Storing Numpy or Pandas Data in Mongodb - python

I'm trying to decide the best way to store my time series data in mongodb. Outside of mongo I'm working with them as numpy arrays or pandas DataFrames. I have seen a number of people (such as in this post) recommend pickling it and storing the binary, but I was under the impression that pickle should never be used for long term storage. Is that only true for data structures that might have underlying code changes to their class structures? To put it another way, numpy arrays are probably stable so fine to pickle, but pandas DataFrames might go bad as pandas is still evolving?
A friend pointed me to this, which seems to be a good start on exactly what I want:
Numpy has its own binary file format, which should be long term storage stable. Once I get it actually working I'll come back and post my code. If someone else has made this work already I'll happily accept your answer.

We've built an open source library for storing numeric data (Pandas, numpy, etc.) in MongoDB:
Best of all, it's easy to use, pretty fast and supports data versioning, multiple data libraries and more.


Storing large dense 2D matrix of float32 data

I am searching for the best possible solution for storing large dense 2D matrices of floating-point data, generally float32 data.
The goal would be to share scientific data more easily from websites like the Internet Archive and make such data FAIR.
My current approaches (listed below) fall short of the desired goal, so I thought I might ask here, hoping to find something new, such as a better data structure. Even though my examples are in Python, the solution does not need to be in Python. Any good solution will do, even one in COBOL!
One approach I tried would be to store the values as compressed CSVs using pandas, but this is excruciatingly slow, and the end compression is not exactly optimal (generally a 50% from the plain CSV on the data I tried this on, which is not flawed but not sufficient to make this viable.) In this example, I am using gzip. I have also tried LZMA, but it is generally way slower, and, at least on the data I tried it on, it does not yield a significantly better result.
import pandas as pd
my_data: pd.DataFrame = create_my_data_doing_something()
NumPy Based
Another solution is to store the data into a NumPy-like matrix and then compress it on a disk.
import numpy as np
my_data: np.ndarray = create_my_data_doing_something()"my_data_saved.npy", my_data)
and afterwards
gzip -k my_data_saved.npy
Numpy with H5
Another possible compression is H5, but as shown in the benchmark below it does not do better than the plain numpy.
with h5py.File("my_data_saved.h5", 'w') as hf:
hf.create_dataset("my_data_saved", data=my_data)
Issues in using the Numpy format
While this may be a good solution, we limit the scope of usability of the data to people that can use Python. Of course, this is a vast pool of people, though, in my circles, many biologists and mathematicians abhor Python and like to stick to Matlab and R (and therefore would not know what to do with a .npy.gz file).
Another solution, as correctly pointed out by #lojza, is to store the data into a pickle object, which may also be compressed to a disk. Pickle obtains in my benchmarks (see below) a compression ratio comparable with what is obtained with Numpy.
import pickle
import compress_pickle
my_data: np.ndarray = create_my_data_doing_something()
# Not compressed pickle
with open("my_data_saved.pkl", "wb") as f:
pickle.dump(my_data, f)
# Compressed version
compress_pickle.dump(df, "my_data_saved.pkl.gz")
Issues in using Pickle format
The issue in using Pickle is two-fold: first, the same Python-dependency issue discussed above. Secondly, there is a significant security issue: the Pickle format can be used for arbitrary code execution exploits. People should be wary of downloading random pickle files from the internet (and here, the goal is to make people share datasets on the internet).
python import pickle
# Build the exploit
command = b"""cat flag.txt"""
x = b"c__builtin__\ngetattr\nc__builtin__\n__import__\nS'os'\n\x85RS'system'\n\x86RS'%s'\n\x85R."%command
# Test it
I have executed benchmarks to provide a baseline on which to improve. Here, we can see that generally, Numpy is the best performing choice, and to my knowledge, it should not have any security risk in its format. It follows that a compressed NumPy array is currently the best contender, please let's find a better one!
To share some actual use cases of this relatively simple task, I share a couple of graphs embedding the complete OBO Foundry graph. If there were a way to make these files smaller, sharing them would be significantly more accessible, allowing for more reproducible experiments and accelerating research in the bio-ontologies (for this specific data) and other fields.
OBO Foundry embedded using CBOW
OBO Foundry embedded using TransE
What other approaches may I try?

