I know Python isn't the best idea to be writing any kind of software of this nature. My reasoning is to use this type of algorithm for a Raspberry Pi 3 in it's decision making (still unsure how that will go), and the libraries and APIs that I'll be using (Adafruit motor HATs, Google services, OpenCV, various sensors, etc) all play nicely for importing in Python, not to mention I'm just more comfortable in this environment for the rPi specifically. Already I've cursed it as object oriented such as Java or C++ just makes more sense to me, but Id rather deal with its inefficiencies and focus on the bigger picture of integration for the rPi.
I won't explain the code here, as it's pretty well documented in the comment sections throughout the script. My questions is as stated above; can this be considered basically a genetic algorithm? If not, what must it have to be a basic AI or genetic code? Am I on the right track for this type of problem solving? I know usually there are weighted variables and functions to promote "survival of the fittest", but that can be popped in as needed, I think.
I've read up quite a bit of forums and articles about this topic. I didn't want to copy someone else's code that I barely understand and start using it as a base for a larger project of mine; I want to know exactly how it works so I'm not confused as to why something isn't working out along the way. So, I just tried to comprehend the basic idea of how it works, and write how I interpreted it. Please remember I'd like to stay in Python for this. I know rPi's have multiple environments for C++, Java, etc, but as stated before, most hardware components I'm using have only Python APIs for implementation. if I'm wrong, explain at the algorithmic level, not just with a block of code (again, I really want to understand the process). Also, please don't nitpick code conventions unless it's pertinent to my problem, everyone has a style and this is just a sketch up for now. Here it is, and thanks for reading!
# Created by X3r0, 7/3/2016
# Basic genetic algorithm utilizing a two dimensional array system.
# the 'DNA' is the larger array, and the 'gene' is a smaller array as an element
# of the DNA. There exists no weighted algorithms, or statistical tracking to
# make the program more efficient yet; it is straightforwardly random and solves
# its problem randomly. At this stage, only the base element is iterated over.
# Basic Idea:
# 1) User inputs constraints onto array
# 2) Gene population is created at random given user constraints
# 3) DNA is created with randomized genes ( will never randomize after )
# a) Target DNA is created with loop control variable as data (basically just for some target structure)
# 4) CheckDNA() starts with base gene from DNA, and will recurse until gene matches the target gene
# a) Randomly select two genes from DNA
# b) Create a candidate gene by splicing both parent genes together
# c) Check candidate gene against the target gene
# d) If there exists a match in gene elements, a child gene is created and inserted into DNA
# e) If the child gene in DNA is not equal to target gene, recurse until it is
import random
DNAsize = 32
geneSize = 5
geneDiversity = 9
geneSplit = 4
numRecursions = 0
DNA = []
targetDNA = []
def init():
global DNAsize, geneSize, geneDiversity, geneSplit, DNA
print("This is a very basic form of genetic software. Input variable constraints below. "
"Good starting points are: DNA strand size (array size): 32, gene size (sub array size: 5, gene diversity (randomized 0 - x): 5"
"gene split (where to split gene array for splicing): 2")
DNAsize = int(input('Enter DNA strand size: '))
geneSize = int(input('Enter gene size: '))
geneDiversity = int(input('Enter gene diversity: '))
geneSplit = int(input('Enter gene split: '))
# initializes the gene population, and kicks off
# checkDNA recursion
def initPop():
# builds an array of smaller arrays
# given DNAsize
for x in range(DNAsize):
# builds the goal array with a recurring
# numerical pattern, in this case just the loop
# control variable
def buildDNA():
newGene = []
# builds a smaller array (gene) using a given geneSize
# and randomized with vaules 0 - [given geneDiversity]
for x in range(geneSize):
# append the built array to the larger array
def buildTargetDNA(x):
# builds the target array, iterating with x as a loop
# control from the call in init()
newGene = []
for y in range(geneSize):
def checkDNA(childGene):
global numRecursions
numRecursions = numRecursions+1
gene = DNA[0]
targetGene = targetDNA[0]
parentGeneA = DNA[random.randint(0,DNAsize-1)] # randomly selects an array (gene) from larger array (DNA)
parentGeneB = DNA[random.randint(0,DNAsize-1)]
pos = random.randint(geneSplit-1,geneSplit+1) # randomly selects a position to split gene for splicing
candidateGene = parentGeneA[:pos] + parentGeneB[pos:] # spliced gene given split from parentA and parentB
print("DNA Splice Position: " + str(pos))
print("Element A: " + str(parentGeneA))
print("Element B: " + str(parentGeneB))
