I have the following code:
big_k = gabor((height * 2, width *2), (height, width)) #Returns a 2d-array
r = np.arange(0, radialSlices, radialWidth)
p = np.arange(0, angularSlices, angularWidth)
pp, rr = np.meshgrid(p, r, sparse=False)
z = np.sum(img * big_k[height-rr:2*height-rr, width-pp:2*width-pp])
I get this error:
z = np.sum(img * big_k[height-rr:2*height-rr, width-pp:2*width-pp])
IndexError: invalid slice
I understand this error and why it has happened. The problem is you can't slice arrays with arrays of indices. The thing is, using meshgrid is a fabulous way to speed things up & get rid of the nested loops in my code (otherwise I would have to iterate over angularSlices * radialSlices). Is there a way I can use meshgrid to slice big_k?
You need to broadcast the index yourself, for example:
a = np.zeros((200, 300))
yy, xx = np.meshgrid([10, 40, 90], [30, 60])
hh, ww = np.meshgrid(np.arange(5), np.arange(8))
YY = yy[..., None, None] + hh[None, None, ...]
XX = xx[..., None, None] + ww[None, None, ...]
a[YY, XX] = 1
the image looks like:
I have this code, and it works. It just seems like there may be a better way to do this. Does anyone know a cleaner solution?
def Matrix2toMatrix(Matrix2):
scaleSize = len(Matrix2[0, 0])
FinalMatrix = np.empty([len(Matrix2)*scaleSize, len(Matrix2[0])*scaleSize])
for x in range(0, len(Matrix2)):
for y in range(0, len(Matrix2[0])):
for xFinal in range(0, scaleSize):
for yFinal in range(0, scaleSize):
FinalMatrix[(x*scaleSize)+xFinal, (y*scaleSize)+yFinal] = Matrix2[x, y][xFinal, yFinal]
return FinalMatrix
This is where Matrix2 is a 4x4 matrix, with each cell containing a 2x2 matrix
Full code in case anyone was wondering:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
def Matrix2toMatrix(Matrix2):
scaleSize = len(Matrix2[0, 0])
FinalMatrix = np.empty([len(Matrix2)*scaleSize, len(Matrix2[0])*scaleSize])
for x in range(0, len(Matrix2)):
for y in range(0, len(Matrix2[0])):
for xFinal in range(0, scaleSize):
for yFinal in range(0, scaleSize):
FinalMatrix[(x*scaleSize)+xFinal, (y*scaleSize)+yFinal] = Matrix2[x, y][xFinal, yFinal]
return FinalMatrix
XSize = 4
Xtest = np.array([[255, 255, 255, 255]
,[255, 255, 255, 255]
,[127, 127, 127, 127]
,[0, 0, 0, 0]
scaleFactor = 2
XMarixOfMatrix = np.empty([XSize, XSize], dtype=object)
Xexpanded = np.empty([XSize*scaleFactor, XSize*scaleFactor], dtype=int) # careful, will contain garbage data
for xOrg in range(0, XSize):
for yOrg in range(0, XSize):
newMatrix = np.empty([scaleFactor, scaleFactor], dtype=int) # careful, will contain garbage data
# grab org point equivalent
pointValue = Xtest[xOrg, yOrg]
# now write the data
XMarixOfMatrix[xOrg, yOrg] = newMatrix
# need to concat all matrix together to form a larger singular matrix
Xexpanded = Matrix2toMatrix(XMarixOfMatrix)
img = plt.imshow(Xexpanded)
Permute axes and reshape -
m,n = Matrix2.shape[0], Matrix2.shape[2]
out = Matrix2.swapaxes(1,2).reshape(m*n,-1)
For permuting axes, we could also use np.transpose or np.rollaxis, as functionally all are the same.
Verify with sample run -
In [17]: Matrix2 = np.random.rand(3,3,3,3)
# With given solution
In [18]: out1 = Matrix2toMatrix(Matrix2)
In [19]: m,n = Matrix2.shape[0], Matrix2.shape[2]
...: out2 = Matrix2.swapaxes(1,2).reshape(m*n,-1)
In [20]: np.allclose(out1, out2)
Out[20]: True
I need to slice sections out of a NumPy array in a specific way. Say I have a (200,200, 4) shape NumPy array. Then for every index in (200, 200), I want to select the 5x5x4 surrounding indexes, flatten it, and then put it into another array. So finally, the shape of the final array would be (200, 200, 100). Additionally, I want to delete all values at the location (:, :, 12). So finally, we'd get shape (200, 200, 99).
I've thought of two ways to go about this but they give different results and I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong.
Method 1:
import numpy as np
arr_lst = [np.random.normal(size=(200, 200)) for _ in range(4)]
slice_arr = np.zeros([200, 200, 99])
start = 0
for i, arr in enumerate(arr_lst):
for idx, _ in np.ndenumerate(arr):
#Getting surrounding 25 pixels
pos_arr = arr[idx[0]-2:idx[0]+3, idx[1]-2:idx[1]+3]
#Reshaping, into size 100
pos_arr = pos_arr.reshape(-1)
#Near the boundaries slicing does not result in size 25
if pos_arr.shape[0] != 25:
pos_arr = np.full(25, np.nan)
if i == 0:
pos_arr = np.delete(pos_arr, 12)
end = start + 25 - 1
end = start + 25
slice_arr[idx[0], idx[1], start:end] = pos_arr
start = end
print(slice_arr[10, 100])
Method 2:
import numpy as np
arr_lst = [np.random.normal(size=(200, 200)) for _ in range(4)]
stacked_arr = np.stack(arr_lst, axis=2)
slice_arr = np.zeros([200, 200, 100])
for i in range(200):
for j in range(200):
x = stacked_arr[i-2:i+3, j-2:j+3, 0:4]
if x.shape != (5, 5, 4):
x = np.array([np.nan for _ in range(100)])
x = x.reshape(100)
slice_arr[i,j] = x
slice_arr = np.delete(slice_arr, 12, 2)
print(slice_arr[10, 100])
The first method gives me the array that I want in the correct order, but the second method feels more natural and faster. Another question I have is if I can optimize this at all? Is there a fast way for slicing around every index at the same time and keeping each slice the same shape? Then afterwards, deleting what things we want to?
