I apologise if this is an obvious question. I would like to know where to post code to be error-checked in the future, as am teaching myself Python and am hitting stumbling blocks in my code constantly. It is usually blindingly obvious, as with the first dictionary error; for which I apologise.
original dictionary error sorted
Missed out quote marks on 2nd line of code
I am making a dictionary variable, but there appears to be a problem with it.
charAttr = {'Power':'5','Health':'5','Wisdom':'5','Dexterity':'5'}
I am then given "NameError: name 'Power' is not defined."
Either use single quotes ('Power') or double quotes ("Wisdom") to make a string literal. Double quotes are not the same as two single quotes.
As to your more general question: StackOverflow is indeed a place for such things, but in general, you should provide more information with your question. The code you posted creates an error message: so you should post that error message. There's lots of information here on what makes a good question; I definitely recommend you read up on it.
Two single quote != one double quote.
So not
or you can use single quote as... single quote :P
Correct form is:
charAttr = {'Power':'5','Health':'5','Wisdom':'5','Dexterity':'5'}
charAttr = {"Power":"5","Health":"5","Wisdom":"5","Dexterity":"5"}
This question already has answers here:
How can I use newline '\n' in an f-string to format output?
(7 answers)
Closed last month.
First off all, sorry: I'm quite certain this might be a "duplicate" but I didn't succeed finding the right solution.
I simply want to replace all linebreaks within my sql-code for logging it to one line, but Python's f-string doesn't support backslashes, so:
# Works fine (but is useless ;))
self.logger.debug(f"Executing: {sql.replace( 'C','XXX')}")
# Results in SyntaxError:
# f-string expression part cannot include a backslash
self.logger.debug(f"Executing: {sql.replace( '\n',' ')}")
Of course there are several ways to accomplish that before the f-string, but I'd really like to keep my "log the line"-code in one line and without additional helper variables.
(Besides I think it's a quite stupid behavior: Either you can execute code within the curly brackets or you cant't...not "you can, but only without backslashes"...)
This one isn't a desired solution because of additional variables:
How to use newline '\n' in f-string to format output in Python 3.6?
General Update
The suggestion in mkrieger1s comment:
self.logger.debug("Executing %s", sql.replace('\n',' '))
Works fine for me, but as it doesn't use f-strings at all (beeing that itself good or bad ;)), I think I can leave this question open.
I found possible solutions
from os import linesep
print(f'{string_with_multiple_lines.replace(linesep, " ")}')
You can do this
newline = '\n'
self.logger.debug(f"Executing: {sql.replace( newline,' ')}")
don't use f-strings, especially for logging
assign the newline to a constant and use that, which you apparently don't want to
use an other version of expressing a newline, chr(10) for instance
(Besides I think it's a quite stupid behavior: Either you can execute code within the curly brackets or you cant't...not "you can, but only without backslashes"...)
Feel free to take a shot at fixing it, I'm pretty sure this restriction was not added because the PEP authors and feature developers wanted it to be a pain in the ass.
I am working with Python's CSV module, specifically the writer. My question is how can I add double quotes to a single item in a list and have the writer write the string the same way as a print statement would?
for example:
import csv
#test "data"
test = ['item1','01','001',1]
csvOut = csv.writer(open('file.txt','a')) #'a' used for keeping past results
test[1] = '"'+test[1]+'"'
print test
#prints: ['item1', '"01"', '001', 1]
#written in the output file: item1,"""01""",001,1
#I was expecting: item1,"01",001,1
del csvOut
I tired adding a quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONE option, but that raised an error. I am guessing this is related to the many csv dialects, I was hoping to avoid digging too far into that.
In retrospect I could probably have built my initial data set smarter and perhaps avoided the need for this situation but at this point curiosity is really getting the better of me (this is a simplified example): how do you keep the written output from adding those extra quotes?
It's not actually triple-quoting, although it looks that way. Try it with another example to see:
test = ['item1', 'abc"def']
Now you'll see that it writes this:
In other words, it's just wrapping quotes around your string, and escaping the literal quote characters by doubling them, because that's how default Excel-style CSV handles quote characters.