print("Candidate Element: " + str(candidateGene))
print("Target DNA: " + str(targetDNA))
print("Old DNA: " + str(DNA))
# iterates over the candidate gene and compares each element to the target gene
# if the candidate gene element hits a target gene element, the resulting child
# gene is created
for x in range(geneSize):
#if candidateGene[x] != targetGene[x]:
#print("false ")
if candidateGene[x] == targetGene[x]:
#print("true ")
childGene.insert(x, candidateGene[x])
# if the child gene isn't quite equal to the target, and recursion hasn't reached
# a max (apparently 900), the child gene is inserted into the DNA. Recursion occurs
# until the child gene equals the target gene, or max recursuion depth is exceeded
if childGene != targetGene and numRecursions < 900:
DNA.insert(0, childGene)
print("New DNA: " + str(DNA))
print("Final DNA: " + str(DNA))
print("Number of generations (recursions): " + str(numRecursions))
I'm working with evolutionary computation right now so I hope my answer will be helpful for you, personally, I work with java, mostly because is one of my main languages, and for the portability, because I tested in linux, windows and mac. In my case I work with permutation encoding, but if you are still learning how GA works, I strongly recommend binary encoding. This is what I called my InitialPopulation. I try to describe my program's workflow:
1-. Set my main variables
This are PopulationSize, IndividualSize, MutationRate, CrossoverRate. Also you need to create an objective function and decide the crossover method you use. For this example lets say that my PopulationSize is equals to 50, the IndividualSize is 4, MutationRate is 0.04%, CrossoverRate is 90% and the crossover method will be roulette wheel.
My objective function only what to check if my Individuals are capable to represent the number 15 in binary, so the best individual must be 1111.
2-. Initialize my Population
For this I create 50 individuals (50 is given by my PopulationSize) with random genes.
3-. Loop starts
For each Individuals in Population you need to:
Evaluate fitness according to the objective function. If an Individual is represented by the next characters: 00100 this mean that his fitness is 1. As you can see this is a simple fitness function. You can create your own while you are learning, like fitness = 1/numberOfOnes. Also you need to assign the sum of all the fitness to a variable called populationFitness, this will be useful in the next step.
Select the best individuals. For this task there's a lot of methods you can use, but we will use the roulette wheel method as we say before. In this method, You assign a value to every individual inside your population. This value is given by the next formula: (fitness/populationFitness) * 100. So, if your population fitness is 10, and a certain individual fitness is 3, this mean that this individual has a 30% chance to be selected to make a crossover with another individual. Also, if another individual have a 4 in his fitness, his value will be 40%.
Apply crossover. Once you have the "best" individuals of your population, you need to create a new population. This new population is formed by others individuals of the previous population. For each individual you create a random number from 0 to 1. If this numbers is in the range of 0.9 (since our crossoverRate = 90%), this individual can reproduce, so you select another individual. Each new individual has this 2 parents who inherit his genes. For example:
Lets say that parentA = 1001 and parentB = 0111. We need to create a new individual with this genes. There's a lot of methods to do this, uniform crossover, single point crossover, two point crossover, etc. We will use the single point crossover. In this method we choose a random point between the first gene and the last gene. Then, we create a new individual according to the first genes of parentA and the last genes of parentB. In a visual form:
parentA = 1001
parentB = 0111
crossoverPoint = 2
newIndividual = 1011
As you can see, the new individual share his parents genes.
Once you have a new population with new individuals, you apply the mutation. In this case, for each individual in the new population generate a random number between 0 and 1. If this number is in the range of 0.04 (since our mutationRate = 0.04), you apply the mutation in a random gene. In binary encoding the mutation is just change the 1's for 0's or viceversa. In a visual form:
individual = 1011
randomPoint = 3
mutatedIndividual = 1010
Get the best individual
If this individual has reached the solution stop. Else, repeat the loop
As you can see, my english is not very good, but I hope you understand the basic idea of a genetic algorithm. If you are truly interested in learning this, you can check the following links:
This link explains in a clearer way the basics of a genetic algorithm
This book also explain what a GA is, but also provide some code in Processing, basically java. But I think you can understand.
