Randomize dictionary sorting - python

I have been thinking this through but I did not come to any conclusion (not that great with Python yet).
My dictionary looks like this:
{1: [dog, animal], 2: [square, shape], 3: [red, color]}
I am printing out the values but the dictionary is sorted by numbers, which is fine but I want to randomize it so I print out something like this:
I know that list would be more ideal for this situation but this data is from existing structure that I cannot change. Maybe re-numbering the keys would do the trick?

Dictionaries are already listed in arbitrary order, they do not have a fixed order. See Why is the order in dictionaries and sets arbitrary? Any sense of order is a coincidence and depends on the insertion and deletion history of the dictionary.
That said, it's easy enough to further ensure a shuffled list with random.shuffle():
import random
items = yourdict.items()
for key, value in items:
print key
print '\n'.join(value)

You can randomize the keys:
import random
keys = dictionary.keys()
for key in keys:
print key, dictionary[key]


Python Dictionaries: making the key:value the key and appending new values

EDIT: My question has been getting a lot of follow up questions because on the surface, it doesn't appear to make any sense. For most people, dictionaries are an illogical way to solve this problem. I agree, and have been frustrated by my constraints (explained in the comments). In my scenario, the original KV pairs are going to be encoded as data to be read by another server using the ObjectID. This, however, must be fed into an encoding function as a dictionary. The order does not matter, but the KV pairs must be given a new unique value. The original KV pairs will end up as a new string key in this new dictionary with the ObjectID as a new unique value.
Keep in mind that I am using Python 2.7.
The Issue
Note that this is a matter of presenting a dictionary (dictA), encoded by the ObjectID values, within the constraints of what I have been given
I have a dictionary, say dictA = {'a':'10', 'b':'20', 'c':'30'}, and I have a list of ObjectIdentifier('n'), where n is a number. What is the best way to create dictB so that dictB is a new dictionary with the key equal to dictA's key:value pair and the value equal to the corresponding ObjectIdentifier('n') in the list.
The new dictB should be:
{"'a':'10'":ObjectIdentifier('n'), "'b':'20'":ObjectIdentifier('n+1'), "'c':'30'":ObjectIdentifier('n+2')}
If that makes any sense.
The problem is that dictionaries aren't ordered. So you say
dictA = {'a':'10', 'b':'20', 'c':'30'}
but as far as python knows it could be
dictA = {'c':'30', 'a':'10', 'b':'20'}
Because dictionaries don't have order.
You could create your dict like this:
result = {key: ObjectIdentifier(n+pos) for pos, key in enumerate(dictA.items())}
But there is no way to determine which key will fall in which position, because, as I said, dictionaries don't have order.
If you want alphabetic order, just use sorted()
result = {key: ObjectIdentifier(n+pos)
for pos, key in enumerate(sorted(dictA.items()))}
I don't know why you would want this
def ObjectIdentifier(n):
return "ObjectIdentifier("+ str(n) + ")"
dictA = {'a':'10', 'b':'20', 'c':'30'}
dictB = {}
for n, key in enumerate(sorted(dictA.keys())):
dictB[key] = {dictA[key] : ObjectIdentifier(str(n))}
{'a': {'10': 'ObjectIdentifier(0)'}, 'b': {'20': 'ObjectIdentifier(1)'}, 'c': {'30': 'ObjectIdentifier(2)'}}

Adding two asynchronous lists, into a dictionary

I've always found Dictionaries to be an odd thing in python. I know it is just me i'm sure but I cant work out how to take two lists and add them to the dict. If both lists were mapable it wouldn't be a problem something like dictionary = dict(zip(list1, list2)) would suffice. However, during each run the list1 will always have one item and the list2 could have multiple items or single item that I'd like as values.
How could I approach adding the key and potentially multiple values to it?
After some deliberation, Kasramvd's second option seems to work well for this scenario:
dictionary.setdefault(list1[0], []).append(list2)
Based on your comment all you need is assigning the second list as a value to only item of first list.
d = {}
d[list1[0]] = list2
And if you want to preserve the values for duplicate keys you can use dict.setdefault() in order to create value of list of list for duplicate keys.
d = {}
d.setdefault(list1[0], []).append(list2)

Going through the last x elements in an ordered dictionary?

