Get my search to solve only if solution is negative (MIT6.00) - python

I am getting my head stuck in knots here with problem 3 from PS1 in MIT6.00. I have written a couple of functions (one bisection search, and one function modelling the credit card debt). The problem is that it converges on a solution that gives a slightly positive remaining credit card balance. I could lower the tolerance in the bisection search, but I wanted to know if there was some more elegant way of making this optimiser return only negative results.
import numpy as np
def bisection(a, b, fun, tol, var = None):
"""Note that this only works if you put the independant variable
as the first argument in the parameter """
#def tstr(x):
# return 2*(x**2) - 3*x + 1
#sol = bisection(0,0.9,tstr,0.1)
c = (a+b)/2.0
if var != None:
arga = var[:]
argc = var[:]
arga = a
argc = c
if (b-a)/2.0 <= tol:
#Debugging print statement 1:
#print 'SOL1: c = ', c
if var != None:
return [c] + fun(argc)
return c
if fun(argc)[0] == 0:
if var != None:
return [c] + fun(argc)
return c
elif fun(arga)[0]*fun(argc)[0] < 0:
b = c
a = c
return bisection(a, b, fun, tol, var)
Now we have defined a version of the paidOff function to work
with the bisection method"""
def paidOffBis(args):#(Pay, Bal, Apr):
"""Tester for Bisection Implementation"""
# TEST SIZE OF args:
if (type(args) != list)|(np.size(args) != 3):
print 'Incorrect size or type of input, input size:', np.size(args), '-', args
return None
Pay, Bal, Apr = args
Mpr = Apr/12.0
Baln = Bal
Nm = 0
for n in range(12):
Baln = Baln*(1 + Mpr) - Pay
if (Baln < 0)&(Nm == 0):
Nm = n + 1
if Baln < 0:
return [Baln, Nm]
return [Baln, Nm]
Out_Bal = float(raw_input('Enter the outstanding balance on your credit card: '))
Apr = float(raw_input('Enter the annual credit card interest rate as a decimal: '))
varin = [Out_Bal, Apr]
#(Out_Bal*(1 + (Apr/12.0))**12.0)/12.0
sol = bisection(Out_Bal/12.0, Out_Bal, paidOffBis, 0.01, varin)
print 'RESULT'
print 'Monthly payment to pay off debt in 1 year: $%.2f' % sol[0]
print 'Number of months needed:', sol[2]
print 'Balance: $%.2f' % sol[1]

To ensure a balance less than or equal to zero you need to set your conditional statements correctly - you need to keep searching till that criteria is met. You asked for ... a more elegant way .... Using descriptive names for your variables and keeping it simple would certainly improve your code. Here is one way to craft a solution using a bisection search.
annualInterestRate = .1
balance = 1000
def balance_after_one_year(balance, annualInterestRate, payment):
'''Calculate the balance after one year of interest and payments.
balance --> int or float
annualInterestRate --> float between 0 and 1
payment --> float
returns float
for _ in xrange(12):
balance = (balance - payment) * (1 + annualInterestRate / 12.0)
return balance
def min_payment(balance, annualInterestRate, tolerance = .01):
'''Find the minimum payment to pay off a loan.
Uses a bisection search.
Ensures balance is not positive.
balance --> float, int
annualInterestRate --> float less than one
tolerance --> float
# we want the tolerance to be negative
# this isn't strictly a tolerance, it is a lower limit
tolerance = -abs(tolerance)
hi = balance
lo = 0
while True:
payment = (hi + lo) / 2.0
tmp_balance = balance_after_one_year(balance, annualInterestRate, payment)
if tmp_balance < tolerance:
hi = payment
# ensure balance is not positive
elif tmp_balance > 0:
lo = payment
return payment, tmp_balance
min_pmt, final_balance = min_payment(balance, annualInterestRate)
print 'minimum payment', min_pmt
print 'final balance', final_balance


How to better implement a history of user action?

