I am trying to get a correct way of fitting a beta distribution. It's not a real world problem i am just testing the effects of a few different methods, and in doing this something is puzzling me.
Here is the python code I am working on, in which I tested 3 different approaches:
1>: fit using moments (sample mean and variance).
2>: fit by minimizing the negative log-likelihood (by using scipy.optimize.fmin()).
3>: simply call scipy.stats.beta.fit()
from scipy.optimize import fmin
from scipy.stats import beta
from scipy.special import gamma as gammaf
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy
def betaNLL(param,*args):
'''Negative log likelihood function for beta
<param>: list for parameters to be fitted.
<args>: 1-element array containing the sample data.
Return <nll>: negative log-likelihood to be minimized.
#-----Replace -inf with 0s------
return nll
#-------------------Sample data-------------------
#----------------Normalize to [0,1]----------------
#----------------Fit using moments----------------
#------------------Fit using mle------------------
#----------------Fit using beta.fit----------------
print '\n# alpha,beta from moments:',alpha1,beta1
print '# alpha,beta from mle:',alpha2,beta2
print '# alpha,beta from beta.fit:',alpha3,beta3
fitted=lambda x,a,b:gammaf(a+b)/gammaf(a)/gammaf(b)*x**(a-1)*(1-x)**(b-1) #pdf of beta
The problem I have is about the normalization process (z=(x-a)/(b-a)) where a and b are the min and max of the sample, respectively.
When I don't do the normalization, everything works Ok, there are slight differences among different fitting methods, by reasonably good.
But when I did the normalization, here is the result plot I got.
Only the moment method (green line) looks Ok.
The scipy.stats.beta.fit() method (red line) is uniform always, no matter what parameters I use to generate the random numbers.
And the MLE (blue line) fails.
So it seems like the normalization is creating these issues. But I think it is legal to have x=0 and x=1 in the beta distribution. And if given a real world problem, isn't it the 1st step to normalize the sample observations to make it in between [0,1] ? In that case, how should I fit the curve?
The problem is that beta.pdf() sometimes returns 0 and inf for 0 and 1. For example:
>>> from scipy.stats import beta
>>> beta.pdf(1,1.05,0.95)
/usr/lib64/python2.6/site-packages/scipy/stats/distributions.py:1165: RuntimeWarning: divide by zero encountered in power
Px = (1.0-x)**(b-1.0) * x**(a-1.0)
>>> beta.pdf(0,1.05,0.95)
You're guaranteeing that you will have one data sample at 0 and 1 by your normalization process. Although you "correct" for values at which the pdf is 0, you are not correcting for those which return inf. To account for this you can just remove all the values which are not finite:
def betaNLL(param,*args):
Negative log likelihood function for beta
<param>: list for parameters to be fitted.
<args>: 1-element array containing the sample data.
Return <nll>: negative log-likelihood to be minimized.
a, b = param
data = args[0]
pdf = beta.pdf(data,a,b,loc=0,scale=1)
lg = np.log(pdf)
mask = np.isfinite(lg)
nll = -lg[mask].sum()
return nll
Really you shouldn't be normalizing like this though, because you are essentially throwing two data points out of the fit.
Without a docstring for beta.fit, it was a little tricky to find, but if you know the upper and lower limits you want to force upon beta.fit, you can use the kwargs floc and fscale.
I ran your code only using the beta.fit method, but with and without the floc and fscale kwargs. Also, I checked it with the arguments as ints and floats to make sure that wouldn't affect your answer. It didn't (on this test. I can't say if it never would.)
>>> from scipy.stats import beta
>>> import numpy
>>> def betaNLL(param,*args):
'''Negative log likelihood function for beta
<param>: list for parameters to be fitted.
<args>: 1-element array containing the sample data.
Return <nll>: negative log-likelihood to be minimized.
#-----Replace -inf with 0s------
return nll
>>> data=beta.rvs(5,2,loc=0,scale=1,size=500)
>>> beta.fit(data)
(5.696963536654355, 2.0005252702837009, -0.060443307228404922, 1.0580278414086459)
>>> beta.fit(data,floc=0,fscale=1)
(5.0952451826831462, 1.9546341057106007, 0, 1)
>>> beta.fit(data,floc=0.,fscale=1.)