Also I would recommend the following books:
An Introduction to Genetic Algorithms - Melanie Mitchell
Evolutionary algorithms in theory and practice - Thomas Bäck
Introduction to genetic algorithms - S. N. Sivanandam
If you have no money, you can easily find all this books in PDF.
Also, you can always search for articles in
Almost all are free to download.
Just to add a bit to Alberto's great answer, you need to watch out for two issues as your solution evolves.
The first one is Over-fitting. This basically means that your solution is complex enough to "learn" all samples, but it is not applicable outside the training set. To avoid this, your need to make sure that the "amount" of information in your training set is a lot larger than the amount of information that can fit in your solution.
The second problem is Plateaus. There are cases where you would arrive at certain mediocre solutions that are nonetheless, good enough to "outcompete" any emerging solution, so your progress stalls (one way to see this is, if you see your fitness "stuck" at a certain, less than optimal number). One method for dealing with this is Extinctions: You could track the rate of improvement of your optimal solution, and if the improvement has been 0 for the last N generations, you just Nuke your population. (That is, delete your population and the list of optimal individuals and start over). Randomness will make it so that eventually the Solutions will surpass the Plateau.
Another thing to keep in mind, is that the default Random class is really bad at Randomness. I have had solutions improve dramatically by simply using something like the Mesernne Twister Random generator or a Hardware Entropy Generator.
I hope this helps. Good luck.
I'm trying to implement a simple Markov Chain Monte Carlo in Python 2.7, using numpy. The goal is to find the solution to the "Knapsack Problem," where given a set of m objects of value vi and weight wi, and a bag with holding capacity b, you find the greatest value of objects that can be fit into your bag, and what those objects are. I started coding in the Summer, and my knowledge is extremely lopsided, so I apologize if I'm missing something obvious, I'm self-taught and have been jumping all over the place.
The code for the system is as follows (I split it into parts in an attempt to figure out what's going wrong).
import numpy as np
import random
def flip_z(sackcontents):
##This picks a random object, and changes whether it's been selected or not.
return clone_z
def checkcompliance(checkedz,checkedweights,checkedsack):
##This checks to see whether a given configuration is overweight,checkedweights)
if (weightSum > checkedsack):
return False
return True
def getrandomz(length):
##I use this to get a random starting configuration.
##It's not really important, but it does remove the burden of choice.
for i in xrange(length):
if random.random() > 0.5:
return z
def checkvalue(checkedz,checkedvalue):
##This checks how valuable a given configuration is.
wealthsum= np.sum(wealthVector)
return wealthsum
def McKnapsack(weights, values, iterations,sack):
zrecord=np.array(["error if you see me"])
for x in xrange(iterations):
current_z= np.array ([])
if (checkcompliance(current_clone,weights,sack))==True:
if checkvalue(current_z,values)>moneyrecord:
zrecord= current_clone
print "The winning knapsack configuration is %s" %(zrecord)
print "The highest value of objects contained is %s" %(moneyrecord)
testweights1= np.array([1,2,1])
What should happen is the following: With a maximum carrying capacity of 2, it should randomly switch between the different potential bag carrying configurations, of which there are 2^3=8 with the test weights and values I've fed it, with each one or zero in the z representing having or not having a given item. It should discard the options with too much weight, while keeping track of the ones with the highest value and acceptable weight. The correct answer would be to see 1,0,1 as the configuration, with 9 as the maximized value. I get nine for value every time when I use even moderately high amounts of iterations, but the configurations seem completely random, and somehow break the weight rule. I've double-checked my "checkcompliance" function with a lot of test arrays, and it seems to work. How are these faulty, overweight configurations getting past my if statements and into my zrecord ?
The trick is that z (and therefore also current_z and also zrecord) end up always referring to the exact same object in memory. flip_z modifies this object in-place via np.put.
Once you find a new combination that increases your moneyrecord, you set a reference to it -- but then in the subsequent iteration you go ahead and change the data at that same reference.
In other words, lines like
zrecord= current_clone
do not copy, they only make yet another alias to the same data in memory.
One way to fix this is to explicitly copy that combination once you find it's a winner:
if checkvalue(current_z, values) > moneyrecord:
moneyrecord = checkvalue(current_clone, values)
zrecord = current_clone.copy()
I have been working on this project for a couple months right now. The ultimate goal of this project is to evaluate an entire digital logic circuit similar to functional testing; just to give a scope of the problem. The topic I created here deals with the issue I'm having with performance of analyzing a boolean expression. For any gate inside a digital circuit, it has an output expression in terms of the global inputs. EX: ((A&B)|(C&D)^E). What I want to do with this expression is then calculate all possible outcomes and determine how much influence each input has on the outcome.