The question is, what format do you want here? Almost anything you want (within reason) is doable, but you have to pick something. Backslash-escaping quotes? Backslash-escaping everything instead of using quotes in the first place? Single quotes instead of double quotes?
For example, this looks like an answer:
csvOut = csv.writer(open('file.txt','a'), quotechar="'")
… until you have an item like Filet O'Fish and the whole thing gets single-quoted and the ' gets doubled and you have the exact same problem you were trying to avoid. If you're aiming for human readability, and ' is a lot less common in your data than ", that may actually be the right answer, but it's not a perfect answer.
And really, no answer can be perfect: you need some way to either quote or escape commas—and other things, like newlines—and the way you do that is going to add at least one more character that needs to be quote-doubled or escaped. If you know there are never any commas, newlines, etc. in your data, and there's at least one other character you know will never show up, you can get away with setting either quotechar to that other character, or escapechar to that other character and quoting=QUOTE_NONE. But the first time someone unexpectedly uses the character you were sure would never appear, your code will break, so you'd better actually be sure.
Quotes get escaped because your data could contain a comma. You probably don't want a CSV file if you don't want quotes escaped. Just join on a comma (this will break downstream if your data has a comma in it)
I'm new to Python, and I'm trying to make my string change 'abc' to 'def' and in short I keep getting,"unindented does not match any other indentation level." Therefore, this means what is wrong with my function?
def changes(x):
if 'a' in sent:
if 'b' in x:
if 'c' in y:
sent=print(input('Enter a sentence:'))
Just check your indentation. You cannot write anything anywhere like in other languages.
Read this short guide.
I have had, and still have, lots of these errors. What I found really useful is to turn on so I can see invisibles or whitespace. When copying fragments on code from the web, or changing between using the spacebar and the tabulator for creating indentation this can create problems with indentation
Check the if 'a' in sent, and the line below. Seems to use fewer spaces than the subsequent cases.
I'm scraping a set of originally pdf files, using Python. Having gotten them to text, I had a lot of trouble getting the line endings out. I couldn't figure out what the line separator was. The trouble is, I still don't know.
It's not a '\n', or, I don't think, '\r\n'. However, I've managed to isolate one of these special characters. I literally have it in memory, and by doing a call to my_str.replace(eol, ''), I can remove all of these characters from one of my files.
So my question is open-ended. I'm a bit lost when it comes to unicode and such. How can I identify this character in my files without resorting to something ridiculous, like serializing it and then reading it in? Is there a way I can refer to it as a code, perhaps? I can't get Python to yield what it actually IS. All I ever see if I print it, or call unicode(special_eol) is the character in its functional usage as a newline.
Please help! Thanks, and sorry if I'm missing something obvious.
To determine what specific character that is, you can use str.encode('unicode_escape') or repr() to get (in Python 2) a ASCII-printable representation of the character:
>>> print u'☃'.encode('unicode_escape')
>>> print repr(u'☃')
Hello, I'm having some trouble with a nested function I wrote in python. Here is the relevant code.
device = "/dev/sr0"
def burn():
global device
I'm confused, because every time I try to run the script, python returns this:
File "./install.py", line 72
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
I've nested functions before, and done so in a similar manner. I feel like I'm missing something fairly obvious here, but I can't pinpoint it. Thank you for your help/suggestions!.
Full code: (I tried to just post relevant info in the original)
It's a tad messy, and there may be other errors, but this one is vexing me at the moment.
You are missing a close parenthesis on line 61.
Looks like the quote and paren at the end of the line are swapped.
speed = raw_input("Recomended(4);Default(8))"
should be
speed = raw_input("Recomended(4);Default(8)")
The code you have pasted into your question appears to have tabs as well as spaces. You should (according to PEP-8) always use spaces for indenting in Python. Check your text editor settings.
What's probably happened is you have some mix of tabs and spaces that looks correct in your editor, but is being interpreted differently by the Python compiler. The Python compiler sees a different inconsistent indenting, and throws a SyntaxError.
Update: As another answer points out, you are missing a closing parenthesis on a line of code you didn't show in your original question. Nevertheless, my comments about tabs in your source still hold.