Google App Engine deferred.defer() error 404 - python

I'm trying to get running a task in the Task Queue using deferred.defer(). The task is added to the default task queue, but the task fail with a 404 error.
This is the handler:
import webapp2
import models
import defer_ajust_utils
from google.appengine.ext import ndb
from google.appengine.ext import deferred
class ajust_utils(webapp2.RequestHandler):
def get(self):
application = webapp2.WSGIApplication([('/ajust_utils', ajust_utils)], debug=True)
This is the module defer_ajust_utils :
import logging
import models
from google.appengine.ext import ndb
def DoTheJob():"Debut de la mise a jour des utilisateurs")
utilisateurs = models.Utilisateur.query()
utilisateurs = utilisateurs.fetch()
for utilisateur in utilisateurs:
utilisateur.produire_factures_i = False
utilisateur.put()"Fin de la mise a jour des utilisateurs")
And my app.yaml file :
application: xxxx
version: dev
runtime: python27
api_version: 1
threadsafe: yes
- deferred: on
- url: /ajust_utils
script : tempo_ajuster_utils.application
login: admin
Here's the log : - - [10/Mar/2014:17:50:45 -0700] "POST /_ah/queue/deferred HTTP/1.1" 404 113
"" "AppEngine-Google;
(+" "" ms=6 cpu_ms=0
cpm_usd=0.000013 queue_name=default task_name=17914595085560382799
app_engine_release=1.9.0 instance=00c61b117c0b3648693af0563b92051423b3cb
Thank you for help!!

If you are using push-to-deploy with git, when you add in a 'builtin' part to the app.yaml, such as in
- deferred: on
you need to do a 'normal' gcloud deploy before you run the app. Otherwise it will not update the running app, which causes 404 errors for /_ah/queue/deferred
There is an open bug for this, so vote for it and it may get fixed.

I was receiving the same error.
It appears to be a documentation defect with
I looked in the source code and found the following, which wasn't in any of the documentation:
In order for tasks to be processed, you need to set up the handler. Add the
following to your app.yaml handlers section:
- url: /_ah/queue/deferred
script: $PYTHON_LIB/google/appengine/ext/deferred/
login: admin
As I have threadsafe: true set in my app.yaml, I had to add the following handler:
- url: /_ah/queue/deferred
script: google.appengine.ext.deferred.deferred.application
login: admin
and then the deferred task queue began working and stopped 404'ing.

I think you have to add the option deferred: on to your apps "builtin" options in the app.yaml Here is an excerpt from
- deferred: on
The following builtin handlers are available:
admin_redirect - For production App Engine, this results in a redirect from /_ah/admin to the admin console. This builtin has no effect in the development web server.
appstats - Enables Appstats at /_ah/stats/, which you can use to measure your application's performance. In order to use Appstats, you also need to install the event recorder.
deferred - Enables the deferred handler at /_ah/queue/deferred. This builtin allows developers to use deferred.defer() to simplify the creation of Task Queue tasks. Also see Background work with the deferred library.


Adding warmup requests to App Engine on Python 3

When deploying my app to App Engine Standard's Python 3 runtime, how can I avoid request latency during an update to a new version, or starting new instances? Can I create some type of "warmup request"?
It's possible to configure custom warmup requests for your app. First, add the inbound_services directive and a corresponding handler in your app.yaml file:
- warmup
- url: /_ah/warmup
Then, define a warmup route in your file:
def warmup():
"""Warm up an instance of the app."""
pass # For example, initiate a db connection
See for more details.

404 from cron job on google app engine django app

So, everything else works... to preface this. But, I haven't really moved outside the admin interface. I'm trying to get data from an API and insert it into the database if there's changes. I've managed to write a script that can do that (in theory... it can do it locally), but I can't get the app in the cloud to recognize its existence. I've followed Google's suggestion of adding it to the app.yaml and cron.yaml to no avail.
Do I need to add this to a I haven't mucked with teh handlers at all thus far and I'm not sure what makes happen, what the yaml files make happen, and how much of this is pixie dust.
here are teh relevant files...
runtime: python
env: flex
entrypoint: gunicorn -b :$PORT mysite.wsgi
threadsafe: yes
cloud_sql_instances: [redacted]
python_version: 3
enable_health_check: False
- url: /static
static_dir: static/
- url: /run/get_data/
login: admin
- url: .*
script: mysite.wsgi.application
- description: "get data"
url: /run/get_data/
schedule: every 5 minutes
#!/usr/bin/env python
# /var/spool/cron/crontabs
import json
import urllib2
from django.http import HttpResponse
from google.appengine.ext import webapp
from google.appengine.ext.webapp.util import run_wsgi_app
from .models import Game
from .models import Team
class JSONdownloadHandler(webapp.RequestHandler):
def get(self):
class MainHandler(webapp.RequestHandler):
def get(self):
I'm finding great resources for a basic python app... but none for this situation really... anyone know of something better than what I'm doing, PLEASE let me know!
You're mixing up elements of the flexible environment app.yaml with those of the standard environment app.yaml
In particular the script: portion is ignored. You need to add the handler for the /run/get_data/ path inside your mysite.wsgi app, maybe from there invoking the code.
Somehow related: cron job in google app engine not working.
So... it was that I didn't route to teh location. I was actually able to just set a route (with admin against it) to the URL and then able to call it via the cron.yaml.

