Strict mock in python - python

Is there any equivalent of strict mocks in python? Some mechanism to report unintended call of mocked methods (action.step2() in this example), just like this in GoogleMock framework.
class Action:
def step1(self, arg):
return False
def step2(self, arg):
return False
def algorithm(action):
return True
class TestAlgorithm(unittest.TestCase):
def test_algorithm(self):
actionMock = mock.create_autospec(Action)

Looks like it's not supported out of the box. However there are at least two approaches on how to achieve the same result.
Passing list of allowed members
According to mock documentation
spec: This can be either a list of strings or an existing object (a class or instance) that acts as the specification for the mock object. If you pass in an object then a list of strings is formed by calling dir on the object (excluding unsupported magic attributes and methods). Accessing any attribute not in this list will raise an AttributeError.
So, in order to fail your test example just replace
actionMock = mock.create_autospec(Action)
actionMock = mock.Mock(spec=['step1'])
Such an approach have certain drawbacks compared to passing class or instance as spec argument, as you have to pass all the allowed methods and than set up expectations on them, effectively registering them twice. Also, if you need to restrict a subset of methods you have to pass list of all methods execept those. This can be achieved as follows:
all_members = dir(Action) # according to docs this is what's happening behind the scenes
all_members.remove('step2') # remove all unwanted methods
actionMock = mock.Mock(spec=all_members)
Setting exceptions on restricted methods
Alternative approach would be to excplicitly set failures on methods you don't want to be called:
def test_algorithm(self):
actionMock = mock.create_autospec(Action)
actionMock.step2.side_effect = AttributeError("Called step2") # <<< like this
This have some limitations as well: you've got to set errors as well as expectations.
As a final note, one radical solution to the problem would be to patch mock to add strict parameter to Mock constructor and send a pull request. Than either it would be accepted or mock maintainers will point out on how to achieve that. :)

Yes, this is possible using the spec= and autospec= arguments. See the mock documentation on Autospeccing for more information. In your example it would become:
action_mock = mock.Mock(spec=Action)
action_mock = mock.Mock('Action', autospec=True)

Another possibility:
Checking call_count individually on restricted methods
Ensure that call_count is zero on methods that should not be called.
class TestAlgorithm(unittest.TestCase):
def test_algorithm(self):
actionMock = mock.create_autospec(Action)
self.assertEqual(actionMock.step2.call_count, 0) # <<< like this
The drawback is that you have to check all unexpected calls one by one.


How to use #patch.object decorator for a method that is being called in multiple places in a class?

I'm having an implementation class where, there's this save method which is being called in multiple places within the class.
So basically that method intakes an argument and returns a file url which is a string.
In the class I'm trying to test, I'm saving multiple files in different locations. Hence how can I test that in my UnitTest class?
For eg I was able to mock the delete method like below, which is being called only once:
#patch.object(FileStoreSp, "delete_file", return_value=True)
But for the save method I'm not sure how can i test it since its being called in multipe places and it returns different values. Is there a way I can pass the return values in some sort of an order in which the method is being called?
Any help could be appreciated.
You could monkey patch the save method. You could create a temp directory and test that everything is in place after your function has run.
However, the scenario, which you describe, indicates that you probably should refactor your code to be more testable. Writing files is a so called "side-effect". Side-effects make your test harder (maybe impossible) to test. Try to avoid side-effects, if possible. And if they are really needed, then try to concentrate side effects in one place at the boundary of your system. There are many strategies to archive this. For example:
Rearrange function calls
Delegate the execution of the side effect. E.g. let the function return a value of what should be done (return "write-file", "Filename") and handle those at the top level
If you really cannot change the code (maybe its 3rd party code out of your control), then you can monkey patch nearly everything in python. How to do it best depends on your concrete scenario and code. For the unittest framework have a look at MagicMock.
If I understand correctly, you have some method on your class and you want to test that method. And that method calls another method (save) more than once. Now you want to mock out the save method, while testing that other method, which is the correct approach.
Let's abstract this for a moment. Say the method you are testing is called bar and inside it calls the method foo twice. Now foo does all sorts of stuff including side effects (disk I/O, whatever), so you obviously want to mock it during the bar test. Yet you want to ensure that foo is called in the way you expect it from bar and also that bar does something specific with the return values it gets from foo.
Thankfully, the Mock class allows you to set the side_effect attribute in various ways. One of them is setting it to an iterable. Calling the mock once then returns the next element from that iterable. This allows you to set multiple distinct return values for the mocked object in advance.
We can then leverage the assert_has_calls method of the mocked object using call objects to verify that foo was called with the expected arguments.
Here is an example to illustrate the concept:
from unittest import TestCase
from unittest.mock import MagicMock, call, patch
class MyClass:
def foo(self, string: str) -> list[str]:
print("Some side effect")
return string.split()
def bar(self, string1: str, string2: str) -> tuple[str, str]:
x =[0]
y =[0]
return x, y
class MyTestCase(TestCase):
#patch.object(MyClass, "foo")
def test_bar(self, mock_foo: MagicMock) -> None:
# Have mocked `foo` return ["a"] first, then ["b"]
mock_foo.side_effect = ["a"], ["b"]
# Thus, we expect `bar` to return ("a", "b")
expected_bar_output = "a", "b"
obj = MyClass()
# The arguments for `bar` are not important here,
# they just need to be unique to ensure correct calls of `foo`:
arg1, arg2 = MagicMock(), MagicMock()
output =, arg2)
# Ensure the output is as expected:
self.assertTupleEqual(expected_bar_output, output)
# Ensure `foo` was called as expected:
mock_foo.assert_has_calls([call(arg1), call(arg2)])
Hope this helps.

