Openpyxl and Hidden/Unhidden Excel Worksheets - python

I have the following code that reads data from a tab-delimited text file and then writes it to a specified worksheet within an existing Excel workbook. The variables "workbook", "write_sheet", and "text_file" are input by the user
tab_reader = csv.reader(text_file, delimiter='\t')
xls_book = openpyxl.load_workbook(filename=workbook)
sheet_names = xls_book.get_sheet_names()
xls_sheet = xls_book.get_sheet_by_name(write_sheet)
for row_index, row in enumerate(tab_reader):
number = 0
col_number = first_col
while number < num_cols:
cell_tmp = xls_sheet.cell(row = row_index, column = col_number)
cell_tmp.value = row[number]
number += 1
col_number += 1
However when I run this code on a preexisting "workbook" in which "worksheet" is a hidden tab, the output unhides the tab. I think the reason is because openpyxl is not modifying the file but creating a new file entirely. Is there an easy way to tell python to check if the worksheet is hidden and then output a hidden or unhidden sheet based on whether or not the condition is satisfied?

We currently don't support hiding worksheets in openpyxl so this is just ignored when reading the file and, therefore, lost when saving it. I don't think it should be too hard to add it. Please submit a feature request on Bitbucket.
The feature is now available:
ws.sheet_state = 'hidden'
Or actually xls_sheet.sheet_state = 'hidden' in your particular case.


Copying/pasting a column of formulas using python

I have a very large excel file that I'm dealing with in python. I have a column where every cell is a different formula. I want to copy the formulas and paste them one column over from column GD to GE.
The issue is that I want to the formulas to update like they do in excel, its just that excel takes a very long time to copy/paste because the file I'm working with is very large.
Any ideas on possibly how to use openpyxl's translator to do this or anything else?
from openpyxl import load_workbook
import pandas as pd
#loads the excel file and is now saved under workbook#
workbook = load_workbook('file.xlsx')
#uses the individual sheets index(first sheet = 0) to work on one sheet at a time#
sheet= workbook.worksheets[8]
#inserts a column at specified index number#
#naming the new columns#
sheet['GE2']= '20220531'
here is my updated code
from openpyxl import load_workbook
from openpyxl.formula.translate import Translator
#loads the excel file and is now saved under workbook#
workbook = load_workbook('file.xlsx')
#uses the individual sheets index(first sheet = 0) to work on one sheet at a time#
sheet= workbook.worksheets[8]
formula = sheet['GD3'].value
new_formula = Translator(formula, origin= 'GE3').translate_formula("GD3")
sheet['GD2'] = new_formula
for row in sheet.iter_rows(min_col=187, max_col=188):
old, new = row
if new.data_type != "f":
new_formula = Translator(new.value, origin=old.coordinate).translate_formula(new.coordinate)'file.xlsx')
When you add or remove columns and rows, Openpyxl does not manage formulae for you. The reason for this is simple: where should it stop? Managing a "dependency graph" is exactly the kind of functionality that an application like MS Excel provides.
But it is quite easy to do this in your own code using the Formula Translator
# insert the column
formula = ws['GE1'].value
new_formula = Translator(formula, origin="GD1").translate_formula("GE1")
ws['GE1'] = new_formula
It should be fairly straightforward to create a loop for this (check the data type and use cell.coordinate to avoid potential typos or incorrect adjustments.
for row in ws.iter_rows(min_col=187, max_col=188):
old, new = row
if new.data_type != "f"
new_formula = Translator(new.value, origin=old.coordinate).translate_formula(new.coordinate)

Python and Excel Formula

Complete beginner here but have a specific need to try and make my life easier with automating Excel.
I have a weekly report that contains a lot of useless columns and using Python I can delete these and rename them, with the code below.
from openpyxl import Workbook, load_workbook
wb = load_workbook('TestExcel.xlsx')
ws =
ws['A1'].value = "Full Name"
ws['C1'].value = "Email Address"
ws['C2'].value = '=B2&""''TestExcelUpdated.xlsx')
This does the job but I would like the formula to continue from B2 downwards (since the top row are headings).
ws['C2'].value = '=B2&""'
Obviously, in Excel it is just a case of dragging the formula down to the end of the column but I'm at a loss to get this working in Python. I've seen similar questions asked but the answers are over my head.
Would really appreciate a dummies guide.
Example of Excel report after Python code
one way to do this is by iterating over the rows in your worksheet.
for row in ws.iter_rows(min_row=2): #min_row ensures you skip your header row
row[2].value = '=B' + str(row[0].row) + '&""'
row[2].value selects the third column due to zero based indexing. row[0].row gets the number corresponding to the current row

How to copy worksheet from one workbook to another one using openpyxl?

