pyQt Matplotlib widget live data updates - python

Writing in Python 2.7 using pyQt 4.8.5:
How may I update a Matplotlib widget in real time within pyQt?
Currently I'm sampling data (random.gauss for now), appending this and plotting - you can see that I'm clearing the figure each time and re-plotting for each call:
def getData(self): = random.gauss(10,0.1)
def updateData(self):
My GUI works though I think this is the wrong way to achieve this as its highly inefficient, I believe I should use the 'animate call'(?) whilst plotting, though I don't know how.

One idea would be to update only the graphics object after the first plot was done.
axes.plot should return a Line2D object whose x and y-data you can modify:
So, once you have the line plotted, don't delete and plot a new one, but modify the existing:
def updateData(self):
if not hasattr(self, 'line'):
# this should only be executed on the first call to updateData
self.line = self.ui.graph.axes.plot(self.ValueTotal,'r-')
# now we only modify the plotted line


Is there a way to plot something iteratively so that the new plot overwrites the previous plot?

What I want to do is to dynamically change a plot so that I can see it update as Python is executing its code. Here is what I've come up with:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import time
def plotResult(x,y):
for i in range(5):
x = [2,3,5*i]
y = [1,2,3]
What I want is for each call of "plotResult" to erase the previous plot with the new plot in its place. What I end up with instead is each plot on top of each other. I'm using time.sleep here because I want some time to look at the newly plotted result before it gets erased and replaced with a new plot. I guess I'm essentially trying to create an animation here with each frame being a call to plotResult.
I'm going to do this for a code with a much longer execution time, so I don't want to have to wait until the code is done being executed to view the animation. Please let me know if you know of a way to do this.
Read about the FuncAnimation class. It repeatedly calls a function to update each frame of the animation.

Python Bokeh - Plot not updating when Select is changed

I've written a function which basically makes some calculations and returns a Bokeh plot object.
Then I'm calling that function to display some initial output to the user. After that I have a function which is there to check for updates.
I also have a Select, so the user can select option he/she wants. Finally, I'm updating the plot.
Here's the structure of the code:
plot = my_custom_function(dataset, 'input_parameter')
def update_plot(attr, old, new):
if new == 'some_other':
plot = my_custom_function(dataset, new)
plot = my_custom_function(dataset, old)
select = Select(title='Charging Station', options=['the_first', 'some_other'], value='the_first')
select.on_change('value', update_plot)
layout = row(select, plot)
The problem is, the chart is not updating? What is the problem?
There are a number of things to mention here:
First, are you running this with the Bokeh server, i.e. bokeh serve Real Python callbacks (e.g. with on_change) only work in the Bokeh server (the Bokeh server is the Python process that actually runs the callback code)
Your callback, as written, has no effect whatsoever. You assign to a local variable plot that only exists inside the callback function, and then disappears as soon as the function ends. You have not actually updated anything, so the entire callback is a no-op. What the callback needs to do is modify the plot you made earlier, e.g. by updating the existing data sources. A typical Bokeh app has a structure along the lines of:
source = ColumnDataSource(...)
p = figure(...)
p.line(..., source=source)
def update(attr, old, new): = some_new_data # Update the *existing* data source
p.title.text = "new title" # Update properties on *existing* objects
select = Select(...)
select.on_change('value', update)
All of the example apps in repository follow this kind of pattern.
The last thing to mention is that it is always 100% best practice to make the smallest change possible. I.e. you should update the .data for an existing data source, not replace entire data sources (or plots) with new ones. Bokeh is optimized for this kind of updating.

