UnpicklingError: Invalid load key'(heart)' - python

I've been messing around with pickle for some days, trying to apply it in a High Score system in a 'Guess the number' exercise program. I thought that I had grasped the concept correctly, but now this error has appeared and I have no clue as to why.
Here's the relevant code:
def EnterHighScore(score,scoresList):
name = input("Enter your name: ")
newPlayer = player(name,score)
scoresFile = open('scores','wb')
for i in scoresList:
print(i.name + ' - ' + str(i.score))
def CheckHighScores(score):
scoresFile = open('scores','rb')
scoresFile = open('scores','wb+')
if not scoresFile.read(1):
scoresList = []
scoresList = pickle.load(scoresFile)
if not scoresList:
for counter,i in enumerate(scoresList):
if counter == 3:
if score >= i.score:
When I run it, the first run through goes fine. That is, when the 'scores' file doesn't even exist. It gets created correctly, the scoresList is created empty and then filled with a player object and it gets dumped into the scoresFile without any errors. But when I try to load the scoresList with the new 'scores' file data, it gives me the following error:
UnpicklingError: Invalid load key'(heart)'
(heart) standing for an actual heart character.
I've read that others have had this problem, but in those cases they were trying to open the file in different OS's, or had modified the file in some way after pickling but before unpickling. In this case the file hasn't been modified at all, just written to and closed.
I've tried using pickle in other, simpler scenarios, and I haven't caused other errors.
Any help will be appreciated.

Your test to see if the file is empty advances the file read pointer past the start of the file:
if not scoresFile.read(1):
You'll have to seek back to the beginning:
if not scoresFile.read(1):
scoresList = []
scoresList = pickle.load(scoresFile)
A much better test would be for you to catch the EOFError exception that pickle.load() throws if the file is empty:
scoresList = pickle.load(scoresFile)
except EOFError:
# File empty
scoresList = []
Or you could catch the IOError when the file doesn't exist:
with open('scores','rb') as scoresFile:
scoresList = pickle.load(scoresFile)
except IOError:
scoresList = []
and just not open a file for writing here.


Python NameError exception not working as intended

When I run this code, a NameError traceback error pops up, even though it should be handled by the exception. Why is that?
The function call argument is intentionally misspelled.
filename_cats = "cats.txt"
filename_dogs = "dogs.txt"
def readlines(filename):
"""read lines from a text file"""
with open(filename) as f:
lines = f.readlines()
string = ''
for line in lines:
string += line
except (NameError, FileNotFoundError):
print(f"The file {filename} was not found.")
It's because the error happens here:
readlines(filename_cat) 👈
Not anywhere in here:
with open(filename) as f:
lines = f.readlines()
string = ''
for line in lines:
string += line
except (NameError, FileNotFoundError):
A try..except block can only catch errors happening literally within it, not anything happening before or after it.

