I am experiencing a strange problem while developing my python application.
The application is supposed to parse a mail inbox for the unread messages, get a specific ones, process the body and store it into a database.
Everything seem to be working fine for my first 7 mails from my domain, but with the last one and the 4 #gmails, the results don't match with the expected, the mails stored into the database aren't the correct ones, in fact, they are exactly the 4th mail after the correct one.
I am showing the code that I developed, don't be too hard with me, I am kinda new coding:
from src_pckg import reader
reader.read("***#m***p.com", "***", "imap.***.com", 993, "noreply#s***d.com")
def read(username, password, host, port, sender_of_interest):
#Con details
imap_con = imaplib.IMAP4_SSL(host, port)
imap_con.login(username, password)
#Print all unread messages from a certain sender
status, response = imap_con.search(None, 'UNSEEN', '(FROM "%s")' % (sender_of_interest))
unread_msg_nums = response[0].split()
for e_id in unread_msg_nums:
status, data = imap_con.uid('fetch', e_id, '(RFC822)')
msg = data[0][1].decode(encoding='UTF-8')
if re.search("has given you a gift subscription", msg):
#Process the mail
return True
im complete new to this so sorry if this is a stupid question.
Im already searching the whole day for a solution of our problem.
Our Problem: We create an order for our supplier using our ERP software. The supplier want a specific subject in this email to get the mail picked up by there order receive system. We can't set the subject in out ERP software.
Workaround: ERP is sending the mail to an internal address and then we need to change the subject and forward it to the supplier.
We want to do this automatically. is this possible?
I saw a few thing about Python to do this, but not the complete solution. So i know its maybe very nooby, but who can and want to help me.
We are using Novell mail server. (that's also complete new for me :-( )
Update: i've created some code, but its not the best. :)
import smtplib, imaplib, email, re
#mail read, change and forward
imap_host = "SERVERNAME"
client = imaplib.IMAP4('SERVERNAME')
client.login('USERNAME', 'PWD')
client.select('INBOX') #, readonly=True
msgid = 1
status, data = client.fetch(msgid, "(RFC822)")
email_data = data[0][1]
message = email.message_from_string(email_data)
message.replace_header("Subject", "test")
message.replace_header("From", 'test#test.com')
message.replace_header("To", 'EXTERN EMAILADRES')
smtp = smtplib.SMTP('SMTP SERVER')
smtp.login('USERNAME', 'PWD')
from_addr = "AFZENDADRES"
smtp.sendmail(from_addr, to_addr, message.as_string())
#move mail to folder
client = imaplib.IMAP4('SERVERNAME')
client.login('USERNAME', 'PWD')
client.select('INBOX', readonly=False)
pattern_uid = re.compile('\d+ \(UID (?P<uid>\d+)\)')
def parse_uid(data):
match = pattern_uid.match(data)
return match.group('uid')
resp, items = client.search(None, 'All')
email_ids = items[0].split()
latest_email_id = email_ids[0]
resp, data = client.fetch(latest_email_id, "(UID)")
msg_uid = parse_uid(data[0])
result = client.uid('COPY', msg_uid, 'INBOX/Afgehandeld')
if result[0] == 'OK':
mov, data = client.uid('STORE', msg_uid , '+FLAGS', '(\Deleted)')
Should be fine if this code can be updates so that it checks if there are mails from a sender or with some words in the subject. if there aren't then stop the script. If there are 1 or more mails then we need to change the subject and forward the email to our supplier. Who can help me to get this code better.
Following the directions in Python's email examples and in several Stack Overflow questions, I wrote the following function (sending through the Gmail SMTP server):
def send_email(emailaddr, message, attachmentfile = None, subject = None):
smtpconn = smtplib.SMTP(mainconf["SMTPHOST"], mainconf["SMTPPORT"])
smtpconn.login(mainconf["SMTPUSER"], mainconf["SMTPPASS"])
if not attachmentfile:
message = '\n' + message
smtpconn.sendmail(mainconf["EMAILFROM"], emailaddr, message)
multipart = MIMEMultipart()
multipart['Subject'] = subject if subject else "Attachment"
multipart['From'] = mainconf["EMAILFROM"]
multipart['To'] = emailaddr
with open(attachmentfile, 'rb') as fp:
filepart = MIMEApplication(fp.read())
smtpconn.sendmail(mainconf["EMAILFROM"], emailaddr, multipart.as_string())
generallog.info("Sent an email to {0}".format(emailaddr))
generallog.warn("Email sending to {0} failed with error message {1}".format(emailaddr, traceback.format_exception_only(sys.exc_info()[0], sys.exc_info()[1])))
This works fine for sending an email with an attachment, but it results in the famous noname problem (that's just one of several SO questions on the subject). So I add in this:
Then Gmail simply refuses to send the email. When I run this code in the Python shell, I get the standard message accepted message, but the message is never delivered.
Why might this be happening?
The issue that I am having is that when I download email messages from a Microsoft outlook webmail account, sometimes newline characters are disappearing, resulting in onelongunbrokenline. But only sometimes. Here is the example I am dealing with right now:
Original body of message being downloaded from Microsoft Outlook Web App (dollar signs included because I have :set list on in vim):
This is a message with$
Multiple lines$
Body of message that I actually end up receiving (also has :set list on in vim):
GobbleThis is a message withMultiple lines^M$
Hello ^I^I ^I ^I^I =^M$
There are clearly a few other things going on here which I also don't understand - where are the tab (^I) characters coming from? Where is that equals sign coming from?