The fastest way that I have found was by building a truth table as a matrix and looking at certain rows (won't go into specifics of that algorithm as it's offtopic), the problem with that is once the number of unique inputs goes above 26-27 (something around that) the memory usage is well beyond 16GB (Max my computer has). You might say "Buy more RAM", but as every increase in inputs by 1, memory usage doubles. Some of the expressions I analyze are well over 200 unique inputs...
The method I use right now uses the compile method to take the expression as the string. Then I create an array with all of the inputs found from the compile method. Then I generate a list row by row of "True" and "False" randomly chosen from a sample of possible values (that way it will be equivalent to rows in a truth table if the sample size is the same size as the range and it will allow me to limit the sample size when things get too long to calculate). These values are then zipped with the input names and used to evaluate the expression. This will give the initial result, after that I go column by column in the random boolean list and flip the boolean then zip it with the inputs again and evaluate it again to determine if the result changed.
So my question is this: Is there a faster way? I have included the code that performs the work. I have tried regular expressions to find and replace but it is always slower (from what I've seen). Take into account that the inner for loop will run N times where N is the number of unique inputs. The outside for loop I limit to run 2^15 if N > 15. So this turns into eval being executed Min(2^N, 2^15) * (1 + N)...
As an update to clarify what I am asking exactly (Sorry for any confusion). The algorithm/logic for calculating what I need is not the issue. I am asking for an alternative to the python built-in 'eval' that will perform the same thing faster. (take a string in the format of a boolean expression, replace the variables in the string with the values in the dictionary and then evaluate the string).
#value is expression as string
comp = compile(value.strip(), '-', 'eval')
inputs = comp.co_names
control = [0]*len(inputs)
#Sequences of random boolean values to be used
random_list = gen_rand_bits(len(inputs))
for row in random_list:
valuedict = dict(zip(inputs, row))
answer = eval(comp, valuedict)
for column in range(len(row)):
row[column] = ~row[column]
newvaluedict = dict(zip(inputs, row))
newanswer = eval(comp, newvaluedict)
row[column] = ~row[column]
if answer != newanswer:
control[column] = control[column] + 1
My question:
Just to make sure that I understand this correctly: Your actual problem is to determine the relative influence of each variable within a boolean expression on the outcome of said expression?
OP answered:
That is what I am calculating but my problem is not with how I calculate it logically but with my use of the python eval built-in to perform evaluating.
So, this seems to be a classic XY problem. You have an actual problem which is to determine the relative influence of each variable within the a boolean expression. You have attempted to solve this in a rather ineffective way, and now that you actually “feel” the inefficiency (in both memory usage and run time), you look for ways to improve your solution instead of looking for better ways to solve your original problem.
In any way, let’s first look at how you are trying to solve this. I’m not exactly sure what gen_rand_bits is supposed to do, so I can’t really take that into account. But still, you are essentially trying out every possible combination of variable assignments and see if flipping the value for a single variable changes the outcome of the formula result. “Luckily”, these are just boolean variables, so you are “only” looking at 2^N possible combinations. This means you have exponential run time. Now, O(2^N) algorithms are in theory very very bad, while in practice it’s often somewhat okay to use them (because most have an acceptable average case and execute fast enough). However, being an exhaustive algorithm, you actually have to look at every single combination and can’t shortcut. Plus the compilation and value evaluation using Python’s eval is apparently not so fast to make the inefficient algorithm acceptable.
So, we should look for a different solution. When looking at your solution, one might say that more efficient is not really possible, but when looking at the original problem, we can argue otherwise.
You essentially want to do things similar to what compilers do as static analysis. You want to look at the source code and analyze it just from there without having to actually evaluate that. As the language you are analyzing is highly restricted (being only a boolean expression with very few operators), this isn’t really that hard.
Code analysis usually works on the abstract syntax tree (or an augmented version of that). Python offers code analysis and abstract syntax tree generation with its ast module. We can use this to parse the expression and get the AST. Then based on the tree, we can analyze how relevant each part of an expression is for the whole.
