How to import a module with a dotted path? - python

I want to import the paramiko module located in /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages. So, I imported it this way:
from usr.local.lib.python2.7.dist-packages import paramiko
I have an error syntax related to python2.7 (It considers 7 as a package located in python2 package)
I have both Python3.1.3 and Python2.7 installed. I program with Python3.1.3 only, however.
How can I resolve this problem ?

How about ?
import sys
import paramiko
The best solution is installing paramiko on Python3 env. Take a look at #DanielRoseman's answer. Or virtualenv is worth consideration. Here is a good tutorial.

I don't know why you think you need to include the full path. That directory will already be included in the Python path. You just need to do import paramiko.
Edit after comment Well you can't randomly import things that are installed for a different version. There are several backwards incompatibilities, and anything that has any compiled extensions will just not work at all.
You need to download and install paramiko for your 3.1 installation, rather than trying to use the 2.7 version. python3 pip install paramiko, as an example.
(Also, you shouldn't really be using 3.1. If you're using the Python 3 series you should upgrade to 3.4.)


Use of installed libraries

A Python script starts with:
from pathlib import Path
import sqlite3
which I read as an initialization of Libraries needed to run the rest of the script. However if the following error is returned in the terminal:
ImportError: No module named pathlib
I am uncertain how to interpret this. One assumption is that the pathlib library is uninstalled. However on the local system Python 2.7 and Python 3.4 are installed (I believe one was system pre-installed).
How can a library be asserted to exist? In case it is missing, how can it be installed?
You have to install it first
pip install pathlib
And with that your code should work.

Python: No Module named xxx

Im getting nowhere with the following error on my Raspberry Pi:
My own Python script calls a function from another module named which in turn imports other modules called "netaddr" and "configparser". The problem is that I just cant seem to get past the import error which tells me " No Module named netaddr, or if I comment out that import then it also errors with No Module named configparser. So I know its a path issue but I just cant seem to get it fixed!
The Blackbean.Py script starts like this:
import broadlink
import ConfigParser
import sys, getopt
import time, binascii
import netaddr
import BlackBeanSettings
import re
from os import path
from Crypto.Cipher import AES
SettingsFile = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
SettingsFile.optionxform = str
def execute_command(etc.........
The file is in my project SkyHD folder at /home/pi/SkyHD.
The "netaddr" and "configparser" files & folders were installed by pip in /home/pi/.local/lib/python2.7(and python3.5)/site-package folders.
sys.path has the above folders in its list and Ive also edited .bashrc and added PYTHONPATH=${PYTHONPATH}:/home/pi/.local/lib/python2.7/site-package:/home/pi/.local/lib/python3.5/site-package:/home/pi/SkyHD:../
but none of this works. I guess it must be something basic but I just cant work it out! help!
Also, some more info, when I first install all the files and run my program everything works fine and it finds the files ok with no problems, its only when I reboot it fails to find the files.
Its fixed.
Python looks for imported modules in 3 places, the first being the folder you launched the python script from; so for me the obvious answer is to import the modules I need directly into my own Project folder (/home/pi/myproject). This worked just fine, it works every time even after reboot, which was my main problem before. No need to create or alter PYTHONPATH, no need to mess around with entries in .bashrc or try to change the python path entries. Here are the steps:
Upgrade PIP to version 9.0.3 (not ver 10) with
pip install --upgrade pip==9.0.3
then install the required modules with the following
pip install --target=/home/pi/your_project_folder module_name
so for me it was... pip install --target=/home/pi/SkyHD netaddr
Im sure this is not best practice, but my Raspberry Pi only has this one project to run and having modules imported into the Projects folder just isnt an issue.
Hope this helps some others with the same problem.
You've provided insufficient information. Specifically, details about the python command being used to run your script such as its version (python -V) and its module search path if you do
env -u PYTHONPATH python -c 'import sys; print(sys.path);'
Similarly you can easily simplify the problem. What happens if you do python -m netaddr?
Obviously in the above commands substitute the actual python command being used to run your script.
And, as #BoarGules mentioned in his comments to your question, you should never, ever add directories to PYTHONPATH for different python versions unless you know that the modules in those directories has been written to work with python2 and python3.

How can you import a local version of a python package?

I think I've found a bug in matplotlib. I'm using anaconda as a package manager, but had to download matplotlib from github in order to edit it.
How do I import my modified version of matplotlib in order to test it? I tried using
import /absolute/path/to/modified/matplotlib
, but that didn't work. Ideally I would like to create a conda environment that uses the modified matplotlib instead of the original, so I can easily switch between the two.
How do you test and run a modified version of an open source library, without messing up your original version of the package? Is there a way to import a library from an absolute path?
Try this
import sys
import matplotlib # modified
Another option not mentioned, if you just put the matplotlib module (copy or move) in the directory of your project, python will check there first, find the version you put there, and look no further. This is exactly the reason why you shouldn't name your files, for example,
You can install a local version by telling anaconda to install the tar-ball of the package directly, i.e.
conda install package-version-py27.tar.bz2
You might also be able to use the --use-local argument.

How to type into cmd using python 2.7

I have a program here that I would like to convert to 2.7. This code works well in Python 3.x, however, for my needs it must be 2.7. Could someone 'convert' this to python 2.7 for me? I have heard of a tool but I do know how to get/use it. Anyway, here is the code I have for 3.3.
def compiler(program):
import os, win32com.client, time
shell = win32com.client.Dispatch("WScript.Shell")
shell.SendKeys("py"+program+") py2exe\n")
def setup(program):
from distutils.core import setup
import py2exe
setup(console=[program + ".py"])
EDIT: When I try to run I get
ImportError: No module named win32com.client
Do I have to install this module seperately? If so, could someone please post the link.
Yes, you must install the library separately. In fact, if you visit the SourceForge page, you will see that there is an entirely different binary available for 2.7. You will want pywin32-218.win32-py2.7.exe if you are using 32-bit Python or if you are using 64-bit Python.
You can install it via the GUI interface (which comes up when you try to execute the file), or you can call easy_install on it (if you have setuptools or distribute installed) at the command line:
C:\> C:\Python27\Scripts\easy_install pywin32-218.win32-py2.7.exe
Using easy_install is the only way if you want to install the library in a virtual environment created with virutalenv.

Python 2.4 Doesn't Load Home-Directory Packages

I'm trying to get a Python package to install to my home directory because I don't have the privileges to install it system-wide.
The package is PyProj, and I am trying to install it using python install --home=~ (with Python 2.4.3), as recommended in the Python documentation. The package compiles successfully and copies itself to what I assume are the correct directories (the directory ~/lib64/python/pyproj appears during install).
But, when I load Python up and type import pyproj, I'm told ImportError: No module named pyproj.
Any thoughts on what might be going on?
You'll need to set PYTHONPATH to tell Python where to locate your locally installed packages.
For example:
[you#home]$ export PYTHONPATH="~/lib64/python"
Or, to do this within the interpreter (or script):
import sys, os
For more information on how Python locates installed modules, see section on The Module search Path in docs.
~/lib64/python/pyproj is not part of your PYTHONPATH. There are two or three ways around this, depending on your needs.
The first is to directly modify the path in your module, suitable if you're only going to use it from one module. As noted in the comments, this method does not do expansion on the '~' character.
import sys
import pyproj
The second way is to add ~/lib64/python/pyproj to your system's PYTHONPATH, through whatever method your system suggests. A line in .bash_profile is shown below.
export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:~/lib64/python/pyproj
See the Python Documentation for more details.