(5.0952451826831462, 1.9546341057106007, 0.0, 1.0)
In conclusion, it seems this doesn't change your data (through normalization) or throw out data. I just think it should be noted that care should be taken when using this. In your case, you knew the limits were 0 and 1 because you got data out of a defined distribution that was between 0 and 1. In other cases, limits might be known, but if they are not known, beta.fit will provide them. In this case, without specifying the limits of 0 and 1, beta.fit calculated them to be loc=-0.06 and scale=1.058.
I used the method proposed in doi:10.1080/00949657808810232 to fir the beta parameters:
from scipy.special import psi
from scipy.special import polygamma
from scipy.optimize import root_scalar
from numpy.random import beta
import numpy as np
def ipsi(y):
if y >= -2.22:
x = np.exp(y) + 0.5
x = - 1/ (y + psi(1))
for i in range(5):
x = x - (psi(x) - y)/(polygamma(1,x))
return x
# q satisface
# psi(q) - psi(ipsi(lng1 - lng2 + psi(q)) + q) -lng2 = 0
# O sea, busco raíz de
# f(q) = psi(q) - psi(ipsi(lng1 - lng2 + psi(q)) + q) -lng2
# luego:
# p = ipsi(lng1 - lng2 + psi(q))
def f(q,lng1,lng2):
return psi(q) - psi(ipsi(lng1 - lng2 + psi(q)) + q) -lng2
def ml_beta_pq(sample):
lng1 = np.log(sample).mean()
lng2 = np.log(1-sample).mean()
def g(q):
return f(q,lng1,lng2)
p = ipsi(lng1 - lng2 + psi(q))
return p, q
p = 2
q = 5
n = 1500
sample = beta(p,q,n)
ps,qs = ml_beta_pq(sample) #s de sombrero
print(f'Estimación de parámetros de una beta({p}, {q}) \na partir de una muestra de tamaño n = {n}')
print(f'\nn ={n:5d} | p | q')
print(f'original | {p:2.3f} | {q:2.3f}')
print(f'estimado | {ps:2.3f} | {qs:2.3f}')
I have a problem with optimization of the rejection method of generating continuous random variables. I've got a density: f(x) = 3/2 (1-x^2). Here's my code:
import random
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import time
import scipy.stats as ss
a=0 # xmin
b=1 # xmax
m=3/2 # ymax
variables = [] #list for variables
def f(x):
return 3/2 * (1 - x**2) #probability density function
reject = 0 # number of rejections
start = time.time()
while len(variables) < 100000: #I want to generate 100 000 variables
u1 = random.uniform(a,b)
u2 = random.uniform(0,m)
if u2 <= f(u1):
reject +=1
end = time.time()
print("Time: ", end-start)
print("Rejection: ", reject)
x = np.linspace(a,b,1000)
plt.hist(variables,50, density=1)
plt.plot(x, f(x))
ss.probplot(variables, plot=plt)
My first question: Is my probability plot made properly?
And the second, what is in the title. How to optimize that method? I would like to get some advice to optimize the code. Now that code takes about 0.5 seconds and there are about 50 000 rejections. Is it possible to reduce the time and number of rejections? If it's needed I can optimize using a different method of generating variables.
My first question: Is my probability plot made properly?
No. It is made versus default normal distribution. You have to pack your function f(x) into class derived from stats.rv_continuous, make it into _pdf method, and pass it to probplot
And the second, what is in the title. How to optimise that method? Is it possible to reduce the time and number of rejections?
Sure, you have the power of NumPy vector abilities at your hands. Don't ever write explicit loops - vectoriz, vectorize and vectorize!