Here is the code that does the downloading (using the python library IMAPClient):
## Connect, login and select the INBOX
server = IMAPClient(HOST, use_uid=True, ssl=ssl)
server.login(USERNAME, PASSWORD)
select_info = server.select_folder('INBOX')
#Get messages since a certain time:
message_list = server.search(['SINCE %s' % cutoff.strftime('%d-%b-%Y')])
response = server.fetch(message_list, ['RFC822'])
for msgid, data in response.iteritems():
msg_string = data['RFC822'].__str__()
msg = email.message_from_string(msg_string)
payload = msg.get_payload()
body = payload
print body
I'm working on a script in Python that checks an IP address against a blacklist and sends an email only if the IP shows up on the list. The script will be setup to be run every 15 minutes, but I only want it to send an email if the IP is on the list and an email hasn't been sent in the last 24 hours. Current code:
import sys
import subprocess
import smtplib
import datetime
username = ''
password = ''
fromaddr = ''
toaddr = ''
server = smtplib.SMTP(host=,port=)
server.esmtp_features["auth"] = "LOGIN PLAIN"
sentFolder = server.select("SENT",readonly=TRUE)
recentSent = sentFolder["Date"]
OneDayAgo = date.today()-timedelta(days=1)
msg = ''
staticIPAddress = ''
dnsHostname = staticIPAddress + ".bl.spamcop.net"
p = subprocess.check_output("nslookup " + dnsHostname1,stderr=subprocess.STDOUT,shell=False)
if ('Non-existent' not in str(p) and recentSent < OneDayAgo):
server.sendmail(fromaddr, toaddrs, msg)
The error I run into occurs at:
sentFolder = server.select("SENT",readonly=TRUE)
The error code is:
AttributeError: 'SMTP' object has no attribute 'select'
I've tested the rest of the script (without that piece and without the recentSent < OneDayAgo pieces) and it seems to work fine.
Any help in figuring out how to make the "only send if not sent within the last 24 hours" piece work would be really appreciated.
In order to know if you've sent email in the previous 24 hours, you'll need to make a record of sending the email. You might store that information in a text file, an IMAP folder, a database, through a web app, or many other ways. How you store that data is your design decision.
Here is one possibility, in which the timestamp is stored in the modification date of a local file.
def create_timestamp():
with open("tsfile", "w") as fp:
def time_since_last_timestamp():
return time.time() - os.path.getmtime("tsfile")
if 'Non-existent' not in str(p) and time_since_last_timestamp() > 86400:
To determine whether or not an email has been sent in the last 24 hours, you might want to program your script to examine the mail server logs. You didn't mention which MTA you are using, but all that I know of log messages in and out.
I'm trying to download attachments from Gmail, using a combination of pieces of code I found online, and some editing from myself. However, the following code:
import email, getpass, imaplib, os, random, time
import oauth2 as oauth
import oauth2.clients.imap as imaplib
MY_EMAIL = 'example#gmail.com'
MY_TOKEN = "token"
MY_SECRET = "secret"
consumer = oauth.Consumer('anonymous', 'anonymous')
token = oauth.Token(MY_TOKEN, MY_SECRET)
url = "https://mail.google.com/mail/b/"+MY_EMAIL+"/imap/"
m = imaplib.IMAP4_SSL('imap.gmail.com')
m.authenticate(url, consumer, token)
items = m.select("UNSEEN");
items = items[0].split()
for emailid in items:
data = m.fetch(emailid, "(RFC822)")
returns this error:
imaplib.error: command FETCH illegal
in state AUTH
Why would Fetch be illegal while I'm authorized?
You're lacking error checking on your calls to select. Typically, this is how I'll structure the first parts of a connection to a mailbox:
# self.conn is an instance of IMAP4 connected to my server.
status, msgs = self.conn.select('INBOX')
if status != 'OK':
return # could be break, or continue, depending on surrounding code.
msgs = int(msgs[0])
Essentially, the trouble you're encountering is that you've selected a mailbox that doesn't exist, your status message is probably not "OK" as it should be, and the value you're iterating over isn't valid. Remember, select expects a mailbox name. It does not search based on a flag (which may be what you're attempting with "UNSEEN"). When you select a non-existent mail box you actually get this as a response:
('NO', ['The requested item could not be found.'])
In which case, for email id in items is not operating properly. Not what you're after in any way, unfortunately. What you'd get on a valid mailbox would be like this:
('OK', ['337'])
Hope that helps.
To address the question in comments, if you want to actually retrieve the unseen messages in the mailbox you'd use this:
status, msgs = self.conn.select('INBOX')
# returns ('OK', ['336'])
status, ids = self.conn.search(None, 'UNSEEN')
# returns ('OK', ['324 325 326 336'])
if status == 'OK':
ids = map(int, ids[0].split())
The response is going to be similar to the response from select, but instead of a single integer for the number of messages you'll get a list of ids.
Why would Fetch be illegal while I'm authorized?
IMAP has a state concept.
You can only fetch messages if you have selected a folder.
Here is a nice picture which shows this:
Image source: http://www.tcpipguide.com/free/t_IMAP4GeneralOperationClientServerCommunicationandS-2.htm