Is there a way to mock the return for type(), without replacing with isinstance()?

I am trying to unit test a block of code, and I'm running into issues with mocking the object's type to grab the right function from a dictionary.
For example:
my_func_dict = {
Foo: foo_func,
Bar: bar_func
FooBar: foobar_func
def generic_type_func(my_obj):
my_func = my_func_dict[type(my_obj)]
With this code, I can swap between functions with a key lookup, and it's pretty efficient.
When I try to mock my_obj like this, I get a KeyError:
mock_obj = Mock(spec=Foo)
# KeyError: <class 'unittest.mock.Mock'>
Because it's a mock type. Although, when I check isinstance(), it returns true:
is_instance_Foo = isinstance(mock_obj, Foo)
# Output:
# True
Is there any way to retain the type() check, and using the dictionary lookup via a key, while still maintaining the ability to mock the input and return_type? Or perhaps a different pattern where I can retain the performance of a dictionary, but use isinstance() instead so I can mock the parameter? Looping over a list to check the type against every possible value is not preferred.
I managed to unit test this by moving the function to the parameter itself, and implicitly calling the function from the parent. I wanted to avoid this, because now the function manipulates the parent implicitly instead of explicitly from the parent itself. It looks like this now:
def generic_type_func(self, my_obj):
The function then modifies self as needed, but implicitly instead of an explicit function on the parent class.
def my_func(self, parent):
self.foo_prop = parent
Rather than:
def my_foo_func(self, foo):
foo.foo_prop = self
This works fine with a mock, and I can mock that function easily. I've just hidden some of the functionality, and edit properties on the parent implicitly instead of explicitly from within the class I'm working in. Maybe this is preferable anyways, and it looks cleaner with less code on the parent class. Every instance must have my_func this way, which is enforced via an abstract base class.

Intercept magic method calls in python class

I am trying to make a class that wraps a value that will be used across multiple other objects. For computational reasons, the aim is for this wrapped value to only be calculated once and the reference to the value passed around to its users. I don't believe this is possible in vanilla python due to its object container model. Instead, my approach is a wrapper class that is passed around, defined as follows:
class DynamicProperty():
def __init__(self, value = None):
# Value of the property
self.value: Any = value
def __repr__(self):
# Use value's repr instead
return repr(self.value)
def __getattr__(self, attr):
# Doesn't exist in wrapper, get it from the value
# instead
return getattr(self.value, attr)
The following works as expected:
wrappedString = DynamicProperty("foo")
wrappedString.upper() # 'FOO'
wrappedFloat = DynamicProperty(1.5)
wrappedFloat.__add__(2) # 3.5
However, implicitly calling __add__ through normal syntax fails:
wrappedFloat + 2 # TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for
# +: 'DynamicProperty' and 'float'
Is there a way to intercept these implicit method calls without explicitly defining magic methods for DynamicProperty to call the method on its value attribute?
Talking about "passing by reference" will only confuse you. Keep that terminology to languages where you can have a choice on that, and where it makes a difference. In Python you always pass objects around - and this passing is the equivalent of "passing by reference" - for all objects - from None to int to a live asyncio network connection pool instance.
With that out of the way: the algorithm the language follows to retrieve attributes from an object is complicated, have details - implementing __getattr__ is just the tip of the iceberg. Reading the document called "Data Model" in its entirety will give you a better grasp of all the mechanisms involved in retrieving attributes.
That said, here is how it works for "magic" or "dunder" methods - (special functions with two underscores before and two after the name): when you use an operator that requires the existence of the method that implements it (like __add__ for +), the language checks the class of your object for the __add__ method - not the instance. And __getattr__ on the class can dynamically create attributes for instances of that class only.
But that is not the only problem: you could create a metaclass (inheriting from type) and put a __getattr__ method on this metaclass. For all querying you would do from Python, it would look like your object had the __add__ (or any other dunder method) in its class. However, for dunder methods, Python do not go through the normal attribute lookup mechanism - it "looks" directly at the class, if the dunder method is "physically" there. There are slots in the memory structure that holds the classes for each of the possible dunder methods - and they either refer to the corresponding method, or are "null" (this is "viewable" when coding in C on the Python side, the default dir will show these methods when they exist, or omit them if not). If they are not there, Python will just "say" the object does not implement that operation and period.
The way to work around that with a proxy object like you want is to create a proxy class that either features the dunder methods from the class you want to wrap, or features all possible methods, and upon being called, check if the underlying object actually implements the called method.
That is why "serious" code will rarely, if ever, offer true "transparent" proxy objects. There are exceptions, but from "Weakrefs", to "super()", to concurrent.futures, just to mention a few in the core language and stdlib, no one attempts a "fully working transparent proxy" - instead, the api is more like you call a ".value()" or ".result()" method on the wrapper to get to the original object itself.
However, it can be done, as I described above. I even have a small (long unmaintained) package on pypi that does that, wrapping a proxy for a future.
The code is at
The + operator in your case does not work, because DynamicProperty does not inherit from float. See:
>>> class Foo(float):
>>> Foo(1.5) + 2
So, you'll need to do some kind of dynamic inheritance:
def get_dynamic_property(instance):
base = type(instance)
class DynamicProperty(base):
return DynamicProperty(instance)
wrapped_string = get_dynamic_property("foo")
wrapped_float = get_dynamic_property(1.5)
print(wrapped_float + 2)