Plot freezing because of fast input stream to a GNU Radio block

I have implemented a sync block which plots inside its work function using the input_items values. Now the problem is that the plotting mechanism isn't fast enough for the input stream ( the value of input_items keeps on changing ).
I have tried to simplify the code as much as possible and added comments. Here it is:
import matplotlib
from matplotlib.backends.backend_wxagg import FigureCanvasWxAgg as FigCanvas
from matplotlib.backends.backend_wx import NavigationToolbar2Wx
from matplotlib.figure import Figure
temp = ''
class xyz(gr.sync_block):
def __init__(self,parent,title,order):
a = []
self.count = 1
out_sig=None) = xyzPlot(parent) #I have a Top Block(wxFrame). I am just making it the parent of xyzPlot(wxPanel) here.
def work(self, input_items, output_items):
global temp
if (self.count == 1):
temp = input_items+list()
bool = not(np.allclose(temp,input_items))#bool will be true if the value of `input_items` changes.
#the code that evaluates z1,z2 depending on the value of input_items
if ( bool or self.count == 1 ):
#If bool is true or it is the first time then I am calling plot() which plots the graph.,self.z3),None,True,True,True,True)
self.count = 0
temp = input_items+list()
return len(input_items[0])
class xyzPlot(wx.Panel):
def __init__(self, parent, dB=None, Hz=None, deg=None):
wx.Panel.__init__(self , parent , -1 ,size=(600,475))
self.fig = Figure()
self.axes = self.fig.add_subplot(111)
def plot(self, syslist, omega=None, dB=None, Hz=None, deg=None, Plot=True, *args , **kwargs):
self.axes.clear() #I clear the graph here so that new values can be plotted.
self.canvas = FigCanvas(self, -1, self.fig)
As you can see I am working with wxPython but the panel freezes whenever I change the value of input_items too fast ( It works fine if I change it slowly ). Any recommendations? I am new to this.
To cite another answer I gave:
This will quickly also get a multithreading problem. To be clear: What
you're trying to do (call a plotting function from a block thread) is
problematic and usually won't work.
The problem is that you're working in a complex multithreading environment:
each GNU Radio block works in its own thread
The WX Gui main loop runs continously to update the screen.
What you're doing here is, from a GNU Radio block thread, change what is shown in the window. That is a bad thing, because it changes things that are in the context of the WX Gui thread. This can work, if these changes don't conflict, and if the WX Gui thread doesn't access this kind of data while you're changing it (at some point, it has to access it -- otherwise, noone will update your window).
This is a problem common to all kind of updated GUIs, not only to GNU Radio!
Whether or not that happens is a mere case of probability: With a slowly updated display, your probability of conflict is low, but when you update often, it approaches 1.
The existing visualizations are written in C++ and take very great care to do things the right way -- which is, letting your Gui toolkit (WX in your case, though I explicitely recommend, and have recommended, to move away from that) know that things need to be updated, and then offering WX a function to update the display in its own thread.

bokeh overlay multiple plot objects in a GridPlot

Say I have a class that holds some data and implements a function that returns a bokeh plot
import bokeh.plotting as bk
class Data():
def plot(self,**kwargs):
# do something to retrieve data
return bk.line(**kwargs)
Now I can instantiate multiple of these Data objects like exps and sets and create individual plots. If bk.hold() is set they'll, end up in one figure (which is basically what I want).
Now I want aggregate these plots into a GridPlot() I can do it for the non overlayed single plots
but I don't know how I can overlay the scatter plots I had earlier as exps.scatter.
Is there any way to get a reference to the currently active figure like:
af = bk.get_reference_to_figure()
rows.append(af) # append the active figure to rows list
bg.figure() # reset figure
gp = bk.GridPlot(children=[rows])
As of Bokeh 0.7 the interface has been changed to be more explicit and hopefully this will make things like this simpler and more clear. The basic change is that figure now returns an object, so you can just directly act on those objects without having to wonder what the "currently active" plot is:
p1 = figure(...)
p2 = figure(...)
gp = gridplot([p1, p2])
Almost all the previous code should work for now, but hold, curplot etc. are deprecated (and issue deprecation warnings if you run python with deprecation warnings enabled) and will be removed in a future release.
Ok apparently bk.curplot() does the trick
p1 = bk.curplot()
bg.figure() # reset figure
p2 = bk.curplot()
gp = bk.GridPlot(children=[[p1,p2])

Basemap and Matplotlib - Improving Speed

I'm creating a tool for geospatial visualization of economic data using Matplotlib and Basemap.
However, right now, the only way I thought of that gives me enough flexibility is to create a new basemap every time I want to change the data.
Here are the relevant parts of the code I'm using:
class WorldMapCanvas(FigureCanvas):
def __init__(self,data,country_data):
self.text_objects = {}
self.figure = Figure()
self.canvas = FigureCanvas(self.figure)
self.axes = self.figure.add_subplot(111) = data
self.country_data = country_data
#this draws the graph
super(WorldMapCanvas, self).__init__(Figure()) = Basemap(projection='robin',lon_0=0,resolution='c', ax=self.axes)
self.country_info =
'shapefiles/world_country_admin_boundary_shapefile_with_fips_codes', 'world', drawbounds=True,linewidth=.3) = '#85A6D9')'white',lake_color='#85A6D9')'#6D5F47', linewidth=.3)'#6D5F47', linewidth=.3)
self.countrynames = []
for shapedict in
min_key = min(data, key=data.get)
max_key = max(data, key=data.get)
minv = data[min_key]
maxv = data[max_key]
for key in
How can I create these plots faster?
I couldn't think of a solution to avoid creating a map every time I run my code. I tried creating the canvas/figure outside of the class but it didn't make that much of a difference. The slowest call is the one that creates the Basemap and loads the shape data. Everything else runs quite fast.
Also, I tried saving the Basemap for future use but since I need new axes I couldn't get it to work. Maybe you can point me in the right direction on how to do this.
I'd like you to know that I'm using the canvas as a PySide QWidget and that I'm plotting different kinds of maps depending on the data, this is just one of them (another would be a map of Europe, for instance, or the US).
You can pickle and unpickle Basemap instances (there is an example of doing this in the basemap source) which might save you a fair chunk of time on the plot creation.
Additionally, it is probably worth seeing how long the shapefile reading is taking (you may want to pickle that too).
Finally, I would seriously consider investigating the option of updating country colours for data, rather than making a new figure each time.
