I have an S19 file looking something like below:
I want to separate the first two characters and also the next two characters, and so on... I want it to look like below (last two characters are also to be separated for each line):
S0, 03, 0000, FC
S3, 0D, 0003C000, 0F00000000000000, 20
S3, FD, 00000000, 782EFF1FB58E00003D2B00003D2B00003D2B00003D2B00003D2B0000, 3D
S3, ED, 000000F8, 3D2B00003D2B00003D2B00003D2B00003D2B00003D2B00003D2B0000, 3D
S3, FD, 00000410, 10B5DFF828000468012147F22C10C4F20300016047F22010C4F20300, 00
S7, 05, 00008EB4, B8
How can I do this in Python?
I have something like this:
import string,os,sys,re,fileinput
print "hi"
inputfile = "k60.S19"
outputfile = "k60_out.S19"
# open the source file and read it
fh = file(inputfile, 'r')
subject = fh.read()
# create the pattern object. Note the "r". In case you're unfamiliar with Python
# this is to set the string as raw so we don't have to escape our escape characters
pattern2 = re.compile(r'S3')
pattern3 = re.compile(r'S7')
pattern1 = re.compile(r'S0')
# do the replace
result1 = pattern1.sub("S0, ", subject)
result2 = pattern2.sub("S3, ", subject)
result3 = pattern3.sub("S7, ", subject)
# write the file
f_out = file(outputfile, 'w')
but it is not working as I like!! Can someone help me with how to come up with proper regular expression use for this?
try package bincopy, maybe you need it.
bincopy - Interpret strings as packed binary data
Mangling of various file formats that conveys binary information (Motorola S-Record, Intel HEX and binary files).
import bincopy
f = bincopy.BinFile()
f.as_binary() # print s19 as binary
or you can easily use open() for a file:
with open("path/to/your/s19/flie.s19") as s19:
for line in s19:
type = line[0:2]
count = line[2:4]
adress = line[4:12]
data = line[12:-2]
crc = line[-2:]
print type + ", "+ count + ", " + adress + ", " + data + ", " + crc + "\n"
hope it helps.
Motorola S-record file format
You can do it using a callback function as replacement with re.sub:
import re
data = r'''S0030000FC
pattern = re.compile(r'^(..)(..)((?:.{4}){1,2})(.*)(?=..)', re.M)
def repl(m):
repstr = ''
for g in m.groups():
if (g):
repstr += g + ', '
return repstr
print re.sub(pattern, repl, data)
However, as Mark Setchell notices it, there is probably a nice way to do it with slicing.
I know you are thinking Python and regexes, but this was made for awk and the following will maybe help you work out the way to do it using slicing:
awk '{r=length($0);print substr($0,1,2),substr($0,3,2),substr($0,5,8),substr($0,13,r-14),substr($0,r-1)}' OFS=, k60.s19
That says "get the length of the line in variable r, then print the first two characters, the next two characters, the next 8 characters and so on... and use a comma as the field separator".
Here are a few more hints to get you started...
if you want to avoid printing line 1, you can do
awk 'FNR==1{next} ...rest of awk script above ... '
If you want to only process lines longer than 40 characters, you can do
awk 'length($0)>40 {print}' yourfile
If you only want to process lines where the second field is "xx", you can do
awk '$2 ~ "xx" {print}' yourfile
I'm learning Python and wanted to automate one of my assignments in a cybersecurity class.