Look at modified code below, not a single loop, everything is done via NumPy vectors. Time went down on my computer for 100000 samples (Xeon, Win10 x64, Anaconda Python 3.7) from 0.19 to 0.003.
import numpy as np
import scipy.stats as ss
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import time
a = 0. # xmin
b = 1. # xmax
m = 3.0/2.0 # ymax
def f(x):
return 1.5 * (1.0 - x*x) # probability density function
start = time.time()
N = 100000
u1 = np.random.uniform(a, b, N)
u2 = np.random.uniform(0.0, m, N)
negs = np.empty(N)
variables = np.where(u2 <= f(u1), u1, negs) # accepted samples are positive or 0, rejected are -1
end = time.time()
accept = np.extract(variables>=0.0, variables)
reject = N - len(accept)
print("Time: ", end-start)
print("Rejection: ", reject)
x = np.linspace(a, b, 1000)
plt.hist(accept, 50, density=True)
plt.plot(x, f(x))
ss.probplot(accept, plot=plt) # against normal distribution
Concerning reducing number of rejections, you could sample with 0 rejects doing inverse method, it is cubic equation so it could work with easy
Here is the code to use for probplot:
class my_pdf(ss.rv_continuous):
def _pdf(self, x):
return 1.5 * (1.0 - x*x)
ss.probplot(accept, dist=my_pdf(a=a, b=b, name='my_pdf'), plot=plt)
and you should get something like
Regarding your first question, scipy.stats.probplot compares your sample against the quantiles of the normal distribution. If you'd like it to compare against the quantiles of your f(x) distribution, check out the dist parameter of probplot.
In terms of making this sampling procedure faster, avoiding loops is generally the way to go. Replacing the code between start = ... and end = ... with the following resulted in a >20x speedup for me.
n_before_accept_reject = 150000
u1 = np.random.uniform(a, b, size=n_before_accept_reject)
u2 = np.random.uniform(0, m, size=n_before_accept_reject)
variables = u1[u2 <= f(u1)]
reject = n_before_accept_reject - len(variables)
Note that this will give you approximately 100000 accepted samples each time you run it. You could raise the value of n_before_accept_reject slightly to effectively guarantee that variables will always have >100000 accepted values, and then just cap the size of variables to return exactly 100000 if necessary.
Others have spoken to the probability plotting, I'm going to address the efficiency of the rejection algorithm.
Acceptance/rejection schemes are based on m(x), a "majorizing function". A majorizing function should have two properties: 1) m(x)≥ f(x) ∀ x; and 2) m(x), when scaled to be a distribution, should be easy to generate values from.
You went with the constant function m = 3/2, which meets both requirements but does not bound f(x) very closely. Integrated from zero to one, that has an area of 3/2. Your f(x), being a valid density function, has an area of 1. Consequently, ∫f(x)) / ∫m(x)) = 1 / (3/2) = 2/3. In other words, 2/3 of the values you generate from the majorizing function are accepted, and you are rejecting 1/3 of the attempts.
You need an m(x) which provides a tighter bound for f(x). I went with a line which is tangent to f(x) at x = 1/2. With a little bit of calculus to get the slope, I derived m(x) = 15/8 - 3x/2.
This choice of m(x) has an area of 9/8, so only 1/9 of the values will be rejected. A bit more calculus yielded the inverse transform generator for x's based on this m(x) is x = (5 - sqrt(25 - 24U)) / 4, where U is a uniform(0,1) random varible.
Here's an implementation, based off your original version. I wrapped the rejection scheme in a function, and created the values with a list comprehension rather than appending to a list. As you'll see if you run this, it produces a lot fewer rejections than your original version.
import random
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import time
import math
import scipy.stats as ss
a = 0 # xmin
b = 1 # xmax
reject = 0 # number of rejections
def f(x):
return 3.0 / 2.0 * (1.0 - x**2) #probability density function
def m(x):
return 1.875 - 1.5 * x
def generate_x():
global reject
while True:
x = (5.0 - math.sqrt(25.0 - random.uniform(0.0, 24.0))) / 4.0
u = random.uniform(0, m(x))
if u <= f(x):
return x
reject += 1
start = time.time()
variables = [generate_x() for _ in range(100000)]
end = time.time()
print("Time: ", end-start)
print("Rejection: ", reject)
x = np.linspace(a,b,1000)
plt.hist(variables,50, density=1)
plt.plot(x, f(x))
In Python, I know how to calculate r and associated p-value using scipy.stats.pearsonr, but I'm unable to find a way to calculate the confidence interval of r. How is this done? Thanks for any help :)
According to [1], calculation of confidence interval directly with Pearson r is complicated due to the fact that it is not normally distributed. The following steps are needed:
Convert r to z',
Calculate the z' confidence interval. The sampling distribution of z' is approximately normally distributed and has standard error of 1/sqrt(n-3).