Verify data on a file

I'm trying to make my life easier on my work, and writing down errors and solutions for that same errors. The program itself works fine when it's about adding new errors, but then I added a function to verify if the error exists in the file and then do something to it (not added yet).
The function doesn't work and I don't know why. I tried to debug it, but still not able to find the error, maybe a conceptual error?
Anyway, here's my entire code.
import sys
import os
err = {}
PATH = 'C:/users/userdefault/desktop/errordb.txt'
#def open_file(): #Not yet used
#file_read = open(PATH, 'r')
#return file_read
def verify_error(error_number, loglist): #Verify if error exists in file
for error in loglist:
if error_number in loglist:
return True
def dict_error(error_number, solution): #Puts input errors in dict
err = {error_number: solution}
return err
def verify_file(): #Verify if file exists. Return True if it does
archive = os.path.isfile(PATH)
return archive
def new_error():
file = open(PATH, 'r') #Opens file in read mode
loglist = file.readlines()
found = False
error_number = input("Error number: ")
if verify_error(error_number, loglist) == True:
found = True
# Add new solution, or another solution.
solution = str(input("Solution: "))
file = open(PATH, 'a')
error = dict_error(error_number, solution)
#Writes dict on file
def main():
verify = verify_file() #Verify if file exists
if verify == True:
new = str.lower(input("New job Y/N: "))
if new == 'n':
while new == 'y':
new = str.lower(input("New job Y/N: "))
file = open(PATH, "x")
To clarify, the program executes fine, it don't return an error code. It just won't execute the way I'm intended, I mean, it supposed to verify if certain error number already exists.
Thanks in advance :)
The issue I believe you're having is the fact that you're not actually creating a dictionary object in the file and modifying it but instead creating additional dictionaries every time an error is added then reading them back as a list of strings by using the .readlines() method.
An easier way of doing it would be to create a dictionary if one doesn't exist and append errors to it. I've made a few modifications to your code which should help.
import sys
import os
import json # Import in json and use is as the format to store out data in
err = {}
PATH = 'C:/users/userdefault/desktop/errordb.txt'
# You can achieve this by using a context manager
#def open_file(): #Not yet used
#file_read = open(PATH, 'r')
#return file_read
def verify_error(error_number, loglist): #Verify if error exists in file
# Notice how we're looping over keys of your dictionary to check if
# an error already exists.
# To access values use loglist[k]
for k in loglist.keys():
if error_number == k:
return True
return False
def dict_error(loglist, error_number, solution): #Puts input errors in dict
# Instead of returning a new dictionary, return the existing one
# with the new error appended to it
loglist[error_number] = solution
return loglist
def verify_file(): #Verify if file exists. Return True if it does
archive = os.path.isfile(PATH)
return archive
def new_error():
# Let's move all the variables to the top, makes it easier to read the function
# Changes made:
# 1. Changed the way we open and read files, now using a context manager (aka with open() as f:
# 2. Added a json parser to store in and read from file in a json format. If data doesn't exist (new file?) create a new dictionary object instead
# 3. Added an exception to signify that an error has been found in the database (this can be removed to add additional logic if you'd like to do more stuff to the error, etc)
# 4. Changed the way we write to file, instead of appending a new line we now override the contents with a new updated dictionary that has been serialized into a json format
found = False
loglist = None
# Open file as read-only using a context manager, now we don't have to worry about closing it manually
with open(PATH, 'r') as f:
# Lets read the file and run it through a json parser to get a python dictionary
loglist = json.loads(f.read())
except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError:
loglist = {}
error_number = input("Error number: ")
if verify_error(error_number, loglist) is True:
found = True
raise Exception('Error exists in the database') # Raise exception if you want to stop loop execution
# Add new solution, or another solution.
solution = str(input("Solution: "))
# This time open in write only and replace the dictionary
with open(PATH, 'w') as f:
loglist = dict_error(loglist, error_number, solution)
# Writes dict on file in json format
def main():
verify = verify_file() #Verify if file exists
if verify == True:
new = str.lower(input("New job Y/N: "))
if new == 'n':
while new == 'y':
new = str.lower(input("New job Y/N: "))
with open(PATH, "x") as f:
Note that you will have to create a new errordb file for this snippet to work.
Hope this has helped somehow. If you have any further questions hit me up in the comments!
Reading and Writing files in Python
JSON encoder and decoder in Python
I think that there may be a couple of problems with your code, but the first thing that I noticed was that you are saving Error Numbers and Solutions as a dictionary in errorsdb.txt and when you read them back in you are reading them back in as a list of strings:
The line:
loglist = file.readlines()
in new_error returns a list of strings. This means that verify_error will always return False.
So you have a couple of choices:
You could modify verify_error to the following:
def verify_error(error_number, loglist): #Verify if error exists in file
for error in loglist:
if error_number in error:
return True
Although, I think that a better solution would be to load errorsdb.txt as a JSON file and then you'll have a dictionary. That would look something like:
import json
errordb = {}
with open(PATH) as handle:
errordb = json.load(handle)
So here are the full set of changes I would make:
import json
def verify_error(error_number, loglist): #Verify if error exists in file
for error in loglist:
if error_number in error:
return True
def new_error():
errordb = list()
exitsting = list()
with open(PATH) as handle:
existing = json.load(handle)
errordb += existing
error_number = input("Error number: ")
if verify_error(error_number, errordb) == True:
# Add new solution, or another solution.
print("I might do something here.")
solution = str(input("Solution: "))
errordb.append({error_number, solution})
#Writes dict on file
with open(PATH, "w") as handle:
json.dump(errordb, handle)