I'm trying to figure out how I would look for the contents of a file that are bound by a set of parenthesis. The contents of the (.txt) file look like:
cow.jpg : jphide[v5](asdfl;kj88876)
fish.jpg : jphide[v5](65498ghjk;0-)
snake.jpg : jphide[v5](poi098*/8!##)
test_practice_0707.jpg : jphide[v5](sJ*=tT#&Ve!2)
test_practice_0101.jpg : jphide[v5](nKFdFX+C!:V9)
test_practice_0808.jpg : jphide[v5](!~rFX3FXszx6)
test_practice_0202.jpg : jphide[v5](X&aC$|mg!wC2)
test_practice_0505.jpg : jphide[v5](pe8f%yC$V6Z3)
dog.jpg : negative`
And here is my code so far:
import sys, os, subprocess, glob, shutil
# Finding the .jpg files that will be copied.
sourcepath = os.getcwd() + '\\imgs\\'
destpath = 'stegdetect'
rawjpg = glob.glob(sourcepath + '*.jpg')
# Copying the said .jpg files into the destpath variable
for filename in rawjpg:
shutil.copy(filename, destpath)
# Asks user for what password file they want to use.
passwords = raw_input("Enter your password file with the .txt extension:")
shutil.copy(passwords, 'stegdetect')
# Navigating to stegdetect. Feel like this could be abstracted.
# Preparing the arguments then using subprocess to run
args = "stegbreak.exe -r rules.ini -f " + passwords + " -t p *.jpg"
# Uses open to open the output file, and then write the results to the file.
with open('cracks.txt', 'w') as f: # opens cracks.txt and prepares to w
subprocess.call(args, stdout=f)
# Processing whats in the new file.
f = open('cracks.txt')
If it should just be bound by ( and ) you can use the following regex, which ensures starting ( and closing ) and you can have numbers and characters between them. You can add any other symbol also that you want to include.
[\(][a-z A-Z 0-9]*[\)]
[\(] - starts the bracket
[a-z A-Z 0-9]* - all text inside bracket
[\)] - closes the bracket
So for input sdfsdfdsf(sdfdsfsdf)sdfsdfsdf , the output will be (sdfdsfsdf)
Test this regex here: https://regex101.com/
I'm learning Python
If you are learning you should consider alternative implementations, not only regexps.
TO iterate line by line of a text file you just open the file and for over the file handle:
with open('file.txt') as f:
for line in f:
Each line is a string with the line contents, including the end-of-line char '/n'. To find the start index of a specific substring in a string you can use find:
>>> A = "hello (world)"
>>> A.find('(')
>>> A.find(')')
To get a substring from the string you can use the slice notation in the form:
>>> A[6:12]
You should use regular expressions which are implemented in the Python re module
a simple regex like \(.*\) could match your "parenthesis string"
but it would be better with a group \((.*)\) which allows to get only the content in the parenthesis.
import re
test_string = """cow.jpg : jphide[v5](asdfl;kj88876)
fish.jpg : jphide[v5](65498ghjk;0-)
snake.jpg : jphide[v5](poi098*/8!##)
test_practice_0707.jpg : jphide[v5](sJ*=tT#&Ve!2)
test_practice_0101.jpg : jphide[v5](nKFdFX+C!:V9)
test_practice_0808.jpg : jphide[v5](!~rFX3FXszx6)
test_practice_0202.jpg : jphide[v5](X&aC$|mg!wC2)
test_practice_0505.jpg : jphide[v5](pe8f%yC$V6Z3)
dog.jpg : negative`"""
REGEX = re.compile(r'\((.*)\)', re.MULTILINE)
# ['asdfl;kj88876', '65498ghjk;0-', 'poi098*/8!##', 'sJ*=tT#&Ve!2', 'nKFdFX+C!:V9' , '!~rFX3FXszx6', 'X&aC$|mg!wC2', 'pe8f%yC$V6Z3']
I have a SQL dump file that contains text with html links like:
<a href="http://blahblah.org/kb/getattachment.php?data=NHxUb3Bjb25fZGF0YS1kb3dubG9hZF9ob3d0by5wZGY=">attached file</a>
I'd like to find, decode and replace the base64 part of the text in each of these links.
I've been trying to use Python w/ regular expressions and base64 to do the job. However, my regex skills are not up to the task.
