"executable not specified" error when running python script - python

I moved a script I was working on to another computer with the same version of python. When I try running the script on the second computer, I get an error that reads
error running myscript: Executable is not specified
Tried looking it up, didnt' seem to find anything.
Is it possible this is because I installed python alone on the first computer, but anaconda on the second? I'm not really sure what could cause the error. As far as I can tell it has nothing to do with the code. Tested on the original computer and worked fine.

Ended up just creating an executable through py2exe rather than trying to figure out what was going on with the paths. Works perfectly.


Running pyinstaller on Ubuntu 20.04 creates file not able to run properly

I'm working on a VirtualBox Machine running Ubuntu 20.04 as the software. I'm using the virtual machine to create executable scripts using pyinstaller that will work across several platform types.
What Happens
Using the terminal, I run python3 -m PyInstaller --onefile "filename.py", which works as it should and creates a single file of the program. However, the name of the program is just that, the name. There is no file type associated with it and the end is just blank. For example, if the program name is program v.1.0.py, the executable's name is program v.1.0. Once I click on it, it will not run and nothing will show up. The log file I have set up shows the error CRITICAL: Program experienced unexpected error. Program terminated with EOF when reading a line. From my research, I understand this can happen when there is an input clause that is not fulfilled, which makes sense as the first line of the code begins with an input line.
What Should Happen
The executable should pop up a terminal dialogue as it does on my Debian and Windows devices, but instead, I get nothing, not even an indication of something going wrong. If anyone has experience with something similar and an idea of how to fix it, I would appreciate the help.

Python is searching in the wrong user folder

I am running a python script with Process.Start from c#. The program works correctly on my main PC however when I try to run it on another computer it comes up with this error:
No Python at 'C:\Users\[User name on main Pc ]\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WindowsApps\PythonSoftwareFoundation.Python.3.8_qbz5n2kfra8p0\python.exe'
How could I solve this?
It seems that Python is not installed on the other PC. That's why your script is not working. You need to install Python first, so your PC is able to interpret your code.

PyInstaller Failed to Execute Script (pandas)

I've been using PyInstaller for a while now for work. Today I've been trying to compile a program for work using the same process I always do on the same program with some bug fixes - and the compile goes all the way through and builds. The final exe file gives me a weird error.
Same problem on my co-worker's computer. We also tried to use Py2Exe with no success.
What am I doing wrong? Any tips?
Screenshots - https://imgur.com/a/AEcS2

Tensorflow - running python files in Spyder

to give a bit of background I'm trying to use TensorFlow object detection api. I have been following this tutorial https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MoMjIwGSFVQ
15 minutes into it he uses Spyder, and runs the python files on it. I've never used Spyder before, and for some reason it's not running my files at all? When I press run nothing is returned on the console.
So can anyone suggest a different IDE that I could use that would allow me to do the same things as he does? Or would anyone be able to tell me why Spyder might not be running. (I installed it in Linux terminal, and simply imported the file as a project as he did, and so I'm a bit stumped as to whats going wrong).

Windows executeable created with Py2exe won't run on another computer

I created an executeable of my Python script. Everything works just fine on my first computer but when I try to run this very same executeable in another computer, it wont work. When I try to run my executeable I see that computer tries to open it, because command prompt window appears but nothing else happens, prompt window will disappear. Problem can't be in computer, because both my computers are 32 bit Windows machines and I have done similar things before but this kind of error I see first time.
I don't want to post my code at first, because it is more than 500 lines long. But I will give some more specifications about my problem.
This program I create is actually advanced version of application i made earlier. And earlier version worked fine in both of my computers. This advanced version, I am working on now, is developed into many standalone Python scripts unlike first one which was only one script. Could this be the source of my problem? Should I do something different when running setup.py now when I have many scripts?
And then there is third version of my application. Executeable of it runs fine on computer where I created it, but in my second computer it wont run either. But this time I get error too. When I run this program in my second computer the opening screen of aplication appears, there are some buttons which are meant to open other scripts, when they are clicked on. But when I click them I get following error: The system cannot find the path specified.
If someone is willing to look into my long code, then I am willing to share it. But again I dont want to post it here.
I am using Python 2.7 and windows 7 in my first computer and windows XP on my second computer.
I would be very grateful if someone points me right direction which helps me to solve my problem.
