Edit and save file - python

I need to edit my file and save it so that I can use it for another program . First I need to put "," in between every word and add a word at the end of every line.
In order to put "," in between every word , I used this command
for line in open('myfile','r+') :
for word in line.split():
new = ",".join(map(str,word))
print new
I'm not too sure how to overwrite the original file or maybe create a new output file for the edited version . I tried something like this
with open('myfile','r+') as f:
for line in f:
for word in line.split():
new = ",".join(map(str,word))
The output is not what i wanted (different from the print new) .
Second, I need to add a word at the end of every line. So, i tried this
source = open('myfile','r')
output = open('out','a')
output.write(source.read().replace("\n", "yes\n"))
The code to add new word works perfectly. But I was thinking there should be an easier way to open a file , do two editing in one go and save it. But I'm not too sure how. Ive spent a tremendous amount of time to figure out how to overwrite the file and it's about time I seek for help

Here you go:
source = open('myfile', 'r')
output = open('out','w')
output.write('yes\n'.join(','.join(line.split()) for line in source.read().split('\n')))
open('out', 'w').write('yes\n'.join(','.join(line.split() for line in open('myfile', 'r').read().split('\n')))
Or more legibly:
source = open('myfile', 'r')
processed_lines = []
for line in source:
line = ','.join(line.split()).replace('\n', 'yes\n')
output = open('out', 'w')
Apparently I misread everything, lol.
#It looks like you are writing the word yes to all of the lines, then spliting
#each word into letters and listing those word's letters on their own line?
source = open('myfile','r')
output = open('out','w')
for line in source:
for word in line.split():
new = ",".join(word)
print >>output, new
print >>output, 'y,e,s'

How big is this file?
Maybe You could create a temporary list which would just contain everything from file you want to edit. Every element could represent one line.
Editing list of strings is pretty simple.
After Your changes you can just open Your file again with
writable = open('configuration', 'w')
and then put changed lines to file with
file.write(writable, currentLine + '\n')
Hope that helps - even a little bit. ;)

For the first problem, you could read all the lines in f before overwriting f, assuming f is opened in 'r+' mode. Append all the results into a string, then execute:
f.seek(0) # reset file pointer back to start of file
f.write(new) # new should contain all concatenated lines
f.truncate() # get rid of any extra stuff from the old file
For the second problem, the solution is similar: Read the entire file, make your edits, call f.seek(0), write the contents, f.truncate() and f.close().


Python putting all words on same line

I am trying to remove some words (located on a text file) on another text file. Although my code seems to work, I noticed that it stopped removing words at a certain point in the text file. I then checked the text file, and noticed that Python is writing all the words on the same line, and this line has a limit of characters to it, resulting in the process stopping. How can I circumvent that?
Here is my code:
# text file list to array
with open('function_words.txt') as functionFile:
functionWords = [word for line in functionFile for word in line.split()]
# delete the word on the text file if it matches one of the array
with open("results.txt", "r+") as newfile:
newfile.write(' '.join(i for i in toPrint.read().split() if i not in functionWords))
Thanks in advance and please let me know if you need more details.
you would need to put the "\n" after you join the string if you want each line separate in the new file. Note the + "\n" below.
with open("results.txt", "r+") as newfile:
newfile.write(' '.join(i for i in toPrint.read().split() if i not in functionWords)+ "\n")
alt. you could create a list of the lines you want to write and write newFile using the writelines() methods. Something like:

Strange characters in the begining of the file after writing in Python

I want to do a lot of boring C# code replacements automatically through a python script. I read all lines of the file, transform them, truncate the whole file, write new strings and close it.
f = open(file, 'r+')
text = f.readlines()
# some changes
for line in text:
All my changes are written. But some strange characters in the beginning of the file appear. I don't know how to avoid them. Even if I open with encoding='utf-8-sig' it doesn't help.
I tried truncate whole file besides the 1st line like this:
import sys
for index in range(1, len(text), 1):
But in this case more than 1st line is writing instead of only first line.
I tried this:
for index in range(1, len(text), 1):
And the first line has written correct but next one with the same issue. So I think this characters from the end of the file and I try to write after them.
f=open(file, 'r+')
text = f.readlines() # After reading all the lines, the pointer is at the end of the file.
# some changes
f.seek(0) # To bring the pointer back to the starting of the file.
f.truncate() # Don't pass any value in truncate() as it means number of bytes to be truncated by default size of file.
for line in text:
Check out this Link for more details.

