Storing independent data tables in python with pandas - python

I have put ~100 dataframes containing data into a list tables and a list of names (so I can call by name or just iterate over the whole bunch without needing names)
This data will need to be stored, appended to and later queried. So I want to store it as a pandas hdf5 store.
There are ~100 DFs but I can group them into pairs (two different observers).
In the end I want to iterate over all the list of tables but also
I've thought about Panels (but that will have annoying NaN values since the tables aren't the same length), hierachical hd5f (but that doesn't really solve anything, just groups by observer), one continuous dataframe (seeming as they have the same number of columns) (but that will just make it harder because I'll have to piece the DFs back together afterwards).
Is there anything blatantly obvious I'm missing, or am I just going to have to grin and bear it with one these? (if so which one would you go for to give the greatest flexibility?)


Merging two tables in Pandas, and adding in multiple Indices too

I have data that's to be analysed for a project I'm working in, mostly done using pandas at the moment as the data comes in from Excel.
I'm trying to merge some of these tables, based on a column, which isn't the issue, the issue is that the tables have column names that are the same, looking kind of like below:
the columns that get reused are 10-30, 30-50 etc.
I want to do it so that i can have a higher index on the numbered columns, and have it called something like "Percentages", "Real miles" etc, so that when I'm completing calculations later on it's easier to link up the relevant cells, as well as have it more presentable at the end
Right now I'm having difficulty producing this, as the only place I've seen that have something more akin to what I want is when you see people creating dataframes from tuple/dictionaries, but considering how large the final inputs will be in this project, I wouldn't know how to go about writing them in.
I'm basically looking to have it look like below:
I hope I understood your issue
Using the Merge function you can set suffix for each of the columns from each of the dataframes. E.g.:
df1.merge(df2, left_on='lkey', right_on='rkey',suffixes=('_left', '_right'))
This way you will differentiate between columns coming from each of your dataframes.

Joining a large and a massive spark dataframe

My problem is as follows:
I have a large dataframe called details containing 900K rows and the other one containing 80M rows named attributes.
Both have a column A on which I would like to do a left-outer join, the left dataframe being deatils.
There are only 75K unique entries in column A in the dataframe details. The dataframe attributes 80M unique entries in column A.
What is the best possible way to achieve the join operation?
What have I tried?
The simple join i.e. details.join(attributes, "A", how="left_outer") just times out (or gives out of memory).
Since there are only 75K unique entries in column A in details, we don't care about the rest in the dataframe in attributes. So, first I filter that using:
uniqueA ='A').distinct().collect()
uniqueA = map(lambda x: x.A, uniqueA)
attributes_filtered = attributes.filter(attributes.A.isin(*uniqueA))
I thought this would work out because the attributes table comes down from 80M rows to mere 75K rows. However, it still takes forever to complete the join (and it never completes).
Next, I thought that there are too many partitions and the data to be joined is not on the same partition. Though, I don't know how to bring all the data to the same partition, I figured repartitioning may help. So here it goes.
details_repartitioned = details.repartition("A")
attributes_repartitioned = attributes.repartition("A")
The above operation brings down the number of partitions in attributes from 70K to 200. The number of partitions in details are about 1100.
details_attributes = details_repartitioned.join(broadcast(
attributes_repartitioned), "A", how='left_outer') # tried without broadcast too
After all this, the join still doesn't work. I am still learning PySpark so I might have misunderstood the fundamentals behind repartitioning. If someone could shed light on this, it would be great.
P.S. I have already seen this question but that does not answer this question.
Details table has 900k items with 75k distinct entries in column A. I think the filter on the column A you have tried is a correct direction. However, the collect and followed by the map operation
attributes_filtered = attributes.filter(attributes.A.isin(*uniqueA))
this is too expensive. An alternate approach would be
uniqueA ='A').distinct().persist(StorageLevel.DISK_ONLY)
uniqueA.count // Breaking the DAG lineage
attrJoined = attributes.join(uniqueA, "inner")
Also, you probably need to set the shuffle partition correctly if you haven't done that yet.
One problem could happen in your dataset is that skew. It could happen among 75k unique values only a few joining with a large number of rows in the attribute table. In that case join could take much longer time and may not finish.
To resolve that you need to find the skewed values of column A and process them separately.