I have a large amount of EXCEL files (i.e. 200) I would like to copy one specific worksheet from one workbook to another one. I have done some investigations and I couldn't find a way of doing it with Openpyxl
This is the code I have developed so far
def copy_sheet_to_different_EXCEL(path_EXCEL_read,Sheet_name_to_copy,path_EXCEL_Save,Sheet_new_name):
''' Function used to copy one EXCEL sheet into another file.
def path_EXCEL_read,Sheet_name_to_copy,path_EXCEL_Save,Sheet_new_name
Input data:
1.) path_EXCEL_read: the location of the EXCEL file along with the name where the information is going to be saved
2.) Sheet_name_to_copy= The name of the EXCEL sheet to copy
3.) path_EXCEL_Save: The path of the EXCEL file where the sheet is going to be copied
3.) Sheet_new_name: The name of the new EXCEL sheet
Output data:
1.) Status= If 0, everything went OK. If 1, one error occurred.
Version History:
1.0 (2017-02-20): Initial version.
print('ERROR - EXCEL xls file format is not supported by openpyxl. Please, convert the file to an XLSX format')
return status
wb = openpyxl.load_workbook(path_EXCEL_read,read_only=True)
print('ERROR - EXCEL file does not exist in the following location:\n {0}'.format(path_EXCEL_read))
return status
Sheet_names=wb.get_sheet_names() # We copare against the sheet name we would like to cpy
if ((Sheet_name_to_copy in Sheet_names)==0):
print('ERROR - EXCEL sheet does not exist'.format(Sheet_name_to_copy))
return status
# We checking if the destination file exists
if (os.path.exists(path_EXCEL_Save)==1):
#If true, file exist so we open it
print('ERROR - Destination EXCEL xls file format is not supported by openpyxl. Please, convert the file to an XLSX format')
return status
wdestiny = openpyxl.load_workbook(path_EXCEL_Save)
print('ERROR - Destination EXCEL file does not exist in the following location:\n {0}'.format(path_EXCEL_read))
return status
#we check if the destination sheet exists. If so, we will delete it
destination_list_sheets = wdestiny.get_sheet_names()
if((Sheet_new_name in destination_list_sheets) ==True):
print('WARNING - Sheet "{0}" exists in: {1}. It will be deleted!'.format(Sheet_new_name,path_EXCEL_Save))
# We copy the Excel sheet
sheet_to_copy = wb.get_sheet_by_name(Sheet_name_to_copy)
target = wdestiny.copy_worksheet(sheet_to_copy)
print('ERROR - Could not copy the EXCEL sheet. Check the file')
return status
print('ERROR - Could not save the EXCEL sheet. Check the file permissions')
return status
#Program finishes
return status
I had the same problem. For me style, format, and layout were very important. Moreover, I did not want to copy formulas but only the value (of the formulas). After a lot of trail, error, and stackoverflow I came up with the following functions. It may look a bit intimidating but the code copies a sheet from one Excel file to another (possibly existing file) while preserving:
font and color of text
filled color of cells
merged cells
comment and hyperlinks
format of the cell value
the width of every row and column
whether or not row and column are hidden
frozen rows
It is useful when you want to gather sheets from many workbooks and bind them into one workbook. I copied most attributes but there might be a few more. In that case you can use this script as a jumping off point to add more.
## Copy a sheet with style, format, layout, ect. from one Excel file to another Excel file
## Please add the ..path\\+\\file.. and ..sheet_name.. according to your desire.
import openpyxl
from copy import copy
def copy_sheet(source_sheet, target_sheet):
copy_cells(source_sheet, target_sheet) # copy all the cel values and styles
copy_sheet_attributes(source_sheet, target_sheet)
def copy_sheet_attributes(source_sheet, target_sheet):
target_sheet.sheet_format = copy(source_sheet.sheet_format)
target_sheet.sheet_properties = copy(source_sheet.sheet_properties)
target_sheet.merged_cells = copy(source_sheet.merged_cells)
target_sheet.page_margins = copy(source_sheet.page_margins)
target_sheet.freeze_panes = copy(source_sheet.freeze_panes)
# set row dimensions
# So you cannot copy the row_dimensions attribute. Does not work (because of meta data in the attribute I think). So we copy every row's row_dimensions. That seems to work.
for rn in range(len(source_sheet.row_dimensions)):