Now, evaluating the relevance of each variable can get quite complicated, but you can do it all by analyzing the syntax tree. I will show you a simple evaluation that supports all boolean operators but will not further check the semantic influence of expressions:
import ast
class ExpressionEvaluator:
def __init__ (self, rawExpression):
self.raw = rawExpression
self.ast = ast.parse(rawExpression)
def run (self):
return self.evaluate(self.ast.body[0])
def evaluate (self, expr):
if isinstance(expr, ast.Expr):
return self.evaluate(expr.value)
elif isinstance(expr, ast.Name):
return self.evaluateName(expr)
elif isinstance(expr, ast.UnaryOp):
if isinstance(expr.op, ast.Invert):
return self.evaluateInvert(expr)
raise Exception('Unknown unary operation {}'.format(expr.op))
elif isinstance(expr, ast.BinOp):
if isinstance(expr.op, ast.BitOr):
return self.evaluateBitOr(expr.left, expr.right)
elif isinstance(expr.op, ast.BitAnd):
return self.evaluateBitAnd(expr.left, expr.right)
elif isinstance(expr.op, ast.BitXor):
return self.evaluateBitXor(expr.left, expr.right)
raise Exception('Unknown binary operation {}'.format(expr.op))
raise Exception('Unknown expression {}'.format(expr))
def evaluateName (self, expr):
return { 1 }
def evaluateInvert (self, expr):
return self.evaluate(expr.operand)
def evaluateBitOr (self, left, right):
return self.join(self.evaluate(left), .5, self.evaluate(right), .5)
def evaluateBitAnd (self, left, right):
return self.join(self.evaluate(left), .5, self.evaluate(right), .5)
def evaluateBitXor (self, left, right):
return self.join(self.evaluate(left), .5, self.evaluate(right), .5)
def join (self, a, ratioA, b, ratioB):
d = { k: v * ratioA for k, v in a.items() }
for k, v in b.items():
if k in d:
d[k] += v * ratioB
d[k] = v * ratioB
return d
expr = '((A&B)|(C&D)^~E)'
ee = ExpressionEvaluator(expr)
# > {'A': 0.25, 'C': 0.125, 'B': 0.25, 'E': 0.25, 'D': 0.125}
This implementation will essentially generate a plain AST for the given expression and the recursively walk through the tree and evaluate the different operators. The big evaluate method just delegates the work to the type specific methods below; it’s similar to what ast.NodeVisitor does except that we return the analyzation results from each node here. One could augment the nodes instead of returning it instead though.
In this case, the evaluation is just based on ocurrence in the expression. I don’t explicitely check for semantic effects. So for an expression A | (A & B), I get {'A': 0.75, 'B': 0.25}, although one could argue that semantically B has no relevance at all to the result (making it {'A': 1} instead). This is however something I’ll leave for you. As of now, every binary operation is handled identically (each operand getting a relevance of 50%), but that can be of course adjusted to introduce some semantic rules.
In any way, it will not be necessary to actually test variable assignments.
Instead of reinventing the wheel and getting into risk like performance and security which you are already in, it is better to search for industry ready well accepted libraries.
Logic Module of sympy would do the exact thing that you want to achieve without resorting to evil ohh I meant eval. More importantly, as the boolean expression is not a string you don;t have to care about parsing the expression which generally turns out to be the bottleneck.
You don't have to prepare a static table for computing this. Python is a dynamic language, thus it's able to interpret and run a code by itself during runtime.
In you case, I would suggest a soluation that:
import random, re, time
#Step 1: Input your expression as a string
logic_exp = "A|B&(C|D)&E|(F|G|H&(I&J|K|(L&M|N&O|P|Q&R|S)&T)|U&V|W&X&Y)"
#Step 2: Retrieve all the variable names.
# You can design a rule for naming, and use regex to retrieve them.
# Here for example, I consider all the single-cap-lettler are variables.
name_regex = re.compile(r"[A-Z]")
#Step 3: Replace each variable with its value.
