I'm hoping someone can help me with being able to make a marshaled cross-process call into Excel from Python.
I have an Excel session initiated via Python that I know will be up and running when it needs to be accessed from a separate Python process. I have got everything working as desired using marshaling with CoMarshalInterfaceInStream() and CoGetInterfaceAndReleaseStream() calls from the pythoncom module, but I need repeat access to the stream (which I can only set up once in my case), and CoGetInterfaceAndReleaseStream() allows once-only access to the interface.
I believe that what I would like to achieve can be done with CreateStreamOnHGlobal(), CoMarshalInterface() and CoUnmarshalInterface() but am unable to get it working, almost certainly because I am not passing in the correct parameters.
Rather than describe in detail my main scenario, I have set up a simple example program as follows - obviously this takes place in the same process but one step at a time! The following snippet works fine:
import win32com.client
import pythoncom
excelApp = win32com.client.DispatchEx("Excel.Application")
marshalledExcelApp = pythoncom.CoMarshalInterThreadInterfaceInStream(pythoncom.IID_IDispatch, excelApp)
xlApp = win32com.client.Dispatch(
pythoncom.CoGetInterfaceAndReleaseStream(marshalledExcelApp, pythoncom.IID_IDispatch))
xlWb = xlApp.Workbooks.Add()
xlWs = xlWb.Worksheets.Add()
xlWs.Range("A1").Value = "AAA"
However, when I try the following:
import win32com.client
import pythoncom
excelApp = win32com.client.DispatchEx("Excel.Application")
myStream = pythoncom.CreateStreamOnHGlobal()
myUnmarshaledInterface = pythoncom.CoUnmarshalInterface(myStream, pythoncom.IID_IDispatch)
I get this error (which I imagine is related to the 3rd parameter) when making the call to pythoncom.CoMarshalInterface():
"ValueError: argument is not a COM object (got type=instance)"
Does anyone know how I can get this simple example working?
Thanks in advance
After much angst, I have managed to resolve the issue I was facing, and indeed subsequent ones which I will also describe.
First, I was correct in guessing that my initial problem was with the 3rd parameter in the call to pythoncom.CoMarshalInterface(). In fact, I should have been making a reference to the oleobj property of my excelApp variable:
However, I then faced a different error message, this time in the call to pythoncom.CoUnmarshalInterface():
com_error: (-2147287010, 'A disk error occurred during a read operation.', None, None)
It turned out that this was due to the fact that the stream pointer needs to be reset prior to use, with the Seek() method:
Finally, although most aspects were working correctly, I found that despite using Quit() on the marshalled Excel object and explicitly setting all variables to None prior to the end of the code, I was left with a zombie Excel process. This was despite the fact that pythoncom._GetInterfaceCount() was returning 0.
It turns out that I had to explicitly empty the stream I had created with a call to CoReleaseMarshalData() (having first reset the stream pointer again). So, the example code snippet in its entirety looks like this:
import win32com.client
import pythoncom
excelApp = win32com.client.DispatchEx("Excel.Application")
myStream = pythoncom.CreateStreamOnHGlobal()
excelApp = None
myUnmarshaledInterface = pythoncom.CoUnmarshalInterface(myStream, pythoncom.IID_IDispatch)
unmarshalledExcelApp = win32com.client.Dispatch(myUnmarshaledInterface)
# Do some stuff in Excel in order to prove that marshalling has worked.
unmarshalledExcelApp.Visible = True
xlWbs = unmarshalledExcelApp.Workbooks
xlWb = xlWbs.Add()
xlWss = xlWb.Worksheets
xlWs = xlWss.Add()
xlRange = xlWs.Range("A1")
xlRange.Value = "AAA"
# Clear the stream now that we have finished
xlRange = None
xlWs = None
xlWss = None
xlWb = None
xlWbs = None
myUnmarshaledInterface = None
unmarshalledExcelApp = None
myStream = None
I hope that this helps someone else out there to overcome the obstacles I faced!
My current code that does not show an error message but also doesn't work:
py import time
from ReadWriteMemory import ReadWriteMemory
process = ReadWriteMemory.get_process_by_name("Tutorial-i386.exe")
address = 0x0195A810
health = process.get_pointer(address, offsets=[0])
while True:
value = process.read(health)
You can try to use the ctypes library. Try this,
import ctypes
data = (ctypes.c_char).from_address(0x0195A810)
You can read and assign to the data variable. Make sure you select the correct type. I used char in this instance. Not sure what kind of value is stored there. You can see what types are available in the link below.
