, pk):
return Response({"pk":pk})
pk means primary_key.
from products.views import update_product
from django.urls import path
urlpatterns = [
path('update/products/<int:pk>', update_product)
You might as well check request.META dictionary to access many useful things like
# for example
# or to avoid any exceptions provide a fallback
request.META.get('QUERY_STRING', False)
you said that it returns empty query dict
I think you need to tune your url to accept required or optional args or kwargs
Django got you all the power you need with regrex like:
url(r'^project_config/(?P<product>\w+)/$', views.foo),
more about this at django-optional-url-parameters
This is another alternate solution that can be implemented:
In the URL configuration:
urlpatterns = [path('runreport/<str:queryparams>', views.get)]
In the views:
list2 = queryparams.split("&")
url parameters may be captured by request.query_params
It seems more recommended to use request.query_params. For example,
When a URL is like domain/search/?q=haha, you would use request.query_params.get('q', None)
"request.query_params is a more correctly named synonym for request.GET.
For clarity inside your code, we recommend using request.query_params instead of the Django's standard request.GET. Doing so will help keep your codebase more correct and obvious - any HTTP method type may include query parameters, not just GET requests."
I'm learning DRF and experimenting with a queryset. I'm trying to optimize to work as efficiently as possible. The goal being to get a list of grades for active students who are majoring in 'Art'.
Based on database optimization techniques,
I've ran some different updates and don't see a difference when I look at the Time returned via the console's Network tab. I DO however, see less logs in the Seq scan when I run the .explain() method on the model filtering. Am I accomplishing anything by doing that?
For example:
Anything else I can do to improve the below code that I might be missing? - Outside of adding any Foreign or Primary key model changes.
class GradeViewSet(viewsets.ModelViewSet):
serializer_class = GradesSerializer
def retrieve(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
active_students = Student.objects.filter(active=True)
student_list = active_students.filter(major='Art').values_list('student_id')
queryset = Grades.objects.filter(student_id__in=student_list)
serializers = GradesSerializer(queryset, many=True)
return Response(serializers.data)
SQL query I'm attempting to create in Django.
select * from app_grades g
join app_students s on g.student_id = s.student_id
where s.active = true and s.major = 'Art'
Your code will execute two separate database queries, I suggest that you try the following query instead:
queryset = Grades.objects.filter(student__active=True, student__major='Art')
this code will retrieve the exact same records but performing only one query with the appropriate JOIN clause.
You probably want to take a look at this part of the documentation.
Because of the lack of model relations that forbids the use of lookups I suggest that you use an Exists subuery. In this specific case the query will be as follows:
queryset = Grades.objects.annotate(student_passes_filter=Exists(
Student.objects.filter(id=OuterRef('student_id'), active=True, major='Art')
You will need to import Exists and OuterRef. Note that these are available from Django 1.11 onwards.
You should probably regroup those lines to reduce the number of queries:
active_students = Student.objects.filter(active=True)
student_list = active_students.filter(major='Art').values_list('student_id')
active_students = Student.objects.filter(active=True, major=‘Art’)
And converting to list then
Sorry about the title being confusing it was hard to figure out how to word the question.
Currently I have a sqllite db with some users in it they have a first name, last name, dob, high school, and high school class. The db is connected to flask using sqlalchemy. What I'm wondering is for my search function I have 4 inputs and I want to have it so if an input isn't used then it won't be used in the search query. Say the person searches for the last name and high school I want it to search just using those parameters. I've tried doing this using a bunch of if statements but it seems messy there must be a better way. Below is the query that I use but it only works if all 4 are filled. Is there a better way than a bunch of if statements with different queries? I've looked around and haven't found anything.
You can try if/else statements like the following:
q = User.query.filter_by(first_name=first_name)
if lname_strip:
q = q.filter_by(last_name=lname_strip)
if hs_class_strip:
q= q.filter_by(hs_class=hs_class_strip)
# Execute the query
Updated needs the q to be an assignment.
Okay so what I did was go through and make an if statement like you said but made them into different vars. Then check to see if they where none or not correct and if they were good then they queryied correctly if not then the queried for everything not null. Then changed them to be a set then did set intersection to see what was the same through all of them. Thank you for ionheart for helping me through this and providing the information this is the complete answer using his partial solution.
if fname_strip!='':
userf = User.query.filter_by(first_name=fname_strip).all()
userf = User.query.filter(User.first_name.isnot(None))
if lname_strip!='':
userl = User.query.filter_by(last_name=lname_strip).all()
userl = User.query.filter(User.last_name.isnot(None))
userc = User.query.filter_by(hs_class=hs_class_strip).all()
userc = User.query.filter(User.hs_class.isnot(None))
if hs_strip!='':
userh = User.query.filter_by(hs=hs_strip).all()
userh = User.query.filter(User.hs.isnot(None))
common=set(userf) & set(userl) & set(userc) & set(userh)
If you pass the arguments to your search function as keyword arguments you can change the signature to accept kwargs and pass those on to the filter query
def search(**kwargs):
userq = User.query.filter_by(**kwargs).all()
This way any arguments you don't specify when calling search will not be passed onto the query, for example calling search(first_name='bob', last_name='fossil') will only add first name and surname arguments to the query
Let's say I have a url pattern with parameters that will link me to a view in django:
And lets say I have a thing and a feature:
thing = Thing.objects.get(.....)