target_sheet.row_dimensions[rn] = copy(source_sheet.row_dimensions[rn])
if source_sheet.sheet_format.defaultColWidth is None:
print('Unable to copy default column wide')
target_sheet.sheet_format.defaultColWidth = copy(source_sheet.sheet_format.defaultColWidth)
# set specific column width and hidden property
# we cannot copy the entire column_dimensions attribute so we copy selected attributes
for key, value in source_sheet.column_dimensions.items():
target_sheet.column_dimensions[key].min = copy(source_sheet.column_dimensions[key].min) # Excel actually groups multiple columns under 1 key. Use the min max attribute to also group the columns in the targetSheet
target_sheet.column_dimensions[key].max = copy(source_sheet.column_dimensions[key].max) # discussed the issue. Note that this is also the case for the width, not onl;y the hidden property
target_sheet.column_dimensions[key].width = copy(source_sheet.column_dimensions[key].width) # set width for every column
target_sheet.column_dimensions[key].hidden = copy(source_sheet.column_dimensions[key].hidden)
def copy_cells(source_sheet, target_sheet):
for (row, col), source_cell in source_sheet._cells.items():
target_cell = target_sheet.cell(column=col, row=row)
target_cell._value = source_cell._value
target_cell.data_type = source_cell.data_type
if source_cell.has_style:
target_cell.font = copy(source_cell.font)
target_cell.border = copy(source_cell.border)
target_cell.fill = copy(source_cell.fill)
target_cell.number_format = copy(source_cell.number_format) = copy(
target_cell.alignment = copy(source_cell.alignment)
if source_cell.hyperlink:
target_cell._hyperlink = copy(source_cell.hyperlink)
if source_cell.comment:
target_cell.comment = copy(source_cell.comment)
wb_target = openpyxl.Workbook()
target_sheet = wb_target.create_sheet(..sheet_name..)
wb_source = openpyxl.load_workbook(..path\\+\\file_name.., data_only=True)
source_sheet = wb_source[..sheet_name..]
copy_sheet(source_sheet, target_sheet)
if 'Sheet' in wb_target.sheetnames: # remove default sheet
i found a way playing around with it
import openpyxl
xl1 = openpyxl.load_workbook('workbook1.xlsx')
# sheet you want to copy
s = openpyxl.load_workbook('workbook2.xlsx').active
s._parent = xl1
You cannot use copy_worksheet() to copy between workbooks because it depends on global constants that may vary between workbooks. The only safe and reliable way to proceed is to go row-by-row and cell-by-cell.
You might want to read the discussions about this feature
For speed I am using data_only and read_only attributes when opening my workbooks. Also iter_rows() is really fast, too.
#Oscar's excellent answer needs some changes to support ReadOnlyWorksheet and EmptyCell
# Copy a sheet with style, format, layout, ect. from one Excel file to another Excel file
# Please add the ..path\\+\\file.. and ..sheet_name.. according to your desire.
import openpyxl
from copy import copy
def copy_sheet(source_sheet, target_sheet):
copy_cells(source_sheet, target_sheet) # copy all the cel values and styles
copy_sheet_attributes(source_sheet, target_sheet)
def copy_sheet_attributes(source_sheet, target_sheet):
if isinstance(source_sheet, openpyxl.worksheet._read_only.ReadOnlyWorksheet):
target_sheet.sheet_format = copy(source_sheet.sheet_format)
target_sheet.sheet_properties = copy(source_sheet.sheet_properties)
target_sheet.merged_cells = copy(source_sheet.merged_cells)
target_sheet.page_margins = copy(source_sheet.page_margins)
target_sheet.freeze_panes = copy(source_sheet.freeze_panes)
# set row dimensions
# So you cannot copy the row_dimensions attribute. Does not work (because of meta data in the attribute I think). So we copy every row's row_dimensions. That seems to work.
for rn in range(len(source_sheet.row_dimensions)):
target_sheet.row_dimensions[rn] = copy(source_sheet.row_dimensions[rn])
if source_sheet.sheet_format.defaultColWidth is None:
print('Unable to copy default column wide')
target_sheet.sheet_format.defaultColWidth = copy(source_sheet.sheet_format.defaultColWidth)