You can also get a list/array of memory addresses using this,
dataarr = (ctypes.c_char*offset).from_address(0x0195A810)
You can check out the documentation here,
I´m quite new in programming and even more when it comes to Object Oriented programming. I’m trying to connect through Python to an external software (SAP2000, an structural engineering software). This program comes with an API to connect and there is an example in the help (http://docs.csiamerica.com/help-files/common-api(from-sap-and-csibridge)/Example_Code/Example_7_(Python).htm).
This works pretty well but I would like to divide the code so that I can create one function for opening the program, several functions to work with it and another one to close. This would provide me flexibility to make different calculations as desired and close it afterwards.
Here is the code I have so far where enableloadcases() is a function that operates once the instance is created.
import os
import sys
import comtypes.client
import pandas as pd
def openSAP2000(path,filename):
ProgramPath = "C:\Program Files (x86)\Computers and Structures\SAP2000 20\SAP2000.exe"
APIPath = path
ModelPath = APIPath + os.sep + filename
mySapObject = comtypes.client.GetActiveObject("CSI.SAP2000.API.SapObject")
#start SAP2000 application
#create SapModel object
SapModel = mySapObject.SapModel
#initialize model
ret = SapModel.File.OpenFile(ModelPath)
#run model (this will create the analysis model)
ret = SapModel.Analyze.RunAnalysis()
def closeSAP2000():
#ret = mySapObject.ApplicationExit(False)
SapModel = None
mySapObject = None
def enableloadcases(case_id):
The function activates LoadCases for output
ret = SapModel.Results.Setup.SetCaseSelectedForOutput(case_id)
From another module, I call the function openSAP2000() and it works fine but when I call the function enableloadcases() an error says AttributeError: type object ‘SapModel’ has no attribute ‘Results’.
I believe this must be done by creating a class and after calling the functions inside but I honestly don´t know how to do it.
Could you please help me?
Thank you very much.
Thank you very much for the help. I managed to solve the problem. It was as simple and stupid as marking SapModel variable as global.
Now it works fine.
Thank you anyway.
I'm trying to read modbus registers from a PLC using pymodbus. I am following the example posted here. When I attempt print.registers I get the following error: object has no attribute 'registers'
The example doesn't show the modules being imported but seems to be the accepted answer. I think the error may be that I'm importing the wrong module or that I am missing a module. I am simply trying to read a register.
Here is my code:
from pymodbus.client.sync import ModbusTcpClient
c = ModbusTcpClient(host="")
chk = c.read_holding_registers(257,10, unit = 1)
response = c.execute(chk)
print response.registers
From reading the pymodbus code, it appears that the read_holding_registers object's execute method will return either a response object or an ExceptionResponse object that contains an error. I would guess you're receiving the latter. You need to try something like this:
from pymodbus.register_read_message import ReadHoldingRegistersResponse
response = c.execute(chk)
if isinstance(response, ReadHoldingRegistersResponse):
print response.registers
pass # handle error condition here
I am writing an external Python/comtypes script (in PythonWin) that needs to get a reference to the current ArcGIS 10.0 ArcMap session (through the ArcObjects COM). Because the script is outside the application boundary, I am getting the application reference through the AppROT (running object table). The first code snippet below is the main Python driver module. In it is a function GetApp() to grab an application reference from the AppROT. This code works fine and returns IApplication on the singleton AppRef object. Makes sense, and that's what the ArcObjects reference seems to indicate. Now, my main goal is to get to an IMxDocument. In the main loop, I get to an IDocument successfully and can print the title. The next line, though, a Query Interface, throws an error - NameError: name 'esriArcMapUI' is not defined. The error occurs consistently, even after closing PythonWin and reopening (which you always want to try before you conclude that you have a problem). [BTW, the second code snippet is the CType() function for QI, defined in and imported from the SignHelpers.py module.] So, here are my questions:
(1) What COM object is the IDocument on?
(2) How do I get from my IDocument to the intended IMxDocument? Do I need to create a new MxDocument object first? [Sorry. Two questions there.]
(3) If I don't have to create a new object, then how do I do the QI?
I did a lot of ArcObjects work in VB6 quite a few years ago, so explicit QI's and namespaces are putting the screws to me at the moment. Once I can get to an IMxDocument I will be home free. I would appreciate any help anyone can give me with this.