Navigating simple, yet large set of data

I have got a approximately 12GB of tab-separated data in a very simple format:
mainIdentifier, altIdentifierType, altIdentifierText
MainIdentifier is not a unique row identifier - only the whole combination of the 3 columns is unique. My main use-case is looking up corresponding entries going from mainIdentifier or going from two different types of alternative identifiers.
From what I can glean, I would need to construct a lookup index for each entry direction to make it fast. However, given the simplicity of the task, I do not really need the index pointing to the record - the index itself is the answer.
I've tried sqlite3 in python but as expected, the result is not as fast as I would've liked. I am now considering just storing the two lists and moving around in a binary-search fashion, however, I do not want to re-invent the wheel - is there any way existing solution how to solve this?
Also, I intend to run this a REST-enabled service, so it's not feasible for the lookup table to be stored in memory in any fashion..

Using Pandas to create, read, and update hdf5 file structure

We would like to be able to allow the HDF5 files themselves to define their columns, indexes, and column types instead of maintaining a separate file that defines structure of the HDF5 data.
How can I create an empty HDF5 file from Pandas with a specific table structure like:
id (Int)
name (Str)
update_date (datetime)
some_float (float)
Once the HDF5 is created and saved to disk, how do I retrieve the column and index information without having to open the file completely each time since it will likely contain several GB of data.
Many thanks in advance...
-- UPDATE --
Thanks for the comments. To clarify a bit more:
We do have some experience with Pandas but by no means are really proficient. The part that is tripping us up is creating an empty data structure and reading that structure from a file that you will not want to fully open. In all of the Pandas examples there is data. The Pandas examples also only show two ways to retrieve data/structure which are to read the entire frame into memory or issue a where clause. In this case, we would like to be able to see the table structure without query operations if possible.
I know this is an odd case. Why the heck would you want an empty dataframe?? Well, we want to have a great deal of flexility in moving data around and want to be able to define a target dataframe structure prior to data writing, which could take place much later (e.g. hours or days). Since the HDF5 specification maintains all that information it seems directionally incorrect to store the table structure information separately. Thus our desire to crack the code on this subject.
-- UPDATE 2 --
To add more detail as #jeff requested.
We would like to abstract some of the common Pandas functions like summing data or merging two frames. Thus we would like to be able to ask each frame what their columns are so we can present a view for the user to select the result frame columns.
For example, if we imported a CSV with columns A, B, C, D, and V and saved the frame to HDF5 as my_csv.hdf then we would be able to determine the columns by opening the file.
However, in our use case it is likely that the import frame for the CSV could be cleared periodically and no longer contain the data. The reason knowing that the my_csv frame has certain columns and types is important because we want to enable a user to then select those columns for summing in a downstream operation. Lets say a user wants to sum column V by the values in columns A and B only and save the frame as my_sum. Since we can't ensure my_csv will always have data we would like to ensure it at least contains the structure.
Open to other suggestions obviously. It is also possible to store the table structure info in the user_block. This, again, is not ideal because the structure is now being kept in two different areas but I guess it would be possible to always update the user_block on save using the latest column and index information for the frame, although I believe the to_* operations in Pandas will blow away the user_block so...blah. I feel like I'm talking myself into maintaining a peer structure definition but I REALLY would love some suggestions to not have to do that.