Convert the confidence interval back to r.
Here are some sample codes:
def r_to_z(r):
return math.log((1 + r) / (1 - r)) / 2.0
def z_to_r(z):
e = math.exp(2 * z)
return((e - 1) / (e + 1))
def r_confidence_interval(r, alpha, n):
z = r_to_z(r)
se = 1.0 / math.sqrt(n - 3)
z_crit = stats.norm.ppf(1 - alpha/2) # 2-tailed z critical value
lo = z - z_crit * se
hi = z + z_crit * se
# Return a sequence
return (z_to_r(lo), z_to_r(hi))
Using rpy2 and the psychometric library (you will need R installed and to run install.packages("psychometric") within R first)
from rpy2.robjects.packages import importr
psychometric.CIr(r=.9, n = 100, level = .95)
Where 0.9 is your correlation, n the sample size and 0.95 the confidence level
Here's a solution that uses bootstrapping to compute the confidence interval, rather than the Fisher transformation (which assumes bivariate normality, etc.), borrowing from this answer:
import numpy as np
def pearsonr_ci(x, y, ci=95, n_boots=10000):
x = np.asarray(x)
y = np.asarray(y)
# (n_boots, n_observations) paired arrays
rand_ixs = np.random.randint(0, x.shape[0], size=(n_boots, x.shape[0]))
x_boots = x[rand_ixs]
y_boots = y[rand_ixs]
# differences from mean
x_mdiffs = x_boots - x_boots.mean(axis=1)[:, None]
y_mdiffs = y_boots - y_boots.mean(axis=1)[:, None]
# sums of squares
x_ss = np.einsum('ij, ij -> i', x_mdiffs, x_mdiffs)
y_ss = np.einsum('ij, ij -> i', y_mdiffs, y_mdiffs)
# pearson correlations
r_boots = np.einsum('ij, ij -> i', x_mdiffs, y_mdiffs) / np.sqrt(x_ss * y_ss)
# upper and lower bounds for confidence interval
ci_low = np.percentile(r_boots, (100 - ci) / 2)
ci_high = np.percentile(r_boots, (ci + 100) / 2)
return ci_low, ci_high
Answer given by bennylp is mostly correct, however, there is a small error in calculating the critical value in the 3rd function.
It should instead be:
def r_confidence_interval(r, alpha, n):
z = r_to_z(r)
se = 1.0 / math.sqrt(n - 3)
z_crit = stats.norm.ppf((1 + alpha)/2) # 2-tailed z critical value
lo = z - z_crit * se
hi = z + z_crit * se
# Return a sequence
return (z_to_r(lo), z_to_r(hi))
Here's another post for reference: Scipy - two tail ppf function for a z value?
I know bootstrapping has been suggested above, proposing another variation of it below, which may suit some other set ups better.
Sample your data (paired X & Ys and can also add other say weight) , fit original model on it, record r2, append it. Then extract your confidence intervals from your distribution of all R2s recorded.
#2 Additionally can fit on sampled data and using sampled data model predict on non sampled X (could also supply a continuous range to extend your predictions instead of using original X)
to get confidence intervals on your Y hats.