Add lines to text file after occurence of certain text

I have a text file that I needs to manipulate. I want to add a line after occurence of word "exactarch". Means whenever "exactarch" occurs, I want to add text in the next line.
E.g. If this is the original file content,
I want to change it as below:
This is what I tried to do:
with open('file1.txt') as f:
for line in input_data:
if line.strip() == 'exactarch':
Obviously this is not working as I can't figure out how can I count and write to this line.
You ask for a Python solution. But tasks like this are made to be solved using simpler tools.
If you are using a system that has sed, you can do this in a simle one-liner:
$ sed '/exactarch/aobsoletes=1' < in.txt
What does this mean?
sed: the executable
/exactarch/: matches all lines that contain exactarch
a: after the current line, append a new line with the following text
obsoletes=1: the text to append in a new line
To modify the file in place, use the option -i and the file as an argument:
$ sed -i '/exactarch/aobsoletes=1' in.txt
Simple - read all lines, find correct line and insert desired line after found. Dump result lines to file.
import os
with open('lines.txt') as f:
lines = f.readlines()
lines.insert(lines.index('exactarch=1\n') + 1, 'obsoletes=1\n')
with open('dst.txt', 'w') as f:
for l in lines:
The past says it's pretty simple - replacing words in files is not a new thing.
If you want to replace a word, you can use the solution implemented there. In your context:
import fileinput
for line in fileinput.input(fileToSearch, inplace=True):
print(line.replace("exactarch", "exactarch\nobsoletes=1"), end='')
I am hesitant using fileinput, b/c if something goes wrong during the 'analysis' phase you are left with a file in whatever conditions it was left before the failure. I would read everything in, and then do full work on it. The code below ensures that:
Your inserted value contains a newline value '\n' if it's not going to be the last item.
Will not add duplicate inserted values by checking the one below it.
Iterates through all values incase multiple "exactarch=1"s were added since the snippet last ran.
Hope this helps, albeit not as stylish as a one/two liner.
with open('test.txt') as f:
data = f.readlines()
insertValue = 'obsoletes=1'
for item in data:
if item.rstrip() == 'exactarch=1': #find it if it's in the middle or the last line (ie. no '\n')
point = data.index(item)
if point+1 == len(data): #Will be inserted as new line since current exactarch=1 is in last position, so you don't want the '\n', right?
data.insert(point+1, instertValue)
if data[point + 1].rstrip() != insertValue: #make sure the value isn't already below exactarch=1
data.insert(point+1, insertValue + '\n')
print('insertValue added below "exactarch=1"')
print('insertValue already exists below exactarch=1')
with open('test.txt','w') as f:

Script not writing to file

I would like to make it so that it opens up alan.txt, search the text for all instance of scholary_tehologian and if found, add the word "test" under it. when I tried doing it this way:
## Script
with open('alan.txt', 'r+') as f:
for line in f:
if "scholarly_theologian" in line:
it wouldn't write anything. I'm in Windows 8.1
You can't modify a file like this. You can only append to it, write characters instead of others, or rewrite it entirely. See How do I modify a text file in Python?.
What you should do is create another file with the content you want.
Claudio's answer has the code for what I offered. It has the benefit (over manicphase's code) of not keeping the whole file in memory. This is important if the file is long. manicphase's answer, on the other hand, has the benefit of not creating a second file. It rewrites the original one. Choose the one that fits your needs.
Rewritten answer because the last one was wrong.
If you want to read lines you have to put .readlines() after open(...) or f. Then there's a few ways you could insert "test".
## Script
with open('alan.txt', 'r') as f:
lines = f.readlines()
for i in range(len(lines)):
if "scholarly_theologian" in lines[i]:
lines[i] = lines[i] + "\ntest"
with open('alan.txt', 'w') as f:
This should do the trick:
with open('output.txt', 'w') as o:
with open('alan.txt', 'r') as f:
for line in f:
if line.find('scholarly_theoligian'):
Like Ella Shar mentioned, you need to create a new file and add the new content into it.
If working with two files is not acceptable, the next step would be to delete the input file, and to rename the output file.

Python: Extracting lines from a file using another file as key

I have a 'key' file that looks like this (MyKeyFile):
afdasdfa ghjdfghd wrtwertwt asdf (these are in a column, but I never figured out the formatting, sorry)
I call these keys and they are identical to the first word of the lines that I want to extract from a 'source' file. So the source file (MySourceFile) would look something like this (again, bad formatting, but 1st column = the key, following columns = data):
afdasdfa (several tab delimited columns)
ghjdfghd ( several tab delimited columns)
And the '.' would indicate lines of no interest currently.
I am an absolute novice in Python and this is how far I've come:
with open('MyKeyFile','r') as infile, \
open('MyOutFile','w') as outfile:
for line in infile:
for runner in source:
# pick up the first word of the line in source
# if match, print the entire line to MyOutFile
# here I need help
I realize there may be better ways to do this. All feedback is appreciated - along my way of solving it, or along more sophisticated ones.
I think that this would be a cleaner way of doing it, assuming that your "key" file is called "key_file.txt" and your main file is called "main_file.txt"
keys = []
my_file = open("key_file.txt","r") #r is for reading files, w is for writing to them.
for line in my_file.readlines():
keys.append(str(line)) #str() is not necessary, but it can't hurt
#now you have a list of strings called keys.
#take each line from the main text file and check to see if it contains any portion of a given key.
new_file = open("main_file.txt","r")
for line in new_file.readlines():
for key in keys:
if line.find(key) > -1:
You can modify the print function or get rid of it to do what you want with the desired line that contains the text of some key. Let me know if this works
As I understood (corrent me in the comments if I am wrong), you have 3 files:
And you want to:
Read keys from MyKeyFile
Read source from MySourceFile
Iterate over lines in the source
If line's first word is in keys: append that line to MyOutFile
Close MyOutFile
So here is the Code:
with open('MySourceFile', 'r') as sourcefile:
source = sourcefile.read().splitlines()
with open('MyKeyFile', 'r') as keyfile:
keys = keyfile.read().split()
with open('MyOutFile', 'w') as outfile:
for line in source:
if line.split():
if line.split()[0] in keys:
outfile.write(line + "\n")