I decided to make a calculator as a project.
Implementing basic addition, subtraction, division, and multiplication was fairly easy.
I wanted to add more functionality so I decided to implement a list of results the user view. However, I had a difficult time keeping track of the results numerically. I wrote a maze of if statements that are functional but seem to be overwrought with code. I am sure there is a better way to handle this.
Any advice?
def add(x, y):
return x + y
def sub(x, y):
return x - y
def mul(x, y):
return x * y
def div(x, y):
value = None
while True:
value = x / y
except ZeroDivisionError:
print('Value is not dividable by 0, try again')
return value
def num_input(prompt='Enter a number: '):
while True:
print(prompt, end='')
x = int(input())
except ValueError:
print('You must input a number. Try again.')
return x
def get_two_val():
x, y = num_input(), num_input()
return x, y
print("Welcome to Simple Calc")
# declaration of variables
num_of_calc_counter = 0
index_of_calc = 1
calculations = []
while True:
print("Choose from the following options:")
print(" 1. Add")
print(" 2. Subtract")
print(" 3. Multiply")
print(" 4. Divide")
print(" 5. Sales Tax Calculator")
print(" 6. Recent Calculations")
print(" 0. Quit")
usrChoice = num_input('Enter your choice: ')
Menu workflow
options 1-4 take in two numbers and perform the specified calculation and
then add the result to a master list that the user can reference later.
lastly, the workflow increments the num_of_calc variable by 1 for recent
calc logic
option 5 is a simple tax calculator that needs work or option to enter
or find tax rate
option 6 returns a list of all the calculations perform by the user
if usrChoice is 1:
numbers = get_two_val()
result = add(*numbers)
print(numbers[0], "plus", numbers[1], "equals", result)
num_of_calc_counter += 1
elif usrChoice is 2:
numbers = get_two_val()
result = sub(*numbers)
print(numbers[0], "minus", numbers[1], "equals", result)
num_of_calc_counter += 1
elif usrChoice is 3:
numbers = get_two_val()
result = mul(*numbers)
print(numbers[0], "times", numbers[1], "equals", result)
num_of_calc_counter += 1
elif usrChoice is 4:
numbers = get_two_val()
result = div(*numbers)
print(numbers[0], "divided by", numbers[1], "equals", result)
num_of_calc_counter += 1
elif usrChoice is 5:
tax_rate = .0875
price = float(input("What is the price?: "))
total_tax = tax_rate * price
final_amount = total_tax + price
print('Tax rate: ', tax_rate, '%')
print('Sales tax: $', total_tax)
print('Final amount: $', final_amount)
elif usrChoice is 6:
if len(calculations) is 0:
print('There are no calculations')
elif num_of_calc_counter == 0:
index_of_calc = 1
for i in calculations:
print(index_of_calc, i)
index_of_calc += 1
num_of_calc_counter += 1
elif index_of_calc == num_of_calc_counter:
index_of_calc = 1
for i in calculations:
print(index_of_calc, i)
index_of_calc += 1
num_of_calc_counter += 1
elif num_of_calc_counter > index_of_calc:
index_of_calc = 1
for i in calculations:
print(index_of_calc, i)
index_of_calc += 1
num_of_calc_counter -= 1
elif num_of_calc_counter < index_of_calc:
index_of_calc = 1
for i in calculations:
print(index_of_calc, i)
index_of_calc += 1
num_of_calc_counter += 1
elif usrChoice is 0:
I don't know if you could find this simpler:
def num_input(prompt='Enter a number: '):
finished = False
while not finished:
string_input = input(prompt)
input_translated = int(string_input)
except ValueError:
print('You must input a number. Try again.')
finished = True
return input_translated
def division_operation(x, y):
if y == 0:
print('Value is not dividable by 0, try again')
return None
return x / y
math_operations_values = [
(lambda x, y: x + y, 'plus'),
(lambda x, y: x - y, 'minus'),
(lambda x, y: x * y, 'times'),
(division_operation, 'divided by')
def get_two_val():
return (num_input(), num_input())
def operate_on_numbers(operation_index):
def operate():
numbers = get_two_val()
operator, operation_string = math_operations_values[operation_index]
result = operator(*numbers)
if result is not None:
print(numbers[0], operation_string, numbers[1], "equals", result)
return operate
def tax_computation():
tax_rate = .0875
price = float(input("What is the price?: "))
total_tax = tax_rate * price
final_amount = total_tax + price
print('Tax rate: ', tax_rate * 100, '%')
print('Sales tax: $', total_tax)
print('Final amount: $', final_amount)
def show_computations():
if calculations:
for (index, values) in enumerate(calculations, start=1):
print(f'{index}: {values}')
print('There are no calculations')
calculations = []
finished = False
choices_actions = [
while not finished:
Choose from the following options:
1. Add
2. Subtract
3. Multiply
4. Divide
5. Sales Tax Calculator
6. Recent Calculations
0. Quit""")
user_choice = num_input('Enter your choice: ')
Menu workflow
options 1-4 take in two numbers and perform the specified calculation and
then add the result to a master list that the user can reference later.
lastly, the workflow increments the num_of_calc variable by 1 for recent
calc logic
option 5 is a simple tax calculator that needs work or option to enter
or find tax rate
option 6 returns a list of all the calculations perform by the user
if user_choice == 0:
finished = True
operation_to_do = choices_actions[user_choice - 1]
except IndexError:
print('Please enter one of choice shown.')

