OOP python program - python

from collections import Counter
class Runlength:
def __init__(self):
self.str = 0
def returner(self,str):
self.str = str
self.__str = ','.join(str(n) for n in self.__str)
self.__str = self.__str[::-1]
self.__str = self.__str.replace(',', '')
return self.__str
def final(self,num):
self.num = num
k = []
c = Counter(self.num).most_common()
for x in c:
k += x
return k
math = Runlength()
def Main():
a = "aabbcc"
b = math.returner(a)
c = math.final(b)
The program takes a word as input and gives the occurrence of each repeating character and
outputs that number along with a single character of the repeating sequence.
I cant figure it out, why this doesn't work. I get this error:
NameError: global name 'returner' is not defined

The problem is that in Main() you are not accessing the global (outside the scope of the Main() method) math variable. Instead try initializing your math inside the Main() function
This lets the method know that it should use the global math variable instead of trying to look for a non-existent local one.

I got this error with your code:
self.__str = ','.join(str(n) for n in self.__str)
AttributeError: Runlength instance has no attribute '_Runlength__str'
Maybe you mean:
self.__str = ','.join(str(n) for n in self.str
And choose input argument for returner() method as str_ not str, cause str -- is the name of python built-in type, so better to not choose variable names with built-in type names.
So after this changes I got this output:
['a', 2, 'c', 2, 'b', 2]
So my python version is 2.7.3 and error you've got does not appear with my python version.
What python version you use to compile your code? If this python3 it works fine too.So try this code, it works fine for me:
from collections import Counter
class Runlength:
def __init__(self):
self.str = 0
def returner(self,str_):
self.string = str_
self.__str = ','.join(str(n) for n in self.string)
self.__str = self.__str[::-1]
self.__str = self.__str.replace(',', '')
return self.__str
def final(self,num):
self.num = num
k = []
c = Counter(self.num).most_common()
for x in c:
k += x
return k
math = Runlength()
def Main():
a = "aabbcc"
b = math.returner(a)
c = math.final(b)

def Main():
math = Runlength()
a = "aabbcc"
b = math.returner(a)
c = math.final(b)
This should work fine..
But I observed that the object can even be accessed if it is not declared as global. Is their any explantion for it in the above scenario?


How to get return output from another script?

How can i get the output from another script?
My first script to run:
from test2 import *
class Test():
def todo (self):
if __name__ == '__main__':
My second script named (test2.py):
def mult():
x= 2 * 4
return x
def addx():
sum = x + 2
NameError: name 'x' is not defined
In the function addx() you haven't declared x. I believe you want x from mult. So you can do something like this
def addx():
x = mult()
sum = x + 2
You should use the return value of mult, to pass it to your second function addx as a parameter.
def todo (self):
x = mult()
I advise you to read the Python doc section about function : https://docs.python.org/fr/3/tutorial/controlflow.html#defining-functions
In test2.py, you have not defined x
def addx():
sum = x + 2
The problem above is that the computer doesn't know what x is. You could pass it as a parameter:
def addx(x):
sum = x + 2
print("sum", sum)
and change your code to:
from test2 import *
class Test():
def todo(self):
addx(x=mult()) # whatever number you want
if __name__ == '__main__':

Python - Log the things a string has previously been

If this is my code:
x = 1
x = 2
x = 3
How can I “log” the things x has been and print them? If my explanation was dumb, then here’s what I expect:
>>> # Code to print the things x has been
1, 2, 3
How can I achieve this?
Since assignment overwrites the value of the object (in your example 'x'), it is not possible to do exactly what you want. However, you could create an object, of which the value can be changed and its history remembered. For example like this:
class ValueWithHistory():
def __init__(self):
self.history = []
self._value = None
def value(self):
return self._value
def value(self, new_value):
self._value = new_value
def get_history(self):
return self.history
def clear_history(self):
def main():
test = ValueWithHistory()
test.value = 1
test.value = 2
test.value = 3
if __name__ == '__main__':
This prints:
[1, 2, 3]
Of course, you could also use a set instead of a list to only remember each unique value once, for example.
You can order a second thread to observe the string and print the changes:
from threading import Thread
def string_watcher():
global my_string
global log
temp = ''
while True:
if my_string != temp:
temp = my_string
t = Thread(target=string_watcher, daemon=True)
This checks weather the string „my_string“ was manipulated and appends it to the list „log“, if it has been changed. With this you should be able to perform
At any moment of the runtime