Calling functions / class methods inside a for loop

I'm working on a some classes, and for the testing process it would be very useful to be able to run the class methods in a for loop. I'm adding methods and changing their names, and I want this to automatically change in the file where I run the class for testing.
I use the function below to get a list of the methods I need to run automatically (there are some other conditional statements I deleted for the example to make sure that I only run certain methods that require testing and which only have self as an argument)
def get_class_methods(class_to_get_methods_from):
import inspect
methods = []
for name, type in (inspect.getmembers(class_to_get_methods_from)):
if 'method' in str(type) and str(name).startswith('_') == False:
return methods
Is it possible to use the returned list 'methods' to run the class methods in a for loop?
Or is there any other way to make sure i can run my class methods in my testingrunning file without having to alter or add things i changed in the class?
Looks like you want getattr(object, name[, default]):
class Foo(object):
def bar(self):
f = Foo()
method = getattr(f, "bar")
As a side note : I'm not sure that dynamically generating lists of methods to test is such a good idea (looks rather like an antipattern to me) - now it's hard to tell without the whole project's context so take this remarks with the required grain of salt ;)

Python: calling stop on mock patch class decorator

The Mock documentation describes a simple and elegant way of applying patches to all of the tests method inside a TestCase:
class FooTest(TestCase):
def test_foo(self, bar, baz, quux, narf):
""" foo """
However, one issue I've encountered with this method is that if I'd like to call stop() on one of the patches inside one of the test methods, there doesn't appear to be anyway of getting a reference to the patcher object -- the only thing that is passed into the method is the mock objects, in this case bar, baz, quux, narf.
The only way I've found to solve this problem is to move to the pattern described in the Mock docs where the patchers are instantiated and started inside the setUp method of the TestCase and stopped inside the tearDown method. This fits my purpose, but adds a lot of extra boilerplate and isn't as elegant as the class decorator approach.
Is there another way to solve this problem?
Say you want to temporarily restore foo.narf in a method. foo.narf is, in the context of the decorated function, a MagicMock object. This object has a _mock_wraps attribute which will be invoked when the mock is called! So at the top of your module, _narf = foo.narf, and in your test case, foo.narf._mock_wraps = _narf.
The catch is that this will only pass through to the real function, not actually swap it back, which means that some test cases will fail (e.g. if they rely on the function object actually being "itself"). And if your mock has other attributes, that could interfere (I haven't tested much) because the passthrough call to _mock_wraps() comes at the bottom of a method that first considers the other properties of the mock.
The patch() decorator involves each patcher (separate copies per method) being added to a list called patchings which is a field of the method itself. I.e. you can access this list as self.test_foo.patchings, and go through to find the one you want.
However, start() and stop() are not actually called when you use patch() as a decorator, and the behavior gets tricky once you start reaching in and changing it. So I wrote this context manager.
class unpatch:
def __init__(self, name, method):
compare = patch(name)
self.patcher = next((
p for p in method.patchings
if == compare.getter()
and p.attribute == compare.attribute
), None)
if self.patcher is None:
raise ValueError(name)
def __enter__(self):
def __exit__(self, *exc_info):
Inside your test case, you use it like this:
with unpatch('foo.narf', self.test_foo):
Disclaimer: this is hacks.
