How to add icon and fanart to xbmc addon on menu - python

I can get them to show up within the addon, but I can't get them to show up on the addon select screen. Can someone show me what I'm doing wrong? (this is my first addon and I'm new at this so please forgive if it's a rookie mistake.)
import sys
import xbmcgui
import xbmcplugin
addon_handle = int(sys.argv[1])
xbmcplugin.setContent(addon_handle, 'audio')
url = ''
li = xbmcgui.ListItem('Listen', iconImage='')
li.setProperty('fanart_image', '')
xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItem(handle=addon_handle, url=url, listitem=li)


PywinAuto - Excel Automation Can not click the button

I m making an Excel automation via pywinauto library. But there is a hard challange for me due to using Excel Oracle add-ins called Smartview.
I need to click 'Private Connections' button, however i can't find any little info in app.Excel.print_control_identifiers() Private Connections
So i tried to use inspector.exe for find ui element regarding private connections button, however i couldn't find any little solvetion inside of inspector.exe's result inspector's result
Then i used another program called UISpy, however i can only find private connection's pane inside of the program. UISpy's result
i tried to find an answer but i couldn't find out anything. So, can you help me to click here?
By the way here is my code :
import pywinauto
from pywinauto import application
from pywinauto.keyboard import send_keys
from pywinauto.controls.common_controls import TreeViewWrapper
program_path = r"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\root\Office16\EXCEL.EXE"
file_path = r"C:\Users\AytugMeteBeder\Desktop\deneme.xlsx"
app = application.Application(backend="uia").start(r'{} "{}"'.format(program_path, file_path))
# sapp = application.Application(backend="uia").connect(title = 'deneme.xlsx - Excel')
myExcel = app.denemeExcel.child_window(title="Smart View", control_type="TabItem").wrapper_object()
Panel = app.denemeExcel.child_window(title="Panel", control_type="Button").wrapper_object()

python selenium datepicker gets cleared

I'm developing a python app that sets form componentes of a certain webpage (developed using vue3.js)
I'm able to set a datepicker's value, but, after that, next operation clears the dapicker away.
I must be doing something really fool, but I'm out of ideas.
Here's my code:
import sys
from selenium import webdriver
driver_headfull = None
driver_headfull = webdriver.Firefox()
firefox_options = webdriver.FirefoxOptions()
except Exception as e:
print('ERROR WHEN CREATING webdriver.Firefox()')
print("Please, verify you have installed: firefox and that geckodriver.exe's is in %PATH%")
#navigate to url
#set a datepicker
element_to_interact_with_headfull = driver_headfull.find_element_by_id('datesPolicyEffectiveDate')
driver_headfull.execute_script("arguments[0].value = '2020-07-01';", element_to_interact_with_headfull)
#set a <div> that behaves like a <select>.
element_to_interact_with_headfull = driver_headfull.find_element_by_id('industryDescription')
driver_headfull.execute_script("arguments[0].click();", element_to_interact_with_headfull)
element_pseudo_select_option_headfull = driver_headfull.find_element_by_id('descriptionIndustryoption0')
driver_headfull.execute_script("arguments[0].click();", element_pseudo_select_option_headfull)
# this very last instruction resets value of html_id=datesPolicyEffectiveDate (datepicker)
Any ideas will be so welcome!
Well, this was a pain. I'll post it in case it's of any use for someone.
It seems the component was reloaded, and I was setting the son of the component by means of
arguments[0].value = '2020-07-01';
so the parent wouldn't see the change, and would automatically reload the child with a default (empty) value.
Adding the following snippet solved my trouble:
driver_headfull.execute_script("arguments[0].value = '2021-07-01';", element_to_interact_with_headfull)
driver_headfull.execute_script("arguments[0].dispatchEvent(new Event('input', { bubbles: true }));", element_to_interact_with_headfull)

How can we get tooltips and popups to show in Folium

I am trying to get a tooltip and/or a popup to show on a map. When I zoom in, this is all that I see.
Here is the code that I am testing.
import folium
import requests
from xml.etree import ElementTree
from folium import plugins
m = folium.Map(location=[40.6976701, -74.2598704], zoom_start=10)'path')
for lat,lon,name,tip in zip(df_final['Latitude(DecDeg)'], df_final['Latitude(DecDeg)'], df_final['Market Description'], df_final['Project Description']):
folium.Marker(location=[lat,lon], tooltip = tip, popup = name)
I feel like I'm missing a library, or some such thing. Any idea why this is not working correctly?
It seems you forgot to use .add_to(m) to add it to map
marker = folium.Marker(...)
Minimal working code:
import folium
import webbrowser # open file in webbrowser
m = folium.Map(location=[40.6976701, -74.2598704], zoom_start=10)
marker = folium.Marker(location=[40.6976701, -74.2598704],
popup='<h1>Happy New Year!</h1><br><br>www:<br><br>date: 2021.01.01')
marker.add_to(m)'map.html')'map.html') # open file in webbrowser

