I'm looking to store some individual settings to each user's computer. Things like preferences and a license key. From what I know, saving to the registry could be one possibility. However, that won't work on Mac.
One of the easy but not so proper techniques are just saving it to a settings.txt file and reading that on load.
Is there a proper way to save this kind of data? I'm hoping to use my wx app on Windows and Mac.
There is no proper way. Use whatever works best for your particular scenario. Some common ways for storing user data include:
Text files (e.g. Windows INI, cfg files)
binary files (sometimes compressed)
Windows registry
system environment variables
online profiles
There's nothing wrong with using text files. A lot of proper applications uses them exactly for the reason that they are easy to implement, and additionally human readable. The only thing you need to worry about is to make sure you have some form of error handling in place, in case the user decides to replace you config file content with some rubbish.
Take a look at Data Persistence on python docs. One option a you said could be persist them to a simple text file. Or you can save your data using some serialization format as pickle (see previous link) or json but it will be pretty ineficient if you have several keys and values or it will be too complex.
Also, you could save user preferences in an .ini file using python's ConfigParser module as show in this SO answer.
Finally, you can use a database like sqlite3 which is simpler to handle from your code in order to save and retrieve preferences.
I have saved the game data to an ini file, how can I protect it from being edited by the user?
Strictly speaking, it's not possible. You can't do anything to a local file that user is unable to undo.
However, you can obfuscate or encrypt (however simply) that file, so that at least a casual person with a Notepad is likely to give up. The simplest thing to do is to save data as a pickle file, so that it's easy to manipulate in Python, but looks baffling to a non-techy user/player.
Make somehow a hash / control sum of your ini-file and store at separate file. It will not prevent the ini-file from modification but you'll be able to know if modification occured and react on such user's behaviour.
I have some input data that is user configurable, so i do not want to hard code it. Like the data path, result path etc.
Can you please suggest the best way to handle this data? Should i keep them in an excel or notepad and then read at run time? Or is there a better way to handle it?
There are a lot of ways to do it.
Configuration file
You can store configuration in separate file in YAML, JSON, INI or any other format. There are a lot of tools and libraries for parsing and loading such configurations. Take a look on this article. Such approach is good for rarely changed configuration like services credentials, but it's not really good for configuration that changes very often.
Environment variables
Also, you can store configuration inside environment variables. Take a look on py-env-config. You can hard-code default configuration values but allow user to override them using environment variables.
Script arguments
If you are writing a script, you can always pass all configuration as command-line arguments/options. Manuals. Such approach is good of configs that changes very often (almost every script execution).
I'll suggest you to use configuration file for this constants.
So I made a python phonebook program which allows the user to add contacts, change contact info, delete contacts, etc. and write this data to a text file which I can read from every time the program is opened again and get existing contact data. However, in my program, I write to the text file in a very specific manner so I know what the format is and I can set it up to be read very easily. Since it is all formatted in a very specific manner, I want to prevent the user from opening the file and accidentally messing the data up with even just a simple space. How can I do this?
I want to prevent the user from opening the file and accidentally messing the data up...
I will advise you not to prevent users from accessing their own files. Messing with file permissions might result in some rogue files that the user won't be able to get rid of. Trust your user. If they delete or edit a sensitive file, it is their fault. Think of it this way - you have plenty of software installed on your own computer, but how often do you open them in an editor and make some damaging changes? Even if you do edit these files, does the application developer prevent you from doing so?
If you do intent to allow users to change/modify that file give them a good documentation on how to do it. This is the most apt thing to do. Also, make a backup file during run-time (see tempfile below) as an added layer of safety. Backups are almost always a good idea.
However, you can take some precautions to hide that data, so that users can't accidentally open them in an editor by double-clicking on it. There are plenty of options to do this including
Creating a binary file in a custom format
Zipping the text file using zipfile module.
Using tempfile module to create a temporary file, and zipping it using the previous option. (easy to discard if no changes needs to be saved)
Everything from here on is not about preventing access, but about hiding the contents of your file
Note that all the above options doesn't have to be mutually exclusive. The advantages of using a zip file is that it will save some space, and it is not easy to read and edit in a text editor (binary data). It can be easily manipulated in your Python Script:
with ZipFile('spam.zip') as myzip:
with myzip.open('eggs.txt') as myfile:
It is as simple as that! A temp file on the other hand, is a volatile (delete=True/False) file and can be discarded once you are done with it. You can easily copy its contents to another file or zip it before you close it as mentioned above.
with open tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as temp:
temp.write(b"Binary Data")
Again, another easy process. However, you must zip or encrypt it to achieve the final result. Now, moving on to encryption. The easiest way is an XOR cipher. Since we are simply trying to prevent 'readability' and not concerned about security, you can do the following:
recommended solution (XOR cipher):
from itertools import cycle
def xorcize(data, key):
"""Return a string of xor mutated data."""
return "".join(chr(ord(a)^ord(b)) for a, b in zip(data, cycle(key)))
data = "Something came in the mail today"
key = "Deez Nuts"
encdata = xorcize(data, key)
decdata = xorcize(encdata, key)
print(data, encdata, decdata, sep="\n")
Notice how small that function is? It is quite convenient to include it in any of your scripts. All your data can be encrypted before writing them to a file, and save it using a file extension such as ".dat" or ".contacts" or any custom name you choose. Make sure it is not opened in an editor by default (such as ".txt", ".nfo").