MITx 6.00.1x Calculating Interest rate

So, I'm having a lot of trouble inputting my answer into the grader for the MIT Intro to CS in Python course on edX.
The specific problem ask for a program that will calculate the interest on a credit card given the monthly payment rate, interest rate, and initial balance.
I'm pretty sure my code is fine, I just can't get the grader to accept it.
I've tried changing the code to account for the names of the variables that the grader wants and removed the input prompts, function wrapper and return calls, but it still doesn't work.
Here is my initial code:
from math import *
b = float(input("balance = "))
r = float(input("annualInterestRate = "))
p = float(input("monthlyPaymentRate = "))
bval = []
def interest(b, r, p):
bal = (b - (b * p))
def update(bal, r):
balance = (bal + (r / 12.0) * bal)
return balance
if len(bval) < 12:
bval.append(update(bal, r))
return(interest(bval[-1], r, p))
elif len(bval) == 12:
return print("Remaning balance: " + "{:.2f}".format(bval[-1]))
interest(b, r, p)
And here is what it was modified to:
from math import *
bval = []
bal = (blance - (balance * monthlyPaymentRate))
def update(balance, annualInterestRate):
bal = round((balance + (annualInterestRate / 12.0) * balance), 2)
return bal
if len(bval) < 12:
bval.append(update(bal, annualInterestRate))
(interest(bval[-1], annualInterestRate, monthlyPaymentRate))
elif len(bval) == 12:
print("Remaning balance: " + "{:.2f}".format(bval[-1]))
Any help?

bisection search causes infinite loop

I want to use bisection search to find out how much monthly payment should be in order to pay the full amount of balance within 12 months which user will input. However, this code I write goes into the infinite loop,showing "low, high, montlyPayment infinite times." I don't know which code causes this problem since conditional statement seems right to me .
initialBalance = float(raw_input('Enter the outstanding balance on your credit card'))
annualInterestrate = float(raw_input('Enter the annual credit card interest rate as a decimal'))
monthlyInterestrate = round(annualInterestrate, 2)
balance = initialBalance
while balance > 0:
numMonth = 0
balance = initialBalance
low = balance/12.0
high = (balance*(1+(annualInterestrate/12.0))**12.0)/12.0
epsilon = 0.01
monthlyPayment = round((high + low)/2.0, 2)
while abs(monthlyPayment*12.0 - initialBalance) >= epsilon:
print 'low =', low, 'high =', high, 'monthlyPayment =', round(monthlyPayment,2)
if monthlyPayment*12.0 < balance:
low = monthlyPayment
high = monthlyPayment
monthlyPayment = round((high + low)/2.0, 2)
while balance > 0 and numMonth < 12:
numMonth += 1
interest = monthlyInterestrate * balance
balance -= monthlyPayment
balance += interest
balance = round(balance, 2)
print 'RESULT'
print 'monthly payment to pay off debt in 1 year:', monthlyPayment
print 'Number of months needed:', numMonth
print 'Balance:',balance
I have re-coded the above problem as
balance = 120000
annualInterestRate = 0.1
high=(balance * (1 + rate)**12) / 12.0
while (abs(unpaid) > .01):
while(month < 12):
balance=unpaid + (unpaid * rate)
month +=1
if (abs(unpaid) < .01):
elif (unpaid > .01):
elif (unpaid < -.01):