So in sample code:
import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.metrics import r2_score
x = np.array([your numbers here])
y = np.array([your numbers here])
### define list for R2 values
r2s = []
### define dataframe to append your bootstrapped fits for Y hat ranges
ci_df = pd.DataFrame({'x': x})
### define how many samples you want
how_many_straps = 5000
### define your fit function/s
def func_exponential(x,a,b):
return np.exp(b) * np.exp(a * x)
### fit original, using log because fitting exponential
polyfit_original = np.polyfit(x
,# w= could supply weight for observations here)
for i in range(how_many_straps+1):
### zip into tuples attaching X to Y, can combine more variables as well
zipped_for_boot = pd.Series(tuple(zip(x,y)))
### sample zipped X & Y pairs above with replacement
zipped_resampled = zipped_for_boot.sample(frac=1,
### creater your sampled X & Y
boot_x = []
boot_y = []
for sample in zipped_resampled:
### predict sampled using original fit
y_hat_boot_via_original_fit = func_exponential(np.asarray(boot_x),
### calculate r2 and append
r2s.append(r2_score(boot_y, y_hat_boot_via_original_fit))
### fit sampled
polyfit_boot = np.polyfit(boot_x
,# w= could supply weight for observations here)
### predict original via sampled fit or on a range of min(x) to Z
y_hat_original_via_sampled_fit = func_exponential(x,
### insert y hat into dataframe for calculating y hat confidence intervals
ci_df["trial_" + str(i)] = y_hat_original_via_sampled_fit
### R2 conf interval
low = round(pd.Series(r2s).quantile([0.025, 0.975]).tolist()[0],3)
up = round(pd.Series(r2s).quantile([0.025, 0.975]).tolist()[1],3)
F"r2 confidence interval = {low} - {up}"
I have used the finite element method to approximate the laplace equation and thus have turned it into a matrix system AU = F where A is the stiffness vector and solved for U (not massively important for my question).
I have now got my approximation U, which when i find AU i should get the vector F (or at least similar) where F is:
AU gives the following plot for x = 0 to x = 1 (say, for 20 nodes):
I then need to interpolate U to a longer vector and find AU (for a bigger A too, but not interpolating that). I interpolate U by the following:
U_inter = interp1d(x,U)
U_rich = U_inter(longer_x)
which seems to work okay until i multiply it with the longer A matrix:
It seems each spike is at a node of x (i.e. the nodes of the original U). Does anybody know what could be causing this? The following is my code to find A, U and F.
import numpy as np
import math
import scipy
from scipy.sparse import diags
import scipy.sparse.linalg
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def Poisson_Stiffness(x0):
"""Finds the Poisson equation stiffness matrix with any non uniform mesh x0"""
x0 = np.array(x0)
N = len(x0) - 1 # The amount of elements; x0, x1, ..., xN
h = x0[1:] - x0[:-1]
a = np.zeros(N+1)
a[1:-1] = 1/h[1:] + 1/h[:-1]
a[-1] = 1/h[-1]
b = -1/h
c = -1/h
data = [a.tolist(), b.tolist(), c.tolist()]
Positions = [0, 1, -1]
Stiffness_Matrix = diags(data, Positions, (N+1,N+1))
return Stiffness_Matrix
def NodalQuadrature(x0):
"""Finds the Nodal Quadrature Approximation of sin(pi x)"""
x0 = np.array(x0)
h = x0[1:] - x0[:-1]
N = len(x0) - 1
approx = np.zeros(len(x0))
for i in range(1,N):
approx[i] = math.sin(math.pi*x0[i])
approx[i] = (approx[i]*h[i-1] + approx[i]*h[i])/2
return approx
def Solver(x0):
Stiff_Matrix = Poisson_Stiffness(x0)
NodalApproximation = NodalQuadrature(x0)
NodalApproximation[0] = 0
U = scipy.sparse.linalg.spsolve(Stiff_Matrix, NodalApproximation)
return U
x = np.linspace(0,1,10)
rich_x = np.linspace(0,1,50)
U = Solver(x)
A_rich = Poisson_Stiffness(rich_x)
U_inter = interp1d(x,U)
U_rich = U_inter(rich_x)
AUrich = A_rich.dot(U_rich)
comment 1:
I added a Stiffness_Matrix = Stiffness_Matrix.tocsr() statement to avoid an efficiency warning. FE calculations are complex enough that I'll have to print out some intermediate values before I can identify what is going on.