I need to select any string that starts with
and ends with
I then need to decode the part between 'data=' and '"' using base64.b64decode()
results should look something like:
<a href="http://blahblah.org/kb/4/Topcon_data-download_howto.pdf">attached file</a>
I think the solution will look something like:
import re
import base64
with open('phpkb_articles.sql') as f:
for line in f:
re.sub(some_regex_expression_here, some_function_here_to_decode_base64)
Any ideas?
EDIT: Answer for anyone who's interested.
import re
import base64
import sys
def decode_base64(s):
Method to decode base64 into ascii
# fix escaped equal signs in some base64 strings
base64_string = re.sub('%3D', '=', s.group(1))
decodedString = base64.b64decode(base64_string)
# substitute '|' for '/'
decodedString = re.sub('\|', '/', decodedString)
# escape the spaces in file names
decodedString = re.sub(' ', '%20', decodedString)
# print 'assets/' + decodedString + '"' # Print for debug
return 'assets/' + decodedString + '"'
count = 0
pattern = r'getattachment.php\?data=([^&]+?)"'
# Open the file and read line by line
with open('phpkb_articles.sql') as f:
for line in f:
# globally substitute in new file path
edited_line = re.sub(pattern, decode_base64, line)
# output the edited line to standard out
except TypeError:
# output unedited line if decoding fails to prevent corruption
# print line
count += 1
you already have it, you just need the small pieces:
pattern: r'data=([^&]+?)"' will match anything after data= and before "
>>> pat = r'data=([^&]+?)"'
>>> line = '<a href="http://blahblah.org/kb/getattachment.php?data=NHxUb3Bjb25fZGF0YS1kb3dubG9hZF9ob3d0by5wZGY=">attached file</a>'
>>> decodeString = re.search(pat,line).group(1) #because the b64 string is capture by grouping, we only want group(1)
>>> decodeString
you can then use str.replace() method as well as base64.b64decode() method to finish the rest. I dont want to just write your code for you but this should give you a good idea of where to go.
I've read all of the articles I could find, even understood a few of them but as a Python newb I'm still a little lost and hoping for help :)
I'm working on a script to parse items of interest out of an application specific log file, each line begins with a time stamp which I can match and I can define two things to identify what I want to capture, some partial content and a string that will be the termination of what I want to extract.
My issue is multi-line, in most cases every log line is terminated with a newline but some entries contain SQL that may have new lines within it and therefore creates new lines in the log.
So, in a simple case I may have this:
[8/21/13 11:30:33:557 PDT] 00000488 SystemOut O 21 Aug 2013 11:30:33:557 [WARN] [MXServerUI01] [CID-UIASYNC-17464] BMXAA6720W - USER = (ABCDEF) SPID = (2526) app (ITEM) object (ITEM) : select * from item where ((status != 'OBSOLETE' and itemsetid = 'ITEMSET1') and (exists (select 1 from maximo.invvendor where (exists (select 1 from maximo.companies where (( contains(name,' $AAAA ') > 0 )) and (company=invvendor.manufacturer and orgid=invvendor.orgid))) and (itemnum = item.itemnum and itemsetid = item.itemsetid)))) and (itemtype in (select value from synonymdomain where domainid='ITEMTYPE' and maxvalue = 'ITEM')) order by itemnum asc (execution took 2083 milliseconds)
This all appears as one line which I can match with this:
However in some cases there may be line breaks in the SQL, as such I want to still capture it (and potentially replace the line breaks with spaces). I am currently reading the file a line at a time which obviously isn't going to work so...
Do I need to process the whole file in one go? They are typically 20mb in size. How do I read the entire file and iterate through it looking for single or multi-line blocks?
How would I write a multi-line RegEx that would match either the whole thing on one line or of it is spread across multiple lines?
My overall goal is to parameterize this so I can use it for extracting log entries that match different patterns of the starting string (always the start of a line), the ending string (where I want to capture to) and a value that is between them as an identifier.