Using #hpaulj helpful comments I designed a solution that I think works for my purposes. It's similar to what was suggested here: Rolling windows for ndarrays but has the additional border of np.nan values. If anyone else finds this useful I've posted it here, for debugging purposes, I've set the values in the padded array to coordinate tuples:
from skimage.util.shape import view_as_windows
arr_lst = [np.empty(shape=(200, 200), dtype=tuple) for _ in range(4)]
arr_lst = [np.pad(x, pad_width=2, mode='constant', constant_values=np.nan) for x in arr_lst]
padded_arr = np.stack(arr_lst, axis=2)
for idx, _ in np.ndenumerate(padded_arr):
padded_arr[idx[0], idx[1], idx[2]] = idx
w = view_as_windows(padded_arr, (5, 5, 4)).reshape(200, 200, 100)
I know this is supposed to be simple but I can't figure it out.
The problem:
gt_prices = np.random.uniform(0, 100, size = (121147, 28))
pred_idxs = np.random.randint(0, 28 , size = (121147,))
print(gt_prices.shape, pred_idxs.shape)
(121147, 28) (121147,)
I want to get an array of shape (121147,), where for each row I have the element of ground_truth_prices in the position given by pred_idxs.
In other words, I want to do this:
selected_prices = np.array([gt_prices[i, pred_idxs[i]] for i in range(gt_prices.shape[0])])
But I'd like to do everything with NumPy. Is this possible?
You can do the following (used a smaller dimension of 3 for checking the correctness easier)
gt_prices = np.random.uniform(0, 100, size = (3, 28))
pred_idxs = np.random.randint(0, 28 , size = (3,))
indices = np.expand_dims(pred_idxs, axis=1)
gt_prices[np.arange(gt_prices.shape[0])[:,None], indices]
There is now an easy wrapper for this from numpy: https://numpy.org/devdocs/reference/generated/numpy.take_along_axis.html
For your usage, I believe it would be:
gt_prices = np.random.uniform(0, 100, size = (121147, 28))
pred_idxs = np.random.randint(0, 28 , size = (121147, 1)) # number of dimensions has to match
your_output = np.take_along_axis(gt_prices, pred_idxs, axis=1) # output shape [121147, 1]
I have a 4D dataset (time, z, y, x) and I would like to interpolate the data to get a higher resolution, this is a simple example code:
import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import griddata
x_0 = 10
cut_index = 10
res = 200j
x_index = x_0
y_index = np.linspace(0, 100, 50).astype(int)
z_index = np.linspace(0, 50, 25).astype(int)
#Time, zyx-coordinate
u = np.random.randn(20, 110, 110, 110)
z_index, y_index = np.meshgrid(z_index, y_index)
data = u[cut_index, z_index, y_index, x_index]
res = 200j
y_f = np.mgrid[0:100:res]
z_f = np.mgrid[0:50:res]
z_f, y_f = np.meshgrid(z_f, y_f)
data = griddata((z_index, y_index), data, (z_f, y_f))
I am getting the ValueError: invalid shape for input data points error. What kind of input is expected by the griddata function?
Your data parameter has to be a 1D array. Try flattening the arrays:
data = griddata((z_index.flatten(), y_index.flatten()), data.flatten(), (z_f, y_f))
Here's the code:
x = range(-6,7)
tmp1 = []
for i in range(len(x)):
max_tmp1 = max(tmp1)
mod_tmp1 = []
for i in range(len(tmp1)):
mod_tmp1.append(max_tmp1 - i)
ht1 = np.kron(np.ones((9,1)),tmp1)
sht1 = sum(ht1.flatten(1))
mean = sht1/(13*9)
ht1 = ht1 - mean
ht1 = ht1/sht1
print ht1.shape
h = np.zeros((16,16))
for i in range(0, 9):
for j in range(0, 13):
h[i+3, j+1] = ht1[i, j]
for i in range(0, 10):
ag = 15*i
np.append(h, scipy.misc.imrotate(h, ag, 'bicubic'))
R = []
print h.shape
print self.img.shape
for i in range(0, 11):
print 'here'
R[i] = scipy.signal.convolve2d(self.img, h[i], mode = 'same')
rt = np.zeros(self.img.shape)
x, y = self.img.shape
The error I get states:
ValueError: object of too small depth for desired array
It looks to me as if the problem is that you're setting h up wrongly. I assume you want h[i] to be a 16x16 array suitable for convolving with, but that's not what you've actually made it, for a couple of different reasons.
I suggest you change the loop with the imrotate calls to this:
h = [scipy.misc.imrotate(h, 15*i, 'bicubic') for i in range(10)]
(What your existing code does is: first set up h as a single 16x16 array; then, repeatedly: compute a rotated version, "flatten" both h and that to make 256-element vectors, compute the result of appending them to make a 512-element vector, and throw the result away. numpy.append doesn't operate in place, and defaults to flattening its arguments before it appends. Neither of those is what you want!)
The list comprehension above will give you a 10-element Python list containing rotated versions of your convolution kernel.
... Oh, I see that your loop computing R actually wants 11 kernels, not 10. Make it range(11), then. (Your original code generated rotations of 0, 0, 15, 30, ..., 135 degrees, but I'm guessing 0, 15, 30, ..., 150 degrees is more likely to be what you want.)