Append not saving for external file in python

I'm trying to figure out how to make sure that when I run a new dict entry that it actually saves. Before last exception, when you "print(dictio.fullDict3[firstLetter])", it shows the new appended dict entry, but doesn't actually save in the external file called dictio.
The following is the main:
import fileinput
import dictio
from dictio import fullDict3
while True:
srcTxt = input("Input word you want to look up: ")
firstLetter = srcTxt[0]
queryInput = input('What does '+srcTxt+' mean?: ')
with open("C:\\Users...\\dictio.py", "a"):
print("error has occured.")
The following is the external file called dictio.py that holds the dictionary:
fullDict3 = {
You can't change the contents of a module by operating on the module's contents via import. There is no reason to import fullDict3. Instead, store your starting structure in fullDict3.json. Convert that file to a Python object via json.load -- that returns a dict you can change. When you have the updated dict ready to write to disk, save it via json.dump.
Alright. Haven't had much time to code, but finally fixed my issue after some reading and trial an error, for anyone that comes across this for answers, however, there could easily be a cleaner and more efficient way to get it done:
while True:
srcTxt = input("Input word you want to look up: ")
firstLetter = srcTxt[0]
if srcTxt == "ESC":
queryInput = input('What does '+srcTxt+' mean?: ')
with open('C:\\Users...\\dictio.py', 'r') as f:
newDict = "fullDict3 = "+json.dumps(fullDict3)
with open('C:\\Users...\\dictio.py', 'w') as f:
print("error has occured.")

Outputting a list as a text file

I was trying to improve my friend's Python 'Twitch account checker' (basically gets a list of usernames from a text file and checks if they're available or taken on Twitch.tv). I was going to improve it in a way that it would output the available usernames into a text file (in the same location as the original list). I was actually searching Stack Overflow and found a post which 'explained' how to actually output a list (I put the available usernames into a separate list) into a text file.
When running the script, it works fine up to the part where it's supposed to save the available usernames. Then, I get the following error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "multithreadtwitchchecker.py", line 44, in <module>
File "multithreadtwitchchecker.py", line 37, in output_available_usernames
AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribute 'split'
Here's the code:
from multiprocessing.pool import ThreadPool
import re
import requests
import sys
input = raw_input
except NameError:
TWITCH_URL = "https://www.twitch.tv/{username}"
TWITCH_REGEX = re.compile(r"^[a-zA-Z0-9_]{4,25}$")
MESSAGES = {True: "Available", False: "Taken"}
def read_valid_usernames(filename):
"""Reads a list of usernames and filters out invalid ones."""
with open(filename, "r") as fin:
return [username for username in map(str.strip, fin) if TWITCH_REGEX.match(username)]
except IOError:
sys.exit("[!] '{}' - Invalid File".format(filename))
def username_available(username):
"""Checks if a 404 response code is given when requesting the profile. If it is, it is presumed to be available"""
return username, requests.get(TWITCH_URL.format(username=username)).status_code == 404
except Exception as e:
def output_available_usernames(filename):
"""Gets a filename to output to and outputs all the valid usernames to it"""
f = open(filename, 'w')
usernames = read_valid_usernames(input("Enter path to list of usernames: "))
for username, available in ThreadPool(MAX_THREADS).imap_unordered(username_available, usernames):
print("{:<{size}}{}".format(username, MESSAGES.get(available, "Unknown"), size=len(max(usernames, key=len)) + 1))
Well, writing to a file can be done like this:
def output_available_usernames(filename):
with open(filename, 'w') as f:
f.write(name + '\n')
As jonrsharpe said, split is going in the wrong direction.
However, your code has a deeper problem right now. You append to AVAILABLE_USERNAMES after the return statement, so that code never executes, and AVAILABLE_USERNAMES will always be empty. You instead want something like this:
def username_available(username):
"""Checks if a 404 response code is given when requesting the profile. If it is, it is presumed to be available"""
if requests.get(TWITCH_URL.format(username=username)).status_code == 404:
return username, True
return username, False
except Exception as e:

How to print a text file in python

I'm fairly new to coding and am having some issues printing a text file.
Here's my file:
Player1: 1
Player2: 3
Here's my code:
scoreTable = open("scoreTable.txt", "r")
line = scoreTable.readlines()
for i in range(0, (len(line))):
except FileNotFoundError:
At the moment its just printing whitespace.
I'm probably missing something obvious or have gone down the wrong road altogether, so any help would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
Just use the below code sample to print the whole file.
with open("scoreTable.txt", "r" ) as scoreTable:
file_content = scoreTable.read()
print str(file_content)
except FileNotFoundError as e:
print e.message
You are performing read operation on scoreTable.txt twice, which is not required.
scoreTable = open("scoreTable.txt", "r")
lines = scoreTable.readlines()
#here in lines you have whole file stored so no need to try to read from files variable again
for line in lines:
print line
except FileNotFoundError:
While we are on this subject use with statement to read files(so you wont have to keep track to close the file)
with open("scoreTable.txt", "r" ) as f:
lines = f.readlines()
for line in lines:
print line