Thanks in advance for any help!
import sys, getopt, os, re
sourceFolder = 'C:/MaxLogs'
logFileName = sourceFolder + "/Test.log"
lines = []
print "--- START ----"
lineStartsWith = re.compile('\[(0?[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])(\/)(0?[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])(\/)([0-9]{2})(\ )')
lineContains = re.compile('.*BMXAA6720W.*')
lineEndsWith = re.compile('(?:.*milliseconds.*)')
lines = []
with open(logFileName, 'r') as f:
for line in f:
if lineStartsWith.match(line) and lineContains.match(line):
if lineEndsWith.match(line) :
print 'Full Line Found'
print line
print "- Record Separator -"
print 'Partial Line Found'
print line
print "- Record Separator -"
print "--- DONE ----"
Next step, for my partial line I'll continue reading until I find lineEndsWith and assemble the lines in to one block.
I'm no expert so suggestions are always welcome!
UPDATE - So I have it working, thanks to all the responses that helped direct things, I realize it isn't pretty and I need to clean up my if / elif mess and make it more efficient but IT's WORKING! Thanks for all the help.
import sys, getopt, os, re
sourceFolder = 'C:/MaxLogs'
logFileName = sourceFolder + "/Test.log"
print "--- START ----"
lineStartsWith = re.compile('\[(0?[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])(\/)(0?[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])(\/)([0-9]{2})(\ )')
lineContains = re.compile('.*BMXAA6720W.*')
lineEndsWith = re.compile('(?:.*milliseconds.*)')
lines = []
multiLine = False
with open(logFileName, 'r') as f:
for line in f:
if lineStartsWith.match(line) and lineContains.match(line) and lineEndsWith.match(line):
lines.append(line.replace("\n", " "))
elif lineStartsWith.match(line) and lineContains.match(line) and not multiLine:
#Found the start of a multi-line entry
multiLineString = line
multiLine = True
elif multiLine and not lineEndsWith.match(line):
multiLineString = multiLineString + line
elif multiLine and lineEndsWith.match(line):
multiLineString = multiLineString + line
multiLineString = multiLineString.replace("\n", " ")
multiLine = False
for line in lines:
print line
Do I need to process the whole file in one go? They are typically 20mb in size. How do I read the entire file and iterate through it looking for single or multi-line blocks?
There are two options here.
You could read the file block by block, making sure to attach any "leftover" bit at the end of each block to the start of the next one, and search each block. Of course you will have to figure out what counts as "leftover" by looking at what your data format is and what your regex can match, and in theory it's possible for multiple blocks to all count as leftover…
Or you could just mmap the file. An mmap acts like a bytes (or like a str in Python 2.x), and leaves it up to the OS to handle paging blocks in and out as necessary. Unless you're trying to deal with absolutely huge files (gigabytes in 32-bit, even more in 64-bit), this is trivial and efficient:
with open('bigfile', 'rb') as f:
with mmap.mmap(f.fileno(), length=0, access=mmap.ACCESS_READ) as m:
for match in compiled_re.finditer(m):
In older versions of Python, mmap isn't a context manager, so you'll need to wrap contextlib.closing around it (or just use an explicit close if you prefer).
How would I write a multi-line RegEx that would match either the whole thing on one line or of it is spread across multiple lines?