Storing and reloading large multidimensional data sets in Python

I'm going to be running a large number of simulations producing a large amount of data that needs to be stored and accessed again later. Output data from my simulation program is written to text files (one per simulation). I plan on writing a Python program that reads these text files and then stores the data in a format more convenient for analyzing later. After quite a bit of searching, I think I'm suffering from information overload, so I'm putting this question to Stack Overflow for some advice. Here are the details:
My data will basically take the form of a multidimensional array where each entry will look something like this:
data[ stringArg1, stringArg2, stringArg3, stringArg4, intArg1 ] = [ floatResult01, floatResult02, ..., floatResult12 ]
Each argument has roughly the following numbers of potential values:
stringArg1: 50
stringArg2: 20
stringArg3: 6
stringArg4: 24
intArg1: 10,000
Note, however, that the data set will be sparse. For example, for a given value of stringArg1, only about 16 values of stringArg2 will be filled in. Also, for a given combination of (stringArg1, stringArg2) roughly 5000 values of intArg1 will be filled in. The 3rd and 4th string arguments are always completely filled.
So, with these numbers my array will have roughly 50*16*6*24*5000 = 576,000,000 result lists.
I'm looking for the best way to store this array such that I can save it and reopen it later to either add more data, update existing data, or query existing data for analysis. Thus far I've looked into three different approaches:
a relational database
Python dictionary that uses tuples as the dictionary keys (using pickle to save & reload)
There's one issue I run into in all three approaches, I always end up storing every tuple combination of (stringArg1, stringArg2, stringArg3, stringArg4, intArg1), either as a field in a table, or as the keys in the Python dictionary. From my (possibly naive) point of view, it seems like this shouldn't be necessary. If these were all integer arguments then they would just form the address of each data entry in the array, and there wouldn't be any need to store all the potential address combinations in a separate field. For example, if I had a 2x2 array = [[100, 200] , [300, 400]] you would retrieve values by asking for the value at an address array[0][1]. You wouldn't need to store all the possible address tuples (0,0) (0,1) (1,0) (1,1) somewhere else. So I'm hoping to find a way around this.
What I would love to be able to do is define a table in PyTables, where cells in this first table contain other tables. For example, the top-level tables would have two columns. Entries in the first column would be the possible values of stringArg1. Each entry in the second column would be a table. These sub-tables would then have two columns, the first being all the possible values of stringArg2, the second being another column of sub-sub-tables...
That kind of solution would be straightforward to browse and query (particularly if I could use ViTables to browse the data). The problem is PyTables doesn't seem to support having the cells of one table contain other tables. So I seem to have hit a dead end there.
I've been reading up on data warehousing and the star schema approach, but it still seems like your fact table would need to contain tuples of every possible argument combination.
Okay, so that's pretty much where I am. Any and all advice would be very much appreciated. At this point I've been searching around so much that my brain hurts. I figure it's time to ask the experts.
Why not using a big table for keep all the 500 millions of entries? If you use on-the-flight compression (Blosc compressor recommended here), most of the duplicated entries will be deduped, so the overhead in storage is kept under a minimum. I'd recommend give this a try; sometimes the simple solution works best ;-)
Is there a reason the basic 6 table approach doesn't apply?
i.e. Tables 1-5 would be single column tables defining the valid values for each of the fields, and then the final table would be a 5 column table defining the entries that actually exist.
Alternatively, if every value always exists for the 3rd and 4th string values as you describe, the 6th table could just consist of 3 columns (string1, string2, int1) and you generate the combinations with string3 and string4 dynamically via a Cartesian join.
I'm not entirely sure of what you're trying to do here, but it looks like you trying to create a (potentially) sparse multidimensional array. So I wont go into details for solving your specific problem, but the best package I know that deals with this is Numpy Numpy. Numpy can
be used as an efficient multi-dimensional container of generic data. Arbitrary data-types can be defined. This allows NumPy to seamlessly and speedily integrate with a wide variety of databases.
I've used Numpy many times for simulation data processing and it provides many useful tools including easy file storage/access.
Hopefully you'll find something in it's very easy to read documentation:
Numpy Documentation with Examples