Sympy seems to break down with higher numbers

I've been playing around with sympy and decided to make an arbitrary equations solver since my finance class was getting a little dreary. I wrote a basic framework and started playing with some examples, but some work and some don't for some reason.
from sympy import *
import sympy.mpmath as const
OUT_OF_BOUNDS = "Integer out of bounds."
INVALID_INTEGER = "Invalid Integer."
INVALID_FLOAT = "Invalid Float."
CANT_SOLVE_VARIABLES = "Unable to Solve for More than One Variable."
CANT_SOLVE_DONE = "Already Solved. Nothing to do."
# time value of money equation: FV = PV(1 + i)**n
# FV = future value
# PV = present value
# i = growth rate per perioid
# n = number of periods
FV, PV, i, n = symbols('FV PV i n')
time_value_money_discrete = Eq(FV, PV*(1+i)**n)
time_value_money_continuous = Eq(FV, PV*const.e**(i*n))
def get_sym_num(prompt, fail_prompt):
s = input(prompt)
if s == "":
return None
f = sympify(s)
return f
equations_supported = [['Time Value of Money (discrete)', [FV, PV, i, n], time_value_money_discrete],
['Time Value of Money (continuous)',[FV, PV, i, n], time_value_money_continuous]]
if __name__ == "__main__":
for i, v in enumerate(equations_supported):
print("{}: {}".format(i, v[EQUATION_NAME]))
process = input("What equation do you want to solve? ")
if process == "" or process == "exit":
process = int(process)
if process < 0 or process >= len(equations_supported):
params = [None]*len(equations_supported[process][EQUATION_PARAMS])
for i, p in enumerate(equations_supported[process][EQUATION_PARAMS]):
params[i] = get_sym_num("What is {}? ".format(p), INVALID_FLOAT)
if params.count(None) > 1:
if params.count(None) == 0:
curr_expr = equations_supported[process][EQUATION_EXPR]
for i, p in enumerate(params):
if p != None:
curr_expr = curr_expr.subs(equations_supported[process][EQUATION_PARAMS][i], params[i])
print(solve(curr_expr, equations_supported[process][EQUATION_PARAMS][params.index(None)]))
This is the code I have so far. I guess I can strip it down to a basic example if need be, but I was also wondering if there was a better way to implement this sort of system. After I have this down, I want to be able to add arbitrary equations and solve them after inputting all but one parameter.
For example, if I put in (for equation 0), FV = 1000, PV = 500, i = .02, n is empty I get 35.0027887811465 which is the correct answer. If I redo it and change FV to 4000, it returns an empty list as the answer.
Another example, when I input an FV, PV, and an n, the program seems to hang. When I input small numbers, I got RootOf() answers instead of a simple decimal.
Can anyone help me?
Side note: I'm using SymPy 0.7.6 and Python 3.5.1 which I'm pretty sure are the latest
This is a floating point accuracy issue. solve by default plugs solutions into the original equation and evaluates them (using floating point arithmetic) in order to sort out false solutions. You can disable this by setting check=False. For example, for Hugh Bothwell's code
for fv in range(1870, 1875, 1):
sols = sp.solve(eq.subs({FV:fv}), check=False)
print("{}: {}".format(fv, sols))
which gives
1870: [66.6116466112007]
1871: [66.6386438584579]
1872: [66.6656266802551]
1873: [66.6925950919998]
1874: [66.7195491090752]
I don't have an answer, but I do have a much simpler demonstration case ;-)
import sympy as sp
FV, n = sp.symbols("FV n")
eq = sp.Eq(FV, sp.S("500 * 1.02 ** n"))
# see where it breaks
for fv in range(1870, 1875, 1):
sols = sp.solve(eq.subs({FV:fv}))
print("{}: {}".format(fv, sols))
which produces
1870: [66.6116466112007]
1871: [66.6386438584579]
1872: []
1873: []
1874: []
At a guess this is where the accuracy breaks down enough that it can't find a verifiable solution for n?
Also, while poking at this I did a fairly extensive rewrite which you may find useful. It does pretty much the same as your code but in a much more loosely-coupled fashion.
import sympy as sp
class Equation:
def __init__(self, label, equality_str, eq="=="):
self.label = label
# parse the equality
lhs, rhs = equality_str.split(eq)
self.equality = sp.Eq(sp.sympify(lhs), sp.sympify(rhs))
# index free variables by name
self.vars = { var for var in self.equality.free_symbols}
def prompt_for_values(self):
# show variables to be entered
var_names = sorted(self.vars, key=str.lower)
print("\nFree variables are: " + ", ".join(var_names))
print("Enter a value for all but one (press Enter to skip):")
# prompt for values by name
var_values = {}
for name in var_names:
value = input("Value of {}: ".format(name)).strip()
if value:
var_values[name] = sp.sympify(value)
# convert names to Sympy variable references
return {self.vars[name]:value for name,value in var_values.items()}
def solve(self):
values = self.prompt_for_values()
solutions = sp.solve(self.equality.subs(values))
# remove complex answers
solutions = [sol.evalf() for sol in solutions if sol.is_real]
return solutions
def __str__(self):
return str(self.equality)
# Define some equations!
equations = [
Equation("Time value of money (discrete)", "FV == PV * (1 + i) ** n"),
Equation("Time value of money (continuous)", "FV == PV * exp(i * n)" )
# Create menu
menu_lo = 1
menu_hi = len(equations) + 1
menu_prompt = "\n".join(
+ ["{}: {}".format(i, eq.label) for i, eq in enumerate(equations, 1)]
+ ["{}: Exit".format(menu_hi)]
+ ["? "]
def get_int(prompt, lo=None, hi=None):
while True:
value = int(input(prompt))
if (lo is None or lo <= value) and (hi is None or value <= hi):
return value
except ValueError:
def main():
while True:
choice = get_int(menu_prompt, menu_lo, menu_hi)
if choice == menu_hi:
solutions = equations[choice - 1].solve()
num = len(solutions)
if num == 0:
print("No solutions found")
elif num == 1:
print("1 solution found: " + str(solutions[0]))
print("{} solutions found:".format(num))
for sol in solutions:
if __name__ == "__main__":