Python - What are the major improvement of Pandas over Numpy/Scipy

I have been using numpy/scipy for data analysis. I recently started to learn Pandas.
I have gone through a few tutorials and I am trying to understand what are the major improvement of Pandas over Numpy/Scipy.
It seems to me that the key idea of Pandas is to wrap up different numpy arrays in a Data Frame, with some utility functions around it.
Is there something revolutionary about Pandas that I just stupidly missed?
Pandas is not particularly revolutionary and does use the NumPy and SciPy ecosystem to accomplish it's goals along with some key Cython code. It can be seen as a simpler API to the functionality with the addition of key utilities like joins and simpler group-by capability that are particularly useful for people with Table-like data or time-series. But, while not revolutionary, Pandas does have key benefits.
For a while I had also perceived Pandas as just utilities on top of NumPy for those who liked the DataFrame interface. However, I now see Pandas as providing these key features (this is not comprehensive):
Array of Structures (independent-storage of disparate types instead of the contiguous storage of structured arrays in NumPy) --- this will allow faster processing in many cases.
Simpler interfaces to common operations (file-loading, plotting, selection, and joining / aligning data) make it easy to do a lot of work in little code.
Index arrays which mean that operations are always aligned instead of having to keep track of alignment yourself.
Split-Apply-Combine is a powerful way of thinking about and implementing data-processing
However, there are downsides to Pandas:
Pandas is basically a user-interface library and not particularly suited for writing library code. The "automatic" features can lull you into repeatedly using them even when you don't need to and slowing down code that gets called over and over again.
Pandas typically takes up more memory as it is generous with the creation of object arrays to solve otherwise sticky problems of things like string handling.
If your use-case is outside the realm of what Pandas was designed to do, it gets clunky quickly. But, within the realms of what it was designed to do, Pandas is powerful and easy to use for quick data analysis.
I feel like characterising Pandas as "improving on" Numpy/SciPy misses much of the point. Numpy/Scipy are quite focussed on efficient numeric calculation and solving numeric problems of the sort that scientists and engineers often solve. If your problem starts out with formulae and involves numerical solution from there, you're probably good with those two.
Pandas is much more aligned with problems that start with data stored in files or databases and which contain strings as well as numbers. Consider the problem of reading data from a database query. In Pandas, you can read_sql_query directly and have a usable version of the data in one line. There is no equivalent functionality in Numpy/SciPy.
For data featuring strings or discrete rather than continuous data, there is no equivalent to the groupby capability, or the database-like joining of tables on matching values.
For time series, there is the massive benefit of handling time series data using a datetime index, which allows you to resample smoothly to different intervals, fill in values and plot your series incredibly easily.
Since many of my problems start their lives in spreadsheets, I am also very grateful for the relatively transparent handling of Excel files in both .xls and .xlsx formats with a uniform interface.
There is also a greater ecosystem, with packages like seaborn enabling more fluent statistical analysis and model fitting than is possible with the base numpy/scipy stuff.
A main point is that it introduces new data structures like dataframes, panels etc. and has good interfaces to other structure and libs. So in generally its more an great extension to the python ecosystem than an improvement over other libs. For me its a great tool among others like numpy, bcolz. Often i use it to reshape my data, get an overview before starting to do data mining etc.

how to rapidaly load data into memory with python?

