I use PyQt5 and the QTreeview to show an xml tree (and some of its attributes as columns) loaded from a file. This works as expected. But I'm now struggling with two things:
The itemChange event. The tree node should be editable and I need to do some checks after editing. The itemChange is called but it is called N times when editing one node.
Starting at the edited item I need to go up and down in the tree and check the child and parent nodes. I expected this to be simple like getParent() for one and a recursive getChildren() for the other direction. But how do I get form the itemChange events QStandardItem to the parent and child items?
from PyQt5 import QtCore, QtGui, QtWidgets
import sys
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
tree = ET.ElementTree(file='data.xml')
class MainFrame(QtWidgets.QWidget):
def __init__(self, parent=None):
super(MainFrame, self).__init__(parent)
self.tree = QtWidgets.QTreeView(self)
layout = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout(self)
root_model = QtGui.QStandardItemModel()
root_model.setHorizontalHeaderLabels(['Label', 'privilege', 'uid', 'docId'])
root = tree.getroot()
self._populateTree(root, root_model.invisibleRootItem())
self.move(0, 0)
self.resize(800, 1000)
def _populateTree(self, root, parent):
child_item = QtGui.QStandardItem(root.tag)
privilege = ''
uid = ''
docId = ''
privilege_item = QtGui.QStandardItem(privilege)
uid_item = QtGui.QStandardItem(uid)
docId_item = QtGui.QStandardItem(docId)
parent.appendRow([child_item, privilege_item, uid_item, docId_item])
for elem in root.getchildren():
self._populateTree(elem, child_item)
def change_privilege(self, item):
print(item.row(), item.column())
def check_parent(self, item):
# get parent of item and check value
# check_parent(...)
def check_child(self, item):
# get children of item and check value
# for child in item.children():
# check_child(child)
if __name__ == "__main__":
app = QtWidgets.QApplication(sys.argv)
main = MainFrame()
To answer the first question: every time you call MainFrame._populateTree you create a signal-slot connection between the signals child_item.model().itemChanged and privilege_item.model().itemChanged and the slot MainFrame.change_privilege. However, since all child items and privelege item belong to the same model (i.e. root_model) you are effectively creating multiple connections between the same signal and slot. This means that when any item in the model is changed, the slot is called multiple times as well. Easiest way around this is to create one connection in __init__ or so.
To access the parent of an item you can indeed use item.parent(). The children of an item can be accessed one-by-one via item.child(row, column) where row is in the range range(item.rowCount()) and column in the range range(item.columnCount()), e.g.
def change_privilege(self, item):
print(item.row(), item.column(), item.text())
def check_parent(self, item):
if item.parent():
print('Parent:', item.parent().text())
print('No parent')
def check_child(self, item):
if item.hasChildren():
for row in range(item.rowCount()):
print('\t', row, end='')
for col in range(item.columnCount()):
print('\t', item.child(row, col).text(), end='')
print('No children')
I am writing a tool that allows me to track some tasks along a path of predifined stages, from something on a backlog, to ToDo, through WIP, Review and finally to done.
I created a custom widget, that will eventually be yellow, not unlike a postit note and perhaps with a bit of formatting it to give it a nice frame, etc... but stopped before getting far enough to make it look right because of this issue.
The idea is that each of these yellow Task widgets will have a stage they are at, and that I can select them in a Table Widget, and move them onto the next or previous stage, which will update taht objects stage, then refresh the TableWidget, read all the widget and where thay should be and set them in their new place.
So I have it kind of working to some degree (below), where I can move the tasks forward and they update location, but I noticed when I click the cells that the widget was previously in, print statement still says that the cell still has a widget there (which kind of makes sense, as code below isn't removing the previous one, but I'd expect to visually still see it). And I can move them forward and backwards, and the information on the tasks does update correctly, but the table won't refresh unless the task moves to a cell that never had a cellWidget in it. Test this by moving it backwards. It works, movnig forward visually does nothing, but moving again, does show up.
I tried clearing the TableWidget and rebuilding from scratch and that crashes. The main issue I am having is that with all these crashes, which is an issue in itself as it makes debugging very tough... When I try and clear the TableWidget (with .clear()) before repopulating, I get this.
Process finished with exit code -1073741819 (0xC0000005)
Same error code if I try removing the old cells by setting the Table Widget to 0 rows before adding the correct number of rows.
A known issue that is less important is when I select a cell without a widget and try and move it, gies me this, but don't worry too much about that fix, as it's known issue.