comment 2:
plt.plot(rich_x,A_rich.dot(Solver(rich_x))) plots nice. The noise you get is the result of the difference between the inperpolated U_rich and the true solution: U_rich-Solver(rich_x).
comment 3:
I don't think there's a problem with your code. The problem is with idea that you can test an interpolation this way. I'm rusty on FE theory, but I think you need to use the shape functions to interpolate, not a simple linear one.
comment 4:
Intuitively, with A_rich.dot(U_rich) you are asking, what kind of forcing F would produce U_rich. Compared to Solver(rich_x), U_rich has flat spots, regions where it's value is less than the true solution. What F would produce that? One that is spiky, with NodalQuadrature(x) at the x points, but near zero values in between. That's what your plot is showing.
A higher order interpolation will eliminate the flat spots, and produce a smoother back calculated F. But you really need to revisit the FE theory.
You might find it instructive to look at
plt.plot(rich_x, NodalQuadrature(rich_x))
The second plot is much smoother, but only about 1/5 as high.
Better yet look at:
plt.plot(rich_x,AUrich,'-*') # the spikes
plt.plot(x,NodalQuadrature(x),'o') # original forcing
plt.plot(rich_x, NodalQuadrature(rich_x),'+') # new forcing
In the model the forcing isn't continuous, it is a value at each node. With more nodes (rich_x) the magnitude at each node is less.
I have done a number of calculations to estimate μ, σ and N for my two samples. Due to a number of approximations I don't have the arrays that are expected as input to scipy.stats.ttest_ind. Unless I am mistaken I only need μ, σ and N to do a welch's t test. Is there a way to do this in python?
Here’s a straightforward implementation based on this:
import scipy.stats as stats
import numpy as np
def welch_t_test(mu1, s1, N1, mu2, s2, N2):
# Construct arrays to make calculations more succint.
N_i = np.array([N1, N2])
dof_i = N_i - 1
v_i = np.array([s1, s2]) ** 2
# Calculate t-stat, degrees of freedom, use scipy to find p-value.
t = (mu1 - mu2) / np.sqrt(np.sum(v_i / N_i))
dof = (np.sum(v_i / N_i) ** 2) / np.sum((v_i ** 2) / ((N_i ** 2) * dof_i))
p = stats.distributions.t.sf(np.abs(t), dof) * 2
return t, p
It yields virtually identical results:
sample1 = np.random.rand(10)
sample2 = np.random.rand(15)
result_test = welch_t_test(np.mean(sample1), np.std(sample1, ddof=1), sample1.size,
np.mean(sample2), np.std(sample2, ddof=1), sample2.size)
result_scipy = stats.ttest_ind(sample1, sample2,equal_var=False)
np.allclose(result_test, result_scipy)
As an update
The function is now available in scipy.stats, since version 0.16.0
scipy.stats.ttest_ind_from_stats(mean1, std1, nobs1, mean2, std2, nobs2, equal_var=True)
T-test for means of two independent samples from descriptive statistics.
This is a two-sided test for the null hypothesis that 2 independent samples have identical average (expected) values.
I have written t-test and z-test functions that take the summary statistics for statsmodels.
Those were intended mainly as internal shortcuts to avoid code duplication, and are not well documented.
For example http://statsmodels.sourceforge.net/devel/generated/statsmodels.stats.weightstats._tstat_generic.html
The list of related functions is here:
edit: in reply to comment
The function just does the core calculation, the actual calculation of the standard deviation of the difference under different assumptions is added to the calling method.
Here is an example how to use the methods of the CompareMeans class that includes the t-test based on summary statistics. We need to create a class that holds the relevant summary statistic as attributes. At the end there is a function that just wraps the relevant calls.