python oop import - NameError confusion

I wrote some code that was meant to try to approach a target string by selecting randomly from a list of chars, but I have some problem that I do not quite understand.
import random
class MonkiesGo:
__chars = ['a','b','c','d','e','f','g','h','i','j','k','l','m','n','o','p','q','r','s','t','u','v','w','x','y','z']
def __init__(self, targetString):
__targetString = targetString.lower()
__targetList = list(targetString)
__attemptList = []
__unmatchedIndexes = [ x for x in range(0, (len(targetString)-1)) ]
def attemptToSolve(self):
if len(__unmatchedIndexes) == 0:
__attemptString = ''.join(__attemptList)
return __attemptString, __targetString
for index in __unmatchedIndexes:
__attemptList[index] = randomChar()
def updateSolutionProgress(self):
for indexCheck in __unmatchedIndexes:
if __targetList[index] == __attemptList[index]:
__indexToClear = __unmatchedIndexes.index(index)
del __unmatchedIndexes[indextToClear]
def __randomChar(self):
return __chars[ random.randint(0,26) ]
when I import it into a python shell in my terminal, make an object as follows:
from monkies import MonkiesGo
mk = MonkiesGo("hello")
I get the error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 1, in
File "path/to/the/file/monkies.py", line 15, in attemptToSolve
if len(__unmatched 0: NameError: name '_MonkiesGo__unmatched' is not defined
What is causing this, and why is there an underscore before MonkiesGo?
THanks in advance.
Updated to:
import random
class MonkiesGo:
def __init__(self, targetString):
self.targetString = targetString.lower()
self.targetList = list(targetString)
self.attemptList = []
self.unmatchedIndexes = [ x for x in range(0, (len(targetString)-1)) ]
self.chars = ['a','b','c','d','e','f','g','h','i','j','k','l','m','n','o','p','q','r','s','t','u','v','w','x','y','z']
def attemptToSolve(self):
if len(self.unmatchedIndexes) == 0:
self.attemptString = ''.join(self.attemptList)
return self.attemptString, self.targetString
for index in self.unmatchedIndexes:
self.attemptList[index] = randomChar()
def updateSolutionProgress(self):
for indexCheck in self.unmatchedIndexes:
if self.targetList[index] == self.attemptList[index]:
indexToClear = self.unmatchedIndexes.index(index)
del self.unmatchedIndexes[indextToClear]
def randomChar(self):
return self.chars[ random.randint(0,26) ]
Now I get a name error regarding randomChar..?
You are not creating any instance variables. In the function __init__, variables such as __targetString are local and are defined only within the function. When you call the function attemptToSolve, the variable __unmatchedIndices is also local and therefore undefined. The double underscore does not automatically make an instance variable; perhaps that's your confusion.
Instead of __targetString = whatever, you should use self.__targetString = whatever, or better yet drop the underscores and use just self.targetString. That creates a member variable. Access it in member functions using the same self.targetString syntax. Check out the tutorial that comes with Python.

Python decorator TypeError 'object is not callable'

I am trying to get myself familiar with decorators.
This is a program I created to do so, but it keeps giving me an TypeError: 'int' object is not callable error, which I don't know how to fix.
#Filename: decorator_practice.py
def add(x):
def add_1():
add_1 = x() + 1
return add_1
def minus(x):
def minus_1():
return x() - 1
return minus_1
def multi(x, times=2):
def multi_2():
return x() * 2
def multi_3():
return x() * 3
def multi_4():
return x() * 4
if times == 2:
return multi_2
elif times == 3:
return multi_3
elif times == 4:
return multi_4
return "Please enter times between 2 and 4"
def create_x():
x = input('Give variable x a value: ')
return x
I run this and type: 5
Can anyone help me? Thanks!
Your create_x function returns an integer:
def create_x():
x = input('Give variable x a value: ')
return x
so create_x()() is never going to work.
Part of the problem is that you've used poor parameter names, which is confusing you - you have two xs which refer to two completely different things. Using your add decorator as an example, modify to:
def add(func):
def add_1():
return func() + 1 # you should return from the inner function
return add_1
Now hopefully it is clear that the argument to add should be a function, which is called inside add_1. Therefore you could do:
adder = add(create_x) # don't call create_x yet!
adder() # calling add_1, which calls create_x
which simplifies to:
add(create_x)() # note ordering of parentheses
Note that this could also be written:
def create_x():
where the syntax #add means create_x = add(create_x).
Once you've mastered simple decorators, note that your multi will not work as you expect - see e.g. python decorators with parameters for creating decorators that take arguments.
You have unnecessary (), change add(create_x()()) to add(create_x()),
and I suggest using x = int(raw_input('Give variable x a value: '))
See the following example:
def add(x):
def add_1():
#add_1 = x() + 1 # remove this line
return x+1
return add_1
def create_x():
x = input('Give variable x a value: ')
return x
b = add(create_x())
print 'answer: ', b()
localhost# python t.py
Give variable x a value: 5
answer: 6