ProtoRPC App Engine Hello World test app not working

I have been trying to get the rather simple Hello World ProtoRPC App Engine example to work, but to no avail. The code from the website just doesn't seem to work unfortunately. I have looked at a number of possible solutions, but couldn't find a complete working set. Any help would be much appreciated! You can see the error (or lack thereof) below:
application: proto-test
version: 1
runtime: python27
api_version: 1
threadsafe: false
- url: /hello.*
from protorpc import messages
from protorpc import remote
from protorpc.wsgi import service
package = 'hello'
# Create the request string containing the user's name
class HelloRequest(messages.Message):
my_name = messages.StringField(1, required=True)
# Create the response string
class HelloResponse(messages.Message):
hello = messages.StringField(1, required=True)
# Create the RPC service to exchange messages
class HelloService(remote.Service):
#remote.method(HelloRequest, HelloResponse)
def hello(self, request):
return HelloResponse(hello='Hello there, %s!' % request.my_name)
# Map the RPC service and path (/hello)
app = service.service_mappings([('/hello', HelloService)])
curl command
curl -H 'content-type:application/json' -d '{"my_name":"test1"}'
When I run the above command in the command line, it just returns the prompt without an error. My logs suggest that the curl command sort of worked, but it just didn't provide a response. This is what appears in the logs:
2013-05-08 22:27:07.409 /hello.hello 200 522ms 0kb curl/7.22.0 (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu) libcurl/7.22.0 OpenSSL/1.0.1 zlib/ libidn/1.23 librtmp/2.3
2620:0:10c8:1007:a800:1ff:fe00:33af - - [08/May/2013:14:27:07 -0700] "POST /hello.hello HTTP/1.1" 200 0 - "curl/7.22.0 (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu) libcurl/7.22.0 OpenSSL/1.0.1 zlib/ libidn/1.23 librtmp/2.3" "" ms=523 cpu_ms=133 loading_request=1 app_engine_release=1.8.0 instance=00c61b117c66197ad84ad9bc61485b292e5129
I 2013-05-08 22:27:07.409
This request caused a new process to be started for your application, and thus caused your application code to be loaded for the first time. This request may thus take longer and use more CPU than a typical request for your application.
An Ajax call through the Chrome JS Console returned the following: SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL:
$.ajax({url: ‘/hello.hello’, type: 'POST', contentType: 'application/json', data: ‘{ "my_name": "Bob" }’,dataType: 'json',success: function(response){alert(response.hello);}});
The Java script you posted seems to have syntax errors. Mainly, it looks like you are using the ` character in places instead of the ' character.
The reason why your request is not working is because of how you wrote the app.yaml file. You are using the old Python 2.5 way of calling applications by referring to a script rather than a WSGI application. You can correct it by changing the url handler in app.yaml to:
- url: /hello.*

app engine: incoming emails get rejected

I'm trying to get a barebone app engine app to handle incoming email. I've followed the Receiving Email tutorial, and my code is really minimal.
However, when I send an email to say, Google rejects it before it gets to my app:
Delivery to the following recipient failed permanently:
Technical details of permanent failure: Google tried to deliver your
message, but it was rejected by the recipient domain.
this is my app.yaml
application: myapplication
version: 1
runtime: python27
api_version: 1
threadsafe: false
- url: /_ah/mail/.+
- url: /.*
- mail
and is taken from the tutorial:
import logging, email
from google.appengine.ext import webapp
from google.appengine.ext.webapp.mail_handlers import InboundMailHandler
from google.appengine.ext.webapp.util import run_wsgi_app
class LogSenderHandler(InboundMailHandler):
def receive(self, mail_message):"Received a message from: " + mail_message.sender)
Any idea why emails are being rejected?
It seems that you missed login: admin in the yaml file.
and it's not

How does the warmup service work in python google app engine?

Can someone give an example of how the warmup inbound service works in the python runtime of Google App Engine?
I've read this:, but it doesn't give me much of an example after the GET request is sent (I can't seem to ever pick it up)
My app.yaml looks like this:
application: whatevs
version: 1
runtime: python
api_version: 1
- datastore_admin: on
- warmup
- url: /static
static_dir: static
- url: /_ah/warmup
login: admin
- url: /.*
my looks like this:
def main():
application = webapp.WSGIApplication(
[("/", views.LandingPage),
("/_ah/warmup", views.WarmupHandler)
WarmupHandler looks like this:
class WarmupHandler(webapp.RequestHandler):
Called on app init
def get(self):
current_user = users.get_current_user()
However, WarmupHandler never seems to get called (I have breakpoints and lots of debug code). What am I doing wrong?
App Engine sends warm up requests only if there is some constant traffic on your app. It won't get always called if instances stand mostly idle.
