Remove canvas widgets in Tkinter - python

from Tkinter import *
import random
root = Tk()
width = 700
height = 600
canvas = Canvas(root, width = width, height = height, bg = "light blue")
pipes = []
class NewPipe:
def __init__(self, pipe_pos, pipe_hole):
self.pipe_pos = list(pipe_pos)
def update(self):
self.pipe_pos[0] -= 3
self.pipe_pos[2] -= 3
def draw(self):
canvas.create_rectangle(self.pipe_pos, fill = "green")
def get_pos(self):
return self.pipe_pos
def generate_pipe():
pipe_hole = random.randrange(0, height)
pipe_pos = [width - 100, 0, width, pipe_hole]
pipes.append(NewPipe(pipe_pos, pipe_hole))
canvas.after(2000, generate_pipe)
def draw_items():
for pipe in pipes:
if pipe.get_pos()[2] <= 0 - 5:
canvas.after(100, draw_items)
def jump(press):
canvas.bind("<Button-1>", jump)
canvas.after(2000, generate_pipe)
Right now I am trying to make a game where you have to dodge rectangles, which are pipes. It is basically Flappy Bird, but on Tkinter. In this code I am trying to generate pipes and move them, but the pipes I have drawn before do not leave and they just stay there. This means that when the pipe moves, the position it was just in doesnt change and that shape stays there. Is there any way to delete past shapes, or another way to move them?

canvas.create_rectangle(self.pipe_pos, fill = "green") returns an ID.
You can use this ID to put it into methods like
Have a look at help(canvas).
The canvas is not a framebuffer on which you paint stuff for one frame. The painted stuff does not go away and you can move it and change all the parameters you can use when creating.


How do I make collision objects in python tkinter?

I'm making a 2D game where I need objects to scroll up the screen while the player avoids the objects. I need the game to end when the player hits the objects.
it should look something like this:
So far I can move the skier(image) left and right:
import tkinter
from tkinter import *
from PIL import ImageTk, Image
root = Tk()
#canvas dimensions
w = 800
h = 1000
x = w/2
y = h/2
my_canvas = Canvas(root, width=w, height=h, bg="white")
#import player image"C:/Users/Gebruiker/Pictures/player.png")
resized = img.resize((300,225), Image.ANTIALIAS)
new_img = ImageTk.PhotoImage(resized)
new_image = my_canvas.create_image(150,100, anchor=NW,image = new_img)
#player movement
def left(event):
x = -20
y = 0
def right(event):
x = 20
y = 0
root.bind("<Left>", left)
root.bind("<Right>", right)
How do I randomly spawn objects at regular intervals? I think I need some function to scroll the canvas as the objects spawn.
Similar posts usually had 1 object moving in a changing direction. However, I need lots of objects to spawn continuously.
Also, how do I make a collision border to stop the player going off the canvas?