You could use the DOTALL flag, which makes the . match newlines. You could instead use the MULTILINE flag and put appropriate $ and/or ^ characters in, but that makes simple cases a lot harder, and it's rarely necessary. Here's an example with DOTALL (using a simpler regexp to make it more obvious):
>>> s1 = """[8/21/13 11:30:33:557 PDT] 00000488 SystemOut O 21 Aug 2013 11:30:33:557 [WARN] [MXServerUI01] [CID-UIASYNC-17464] BMXAA6720W - USER = (ABCDEF) SPID = (2526) app (ITEM) object (ITEM) : select * from item where ((status != 'OBSOLETE' and itemsetid = 'ITEMSET1') and (exists (select 1 from maximo.invvendor where (exists (select 1 from maximo.companies where (( contains(name,' $AAAA ') > 0 )) and (company=invvendor.manufacturer and orgid=invvendor.orgid))) and (itemnum = item.itemnum and itemsetid = item.itemsetid)))) and (itemtype in (select value from synonymdomain where domainid='ITEMTYPE' and maxvalue = 'ITEM')) order by itemnum asc (execution took 2083 milliseconds)"""
>>> s2 = """[8/21/13 11:30:33:557 PDT] 00000488 SystemOut O 21 Aug 2013 11:30:33:557 [WARN] [MXServerUI01] [CID-UIASYNC-17464] BMXAA6720W - USER = (ABCDEF) SPID = (2526) app (ITEM) object (ITEM) : select * from item where ((status != 'OBSOLETE' and itemsetid = 'ITEMSET1') and
(exists (select 1 from maximo.invvendor where (exists (select 1 from maximo.companies where (( contains(name,' $AAAA ') > 0 )) and (company=invvendor.manufacturer and orgid=invvendor.orgid))) and (itemnum = item.itemnum and itemsetid = item.itemsetid)))) and (itemtype in (select value from synonymdomain where domainid='ITEMTYPE' and maxvalue = 'ITEM')) order by itemnum asc (execution took 2083 milliseconds)"""
>>> r = re.compile(r'\[(.*?)\].*?milliseconds\)', re.DOTALL)
>>> r.findall(s1)
['8/21/13 11:30:33:557 PDF']
>>> r.findall(s2)
['8/21/13 11:30:33:557 PDF']
As you can see the second .*? matched the newline just as easily as a space.
If you're just trying to treat a newline as whitespace, you don't need either; '\s' already catches newlines.
For example:
>>> s1 = 'abc def\nghi\n'
>>> s2 = 'abc\ndef\nghi\n'
>>> r = re.compile(r'abc\s+def')
>>> r.findall(s1)
['abc def']
>>> r.findall(s2)
You can read an entire file into a string and then you can use re.split to make a list of all the entries separated by times. Here's an example:
f = open(...)
allLines = ''.join(f.readlines())
entries = re.split(regex, allLines)
I have searched the grep answers on here and cannot find an answer. They all seem to search for a string in a file, not a list of strings from a file. I already have a search function that works, but grep does it WAY faster. I have a list of strings in a file sn.txt (with one string on each line, no deliminators). I want to search another file (Merge_EXP.exp) for lines that have a match and write it out to a new file. The file I am searching in has a half millions lines, so searching for a few thousand in there takes hours without grep.
When I run it from command prompt in windows, it does it in minutes:
grep --file=sn.txt Merge_EXP.exp > Merge_EXP_Out.exp
How can I call this same process from Python? I don't really want alternatives in Python because I already have one that works but takes a while. Unless you think you can significantly improve the performance of that:
def match_SN(serialnumb, Exp_Merge, output_exp):
fout = open(output_exp,'a')
f = open(Exp_Merge,'r')
# skip first line
for record in f:
record = record.strip().rstrip('\n')
if serialnumb in record:
fout.write (record + '\n')
def main(Output_CSV, Exp_Merge, updated_exp):
# create a blank output
fout = open(updated_exp,'w')
# copy header records
f = open(Exp_Merge,'r')
header1 = f.readline()
header2 = f.readline()
f_csv = open(Output_CSV,'r')
for rec in f_csv:
rec_list = rec.split(",")
sn = rec_list[2]
sn = sn.strip().rstrip('\n')
Here is a optimized version of pure python code:
def main(Output_CSV, Exp_Merge, updated_exp):
output_list = []
# copy header records
records = open(Exp_Merge,'r').readlines()
output_list = records[0:2]
serials = open(Output_CSV,'r').readlines()
serials = [x.split(",")[2].strip().rstrip('\n') for x in serials]
for s in serials:
items = [x for x in records if s in x]
open(updated_exp, "w").write("".join(output_list))
main("sn.txt", "merge_exp.exp", "outx.txt")
Try this out and see how much time it takes...