I have a large csv file (5 GB) and I can read it with pandas.read_csv(). This operation takes a lot of time 10-20 minutes.
How can I speed it up?
Would it be useful to transform the data in a sqllite format? In case what should I do?
EDIT: More information:
The data contains 1852 columns and 350000 rows. Most of the columns are float65 and contain numbers. Some other contains string or dates (that I suppose are considered as string)
I am using a laptop with 16 GB of RAM and SSD hard drive. The data should fit fine in memory (but I know that python tends to increase the data size)
EDIT 2 :
During the loading I receive this message
/usr/local/lib/python3.4/dist-packages/pandas/io/ DtypeWarning: Columns (1841,1842,1844) have mixed types. Specify dtype option on import or set low_memory=False.
data =
Read one time the csv file and save it as
data.to_hdf('data.h5', 'table')
This format is incredibly efficient
This actually depends on which part of reading it is taking 10 minutes.
If it's actually reading from disk, then obviously any more compact form of the data will be better.
If it's processing the CSV format (you can tell this because your CPU is at near 100% on one core while reading; it'll be very low for the other two), then you want a form that's already preprocessed.
If it's swapping memory, e.g., because you only have 2GB of physical RAM, then nothing is going to help except splitting the data.
It's important to know which one you have. For example, stream-compressing the data (e.g., with gzip) will make the first problem a lot better, but the second one even worse.
It sounds like you probably have the second problem, which is good to know. (However, there are things you can do that will probably be better no matter what the problem.)
Your idea of storing it in a sqlite database is nice because it can at least potentially solve all three at once; you only read the data in from disk as-needed, and it's stored in a reasonably compact and easy-to-process form. But it's not the best possible solution for the first two, just a "pretty good" one.
In particular, if you actually do need to do array-wide work across all 350000 rows, and can't translate that work into SQL queries, you're not going to get much benefit out of sqlite. Ultimately, you're going to be doing a giant SELECT to pull in all the data and then process it all into one big frame.
Writing out the shape and structure information, then writing the underlying arrays in NumPy binary form. Then, for reading, you have to reverse that. NumPy's binary form just stores the raw data as compactly as possible, and it's a format that can be written blindingly quickly (it's basically just dumping the raw in-memory storage to disk). That will improve both the first and second problems.
Similarly, storing the data in HDF5 (either using Pandas IO or an external library like PyTables or h5py) will improve both the first and second problems. HDF5 is designed to be a reasonably compact and simple format for storing the same kind of data you usually store in Pandas. (And it includes optional compression as a built-in feature, so if you know which of the two you have, you can tune it.) It won't solve the second problem quite as well as the last option, but probably well enough, and it's much simpler (once you get past setting up your HDF5 libraries).
Finally, pickling the data may sometimes be faster. pickle is Python's native serialization format, and it's hookable by third-party modules—and NumPy and Pandas have both hooked it to do a reasonably good job of pickling their data.
(Although this doesn't apply to the question, it may help someone searching later: If you're using Python 2.x, make sure to explicitly use pickle format 2; IIRC, NumPy is very bad at the default pickle format 0. In Python 3.0+, this isn't relevant, because the default format is at least 3.)
Python has two built-in libraries called pickle and cPickle that can store any Python data structure.
cPickle is identical to pickle except that cPickle has trouble with Unicode stuff and is 1000x faster.
Both are really convenient for saving stuff that's going to be re-loaded into Python in some form, since you don't have to worry about some kind of error popping up in your file I/O.
Having worked with a number of XML files, I've found some performance gains from loading pickles instead of raw XML. I'm not entirely sure how the performance compares with CSVs, but it's worth a shot, especially if you don't have to worry about Unicode stuff and can use cPickle. It's also simple, so if it's not a good enough boost, you can move on to other methods with minimal time lost.
A simple example of usage:
>>> import pickle
>>> stuff = ["Here's", "a", "list", "of", "tokens"]
>>> fstream = open("test.pkl", "wb")
>>> pickle.dump(stuff,fstream)
>>> fstream.close()
>>> fstream2 = open("test.pkl", "rb")
>>> old_stuff = pickle.load(fstream2)
>>> fstream2.close()
>>> old_stuff
["Here's", 'a', 'list', 'of', 'tokens']
Notice the "b" in the file stream openers. This is important--it preserves cross-platform compatibility of the pickles. I've failed to do this before and had it come back to haunt me.
For your stuff, I recommend writing a first script that parses the CSV and saves it as a pickle; when you do your analysis, the script associated with that loads the pickle like in the second block of code up there.
I've tried this with XML; I'm curious how much of a boost you will get with CSVs.
If the problem is in the processing overhead, then you can divide the file into smaller files and handle them in different CPU cores or threads. Also for some algorithms the python time will increase non-linearly and the dividing method will help in these cases.