# You could get the value with reading files or keyboard input.
# Here for example I just use random 0 or 1.
for name in name_regex.findall(logic_exp):
logic_exp = logic_exp.replace(name, str(random.randrange(2)))
#Step 4: Replace the operators. Python use 'and', 'or' instead of '&', '|'
logic_exp = logic_exp.replace("&", " and ")
logic_exp = logic_exp.replace("|", " or " )
#Step 5: interpret the expression with eval(exp) and output its value.
print "exporession =", logic_exp
print "expression output =",eval(logic_exp)
This would be very fast and take very little memory. For a test, I run the example above with 25 input variables:
exporession = 1 or 1 and (1 or 1) and 0 or (0 or 0 or 1 and (1 and 0 or 0 or (0 and 0 or 0 and 0 or 1 or 0 and 0 or 0) and 1) or 0 and 1 or 0 and 1 and 0)
expression output= 1
computing time: 0.000158071517944 seconds
According to your comment, I see that you are computing all the possible combinations instead of the output at a given input values. If so, it would become a typical NP-complete Boolean satisfiability problem. I don't think there's any algorithm that could make it by a complexity lower than O(2^N). I suggest you to search with the keywords fast algorithm to solve SAT problem, you would find a lot of interesting things.
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Closed 9 years ago.
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For a series of algorithms I'm implementing I need to simulate things like sets of coins being weighed or pooled blood samples. The overriding goal is to identify a sparse set of interesting items in a set of otherwise identical items. This identification is done by testing groups of items together. For example the classic problem is to find a light counterfeit coin in a group of 81 (identical) coins, using as few weightings of a pan balance as possible. The trick is to split the 81 coins into three groups and weigh two groups against each other. You then do this on the group which doesn't balance until you have 2 coins left.
The key point in the discussion above is that the set of interesting items is sparse in the wider set - the algorithms I'm implementing all outperform binary search etc for this type of input.
What I need is a way to test the entire vector that indicates the presence of a single, or more ones, without scanning the vector componentwise.
I.e. a way to return the Hamming Weight of the vector in an O(1) operation - this will accurately simulate pooling blood samples/weighing groups of coins in a pan balance.
It's key that the vector isn't scanned - but the output should indicate that there is at least one 1 in the vector. By scanning I mean looking at the vector with algorithms such as binary search or looking at each element in turn. That is need to simulate pooling groups of items (such as blood samples) and s single test on the group which indicates the presence of a 1.
I've implemented this 'vector' as a list currently, but this needn't be set in stone. The task is to determine, by testing groups of the sublist, where the 1s in the vector are. An example of the list is:
sparselist = [0]*100000
sparselist[1024] = 1
But this could equally well be a long/set/something else as suggested below.
Currently I'm using any() as the test but it's been pointed out to me that any() will scan the vector - defeating the purpose of what I'm trying to achieve.
Here is an example of a naive binary search using any to test the groups:
def binary_search(inList):
low = 0
high = len(inList)
while low < high:
mid = low + (high-low) // 2
upper = inList[mid:high]
lower = inList[low:mid]
if any(lower):
high = mid
elif any(upper):
low = mid+1
# Neither side has a 1
return -1
return mid
I apologise if this code isn't production quality. Any suggestions to improve it (beyond the any() test) will be appreciated.
I'm trying to come up with a better test than any() as it's been pointed out that any() will scan the list - defeating the point of what I'm trying to do. The test needn't return the exact Hamming weight - it merely needs to indicate that there is (or isn't!) a 1 in the group being tested (i.e. upper/lower in the code above).
I've also thought of using a binary xor, but don't know how to use it in a way that isn't componentwise.
Here is a sketch:
class OrVector (list):
def __init__(self):
self._nonzero_counter = 0
def append(self, x):
list.append(self, x)
if x:
self._nonzero_counter += 1
def remove(self, x):
if x:
self._nonzero_counter -= 1
list.remove(self, x)
def hasOne(self):
return self._nonzero_counter > 0
v = OrVector()
print v
print v.hasOne()
print v
print v.hasOne()
print v
print v.hasOne()
[0, 1]
The idea is to inherit from list, and add a single variable which stores the number of nonzero entries. While the crucial functionality is delegated to the base list class, at the same time you monitor the number of nonzero entries in the list, and can query it in O(1) time using hasOne() member function.
any will only scan the whole vector if does not find you you're after before the end of the "vector".
From the docs it is equivalent to
def any(iterable):
for element in iterable:
if element:
return True
return False
This does make it O(n). If you have things sorted (in your "binary vector") you can use bisect.
e.g. position = index(myVector, value)
Ok, maybe I will try an alternative answer.
You cannot do this with out any prior knowledge of your data. The only thing you can do it to make a test and cache the results. You can design a data structure that will help you determine a result of any subsequent tests in case your data structure is mutable, or a data structure that will be able to determine answer in better time on a subset of your vector.