Python -- using __init__ with an inherited method for polynomials class

This is a class which will take in as input and then output a polynomial in string form (both ways same format). Some arithmetic is performed in the various methods. I've been trying to inherit this class into another class that will then use the __mod__() special method of the first class (or make it's own special method if necessary but I don't see how you can't just use the original method) to perform the mod on intake. Seems like this goes into __init__() but I've tried 5 different versions of this, even going so far as to change the parent class, and I'm getting nowhere. I'm teaching myself Python so I'm sure that even a junior Python dev can see where I'm going totally wrong.
import re
class GF2Polynomial(object): #classes should generally inherit from object
def __init__(self, string):
'''__init__ is a standard special method used to initialize objects.
Here __init__ will initialize a gf2infix object based on a string.'''
self.string = string #basically the initial string (polynomial)
self.key,self.lst = self.parsePolyVariable(string) # key determines polynomial compatibility
self.bin = self.prepBinary(string) #main value used in operations
def id(self,lst):
"""returns modulus 2 (1,0,0,1,1,....) for input lists"""
return [int(lst[i])%2 for i in range(len(lst))]
def listToInt(self,lst):
"""converts list to integer for later use"""
result = self.id(lst)
return int(''.join(map(str,result)))
def parsePolyToListInput(self,poly):
replaced by parsePolyVariable. still functional but not needed.
performs regex on raw string and converts to list
c = [int(i.group(0)) for i in re.finditer(r'\d+', poly)]
return [1 if x in c else 0 for x in xrange(max(c), -1, -1)]
def parsePolyVariable(self,poly):
performs regex on raw string, converts to list.
also determines key (main variable used) in each polynomial on intake
c = [int(m.group(0)) for m in re.finditer(r'\d+', poly)] #re.finditer returns an iterator
letter = [str(m.group(0)) for m in re.finditer(r'[a-z]', poly)]
m = max(c); varmatch = True; key = letter[0]
for i in range(len(letter)):
if letter[i] != key: varmatch = False
else: varmatch = True
if varmatch == False: return "error: not all variables in %s are the same"%a
d = [1 if x in c else (1 if x==0 else (1 if x=='x' else 0)) for x in xrange(m, -1, -1)]
return key,d
def polyVariableCheck(self,other):
return self.key == other.key
def prepBinary(self,poly):
"""converts to base 2; bina,binb are binary values like 110100101100....."""
x = self.lst; a = self.listToInt(x)
return int(str(a),2)
def __mod__(self,other):
__mod__ is the special method for overriding the % operator
returns remainder formatted as polynomial
if self.polyVariableCheck(other) == False:
return "error: variables of %s and %s do not match"%(self.string,other.string)
if self.bin == other.bin: return 0
return GF2Polynomial(self.outFormat(self.bin%other.bin))
def __str__(self):
return self.string
def outFormat(self,raw):
"""process resulting values into polynomial format"""
raw = "{0:b}".format(raw); raw = str(raw[::-1]); g = [] #reverse binary string for enumeration
g = [i for i,c in enumerate(raw) if c == '1']
processed = "x**"+" + x**".join(map(str, g[::-1]))
proc1 = processed.replace("x**1","x"); proc2 = proc1.replace("x**0","1")
if len(g) == 0: return 0 #return 0 if list empty
return proc2 #returns result in gf(2) polynomial form
The desired result is to be able to call it on a new (child) class with the parent type and while changing the parent class as little as possible (if even at all). Note that class "BinaryField" is the intended child class:
a=BinaryField("x**1+x**0", p)
b=BinaryField("x**1", p)
On intake, the given polynomial should be modulus divided by the 2nd element (here it's 'p'). This is necessary for finite field math.
when running it with --
## "x**1 + x**0" polynomial string style input
poly1 = "x**14 + x**1 + x**0"; poly2 = "x**6 + x**2 + x**1"; poly3 = "y**6 + y**2 + y**1"
a = GF2Polynomial(poly1); b = GF2Polynomial(poly2); c = GF2Polynomial(poly3)
## "x+1" polynomial string style input
poly4 = "x**14 + x + 1"; poly5 = "x**6 + x**2 + x"; poly6 = "y**6 + y**2 + 1"
d = GF2Polynomial(poly4); e = GF2Polynomial(poly5); f = GF2Polynomial(poly6)
bf1 = BinaryField(poly1,b); print bf1
bf2 = BinaryField(poly4,e); print bf2
Both of these styles are possible because of the way I coded it, but they should both return the same answer. However the result on that code is:
x**5 + x**4 + x**3 + 1
x**5 + x
Also, when using BinaryField(poly4,d), which is just the same string with it's GF2Polynomial() initialization, this errors as:
AttributeError: 'int' object has no attribute 'string'
Does this solves your problem?
class BinaryField(GF2Polynomial):
def __init__(self, string, mod):
modded = GF2Polynomial(string) % mod
super(BinaryField, self).__init__(modded.string)
>>> p = GF2Polynomial("x**2+x**1+x**0")
>>> a = BinaryField("x**1+x**0", p)
>>> print a
x + 1
You can also make the BinaryField class to be just a factory method:
def BinaryField(string, mod):
return GF2Polynomial(string) % mod
