Vectorised `signal.lfilter` - python

I am trying to apply lfilter on a collection of 1D arrays, i.e. on a 2D array which its rows correspond to different signals. This is the code:
import numpy as np
from scipy import signal
from scipy import stats
sysdim=2 #dimension of filter, i.e. the amount that it depends on the past
ksim=100 #number of different singals to be filtered
# A and C are
print A.shape,np.random.randn(x_size*ksim).reshape((ksim,x_size)).shape
And I am getting the following error:
ValueError: object too deep for desired array
Can somebody guide me please?

So, you get the error on the line x=...
The shapes of your parameters are numerator: (100,2), denominator: (100,3) and data: (100,10000). The problem you are having is that lfilter expects to use the same filter for all items it processes, i.e. it only accepts 1-d vectors for the nominator and denominator.
It seems that you really need to turn that into a loop along the rows. Something like this:
# denom_array: R different denominators in an array with R rows
# numer_array: R different numerators in an array with R rows
# data: R data vectors in an array with R rows
# out_sig: output signal
out_sig = array([ scipy.signal.lfilter(denom_array[n], numer_array[n], data[n]) for n in range(data.shape[0])] )
See for more information on what lifter expects.
(But don't worry, the performance hit is minimal, most time is spent filtering anyway.)


matrix multiplication using # or is givng wrong results at higher values.Why?

Here input a is given in comments in the next block and the answer which I have got using numpy also gives me same result.
The actual answer should be
If you want the real context where I am using this is the drive link for the file
It is because the numbers in the original matrix a is too large. So that the output is incorrect.
To deal with this problem, first scale down the numbers in the matrix by a number first. Then run the matrix multiplication. After that scale up back the number to the matrix. This will give you the results.
The following is the code:
import numpy as np
a = np.array([[3524578, 2178309],[2178309, 1346269]])
a = a / 10000
b =, a) *10000
[[1.71676802e+09 1.06102099e+09]
[1.06102099e+09 6.55747032e+08]]

Why multiplication functions of scipy sparse and numpy arrays give different results?

I have two matrices in Python 2.7: one dense A_dense and the another sparse matrix A_sparse. I am interested in computing element-wise multiplication followed by sum. There are two ways to do it: use numpy's multiplication or scipy sparse multiplication. I expect them to give exactly same result with difference in execution time. But I find that they give different results for certain matrix sizes.
import numpy as np
from scipy import sparse
A_sparse_init=np.diag(rand_x, -1)+np.diag(rand_x, 1)
print np.sum(A_sparse.multiply(A_dense))-np.sum(np.multiply(A_dense[A_sparse.nonzero()],
If I choose L=2001, then output is:
To check the size dependence of the difference using two different multiplication method, I wrote:
for i in xrange(N_loop):
A_sparse_init=np.diag(rand_x, -1)+np.diag(rand_x, 1)
I got the following plot:
Can anyone help me understand what's happening? Don't we expect the difference between two methods to be at least 1e-18 rather than 1e-13?
I don't have a full answer, but this might help find the answer:
Under the hood, scipy.sparse will convert to coo format and do this:
ret = self.tocoo()
if self.shape == other.shape:
data = np.multiply(, other[ret.row, ret.col])
The question is then why these two operations give different results:
ret = A_sparse.tocoo()
c = np.multiply(, A_dense[ret.row, ret.col]) = c.view(type=np.ndarray)
c.sum() - ret.sum()
The difference stems from different defaults on which axis to add.reduce first.
Numpy defaults to 0 first.

