How can i move python functions into different .py file? - python

i want to move functions because of lot of files, into separate python files.
But if i do it, it dont work.
I tried:
import os, cherrypy, json
from import *
class application(object):
def get_webpage(self):
def get_data(self):
import os, cherrypy, json
def get_customer_data(self):
I use the python as server,
the data in the function: get_customer_data is in this case not processed, get a 404 Not Found,
means the function is not included in main file (

I removed the self from get_webpages() because it was not indented, which means it was not part of the class.
class application(object):
def __init__(self):
def get_webpage():
print('From application')
from application import *
get_webpage() # From application
You could indent get_webpages() and make it part of the class. The way you call it would change. (I put the self back and capitalized the name of the class.)
class Application(object):
def __init__(self):
def get_webpage(self):
print('From application')
from application import *
a = Application()
a.get_webpage() # From application


NameError: name is not defined. Circular Importing

I am having difficulty with a circular import problem. I have 2 class files like so:
service_module imports other various files used throughout the project and acts as a container for various functions throughout the project. I want to assert in my file that it is properly passed an instance of the service_module parent class. Removing the assert statement in fixes the issue and I am able to properly call methods in the service_module class. For code completion and error checking it makes my life easier to assert.
I have always struggled with understanding python imports but is this the right direction to handle my particular case?
from PyQt5.QtCore import QObject
from sqlalchemy import *
from sqlalchemy.orm import scoped_session, Session, sessionmaker
from service.logger import logger
from sqlalchemy.orm.exc import NoResultFound
from database.tables import *
from database.load_db import load_db
from service.settings import settings
from service.web_listener import web_listener
from service.character_manager import character_manager
class Service_Module(QObject):
def __init__(self):
super(Service_Module, self).__init__()
load_database = load_db()
self.sc_session: scoped_session = load_database.get_scoped_session()
self.logger = logger(service_module=self)
self.settings = settings(service_module=self)
self.characters = character_manager(service_module=self)
self.callback_listener: web_listener = web_listener(service_module=self)
assert isinstance(self.sc_session, scoped_session)
assert isinstance(self.logger, logger)
assert isinstance(self.settings, settings)
assert isinstance(self.callback_listener, web_listener)
from service.service_module import *
class settings(QObject):
def __init__(self, service_module):
super(settings, self).__init__()
self.service = service_module
assert isinstance(self.service, Service_Module) ##raises NameError: name 'Service_Module' is not defined
So changing to this solves my issue although I feel like it's kind of hacky and somehow incorrect.
from service.service_module import *
import service.service_module
class settings(QObject):
def __init__(self, service_module):
super(settings, self).__init__()
self.service = service_module
assert isinstance(self.service, service.service_module.Service_Module)
You need to delay the importing of one (or both) of the files, to break the circular import. You can do this by moving the import statement from file-scope (where it is executed as soon as the module is imported) into the execution scope of a function or method, where is not executed until that method is called. Ie)
class setting(QObject):
def __init__(self, service_module):
from service.service_module import Service_Module # <-- import is here
assert isinstance(self.service, Service_Module)
Of course, this may affect other usages of the imported symbols from that module into this file, so you may need to specify the import in more than one place.

How to pass arguments to a page class with

I have several classes in my program.
The main one called WebServer creates the application itself, and calls to other classes for the webpages. Can I pass self.var1 for example to the search class __init__? Because I thought of just creating a method in the index class like set_var1 or something like that, then I don't know how to access the specific instance of this class the the web application creates.
The class:
import sys
import os
import web
from import search
from pages.index import index
class WebServer:
def __init__(self):
self.var1 = "test"
self.urls = (
'/', 'index',
'/search', 'search'
) = web.application(self.urls, globals())
if __name__ == "__main__":
w = WebServer()
Not really, no. Specific instances of search and index are created by in response to an incoming request. There are better / easier ways.
Also, putting this initialization in a WebServer class, while possible, isn't the common way of doing it with There's no need for the class to do this: it's a singleton and this file is essentially a startup / configuration file.
To have application-wide information available to your "response" classes (search, index, etc.), make that information either global, or hook it into web.config which is a web.Storage(). For example:
app = web.application(urs, globals())
web.config.update({"var1" : "test"})
Which is then available to you responses. For example:
class search(object):
def GET(self):
if web.config.var1 == 'test':
return do_test_search()
return do_regular_search()

How to import class from python module (boost.python)?