Process finished with exit code -1073740791 (0xC0000409)
Also tried cleaning up by iterating every cell and if it has a cell widget, remove cell widget before re-setting them to correct place and it still crashes. I'm out of ideas.
Task Widget
import sys
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import (QApplication, QTableWidget, QWidget, QFrame, QHBoxLayout, QLabel,
class Task(QWidget):
def __init__(self, ID, name, est):
super(Task, self).__init__()
# Creates a small widget that will be added to a table widget
self.ID = ID
self.name = name
self.est = est
# These cell widgets represent tasks. So each task has a particular 'stage' it is at
self.stage = 'ToDo'
self.stages = ['Backlog', 'ToDo', 'WIP', 'Review', 'Done']
self.objects_labels = {}
def initUI(self):
# adds a bunch of labels to the widget
layout = QVBoxLayout()
frame = QFrame()
frame.setStyleSheet('background-color: red')
info = [self.ID, self.name, self.est]
for section in info:
self.objects_labels[section] = QLabel(str(section))
self.setStyleSheet('background-color: yellow')
def task_move(self, forward = True):
# The main widget will allow me to change the stage of a particular Task
# The idea is that I update the Table widget to show everything in the right place
# This function finds out what stage it is at and increments/decrements by one
index = self.stages.index(self.stage)
if forward:
if self.stage == self.stages[-1]:
print('Already at the end of process')
self.stage = self.stages[index + 1]
if self.stage == self.stages[0]:
print('Already at the start of process')
self.stage = self.stages[index - 1]
class MainWidget(QWidget):
def __init__(self):
self.tasks = self.make_tasks()
def make_tasks(self):
# Create a few tasks
a = Task(0, 'Name_A', 44)
b = Task(0, 'Name_B', 22)
c = Task(0, 'Name_C', 66)
d = Task(0, 'Name_D', 90)
return [a, b, c, d]
def init_ui(self):
layout_main = QVBoxLayout()
self.tw = QTableWidget()
layout_bottom_button_bar = QHBoxLayout()
self.btn_task_backward = QPushButton('<--- Task')
self.btn_task_backward.clicked.connect(lambda: self.move_task(forward=False))
self.btn_task_forward = QPushButton('Task --->')
self.btn_task_forward.clicked.connect(lambda: self.move_task())
for widget in [self.btn_task_backward, self.btn_task_forward]:
self.setGeometry(300, 300, 800, 600)
def tw_header(self):
return {'Backlog': 0, 'ToDo': 1, 'WIP': 2, 'Review': 3, 'Done': 4}
def selected_indices(self):
return [(x.row(), x.column()) for x in self.tw.selectedIndexes()]
def selected_widgets(self):
selected_widgets = [self.tw.cellWidget(x[0], x[1]) for x in self.selected_indices]
return selected_widgets
def move_task(self, forward=True):
# Crashes if you select a non-widget cell, but thats a known issue
# Moves the task forward or backward and then prompts to update the TableWidget
for object in self.selected_widgets:
def cell_clicked(self, row, column):
if self.tw.cellWidget(row, column):
print('No Cell Widget here')
def update_tw(self):
#I wanted to clear the Table widget and rebuild, but this crashes
# self.tw.clear()
rows = len(self.tasks)
columns = len(self.tw_header)
# Looks through each task, and then gets it's stage, and then adds the widget to the correct column
for index, object in enumerate(self.tasks):
column = self.tw_header[object.stage]
print('Setting stage {} for {}\n...to r={}, c={}\n***'.format(object.stage, object, index, column))
self.tw.setCellWidget(index, column, object)
if __name__ == '__main__':
app = QApplication(sys.argv)
ex = MainWidget()
From my previous experience, I always found using setCellWidget clunky, underperforming and buggy.
Most of the times my Widgets were lost or misplaced, while refreshing the table similarly to the way you are doing it.
In addition, I guess you would want to use this "Task Mover" on a larger scale, and from what I could see, setting separate Widgets inside QWidgetItems becomes quite slow when done on loads of items.
My suggestion would be to use style delegates, so that you can customize the look of your items to your liking, without having to deal with the setCellWidget stuff which is giving you problem.
Once you have your own delegate, and paint the items the way you want, you can just keep updating that item data and moving the items around the table by using "take" and "set".