However, your question does not indicate this. At least it did not at the time of writing the answer. For now you want to make one test on a vector, for a presence of a particular element, giving no prior knowledge about the data, in time complexity less than O(log n) in average case or O(n) in worst. This is not possible.
Also keep in mind you need to load a vector at some point which takes O(n) operations, so if you are interested in performing one test over a set of elements you wont loose much. On the average case with more elements, the loading time will take much more than testing.
If you want to perform a set of tests you can design an algorithm that will "build up" some knowledge during the subsequent test, that will help it determine results in better times. However, that holds only if you want make more than one test!
So in Ruby there is a trick to specify infinity:
=> Infinity
I believe in Python you can do something like this
These are just examples though, I'm sure most languages have infinity in some capacity. When would you actually use this construct in the real world? Why would using it in a range be better than just using a boolean expression? For instance
(0..1.0/0).include?(number) == (number >= 0) # True for all values of number
=> true
To summarize, what I'm looking for is a real world reason to use Infinity.
EDIT: I'm looking for real world code. It's all well and good to say this is when you "could" use it, when have people actually used it.
Dijkstra's Algorithm typically assigns infinity as the initial edge weights in a graph. This doesn't have to be "infinity", just some arbitrarily constant but in java I typically use Double.Infinity. I assume ruby could be used similarly.
Off the top of the head, it can be useful as an initial value when searching for a minimum value.
For example:
min = float('inf')
for x in somelist:
if x<min:
Which I prefer to setting min initially to the first value of somelist
Of course, in Python, you should just use the min() built-in function in most cases.
There seems to be an implied "Why does this functionality even exist?" in your question. And the reason is that Ruby and Python are just giving access to the full range of values that one can specify in floating point form as specified by IEEE.
This page seems to describe it well:
As a result, you can also have NaN (Not-a-number) values and -0.0, while you may not immediately have real-world uses for those either.
In some physics calculations you can normalize irregularities (ie, infinite numbers) of the same order with each other, canceling them both and allowing a approximate result to come through.
When you deal with limits, calculations like (infinity / infinity) -> approaching a finite a number could be achieved. It's useful for the language to have the ability to overwrite the regular divide-by-zero error.
Use Infinity and -Infinity when implementing a mathematical algorithm calls for it.
In Ruby, Infinity and -Infinity have nice comparative properties so that -Infinity < x < Infinity for any real number x. For example, Math.log(0) returns -Infinity, extending to 0 the property that x > y implies that Math.log(x) > Math.log(y). Also, Infinity * x is Infinity if x > 0, -Infinity if x < 0, and 'NaN' (not a number; that is, undefined) if x is 0.
For example, I use the following bit of code in part of the calculation of some log likelihood ratios. I explicitly reference -Infinity to define a value even if k is 0 or n AND x is 0 or 1.
Infinity = 1.0/0.0
def Similarity.log_l(k, n, x)
unless x == 0 or x == 1
k * Math.log(x.to_f) + (n-k) * Math.log(1.0-x)
Alpha-beta pruning
I use it to specify the mass and inertia of a static object in physics simulations. Static objects are essentially unaffected by gravity and other simulation forces.
In Ruby infinity can be used to implement lazy lists. Say i want N numbers starting at 200 which get successively larger by 100 units each time:
Inf = 1.0 / 0.0
More info here:
I've used it for cases where you want to define ranges of preferences / allowed.
For example in 37signals apps you have like a limit to project number
Infinity = 1 / 0.0
FREE = 0..1
BASIC = 0..5
PREMIUM = 0..Infinity
then you can do checks like
if PREMIUM.include? current_user.projects.count
# do something
I used it for representing camera focus distance and to my surprise in Python:
>>> float("inf") is float("inf")
>>> float("inf") == float("inf")
I wonder why is that.
I've used it in the minimax algorithm. When I'm generating new moves, if the min player wins on that node then the value of the node is -∞. Conversely, if the max player wins then the value of that node is +∞.
Also, if you're generating nodes/game states and then trying out several heuristics you can set all the node values to -∞/+∞ which ever makes sense and then when you're running a heuristic its easy to set the node value:
node_val = -∞
node_val = max(heuristic1(node), node_val)
node_val = max(heuristic2(node), node_val)
node_val = max(heuristic2(node), node_val)
I've used it in a DSL similar to Rails' has_one and has_many:
has 0..1 :author
has 0..INFINITY :tags
This makes it easy to express concepts like Kleene star and plus in your DSL.