PyTables, Creating a table without opening an hdf5 file

is it possible to create a PyTables table without opening or creating an hdf5 file?
What I mean, and what I need, is to create a table (well actually very many tables) in different processes, work with these tables and store the tables into an hdf5 file only in the end after some calculations (and ensuring only one process at a time performs the storage).
In principle I could do all the calculations on normal Python data (arrays strings etc) and perform the storage in the end. However, why I would appreciate to work on PyTables right from the start are the sanity checks. I want to always ensure that the data I work with fits into the predefined tables and does not violate shape constraints etc (and since PyTables checks for those problems I don't need to implement it all by myself).
Thanks a lot and kind regards,
You are looking for pandas which has great Pytables integration. You will be working with tables all the way and in the end you will be able to save to hdf5 in the easiest possible way.
You can create a numpy-array with given shape and datatype.
my_array = num.empty(shape=my_shape, dtype=num.float)
If you need indexing by name have a look at numpy record-arrays (nee numpy recarray)
But if you work directly with the PyTable-Object it can be faster (see benchmark here).

exporting from/importing to numpy, scipy in SQLite and HDF5 formats

There seems to be many choices for Python to interface with SQLite (sqlite3, atpy) and HDF5 (h5py, pyTables) -- I wonder if anyone has experience using these together with numpy arrays or data tables (structured/record arrays), and which of these most seamlessly integrate with "scientific" modules (numpy, scipy) for each data format (SQLite and HDF5).
Most of it depends on your use case.
I have a lot more experience dealing with the various HDF5-based methods than traditional relational databases, so I can't comment too much on SQLite libraries for python...
At least as far as h5py vs pyTables, they both offer very seamless access via numpy arrays, but they're oriented towards very different use cases.
If you have n-dimensional data that you want to quickly access an arbitrary index-based slice of, then it's much more simple to use h5py. If you have data that's more table-like, and you want to query it, then pyTables is a much better option.
h5py is a relatively "vanilla" wrapper around the HDF5 libraries compared to pyTables. This is a very good thing if you're going to be regularly accessing your HDF file from another language (pyTables adds some extra metadata). h5py can do a lot, but for some use cases (e.g. what pyTables does) you're going to need to spend more time tweaking things.
pyTables has some really nice features. However, if your data doesn't look much like a table, then it's probably not the best option.
To give a more concrete example, I work a lot with fairly large (tens of GB) 3 and 4 dimensional arrays of data. They're homogenous arrays of floats, ints, uint8s, etc. I usually want to access a small subset of the entire dataset. h5py makes this very simple, and does a fairly good job of auto-guessing a reasonable chunk size. Grabbing an arbitrary chunk or slice from disk is much, much faster than for a simple memmapped file. (Emphasis on arbitrary... Obviously, if you want to grab an entire "X" slice, then a C-ordered memmapped array is impossible to beat, as all the data in an "X" slice are adjacent on disk.)
As a counter example, my wife collects data from a wide array of sensors that sample at minute to second intervals over several years. She needs to store and run arbitrary querys (and relatively simple calculations) on her data. pyTables makes this use case very easy and fast, and still has some advantages over traditional relational databases. (Particularly in terms of disk usage and speed at which a large (index-based) chunk of data can be read into memory)