It is difficult to prevent user access to your data storage completely. However, you can either make it more difficult for the user to access your data or actually make it easier not to break it. In the second case, your intention would be to make it clear to the user what the rules are hope that not destroying the data is in the user's own best interest. Some examples:
Using a well established, human-readable serialization format, e.g. JSON. This is often the best solution as it actually allows an experienced user to easily inspect the data, or even modify it. Inexperienced users are unlikely to mess with the data anyways, and an experienced user knowing the format will follow the rules. At the same time, your parser will detect inconsistencies in the file structure.
Using a non-human readable, binary format, such as Pickle. Those files are likely to be left alone by the user as it is pretty clear that they are not meant to be modified outside the program.
Using a database, such as MySQL. Databases provide special protocols for data access which can be used to ensure data consistency and also make it easier to prevent unwanted access.
Assuming that you file format has a comment character, or can be modified to have one, add these lines to the top of your text file:
# Do not edit this file. This file was automatically generated.
# Any change, no matter how slight, may corrupt this file beyond repair.
The contact file belongs to your user, not to you. The best you can do is to inform the user. The best you can hope for is that the user will make intelligent use of your product.
I think the best thing to do in your case is just to choose a new file extension for your format.
It obviously doesn't prevent editing, but it clearly states for user that it has some specific format and probably shouldn't be edited manually. And GUI won't open it by default probably (it will ask what to edit it with).
And that would be enough for any case I can imagine if what you're worrying about is user messing up their own data. I don't think you can win with user who actively tries to mess up their data. Also I doubt any program does anything more. The usual "contract" is that user's data is, well, user's so it can be destroyed by the user.
If you actually won't to prevent editing you could change permissions to forbid editing with os.chmod for example. User would still be able to lift them manually and there will be some time window when you are actually writing, so it will be neither clean nor significantly more effective. And I would expect more trouble than benefit from such a solution.
If you want to actually make it impossible for a user to read/edit a file you can run your process from a different user (or use some heavier like SELinux or other MAC mechanism) and so you could make it really impossible to damage the data (with user's permissions). But it is not worth the effort if it is only about protecting the user from the not-so-catastophic effects of being careless.
I am developing a program that has a settings window in which I can change various parameters for my program. What is the best way to read/save them in some kind of config file? I know that some software and games use .ini files or similar system. How can I achieve this in Python?
The Python standard library includes the ConfigParser module, which handles ini-style configuration files for you. It's more than adequate for most uses.
Another popular option for configuration files is JSON - it's a simple notation which has good support from a wide range of languages.
Python has the json module in the standard library, which makes it very easy.
Since you introduced the term config file in your question, the previous answers concentrated on means for creating plain text files, which also could be manipulated using a standard text editor. Depending on the sort of settings to store this might not be desired, since it requires strict plausibility checks after reading back the config file at the very least. So I add the proposal of the shelves module which is a straight-forward way to make information persistent in files.
I'm writing a script to make backups of various different files. What I'd like to do is store meta information about the backup. Currently I'm using the file name, so for example:
Where c represents the file creation datetime, and d represents "data time" which represents what the cool_file actually contains. The reason I currently use "data time" is that a later backup may be made of the same file, in which case, I know I can safely replace the previous backup of the same "data time" without loosing any information.
It seems like an awful way to do things, but it does seem to have the benefit of being non-os dependent. Is there a better way?
FYI: I am using Python to script my backup creation, and currently need to have this working on Windows XP, 2003, and Redhat Linux.
EDIT: Solution:
From the answers below, I've inferred that metadata on files is not widely supported in a standard way. Given my goal was to tightly couple the metadata with the file, it seems that archiving the file alongside a metadata textfile is the way to go.
I'd take one of two approaches there:
create a stand alone file, on the backub dir, that would contain the desired metadata - this could be somethnng in human readable form, just to make life easier, such as a json data structure, or "ini" like file.
The other one is to archive the copied files - possibily using "zip", and bundle along with it a textual file with the desired meta-data.
The idea of creating zip archives to group files that you want together is used in several places, like in java .jar files, Open Document Format (offfice files created by several office sutres), Office Open XML (Microsoft specific offic files), and even Python language own eggs.
The ziplib module in Python's standard library has all the toools necessary to acomplish this - you can just use a dictionary's representation in a file bundled with the original one to have as much metadata as you need.
In any of these approaches you will also need a helper script to letyou see and filter the metadata on the files, of course.
Different file systems (not different operating systems) have different capabilities for storing metadata. NTFS has plenty of possibilities, while FAT is very limited, and ext* are somewhere in between. None of widespread (subjective term, yes) filesystems support custom tags which you could use. Consequently there exists no standard way to work with such tags.
On Windows there was an attempt to introduce Extended Attributes, but these were implemented in such a tricky way that were almost unusable.
So putting whatever you can into the filename remains the only working approach. Remember that filesystems have limitations on file name and file path length, and with this approach you can exceed the limit, so be careful.