I use it when I have a Range object where one or both ends need to be open
I've used symbolic values for positive and negative infinity in dealing with range comparisons to eliminate corner cases that would otherwise require special handling:
Given two ranges A=[a,b) and C=[c,d) do they intersect, is one greater than the other, or does one contain the other?
A > C iff a >= d
A < C iff b <= c
If you have values for positive and negative infinity that respectively compare greater than and less than all other values, you don't need to do any special handling for open-ended ranges. Since floats and doubles already implement these values, you might as well use them instead of trying to find the largest/smallest values on your platform. With integers, it's more difficult to use "infinity" since it's not supported by hardware.
I ran across this because I'm looking for an "infinite" value to set for a maximum, if a given value doesn't exist, in an attempt to create a binary tree. (Because I'm selecting based on a range of values, and not just a single value, I quickly realized that even a hash won't work in my situation.)
Since I expect all numbers involved to be positive, the minimum is easy: 0. Since I don't know what to expect for a maximum, though, I would like the upper bound to be Infinity of some sort. This way, I won't have to figure out what "maximum" I should compare things to.
Since this is a project I'm working on at work, it's technically a "Real world problem". It may be kindof rare, but like a lot of abstractions, it's convenient when you need it!
Also, to those who say that this (and other examples) are contrived, I would point out that all abstractions are somewhat contrived; that doesn't mean they are useful when you contrive them.
When working in a problem domain where trig is used (especially tangent) infinity is an answer that can come up. Trig ends up being used heavily in graphics applications, games, and geospatial applications, plus the obvious math applications.
I'm sure there are other ways to do this, but you could use Infinity to check for reasonable inputs in a String-to-Float conversion. In Java, at least, the Float.isNaN() static method will return false for numbers with infinite magnitude, indicating they are valid numbers, even though your program might want to classify them as invalid. Checking against the Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY and Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY constants solves that problem. For example:
// Some sample values to test our code with
String stringValues[] = {
// Loop through each string representation
for (String stringValue : stringValues) {
// Convert the string representation to a Float representation
Float floatValue = Float.parseFloat(stringValue);
System.out.println("String representation: " + stringValue);
System.out.println("Result of isNaN: " + floatValue.isNaN());
// Check the result for positive infinity, negative infinity, and
// "normal" float numbers (within the defined range for Float values).
if (floatValue == Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY) {
System.out.println("That number is too big.");
} else if (floatValue == Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY) {
System.out.println("That number is too small.");
} else {
System.out.println("That number is jussssst right.");
Sample Output:
String representation: -999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999
Result of isNaN: false
That number is too small.
String representation: 12345
Result of isNaN: false
That number is jussssst right.
String representation: 999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999
Result of isNaN: false
That number is too big.
It is used quite extensively in graphics. For example, any pixel in a 3D image that is not part of an actual object is marked as infinitely far away. So that it can later be replaced with a background image.
I'm using a network library where you can specify the maximum number of reconnection attempts. Since I want mine to reconnect forever:
my_connection = ConnectionLibrary(max_connection_attempts = float('inf'))
In my opinion, it's more clear than the typical "set to -1 to retry forever" style, since it's literally saying "retry until the number of connection attempts is greater than infinity".
Some programmers use Infinity or NaNs to show a variable has never been initialized or assigned in the program.
If you want the largest number from an input but they might use very large negatives. If I enter -13543124321.431 it still works out as the largest number since it's bigger than -inf.
enter code here
initial_value = float('-inf')
while True:
x = input('gimmee a number or type the word, stop ')
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print("we done - by yo command")
if x == "stop":
print("we done")
x = float(x)
except ValueError:
print('not a number')
if x > initial_value: initial_value = x
print("The largest number is: " + str(initial_value))
You can to use:
import decimal
from decimal import *
For sorting
I've seen it used as a sort value, to say "always sort these items to the bottom".
To specify a non-existent maximum
If you're dealing with numbers, nil represents an unknown quantity, and should be preferred to 0 for that case. Similarly, Infinity represents an unbounded quantity, and should be preferred to (arbitrarily_large_number) in that case.
I think it can make the code cleaner. For example, I'm using Float::INFINITY in a Ruby gem for exactly that: the user can specify a maximum string length for a message, or they can specify :all. In that case, I represent the maximum length as Float::INFINITY, so that later when I check "is this message longer than the maximum length?" the answer will always be false, without needing a special case.