feature = thing.feature_set.first()
t_name = thing.name
f_name = feature.name
Now Django gives me the awesome ability to get a url that brings me to a page dedicated to a specific feature of a specific thing. I can do that like so:
from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
url = reverse('thing_feature', thing_name=t_name, feature_name=f_name)
# url == '/things/thing2/features/left-arm'
Now I've stumbled into a situation that I need to specifically address. I'm not looking for a workaround - I'm looking to solve the following problem:
Given a url's name, how do I get the list of kwarg argument names needed to reverse that url?
I am looking for the function get_kwarg_names_for_url. It behaves like so:
url_kwarg_names = get_kwarg_names_for_url('thing_feature')
# url_kwarg_names == ['thing_name', 'feature_name']
url_kwarg_names is now the list of every keyword I need to supply to Django's reverse function in order to reverse the url named "thing_feature".
Any help is appreciated!
Based on knbk's answer I was able to come up with the following solution:
def get_kwarg_names_for_url(url_name):
resolver = get_resolver(get_urlconf())
reverse_data = resolver.reverse_dict[url_name]
pattern_list = reverse_data[0]
Need to specify the 1st pattern because url regexes can
potentially have multiple kwarg arrangments - this function does
not take this possibility into account.
first_pattern = pattern_list[0]
`first_pattern` is now of the form `(url_string, kwarg_list)` -
all we are interested in is the 2nd value.
return first_pattern[1]
I'll start with a fair warning: this isn't possible using the public API. On top of that, I'm actively working to rewrite the URL dispatcher for 1.10, so this method will most likely break by that time.
First, you need to get the right RegexURLResolver. If the view is not in a namespace, you can use the reverse_dict to get a list of possibilities, and extract the kwargs:
def get_kwargs(view_name):
resolver = urlresolvers.get_resolver()
patterns = resolver.reverse_dict.getlist(view_name)
kwargs = []
for possibility, pattern, defaults in patterns:
for result, params in possibility:
return kwargs
Since a view name can have multiple patterns with different kwargs (though you'd want to avoid that for your own sanity), this will return a list of each set of possible kwargs. Usually the different sets would be the required kwargs on one side and required + optional kwargs on the other side.
I haven't tested this, but if it doesn't work you can dig around in resolver.reverse_dict for a bit to find out the exact specifics. It wasn't exactly designed with usability in mind.
You should be able to do this with a resolve()
From the Docs:
A ResolverMatch object can then be interrogated to provide information about the URL pattern that matches a URL:
func, args, kwargs = resolve('/some/path/')
Specific to your example code:
url = reverse('thing_feature')
func, args, kwargs = resolve(url)
# args == ['thing_name', 'feature_name']
I have a snippet of django code which is intended to iterate a queryset of models and to delete any matching ones. The queryset has gotten large, and these actions are actually set to a periodic task, so the speed is becoming a problem.
Here is the code, if anyone is willing to try to help optimize it!
# For the below code, "articles" are just django models
all_articles = [a reallly large list of articles]
newest_articles = [some large list of new articles]
unique_articles = []
for new_article in newest_articles:
failed = False
for old_article in all_articles:
# is_similar is just a method which checks if two strings are
# identical to a certain degree
if is_similar(new_article.blurb, old_article.blurb, 0.9)
and is_similar(new_article.title, old_article.title, 0.92):
failed = True
if not failed:
return unique_articles
Thanks you guys!
There doesn't seem to be any efficient way of implementing "fuzzy DISTINCT" at the SQL level, so I would recommend taking the pre-computation route.
Trying to guess your business logic from a small code snippet, so this might be off base, but sounds like you just need to know for every new article if it has older dupes (as defined by is_similar function). In that case a viable approach might be adding an is_duplicate field to the Article model and recomputing it in a background job whenever an article is saved. E.g. (using Celery):
def recompute_similarity(article_id):
article = Article.objects.get(id=article_id)
article.is_duplicate = False
for other in Article.objects.exclude(id=article_id):
if is_similar(article.title, other.title) or is_similar(article.blurb, other.blurb):
article.is_duplicate = True
def on_article_save(sender, instance, created, raw, **kwargs):
if not raw:
signals.post_save.connect(on_article_save, sender=Article)
Then your original routine will be reduced to just
Article.objects.filter(is_duplicate=False, ...recency condition)
One way to approach this might be to maintain a Solr index of the content with Haystack, then search Solr for matches on each article, and then feed the top several matches for each into the is_similar function. Not having to search the entire dataset to find similar articles would make a fairly large difference in performance.