Regarding not changing value of N

The question is to find the fixed amount you need to pay to a credit card company when -
bal= the amount you need to pay at the beginning of 0th month
N = it is the monthly fixed amount to be to paid to the credit card company such that at the end of the year, you will have paid the total amount
int = interest rate of the credit card company
bal = int(raw_input("Enter balance"))
rate = int(raw_input("enter rate"))
lower_b = bal/12
upper_b = (bal + ((rate*bal)/1200))/12
N= (lower_b+upper_b)/2
def Credit(bal,rate,N):
global upper_b
global lower_b
while (i<13):
paid = N
bal = bal - paid
print("Balance remains to be paid is %s" %(round(bal,2)))
Interest = rate * bal /1200
print("The interest added on is %s" %(round(Interest,2)))
print ("The amount that needs to be payed is %s " %(round(bal,2)))
if bal==0:
return N
elif 50 < bal < 2000 :
lower_b = N
upper_b = upper_b
N = (upper_b +lower_b)/2
return Credit(k,rate,N)
elif -2000<bal< -50:
upper_b = N
lower_b = lower_b
N = (lower_b +upper_b)/2
return Credit(k,rate,N)
elif -50 < bal < 50:
return N
return bal
My code never terminates. The problem is the value of N defined in the code is not changing. It remains fixed N = upper_b +lower_b)/2
Using recursion would not be the ideal approach, you also have logic errors including needing to get the interest rate for the month, your initial upper bound should be greater than the principal plus the interest. You can use a while loop with an inner for loop resetting the balance after each unsuccessful inner loop:
balance = int(raw_input("Enter balance"))
int_rate = float(raw_input("enter rate"))
int_rate /= 100
lower_b = balance / 12.
upper_b = ((balance * (1 + (int_rate / 12.0)) ** 12) / 12.0)
payment = (lower_b + upper_b) / 2
def Credit(bal, rate, low, high, pay):
new_b = bal
# calculate monthly interest rate
month_int = rate / 12
while abs(new_b) > 0.001: # use epsilon
# always reset balance
new_b = bal
for _ in range(12): # loop over 12 month range
new_b -= pay # deduct pay
new_b += month_int * new_b
# if we still have a balance we need to take more so set low to current payment
if new_b > 0:
low = pay
# else we took to much so set high to current payment
high = pay
pay = (low + high) / 2.0
return "Lowest monthly payment over 12 months: {}".format(pay)
print(Credit(balance, int_rate, lower_b, upper_b, payment))