I am not sure if this would be the best way of executing this specific task, but moving towards this direction would probably give you greater flexibility and customisation power in the long run.
import sys
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import *
from PyQt5.QtCore import *
class TaskProperty():
properties = ["ID", "name", "est", "stage"]
count = 4
ID, Name, Est, Stage = [Qt.UserRole + x for x in range(count)]
STAGES = ['Backlog', 'ToDo', 'WIP', 'Review', 'Done']
class MainWidget(QWidget):
def __init__(self):
super(MainWidget, self).__init__()
self.tasks = self.make_tasks()
def make_tasks(self):
# Create a few tasks
a = Task(0, 'Name_A', 44)
b = Task(0, 'Name_B', 22)
c = Task(0, 'Name_C', 66)
d = Task(0, 'Name_D', 90)
return [a, b, c, d]
def init_ui(self):
layout_main = QVBoxLayout()
self.tw = QTableWidget()
# create and set the delegate to the TableWidget
self.delegate = TaskDelegate(self.tw )
layout_bottom_button_bar = QHBoxLayout()
self.btn_task_backward = QPushButton('<--- Task')
self.btn_task_backward.clicked.connect(lambda: self.move_task(forward=False))
self.btn_task_forward = QPushButton('Task --->')
self.btn_task_forward.clicked.connect(lambda: self.move_task())
for widget in [self.btn_task_backward, self.btn_task_forward]:
self.setGeometry(300, 300, 800, 600)
def tw_header(self):
return {'Backlog': 0, 'ToDo': 1, 'WIP': 2, 'Review': 3, 'Done': 4}
def selected_indices(self):
return [(x.row(), x.column()) for x in self.tw.selectedIndexes()]
def move_task(self, forward=True):
To move the task to the next step, we iterate all the items selected.
If the task can be moved, we take the corresponding item from its current cell and move it to the destination.
:param forward:
selected =self.tw.selectedItems()
for item in selected:
result = item.task_move(forward=forward)
if result:
next = 1 if forward else -1
row = item.row()
column = item.column()
moveItem = self.tw.takeItem(row, column)
self.tw.setItem(row, column + next, moveItem)
def cell_clicked(self, row, column):
item = self.tw.item(row, column)
if not isinstance(item, TaskItem):
print "No Task Item Here"
def update_tw(self):
# I wanted to clear the Table widget and rebuild, but this crashes
# self.tw.clear()
rows = len(self.tasks)
columns = len(self.tw_header)
# Looks through each task, and then gets it's stage, and then adds the widget to the correct column
for row, object in enumerate(self.tasks):
# create items of our custom type only for the column that need to be filled.
# the other cells will be filled with null items.
column = STAGES.index(object.stage)
print('Setting stage {} for {}\n...to r={}, c={}\n***'.format(object.stage, object, row, column))
item = TaskItem(object)
self.tw.setItem(row, column, item)
class TaskDelegate(QStyledItemDelegate):
This delegate take care of Drawing our cells the way we want it to be.
def paint(self, painter, option, index):
Override the Paint function to draw our own cell.
If the QTableWidgetItem does not have our Data stored in it, we do a default paint
:param painter:
:param option:
:param index:
rect = option.rect
status = index.data(TaskProperty.Stage)
if status is None:
return super(TaskDelegate, self).paint(painter, option, index)
id = STAGES.index(status)
pen = painter.pen()
if id == index.column():
rect.translate(3, 3)
newRect = QRect(rect.x(), rect.y(), rect.width() - 6, 20)
infos = [index.data(TaskProperty.ID), index.data(TaskProperty.Name), index.data(TaskProperty.Est)]
for info in infos:
newRect.translate(0, 25)
painter.drawText(newRect, Qt.AlignHCenter | Qt.AlignVCenter,
class TaskItem(QTableWidgetItem):
Subclass QTableWidgetItem.
Probably not needed, since we can set the property when we create the item instead of in the init,
and keep track of which item is attached to which task object using the Column Index of the table.