Python ShellWindows Internet Explorer get Page Source

I'm trying to get some data from all running IE instances to hook the logged username from the page source, i tried with selenium to make the users run IE from selenium and then when the user logs in i get the Username and it kinda works in the first tab only, if the user go to the login page from another window/tab, i can't catch that. It looks like selenium with IE window_handles dont work very well.
Searching on google i might have found something better for me that could grab some data from stock internet explorer in all running tabs/windows.
Following this link i was able to get the Page Title and the Location URL and it also explain how to make the page navigate to another URL.
Now what I cant find is how to get the page source.
from win32com.client import Dispatch
from win32gui import GetClassName
ShellWindowsCLSID = '{9BA05972-F6A8-11CF-A442-00A0C90A8F39}'
ShellWindows = Dispatch ( ShellWindowsCLSID )
for sw in ShellWindows :
if GetClassName ( sw . HWND ) == 'IEFrame' :
#sw.Document.Location = "" navigating to another url
print(50 * '-')
I found a solution from this link so basically to get the page Source
from win32com.client import Dispatch
from win32gui import GetClassName
ShellWindowsCLSID = '{9BA05972-F6A8-11CF-A442-00A0C90A8F39}'
ShellWindows = Dispatch ( ShellWindowsCLSID )
for sw in ShellWindows :
if GetClassName ( sw . HWND ) == 'IEFrame' :
#print the source
#get all elements
elements = sw.Document.all
#get all inputs
inputs = [x for x in elements if x.tagName == "INPUT"] # tag name is always uppercase
#get all buttons
buttons = [x for x in elements if x.tagName == "BUTTON"]
#get by class name
rows = [x for x in elements if "row" in x.className.split(' ')]
#get by id
username = [x for x in elements if x.getAttribute("id") == "username"]
Analyzing the file you can see that you can set input value or click button, etc.

python webkit webview remember cookies?

I have written a short python script that opens Google music in web view window. however I can't seem to find anything about getting webkit to use cookies so that I don't have to login every time I start it up.
Here's what I have:
#!/usr/bin/env python
import gtk, webkit
import ctypes
libgobject = ctypes.CDLL('/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/')
libwebkit = ctypes.CDLL('/usr/lib/')
libsoup = ctypes.CDLL('/usr/lib/')
libwebkit = ctypes.CDLL('/usr/lib/')
proxy_uri = libsoup.soup_uri_new('') #proxy urli
session = libwebkit.webkit_get_default_session()
libgobject.g_object_set(session, "proxy-uri", proxy_uri, None)
w = gtk.Window()
w.connect('delete-event', lambda w, event: gtk.main_quit())
s = gtk.ScrolledWindow()
v = webkit.WebView()
Any help on this would be greatly appreciated,
Worked it out, but it required learning more ctypes than I wanted -_-. Try this- I required different library paths, etc than you, so I'll just paste what's relevant.
#remove all cookiejars
generic_cookiejar_type = libgobject.g_type_from_name('SoupCookieJar')
libsoup.soup_session_remove_feature_by_type(session, generic_cookiejar_type)
#and replace with a new persistent jar
cookiejar = libsoup.soup_cookie_jar_text_new('/path/to/your/cookies.txt',False)
libsoup.soup_session_add_feature(session, cookiejar)
The code's pretty self explanatory. There's also a SoupCookieJarSqlite that you might prefer, though I'm sure the text file would be easier for development.
EDIT: actually, the cookie jar removal doesn't seem to be doing anything, so the appropriate snippet is
#add a new persistent cookie jar
cookiejar = libsoup.soup_cookie_jar_text_new('/path/to/your/cookies.txt',False)
libsoup.soup_session_add_feature(session, cookiejar)
I know its old question and have been looking for the answer all over the place. Finally came up on my own after some trial and error. Hope this helps others.
This is basically same answer from Matt, just using GIR introspection and feels more pythonish.
from gi.repository import Soup
cookiejar ="<Your cookie path>", False)
session = WebKit.get_default_session()
In the latest version i.e. GTK WebKit2 4.0, this has to be done in the following way:
import gi
gi.require_version('Soup', '2.4')
gi.require_version('WebKit2', '4.0')
from gi.repository import Soup
from gi.repository import WebKit2
browser = WebKit2.WebView()
website_data_manager = browser.get_website_data_manager()
cookie_manager = website_data_manager.get_cookie_manager()
cookie_manager.set_persistent_storage('PATH_TO_YOUR/cookie.txt', WebKit2.CookiePersistentStorage.TEXT)