Numpy array and matrix multiplication

I am trying to get rid of the for loop and instead do an array-matrix multiplication to decrease the processing time when the weights array is very large:
import numpy as np
sequence = [np.random.random(10), np.random.random(10), np.random.random(10)]
weights = np.array([[0.1,0.3,0.6],[0.5,0.2,0.3],[0.1,0.8,0.1]])
Cov_matrix = np.matrix(np.cov(sequence))
results = []
for w in weights:
result = np.matrix(w)*Cov_matrix*np.matrix(w).T
Cov_matrix is a 3x3 matrix
weights is an array of n lenght with n 1x3 matrices in it.
Is there a way to multiply/map weights to Cov_matrix and bypass the for loop? I am not very familiar with all the numpy functions.
I'd like to reiterate what's already been said in another answer: the np.matrix class has much more disadvantages than advantages these days, and I suggest moving to the use of the np.array class alone. Matrix multiplication of arrays can be easily written using the # operator, so the notation is in most cases as elegant as for the matrix class (and arrays don't have several restrictions that matrices do).
With that out of the way, what you need can be done in terms of a call to np.einsum. We need to contract certain indices of three matrices while keeping one index alone in two matrices. That is, we want to perform w_{ij} * Cov_{jk} * w.T_{ki} with a summation over j, k, giving us an array with i indices. The following call to einsum will do:
res = np.einsum('ij,jk,ik->i', weights, Cov_matrix, weights)
Note that the above will give you a single 1d array, whereas you originally had a list of arrays with shape (1,1). I suspect the above result will even make more sense. Also, note that I omitted the transpose in the second weights argument, and this is why the corresponding summation indices appear as ik rather than ki. This should be marginally faster.
To prove that the above gives the same result:
In [8]: results # original
Out[8]: [array([[0.02803215]]), array([[0.02280609]]), array([[0.0318784]])]
In [9]: res # einsum
Out[9]: array([0.02803215, 0.02280609, 0.0318784 ])
The same can be achieved by working with the weights as a matrix and then looking at the diagonal elements of the result. Namely:
which gives:
array([0.03553664, 0.02394509, 0.03765553])
This does more calculations than necessary (calculates off-diagonals) so maybe someone will suggest a more efficient method.
Note: I'd suggest slowly moving away from np.matrix and instead work with np.array. It takes a bit of getting used to not being able to do A*b but will pay dividends in the long run. Here is a related discussion.

Auto broadcasting in Scipy

I have two np.ndarrays, data with shape (8000, 500) and sample with shape (1, 500).
What I am trying to achieve is measure various types of metrics between every row in data to sample.
When using from sklearn.metrics.pairwise.cosine_distances I was able to take advantage of numpy's broadcasting executing the following line
x = cosine_distances(data, sample)
But when I tried to use the same procedure with scipy.spatial.distance.cosine I got the error
ValueError: Input vector should be 1-D.
I guess this is a broadcasting issue and I'm trying to find a way to get around it.
My ultimate goal is to iterate over all of the distances available in scipy.spatial.distance that can accept two vectors and apply them to the data and the sample.
How can I replicate the broadcasting that automatically happens in sklearn's in my scipy version of the code?
OK, looking at the docs,
With (800,500) and (1,500) inputs ((samples, features)), you should get back a (800,1) result ((samples1, samples2)).
I wouldn't describe that as broadcasting. It's more like dot product, that performs some sort calculation (norm) over features (the 500 shape), reducing that down to one value. It's more like, sample.T) in its handling of dimensions. is Computes the Cosine distance between 1-D arrays, more like
for row in data:
for s in sample:
d = cosine(row, s)
or since sample has only one row
distances = np.array([cosine(row, sample[0]) for row in data])
In other words, the sklearn version does the pairwise iteration (maybe in compiled code), while the spartial just evaluates the distance for one pair.
pairwise.cosine_similarity does
# K(X, Y) = <X, Y> / (||X||*||Y||)
K = safe_sparse_dot(X_normalized, Y_normalized.T, dense_output=dense_output)
That's the dot like behavior that I mentioned earlier, but with the normalization added.

How to generate a number of random vectors starting from a given one

I have an array of values and would like to create a matrix from that, where each row is my starting point vector multiplied by a sample from a (normal) distribution.
The number of rows of this matrix will then vary in dependence from the number of samples I want.
my_vec = array([1,2,3])
my_rand_vec = my_vec*randn(100)
Last command does not work, because array shapes do not match.
I could think of using a for loop, but I am trying to leverage on array operations.
Try this
my_rand_vec = my_vec[None,:]*randn(100)[:,None]
For small numbers I get for example
import numpy as np
my_vec = np.array([1,2,3])
my_rand_vec = my_vec[None,:]*np.random.randn(5)[:,None]
# array([[ 0.45422416, 0.90844831, 1.36267247],
# [-0.80639766, -1.61279531, -2.41919297],
# [ 0.34203295, 0.6840659 , 1.02609885],
# [-0.55246431, -1.10492863, -1.65739294],
# [-0.83023829, -1.66047658, -2.49071486]])
Your solution my_vec*rand(100) does not work because * corresponds to the element-wise multiplication which only works if both arrays have identical shapes.
What you have to do is adding an additional dimension using [None,:] and [:,None] such that numpy's broadcasting works.
As a side note I would recommend not to use pylab. Instead, use import as in order to include modules as pointed out here.
It is the outer product of vectors:
my_rand_vec = numpy.outer(randn(100), my_vec)
You can pass the dimensions of the array you require to numpy.random.randn:
my_rand_vec = my_vec*np.random.randn(100,3)
To multiply each vector by the same random number, you need to add an extra axis:
my_rand_vec = my_vec*np.random.randn(100)[:,np.newaxis]