However, this can be useful if you want to attach more specific procedures to your items
def __init__(self, task):
super(TaskItem, self).__init__()
self._task = task
self.setData(TaskProperty.ID, task.ID)
self.setData(TaskProperty.Name, task.name)
self.setData(TaskProperty.Est, task.est)
self.setData(TaskProperty.Stage, task.stage)
self.objects_labels = {}
def task_move(self, forward=True):
result = self._task.task_move(forward=forward)
self.setData(TaskProperty.Stage, self._task.stage)
return result
class Task(object):
The Task class is now just an object, not a widget.
def __init__(self, ID, name, est):
# Creates a small widget that will be added to a table widget
self.ID = ID
self.name = name
self.est = est
# These cell widgets represent tasks. So each task has a particular 'stage' it is at
self.stage = 'ToDo'
self.stages = ['Backlog', 'ToDo', 'WIP', 'Review', 'Done']
self.objects_labels = {}
def task_move(self, forward=True):
# The main widget will allow me to change the stage of a particular Task
# The idea is that I update the Table widget to show everything in the right place
# This function finds out what stage it is at and increments/decrements by one
index = self.stages.index(self.stage)
if forward:
if self.stage == self.stages[-1]:
#print('Already at the end of process')
return False
self.stage = self.stages[index + 1]
if self.stage == self.stages[0]:
#print('Already at the start of process')
return False
self.stage = self.stages[index - 1]
return True
if __name__ == '__main__':
app = QApplication(sys.argv)
ex = MainWidget()
It is not necessary to clean and create everything again, instead just move the widget for it we must know if it can be moved or not and for that task_move must indicate if the movement is valid or not. Considering the above, the solution is:
def task_move(self, forward=True):
# The main widget will allow me to change the stage of a particular Task
# The idea is that I update the Table widget to show everything in the right place
# This function finds out what stage it is at and increments/decrements by one
index = self.stages.index(self.stage)
if forward:
if self.stage == self.stages[-1]:
print("Already at the end of process")
return False
self.stage = self.stages[index + 1]
if self.stage == self.stages[0]:
print("Already at the start of process")
return False
self.stage = self.stages[index - 1]
return True
def move_task(self, forward=True):
for row, column in self.selected_indices:
widget = self.tw.cellWidget(row, column)
if isinstance(widget, Task) and widget.task_move(forward):
next_column = column + (1 if forward else -1)
# create new task widget
task = Task(widget.ID, widget.name, widget.est)
# remove all task widget
self.tw.removeCellWidget(row, column)
# move task widget
self.tw.setCellWidget(row, next_column, task)
The crashed is because when using clear you are also removing the Task widget so "self.tasks" has objects deleted from C++ that you should not use.
I'm trying to retrieve the model index for the QTreeView item using the given slug - which is a single string representing the treeview item's hierarchy separated by hyphens. In this case, I want to get the model index for the given slug 'Vegetable-Carrot-Blackbean':
My current function always returns "Vegetable" and I feel like the way it's written I'd expect it to continually loop through a given index's children until it fails, returning the last found tree item:
import os, sys
from Qt import QtWidgets, QtGui, QtCore
class CategoryView(QtWidgets.QWidget):
def __init__(self):
self.categoryModel = QtGui.QStandardItemModel()
self.categoryProxyModel = QtCore.QSortFilterProxyModel()
self.uiTreeView = QtWidgets.QTreeView()
self.uiTreeView.sortByColumn(0, QtCore.Qt.AscendingOrder)
self.layout = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout()
def appendCategorySlug(self, slug):
parts = slug.split('-')
parent = self.categoryModel.invisibleRootItem()
for name in parts:
for row in range(parent.rowCount()):
child = parent.child(row)
if child.text() == name:
parent = child
item = QtGui.QStandardItem(name)
parent = item
def getIndexBySlug(self, slug):
parts = slug.split('-')
index = QtCore.QModelIndex()
if not parts:
return index
root = self.categoryModel.index(0, 0)
for x in parts:
indexes = self.categoryModel.match(root, QtCore.Qt.DisplayRole, x, 1, QtCore.Qt.MatchExactly)
if indexes:
index = indexes[0]
root = index
print index, index.data()
return index
def test_CategoryView():
app = QtWidgets.QApplication(sys.argv)
ex = CategoryView()
if __name__ == '__main__':
The reason your current implementation doesn't work is that the start argument of match() needs to be valid index. The invisisble root item can never be valid because its row and column will always be -1. So, instead, you must use the the model's index() function to try to get the first child index of the current parent. You also need to make sure that an invalid index is returned when any part of the slug cannot be matched, otherwise you could wrongly end up returning an ancestor index.