I have a python function:
def log(text):
print text
saved in file. Now I want to import it to c++ function and execute. This works fine:
py_fun = import("Callbacks");
But I would like to make log function part of a class:
class Logger:
def __init__(self):
self.last_read = -1
def log(self, text):
print text
How can I import it to C++ and create an instance of Logger?
Exactly the way you'd think:
py::object mod = py::import("Callbacks");
py::object logger = mod.attr("Logger")();

PyQt Code Splitting - Design Vs Functionality

Am struggling to comprehend how to split code in (Py)Qt. The aim is to have the design & navigation tabs in QMainWindow, each tab triggering code in other files. So far it only launches with the ActionClass in the same document / putting in an external document causes 'app not defined' when clicking the tab. The below works without errors, but is clunky.
class Main(QMainWindow):
def __init__(self):
self.u = Ui_MainWindow()
def TabsChanged(self, i):
if i == self.u.tabs.indexOf(self.u.tabFirst): ActionClass.__init__
class ActionClass(Main):
def __init__(self):
app = Main()
The examples I keep seeing have all code in one document. Is there another way to do this e.g. where the ActionClass is in another file/writing u.lineEdit.setText instead of app.u.lineEdit.setText. It seems inheritance & an instance of Main can't be accessed from the ActionClasses doc, so I can't see how they would communicate back to the Main?
Much appreciated
As suggest #M4rtini you can separate your code into python modules. And then import them (use them) in your main module.
For instance the code you posted can be separated in to files:
class ActionClass(Main):
def __init__(self):
from action_class import ActionClass # This line no need much explanation ;)
class Main(QMainWindow):
def __init__(self):
self.u = Ui_MainWindow()
def TabsChanged(self, i):
if i == self.u.tabs.indexOf(self.u.tabFirst): ActionClass.__init__
app = Main()
In order to understand how import works see the link I left you above.
More explanation
Lest's see:
The correct way of executin code inside a __init__ method is creating an instance. See the example below.
class A:
def __init__(self):
print("Executing A.__init__")
print("Doing things wrong")
A.__init__ # This don't print enything
print("Doing things well")
A() # This works as expected.
So, you line reads:
if i == self.u.tabs.indexOf(self.u.tabFirst): ActionClass.__init__
and should reads:
if i == self.u.tabs.indexOf(self.u.tabFirst): ActionClass()
On the other hand, is a bad practice put code that's not for initialize the instance inside the __init__ methods.
If you don't need the instance but yet you want to store the functions inside a class (something like a c++ namespace) you creating
use #staticmethod decorator.
class A:
def foo():
print("Oh, wow, a static method in Python!")
So, your ActionClass could be rewritten as:
class ActionClass(Main):
def do_action:
ans then you can use it like this:
if i == self.u.tabs.indexOf(self.u.tabFirst): ActionClass.do_action()

python 2.7 isinstance fails at dynamically imported module class

I'm currently writing some kind of tiny api to support extending module classes. Users should be able to just write their class name in a config and it gets used in our program. The contract is, that the class' module has a function called create(**kwargs) to return an instance of our base module class, and is placed in a special folder. But the isinstance check Fails as soon as the import is made dynamically.
modules are placed in lib/services/name
module base class (in lib/services/service)
class Service:
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
#some initialization
example module class (in lib/services/ping)
class PingService(Service):
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
# uninteresting init
def create(kwargs):
return PingService(**kwargs)
importing function
import sys
from import Service
def doimport( clazz, modPart, kw, class_check):
path = "lib/" + modPart
mod = __import__(clazz)
item = mod.create(kw)
if class_check(item):
print "im happy"
return item
calling code
class_check = lambda service: isinstance(service, Service)
s = doimport("ping", "services", {},class_check)
print s
from import create
pingService = create({})
if isinstance(pingService, Service):
print "why this?"
what the hell am I doing wrong
here is a small example zipped up, just extract and run without arguments
zip example
The problem was in your file. I don't know exactly why, but when dinamically importing it was not accepting the line from service import Service, so you just have to change it to the relative path: from import Service. Adding lib/services to the sys.path could not make it work the inheritance, which I found strange...
Also, I am using imp.load_source which seems more robust:
import os, imp
def doimport( clazz, modPart, kw, class_check):
path = os.path.join('lib', modPart, clazz + '.py')
mod = imp.load_source( clazz, path )
item = mod.create(kw)
if class_check(item):
print "im happy"
return item