Created on Wed Jul 23 05:47:34 2014
Author: Josef Perktold
License: BSD-3
import numpy as np
from scipy import stats
from statsmodels.stats.weightstats import CompareMeans, ttest_ind
class SummaryStats(object):
def __init__(self, nobs, mean, std):
self.nobs = nobs
self.mean = mean
self.std = std
self._var = std**2
nobs = 20
x1 = 1 + np.random.randn(nobs)
x2 = 1 + 1.5 * np.random.randn(nobs)
print stats.ttest_ind(x1, x2, equal_var=False)
print ttest_ind(x1, x2, usevar='unequal')
s1 = SummaryStats(x1.shape[0], x1.mean(0), x1.std(0))
s2 = SummaryStats(x2.shape[0], x2.mean(0), x2.std(0))
print CompareMeans(s1, s2).ttest_ind(usevar='unequal')
def ttest_ind_summ(summ1, summ2, usevar='unequal'):
"""t-test for equality of means based on summary statistic
summ1, summ2 : tuples of (nobs, mean, std)
summary statistic for the two samples
s1 = SummaryStats(*summ1)
s2 = SummaryStats(*summ2)
return CompareMeans(s1, s2).ttest_ind(usevar=usevar)
print ttest_ind_summ((x1.shape[0], x1.mean(0), x1.std(0)),
(x2.shape[0], x2.mean(0), x2.std(0)),
''' result
(array(1.1590347327654558), 0.25416326823881513)
(1.1590347327654555, 0.25416326823881513, 35.573591346616553)
(1.1590347327654558, 0.25416326823881513, 35.57359134661656)
(1.1590347327654558, 0.25416326823881513, 35.57359134661656)
The code below is giving me a flat line for the line of best fit rather than a nice curve along the model of e^(-x) that would fit the data. Can anyone show me how to fix the code below so that it fits my data?
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import scipy.optimize
def _eNegX_(p,x):
y = (c * np.exp(-k*(x-x0))) + y0
return y
def _eNegX_residuals(p,x,y):
return y - _eNegX_(p,x)
def Get_eNegX_Coefficients(x,y):
print 'x is: ',x
print 'y is: ',y
# Calculate p_guess for the vectors x,y. Note that p_guess is the
# starting estimate for the minimization.
# Calls the leastsq() function, which calls the residuals function with an initial
# guess for the parameters and with the x and y vectors. Note that the residuals
# function also calls the _eNegX_ function. This will return the parameters p that
# minimize the least squares error of the _eNegX_ function with respect to the original
# x and y coordinate vectors that are sent to it.
p, cov, infodict, mesg, ier = scipy.optimize.leastsq(
# Define the optimal values for each element of p that were returned by the leastsq() function.
print('''Reference data:\
x0 = {x0}
y0 = {y0}
c = {c}
k = {k}
print 'x.min() is: ',x.min()
print 'x.max() is: ',x.max()
# Create a numpy array of x-values
numPoints = np.floor((x.max()-x.min())*100)
xp = np.linspace(x.min(), x.max(), numPoints)
print 'numPoints is: ',numPoints
print 'xp is: ',xp
print 'p is: ',p
print 'pxp is: ',pxp
# Plot the results
plt.plot(x, y, '>', xp, pxp, 'g-')
return p
# Declare raw data for use in creating regression equation
x = np.array([1,1.425,1.736,2.178,2.518],dtype='float')
y = np.array([3.489,2.256,1.640,1.043,0.853],dtype='float')
It looks like it's a problem with your initial guesses; something like (1, 1, 1, 1) works fine:
You have
for the function
def _eNegX_(p,x):
y = (c * np.exp(-k*(x-x0))) + y0
return y
So that's test_data_maxe^( -.01(x - test_data_median)) + test_data_min
I don't know much about the art of choosing good starting parameters, but I can say a few things. leastsq is finding a local minimum here - the key in choosing these values is to find the right mountain to climb, not to try to cut down on the work that the minimization algorithm has to do. Your initial guess looks like this (green):
(1.736, 0.85299999999999998, 3.4889999999999999, 0.01)
which results in your flat line (blue):
(-59.20295956, 1.8562 , 1.03477144, 0.69483784)
Greater gains were made in adjusting the height of the line than in increasing the k value. If you know you're fitting to this kind of data, use a larger k. If you don't know, I guess you could try to find a decent k value by sampling your data, or working back from the slope between an average of the first half and the second half, but I wouldn't know how to go about that.
Edit: You could also start with several guesses, run the minimization several times, and take the line with the lowest residuals.