Here's a method that implements all that:
def getIndexBySlug(self, slug):
parts = slug.split('-')
indexes = [self.categoryModel.invisibleRootItem().index()]
for name in parts:
indexes = self.categoryModel.match(
self.categoryModel.index(0, 0, indexes[0]),
QtCore.Qt.DisplayRole, name, 1,
if not indexes:
return QtCore.QModelIndex()
return indexes[0]
As an alternative, you might want to consider returning an item instead, as that will then give you access to the whole QStandardItem API (and the index can be still be easily obtained via item.index()):
def itemFromSlug(self, slug):
item = None
parent = self.categoryModel.invisibleRootItem()
for name in slug.split('-'):
for row in range(parent.rowCount()):
item = parent.child(row)
if item.text() == name:
parent = item
item = None
return item
But note that this returns None if the slug cannot be found (although it could easily be tweaked to return the invisible root item instead).
In this case the convenient way is to iterate over the children recursively:
def getIndexBySlug(self, slug):
parts = slug.split("-")
index = QtCore.QModelIndex()
if not parts:
return index
for part in parts:
found = False
for i in range(self.categoryModel.rowCount(index)):
ix = self.categoryModel.index(i, 0, index)
if ix.data() == part:
index = ix
found = True
if not found:
return QtCore.QModelIndex()
return index
I have a QListView which displays a list of items using PyQt in Python. How can I get it to return a qlistview specific item when searched for?
For example, if I have the following Qlistview with 4 items, how can I get the item which contains text = dan? or bring it to the top of the list. Also, the search doesn't need to be completely specific, If I type "da" I'd like it to return dan or items that starts with "da" and possibly bring it to the top of the list
My Qlistview is defined as follows:
from PyQt4 import QtCore, QtGui
import os
import sys
class AppView(QtGui.QDialog):
def __init__(self, parent=None):
super(AppView, self).__init__(parent)
self.resize(400, 400)
def ShowItemsList(self):
buttonBox = QtGui.QDialogButtonBox(self)
listview = QtGui.QListView(self)
verticalLayout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout(self)
model = QtGui.QStandardItemModel(listview)
with open("names-list.txt") as input:
if input is not None:
item = input.readlines()
for line in item:
item = QtGui.QStandardItem(line)
if __name__ == '__main__':
app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv)
view = AppView()
I fixed it like this. I made my model an instance variable beginning with self so that I can access it from another function.
def searchItem(self):
search_string = self.searchEditText.text() # Created a QlineEdit to input search strings
items = self.model.findItems(search_string, QtCore.Qt.MatchStartsWith)
if len(items) > 0:
for item in items:
if search_string:
self.model.takeRow(item.row()) #take row of item
self.model.insertRow(0, item) # and bring it to the top
print "not found"
I need to determine which rows are selected in a QTableView associated with a QStandardItemModel. From the view, I call the function selectionModel() to get the selection. This function returns a QSelectionModel object. From that object, I want to call isRowSelected() function. This function takes two arguments: the row I want to test, and a parent argument, which is a QModelIndex. This is where I'm lost. What is this parent argument for? Where does it come from? Conceptually, I don't understand why I'd need this parameter, and concretely, I don't know what value I should pass to the function to make it work.
You'll find the parent useful in a QTreeView, for example. For your use case, this are the relevant parts of the documentation:
The index is used by item views, delegates, and selection models to
locate an item in the model... Invalid indexes are often used as parent indexes when referring to top-level items in a model."
With QtCore.QModelIndex() you'll create an invalid index, that's the argument you are looking for. In this example, you can use the context menu to print the selection state of the rows:
#!/usr/bin/env python
#-*- coding:utf-8 -*-
from PyQt4 import QtGui, QtCore
class MyWindow(QtGui.QTableView):
def __init__(self, parent=None):
super(MyWindow, self).__init__(parent)
self.modelSource = QtGui.QStandardItemModel(self)
for rowNumber in range(3):
items = []
for columnNumber in range(3):
item = QtGui.QStandardItem()
item.setText("row: {0} column: {0}".format(rowNumber, columnNumber))
self.actionSelectedRows = QtGui.QAction(self)
self.actionSelectedRows.setText("Get Selected Rows")
self.contextMenu = QtGui.QMenu(self)
def on_actionSelectedRows_triggered(self, state):
for rowNumber in range(self.model().rowCount()):
info = "Row {0} is ".format(rowNumber)
if self.selectionModel().isRowSelected(rowNumber, QtCore.QModelIndex()):
info += "selected"
info += "not selected"
print info
def on_customContextMenuRequested(self, pos):
if __name__ == "__main__":
import sys
app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv)
main = MyWindow()
main.resize(333, 222)