tkinter - problem with a coloring a rectangle in a grid made out of rectangles

I am trying to write a pathfinding algorithm in python. The user is supposed to select a starting point by hovering the mouse of a field and pressing s. The field should now change the color.
However, I can't figure out what is wrong with my code. I am only able to color to color the fields from top left corner to the bottom right corner. In the code, Im printing out the objectID in console, which shows that there is maybe something wrong with the way of how I created the rectangles.
I'm creating the rectangles in the draw_grid method in the Window class and coloring the fields in the select_start_node method.
import tkinter as tk
class Window:
def __init__(self):
self.height = 600
self.width = 600
self.grid_list = {x for x in range(0, 600)}
self.grid = []
self.grid_dict = {}
self.root = tk.Tk()
self.root.resizable(False, False)
self.canvas = tk.Canvas(self.root, width=self.width,
height=self.height, background="white")
self.canvas.bind("s", self.select_start_node)
self.canvas.bind("<1>", lambda event:
def draw_grid(self):
for x in self.grid_list:
if x % 30 == 0:
for x in self.grid:
for y in self.grid:
print(x, y+30)
rec = self.canvas.create_rectangle(x, x, y+30, y+30)
def select_start_node(self, event):
print(event.x, event.y)
x = self.canvas.canvasx(event.x)
y = self.canvas.canvasy(event.y)
item = self.canvas.find_closest(x, y)
p = self.canvas.coords(item)
self.canvas.create_rectangle(p[0], p[0], p[0]+30, p[0]+30, fill="red")
def main():
node_list = []
cord_list = []
window = Window()
if __name__ == "__main__":
I don't know the entire design of you game, but suggest that you do things differently with respect to the grid of rectangles. In the code below self.grid is a 2-dimensional list-of-lists and each entry is a Canvas rectangle object. This make selecting and changing one of them relatively each because canvas.find_closest(x, y) will give you the object id of the associated rectangle object directly, which makes changing its fill color trivial.
Because of that, I also changed it so you can just click on one of the rectangles to change it instead of moving the mouse cursor and then pressing a key.
Also note that I also got rid of most those hardcoded numerical constants you were using all over the place, which makes the code more flexible in case you decide to change one of them at a later time.
import tkinter as tk
class Window:
def __init__(self):
self.cell_size = 30
self.height = 600
self.width = 600
self.hz_cells = self.width // self.cell_size # Number of horizontal cells.
self.vt_cells = self.height // self.cell_size # Number of vertical cells.
# Preallocate 2D grid (list-of-lists).
self.grid = [[None for _ in range(self.hz_cells)]
for _ in range(self.vt_cells)]
self.root = tk.Tk()
self.root.geometry("%sx%s" % (self.width, self.height))
self.root.resizable(False, False)
self.canvas = tk.Canvas(self.root, width=self.width,
height=self.height, background="white")
self.canvas.bind("<1>", self.select_start_node)
# You can still do it this way if you want.
# self.canvas.bind("s", self.select_start_node)
# self.canvas.bind("<1>", lambda event: self.canvas.focus_set())
def draw_grid(self):
""" Fill Canvas with a grid of white rectangles. """
for i in range(self.hz_cells):
x = i * self.cell_size
for j in range(self.vt_cells):
y = j * self.cell_size
self.grid[i][j] = self.canvas.create_rectangle(
x, y, x+self.cell_size, y+self.cell_size, fill="white")
def select_start_node(self, event):
""" Change the color of the rectangle closest to x, y of event. """
x = self.canvas.canvasx(event.x)
y = self.canvas.canvasy(event.y)
selected_rect = self.canvas.find_closest(x, y)
if selected_rect:
self.canvas.itemconfigure(selected_rect, fill="red") # Change color.
def main():
node_list = []
cord_list = []
window = Window()
if __name__ == "__main__":

Tkinter .after() not responding to keypress fast enough

I am trying to animate a ball, that is be moving forward. In addition, if the user presses up or down button, it should move respectively.
import tkinter as tk
except ImportError:
import Tkinter as tk
class Movement:
def __init__(self, _frame, _canvas):
self.frame = _frame
self.canvas = _canvas
self.x = 10
self.y = 150
self.count = 0
self.frame.bind_all("<Up>", lambda event: self.move_up())
self.frame.bind_all("<Down>", lambda event: self.move_down())
def move_up(self):
self.y -= 10
def move_down(self):
self.y += 10
def update(self):
self.count += 10
x2 = self.x + 50
y2 = self.y + 50
self.canvas.create_oval(self.x + self.count, self.y, x2 + self.count, y2, fill="red", tag="obj")
root.after(1000, self.update)
root = tk.Tk()
width = 400
height = 400
canvas = tk.Canvas(root, width=width, height=height)
frame = tk.Frame(root, width=width, height=height)
if __name__ == '__main__':
Movement(frame, canvas)
There's an issue, though. Given the fact that the ball is moving every 1 second, it doesn't respond to the key press fast enough. As a result, if you click the up kick, the screen is updating after one second.
I know there's a .move() function inside Tkinter. However, due to many reason I cannot use that.
My main concern is the interval it take for the screen to be updated.
From what I understand you want to be able to keep the timer moving forward consistent but also be able to move up and down at any point even outside of the timer.
to accomplish this I moved the timer to its own function and allowed the up down functions to call the object destroy/create function.
I have updated you code to reflect that.
Take a look at this code and let me know if it helps.
import tkinter as tk
except ImportError:
import Tkinter as tk
class Movement:
def __init__(self, _frame, _canvas):
self.frame = _frame
self.canvas = _canvas
self.x = 10
self.y = 150
self.count = 0
self.frame.bind_all("<Up>",lambda event: self.move_up())
self.frame.bind_all("<Down>",lambda event: self.move_down())
def move_up(self):
self.y -= 10
def move_down(self):
self.y += 10
def update(self):
x2 = self.x + 50
y2 = self.y + 50
self.canvas.create_oval(self.x + self.count, self.y, x2 + self.count, y2, fill="red", tag="obj")
def object_timer(self):
self.count += 10
root.after(1000, self.object_timer)
root = tk.Tk()
width = 400
height = 400
canvas = tk.Canvas(root, width=width, height=height)
frame = tk.Frame(root, width=width, height=height)
if __name__ == '__main__':
Movement(frame, canvas)
It's all just math. You can call update twice as much, and move the ball half as much if you want to keep the ball moving at the same speed while reacting to keypresses faster.
For example, instead of moving 10 pixels every second, have it move 1 pixel every tenth of a second. The end result is still 10 pixels every second. The animation will be smoother, and it will react to keypresses much faster.
By the way, there's no need to delete and recreate the oval every iteration. It's possible to move items on the canvas. Deleting and recreating will eventually cause performance problems do to how the canvas is implemented internally. Each object you create gets a new unique id, and the canvas will slow down when it has a large number of ids. The canvas does not re-use an id.
I would also recommend against using lambda. Unless you need it, it adds complexity without adding any value. Just add an extra parameter to move_up and move_down:
self.frame.bind_all("<Down>", self.move_down)
def move_up(self, event=None):
def move_down(self, event=None):