I want to go through an x number of the most recently added entries of an ordered dictionary. So far, the only way I can think of is this:
listLastKeys = orderedDict.keys()[-x:]
for key in listLastKeys:
#do stuff with orderedDict[key]
But it feels redundant and somewhat wasteful to make another list and go through the ordered dictionary with that list when the ordered dictionary should already know what order it is in. Is there an alternative way? Thanks!
Iterate over the dict in reverse and apply an itertools.islice:
from itertools import islice
for key in islice(reversed(your_ordered_dict), 5):
# do something with last 5 keys
Instead of reversing it like you are, you can loop through it in reverse order using reversed(). Example:
D = {0 : 'h', 1: 'i', 2:'j'}
x = 1
for key in reversed(D.keys()):
if x == key:
You could keep a list of the keys present in the dictionary last run.
I don't know the exact semantics of your program, but this is a function that will check for new keys.
keys=[] #this list should be global
def checkNewKeys(myDict):
for key, item in myDict.iteritems():
if key not in keys:
#do what you want with new keys
This basically keep track of what was in the dictionary the whole run of your program, without needing to create a new list every time.

Python Dedup/Merge List of Dicts

Say that I have a list of dicts:
list = [{'name':'john','age':'28','location':'hawaii','gender':'male'},
{'name':'parker','age':'24','location':'new york','gender':'male'}]
In this dict, 'name' can be considered a unique identifier. My goal is to not only dedup this list for identical dicts (ie list[1] and list[2], but to also merge/append differing values for a single 'name' (ie list[0] and list[1/2]. In other words, I want to merge all of the 'name'='john' dicts in my example to a single dict, like so:
dedup_list = [{'name':'john','age':'28; 32','location':'hawaii; colorado','gender':'male'},
{'name':'parker','age':'24','location':'new york','gender':'male'} ]
I have tried thus far to create my second list, dedup_list, and to iterate through the first list. If the 'name' key does not already exist in one of dedup_list's dicts, I will append it. It is the merging part where I am stuck.
for dict in list:
for new_dict in dedup_list:
if dict['name'] in new_dict:
dedup_list.append(dict) # This will create duplicate values as it iterates through each row of the dedup_list. I can throw them in a set later to remove?
My list of dicts will never contain more than 100 items, so an O(n^2) solution is definitely acceptable but not necessarily ideal. This dedup_list will eventually be written to a CSV, so if there is a solution involving that, I am all ears.
well, I was about to craft a solution around defaultdict, but hopefully #hivert posted the best solution I could came with, which is in this answer:
from collections import defaultdict
dicts = [{'a':1, 'b':2, 'c':3},
{'a':1, 'd':2, 'c':'foo'},
{'e':57, 'c':3} ]
super_dict = defaultdict(set) # uses set to avoid duplicates
for d in dicts:
for k, v in d.iteritems():
i.e. I'm voting for closing this question as a dupe of that question.
N.B.: you won't be getting values such as '28; 32', but instead get a set containing [28,32], which then can be processed into a csv file as you wish.
N.B.2: to write the csv file, have a look at the DictWriter class

Randomizing a dictionary in python

I know you might say that dictionaries are not in any order naturally, but I have a large dictionary keys are numbers and some string as their values. The keys start from 0. for example: x={0:'a',1:'b',2:'c'}. I am using .iteritems() to go over my dictionary in a loop. however, this is done in the exact order of the keys 0,1,2. I want this to be randomized. so for example my loop prints this: 1:'b',2:'c',0:'a'. i need help. thanks
Use random.shuffle. Also, the key iteration order of a dictionary is not guaranteed by any means - you just happened to get (0, 1, 2).
import random
keys = my_dict.keys()
for key in keys:
print key, my_dict[key]