# set specific column width and hidden property
# we cannot copy the entire column_dimensions attribute so we copy selected attributes
for key, value in source_sheet.column_dimensions.items():
target_sheet.column_dimensions[key].min = copy(source_sheet.column_dimensions[key].min) # Excel actually groups multiple columns under 1 key. Use the min max attribute to also group the columns in the targetSheet
target_sheet.column_dimensions[key].max = copy(source_sheet.column_dimensions[key].max) # discussed the issue. Note that this is also the case for the width, not onl;y the hidden property
target_sheet.column_dimensions[key].width = copy(source_sheet.column_dimensions[key].width) # set width for every column
target_sheet.column_dimensions[key].hidden = copy(source_sheet.column_dimensions[key].hidden)
def copy_cells(source_sheet, target_sheet):
for r, row in enumerate(source_sheet.iter_rows()):
for c, cell in enumerate(row):
source_cell = cell
if isinstance(source_cell, openpyxl.cell.read_only.EmptyCell):
target_cell = target_sheet.cell(column=c+1, row=r+1)
target_cell._value = source_cell._value
target_cell.data_type = source_cell.data_type
if source_cell.has_style:
target_cell.font = copy(source_cell.font)
target_cell.border = copy(source_cell.border)
target_cell.fill = copy(source_cell.fill)
target_cell.number_format = copy(source_cell.number_format) = copy(
target_cell.alignment = copy(source_cell.alignment)
if not isinstance(source_cell, openpyxl.cell.ReadOnlyCell) and source_cell.hyperlink:
target_cell._hyperlink = copy(source_cell.hyperlink)
if not isinstance(source_cell, openpyxl.cell.ReadOnlyCell) and source_cell.comment:
target_cell.comment = copy(source_cell.comment)
With a usage something like
wb = Workbook()
wb_source = load_workbook(filename, data_only=True, read_only=True)
for sheetname in wb_source.sheetnames:
source_sheet = wb_source[sheetname]
ws = wb.create_sheet("Orig_" + sheetname)
copy_sheet(source_sheet, ws)
I had a similar requirement to collate data from multiple workbooks into one workbook. As there are no inbuilt methods available in openpyxl.
I created the below script to do the job for me.
Note: In my usecase all worbooks contain data in same format.
from openpyxl import load_workbook
import os
# The below method is used to read data from an active worksheet and store it in memory.
def reader(file):
global path
abs_file = os.path.join(path, file)
wb_sheet = load_workbook(abs_file).active
rows = []
# min_row is set to 2, to ignore the first row which contains the headers
for row in wb_sheet.iter_rows(min_row=2):
row_data = []
for cell in row:
# custom column data I am adding, not needed for typical use cases
# Creating a list of lists, where each list contain a typical row's data
return rows
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Folder in which my source excel sheets are present
path = r'C:\Users\tom\Desktop\Qt'
# To get the list of excel files
files = os.listdir(path)
for file in files:
rows = reader(file)
# below mentioned file name should be already created
book = load_workbook('new.xlsx')
sheet =
for row in rows:
My workaround goes like this:
You have a template file let's say it's "template.xlsx".
You open it, make changes to it as needed, save it as a new file, close the file.
Repeat as needed. Just make sure to keep a copy of the original template while testing/messing around.
I've just found this question. A good workaround, as mentioned here, could consists in modifying the original wb in memory and then saving it with another name. For example:
import openpyxl
# your starting wb with 2 Sheets: Sheet1 and Sheet2
wb = openpyxl.load_workbook('old.xlsx')
sheets = wb.sheetnames # ['Sheet1', 'Sheet2']
for s in sheets:
if s != 'Sheet2':
sheet_name = wb.get_sheet_by_name(s)
# your final wb with just Sheet1'new.xlsx')
A workaround I use is saving the current sheet as a pandas data frame and loading it to the excel workbook you need
It actually can be done in a very simple way !
It just need 3 steps :
Open a file using load_workbook
wb = load_workbook('File_1.xlsx')
Select a sheet you want to copy
ws =
use name of the new file to save the file'New_file.xlsx')
This code will save sheet of first file (File_1.xlsx) to the secound file (New_file.xlsx).