Tkinker circumference of a circle coords handling python 3

I'm making a little alien project to help to learn graphics in tkinter and I have come across a problem. I am trying to make the aliens eyeball stay inside the eye but still move around however that requires me to detect the edge of the eyeball which is a circle. Not really sure how coords work in tkinter (other than the basics) so any help appreciated. Thanks!
from tkinter import *
from threading import Timer
import random
import time
global canvas, root
root = Tk()
root.attributes("-topmost", 1)
canvas = Canvas(root, height=300, width =400)
Blinking = False
class Alien:
def __init__(self):
global canvas, root
self.body = canvas.create_oval(100,150,300,250, fill = "green")
self.eye = canvas.create_oval(170,70,230,130, fill = "white")
self.eyeball = canvas.create_oval(190,90,210,110, fill = "black")
self.mouth = canvas.create_oval(150,220,250,240, fill = "red")
self.neck = canvas.create_line(200,150,200,130)
self.hat = canvas.create_polygon(180,75,220,75,200,20, fill = "blue")
self.words = canvas.create_text(200,800, text = "I'm an alien!", anchor="nw")
def openMouth(self):
global canvas, root
canvas.itemconfig(self.mouth, fill = "black")
def closeMouth(self):
global canvas, root
canvas.itemconfig(self.mouth, fill = "red")
def burp(self, event):
canvas.itemconfig(self.words, text = "BURRRRP!")
def moveEye(self,event):
global root, canvas
canvas.move(alien.eyeball , random.randint(-1,1) , random.randint(-1,1))
def blink(self,event):
canvas.itemconfig(self.eye, fill = "green")
canvas.itemconfig(self.eyeball, state=HIDDEN)
Blinking = True
def unblink(self,event):
canvas.itemconfig(self.eye, fill = "white")
canvas.itemconfig(self.eyeball, state=NORMAL)
Blinking = False
alien = Alien()
canvas.bind_all("<Button-1>", alien.burp)
canvas.bind_all("<KeyPress-a>", alien.blink)
Timer(2, alien.moveEye).start()
while not Blinking:
if alien.moveEye.event.x > 190:
canvas.move(alien.eyeball, -1 , 0)
Small circle with radius r lies inside big circle with radius R, if
(BigCenter.X - SmallCenter.x)^2 + (BigCenter.Y - SmallCenter.Y)^2 < (R - r)^2
^2 denotes squared value

Canvas.Move doesn't work

def moveR(amount):
global x
global y
x = x+amount
can.itemconfig(player, image = playerImageL)
can.move("player", x, y)
can = Canvas(width = 850, height = 550, bg = "black")
can.pack(expand = YES, fill = BOTH)
player = can.create_image(x, y, image = playerImageL, anchor = NW)
Hey, i am trying to create a mini game using tkinter and canvas however the move command doesn't work. As you see the SETTING is the setup later in the code i am calling
however it doesn't work and seems to completly destroy my sprite/image.
Text "player" and variable player are two different things.
Use variable player in move()
can.move(player, x, y)
BTW: you don't need itemconfig()
Please read To make the code easily verifiable, use something like a rectangle instead of an image. (Your code fails the same for any item.)
Canvas.move(item, delta_x, delta_y) moves the item a given x and y amount. It does the x + dy calculation itself, so you should not. If you want to move to a given position, use Canvas.coords(item, x0, y0, x1, y1). If the size of the new bounding box is different from what it was, it will also change the shape. The following example uses both methods. As a bonus, it also shows how to use root.after to make repeated changes.
import tkinter as tk
root = tk.Tk()
can = tk.Canvas(root, width=800, height=500)
rec = can.create_rectangle(0, 0, 100, 100, fill='red')
def rmove():
box = can.bbox(rec)
if box[0] < 700:
can.move(rec, 100, 30)
root.after(1000, rmove)
can.coords(rec, 0, 400, 50, 500) # position with new shape
root.after(1000, rmove)