Also, I apologize for the formatting of the code below. I could not figure out how to get Python code to format correctly. Indentation doesn't work, and some of the Python code is interpreted as formatting characters.
=== code: main py module ===
import sys, os
import comtypes
from SignHelpers import *
def GetApp(app):
"""Get a hook into the current session of ArcMap; \n\
Execute GetDesktopModules() and GetStandaloneModules() first"""
print "GetApp called" ####
import comtypes.gen.esriFramework as esriFramework
import comtypes.gen.esriArcMapUI as esriArcMapUI
import comtypes.gen.esriCarto as esriCarto
pAppROT = NewObj(esriFramework.AppROT, esriFramework.IAppROT)
iCount = pAppROT.Count
print "appROT count = ", iCount ####
if iCount == 0:
print 'No ArcGIS application currently running. Terminating ...'
return None
for i in range(iCount):
pApp = pAppROT.Item(i) #returns IApplication on AppRef
if pApp.Name == app:
print "Application: ", pApp.Name ####
return pApp
print 'No ArcMap session is running at this time.'
return None
if __name__ == "__main__":
#Wrap needed ArcObjects type libraries (.olb)...
... code omitted ...
GetDesktopModules(dtOLB) #These force comtypes to generate
GetStandaloneModules(saOLB) #the Python wrappers for .olb's
#Connect to ArcMap
pApp = GetApp("ArcMap")
pDoc = pApp.Document #IDocument on current Document object
print pDoc.Title
pMxDoc = CType(pDoc, esriArcMapUI.IMxDocument) #QI to IMxDocument on MxDocument
=== code for CType() ===
def CType(obj, interface):
newobj = obj.QueryInterface(interface)
return newobj
return None
Scoping error (per the comments):
The import comtypes.gen.esriArcMapUI as esriArcMapUI statement needed to define the esriArcMapUI namespace was being run within the GetApp() function, so the namespace was local to the function.
I'm relatively new to programming/python, so I'd appreciate any help I can get. I want to save an excel file as a specific format using Excel through COM. Here is the code:
import win32com.client as win32
def excel():
app = 'Excel'
x1 = win32.gencache.EnsureDispatch('%s.Application' % app)
ss = x1.Workbooks.Add()
sh = ss.ActiveSheet
x1.Visible = True
sh.Cells(1,1).Value = 'test write'
ss.SaveAs(Filename="temp.xls", FileFormat=56)
if __name__=='__main__':
My question is how do I specify the FileFormat if I don't explicitly know the code for it? Browsing through the documentation I find the reference at about a FileFormat object. I'm clueless on how to access the XlFileFormat object and import it in a way that I can find the enumeration value for it.
This question is a bit stale, but for those reaching this page from Google (as I did) my solution was accessing the constants via the win32com.client.constants object instead of on the application object itself as suggested by Eric. This lets you use enum constants just like in the VBE:
>>> import win32com.client
>>> xl = win32com.client.gencache.EnsureDispatch('Excel.Application')
>>> C = win32com.client.constants
>>> C.xlWorkbookNormal
>>> C.xlCSV
>>> C.xlErrValue
>>> C.xlThemeColorAccent1
Also, unless you've manually run the makepy utility, the constants may not be available if initializing the application with the regular win32com.client.Dispatch(..) method, which was another issue I was having. Using win32com.client.gencache.EnsureDispatch(..) (as the questioner does) checks for and generates the Python bindings at runtime if required.
I found this ActiveState page to be helpful.
When I used COM to access quickbooks, I could reach the constants defined under a constants member of the object. The code looked something like this (you'll be intersted in the third line):
I'm not sure if this will work, but try this:
import win32com.client as win32
def excel():
app = 'Excel'
x1 = win32.gencache.EnsureDispatch('%s.Application' % app)
ss = x1.Workbooks.Add()
sh = ss.ActiveSheet
x1.Visible = True
sh.Cells(1,1).Value = 'test write'
ss.SaveAs(Filename="temp.xls", FileFormat=x1.constants.xlWorkbookNormal)
if __name__=='__main__':
Replace xlWorkbookNormal with whatever format your trying to choose in the X1FileFormat web page you posted in your question.
All of the file format constants are documented here
As a general rule I find it really useful to pre-record any code in the VBA IDE in Excel. This way you can find out all the values of constants etc that you need to use within your python code. You can also make sure stuff will work from within a more controlled environment.