How to wait until Excel calculates formulas before continuing with win32com

I have a win32com Python script that combines multiple Excel files into a spreadsheet and saves it as a PDF.
How it works now is that the output is almost all #NAME? because the file is output before the Excel file's contents are calculated (which may take up to a minute).
How I force the workbook to calculate the values and wait until its done before continuing?
excel = win32.Dispatch('Excel.Application')
# moving stuff to this spreadsheet
wb1 = excel.Workbooks.Open(filepath1)
ws1 = excel.ActiveSheet
# from this spreadsheet
wb2 = excel.Workbooks.Open(filepath2)
ws2 = excel.ActiveSheet
# supposedly this should do it, but I haven't seen results
ws1.EnableCalculation = True
ws2.EnableCalculation = True
wb1.Cells(2, 4).Value = wb2.Cells(1,1).Value # doing stuff with values
# right here I need it to wait and calculate everything
# so when I export it, I see the values, not the formula or "#NAME?"
ws1.ExportAsFixedFormat(0, r'C:\filename.pdf')
One kind of silly thing I did which actually worked for the cells, but not for the graphs
was go through the entire sheet setting the values of the worksheet to themselves, so that
the formula is overwritten by the numerical value.
However, the graphs still weren't updated to their values.
range = ws1.UsedRange
num_rows = range.Row + range.Rows.Count - 1
num_cols = range.Column + range.Columns.Count - 1
for i in range(1, num_rows ):
for j in range(1, num_cols ):
ws1.Cells(i, j).Value = ws1.Cells(i, j).Value
You have to be careful to call functions using the () syntax:
This will calculate all cells of both worksheets. It appears that each function returns only after it has finished all computations, which is the effect you want, so unless I'm misunderstanding your question that fix should be sufficient.
From my comment above:
The problem ended up being something else, which I answered here:
If you use any sort of scripting language, including python's win32com, it doesn't automatically include add-ins, and my calculations used add-ins, so it was just skipping over them.

How to read a particular cell by using "wb = load_workbook('path', True)" in openpyxl

I have written code for reading the large excel files
but my requirement is to read a particular cell like for e.g(cell(row,column) in a excel file when i kept True
in wb = load_workbook('Path', True)
any body please help me...
from openpyxl import load_workbook
wb = load_workbook('Path', True)
sheet_ranges = wb.get_sheet_by_name(name = 'Global')
for row in sheet_ranges.iter_rows():
for cell in row:
print cell.internal_value
Since you are using an Optimized Reader, you cannot just access an arbitrary cell using ws.cell(row, column).value:
cell, range, rows, columns methods and properties are disabled
Optimized reader was designed and created specially for reading an umlimited amount of data from an excel file by using iterators.
Basically you should iterate over rows and cells until you get the necessary cell. Here's a simple example:
for r, row in enumerate(sheet_ranges.iter_rows()):
if r == 10:
for c, cell in enumerate(row):
if c == 5:
print cell.internal_value
You can find the answer here.
I recommend you consult the documentation first before asking a question on SO.
In particular, this is pretty much exactly what you want:
d = ws.cell(row = 4, column = 2)
where ws is a worksheet.