When I use full path to grep location it worked (I pass it the grep_loc, Serial_List, Export):
import os
Export_Dir = os.path.dirname(Export)
Export_Name = os.path.basename(Export)
Output = Export_Dir + "\Output_" + Export_Name
print "\nOutput: " + Output + "\n"
cmd = grep_loc + " --file=" + Serial_List + " " + Export + " > " + Output
print "grep usage: \n" + cmd + "\n"
print "Output created\n"
I think you have not chosen the right title for your question: What you want to do is the equivalent of a database JOIN. You can use grep for that in this particular instance, because one of your files only has keys and no other information. However, I think it is likely (but of course I don't know your case) that in the future your sn.txt may also contain extra information.
So I would solve the generic case. There are multiple solutions:
import all data into a database, then do a LEFT JOIN (in sql) or equivalent
use a python large data tool
For the latter, you could try numpy or, recommended because you are working with strings, pandas. Pandas has an optimized merge routine, which is very fast in my experience (uses cython under the hood).
Here is pandas PSEUDO code to solve your problem. It is close to real code but I need to know the names of the columns that you want to match on. I assumed here the one column in sn.txt is called key, and the matching column in merge_txt is called sn. I also see you have two header lines in merge_exp, read the docs for that.
# PSEUDO CODE (but close)
import pandas
left = pandas.read_csv('sn.txt')
right = pandas.read_csv('merge_exp.exp')
out = pandas.merge(left, right, left_on="key", right_on="sn", how='left')
I need to extract the 10 most frequent words from a text using a pipe (and any additional python scripts as needed); output being a block of all-caps words separated by a space.
This pipe needs to extract text from any external file: I've managed to get it to work on .txt files, but I also need to be able to input a URL and have it do the same thing with that.
I have the following code:
alias words="tr a-zA-Z | tr -cs A-Z | tr ' ' '\012' | sort -n | uniq -c |
sort -r | head -n 10 | awk '{printf \"%s \", \$2}END{print \"\"}'" (on one line)
which, with cat hamlet.txt | words gives me:
To make it more complicated, I need to exclude any 'function' words: these are 'non-lexical' words like 'a', 'the', 'of', 'is', any pronouns (I, you, him), and any prepositions (there, at, from).
I need to be able to type htmlstrip http://www.google.com.au | words and have it print out like the above.
For the URL-opening:
The python script I'm trying to figure out (let's call it htmlstrip) strips any tags from the text, leaving only 'human readable' text. This should be able to open any given URL, but I can't figure out how to get this to work.
What I have so far:
import re
import urllib2
filename = raw_input('File name: ')
filehandle = open(filename)
html = filehandle.read()
f = urllib2.urlopen('http://') #???
print f.read()
text = [ ]
inTag = False
for ch in html:
if ch == '<':
inTag = True
if not inTag:
if ch == '>':
inTag = False
print ''.join(text)
I know this is both incomplete and probably incorrect - any guidance would really be appreciated.
You can use scrape.py and regular expressions like this:
#!/usr/bin/env python
from scrape import s
import sys, re
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
print "Usage: words.py url"
s.go(sys.argv[1]) # fetch content
text = s.doc.text # extract readable text
text = re.sub("\W+", " ", text) # remove all non-word characters and repeating whitespace
print text
And then just:
./words.py http://whatever.com
Use re.sub for this:
import re
text = re.sub(r"<.+>", " ", html)
For special cases such as scripts, you can include a regex such as:
UPDATE: Sorry, just read the comment about the pure Python without any additional modules. Yes, in this situation re, I think, will be the best way.
Maybe it'll be easier and more correct to use pycURL rather then to remove tags by re?
from StringIO import StringIO
import pycurl
url = 'http://www.google.com/'
storage = StringIO()
c = pycurl.Curl()
c.setopt(c.URL, url)
c.setopt(c.WRITEFUNCTION, storage.write)
content = storage.getvalue()
print content