lxml.html parsing and utf-8 with requests - python

i used requests to retrieve a url which contains some unicode characters, and want to do some processing with it , then write it out.
html = lxml.html.fromstring(r.content)
htmlOut = lxml.html.tostring(html)
in unicode_test_1.html, all chars looks fine, but in unicode_test_2.html, some chars changed to gibberish, why is that ?
i then tried
html = lxml.html.fromstring(r.text)
htmlOut = lxml.html.tostring(html,encoding='latin1')
it seems it's working now. but i don't know why is this happening, always use latin1 ?
what's the difference between r.text and r.content, and why can't i write html out using encoding='utf-8' ?

You've not specified if you're using python 2 or 3. Encoding is handled quite differently depending on which version you're using. The following advice is more or less universal anyway.
The difference between r.text and r.content is in the Requests docs. Simply put Requests will attempt to figure out the character encoding for you and return Unicode after decoding it. This which is accessible via r.text. To get just the bytes use r.content.
You really need to get to grips with encodings. Read http://www.joelonsoftware.com/articles/Unicode.html and watch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sgHbC6udIqc to get started. Also, do a search for "Overcoming frustration: Correctly using unicode in python2" for additional help.
Just to clarify, it's not as simple as always use one encoding over another. Make a Unicode sandwich by doing any I/O in bytes and work with Unicode in your application. If you start with bytes (isinstance(mytext, str)) you need to know the encoding to decode to Unicode, if you start with Unicode (isinstance(mytext, unicode)) you should encode to UTF-8 as it will handle all the worlds characters.
Make sure your editor, files, server and database are configured to UTF-8 also otherwise you'll get more 'gibberish'.
If you want further help post the source files and output of your script.


I have files that the Python Requests function has incorrectly coded, expanding special chars

I have a large set of files that were mangled by Python Requests r.text conversion. The original was UTF-8 but Requests assumed ISO-8859-1 so, for example, e acute has expanded from hex C3A9 to C383C2A9. There a bunch of these. Is there any way to fix this with Python?
BTW, I now know how to set the encoding before writing to a file
r.encoding = r.apparent_encoding
but is there any way to fix this now without tracking down every translation?
I guess that if I read as ISO-8859-1, I'll have two new characters that won't convert back to one ETF-8 char, right?

python request library giving wrong value single quotes

Facing some issue in calling API using request library. Problem is described as follows
The code:.
r = requests.post(url, data=json.dumps(json_data), headers=headers)
When I perform r.text the apostrophe in the string is giving me as
like this Bachelor\u2019s Degree. This should actually give me the response as Bachelor's Degree.
I tried json.loads also but the single quote problem remains the same,
How to get the string value correctly.
What you see here ("Bachelor\u2019s Degree") is the string's inner representation, where "\u2019" is the unicode codepoint for "RIGHT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK". This is perfectly correct, there's nothing wrong here, if you print() this string you'll get what you expect:
>>> s = 'Bachelor\u2019s Degree'
>>> print(s)
Bachelor’s Degree
Learning about unicode and encodings might save you quite some time FWIW.
When I save in db and then on displaying on HTML it will cause issue
Have you tried ?
Your database connector is supposed to encode it to the proper encoding (according to your fields, tables and client encoding settings).
wrt/ "displaying it on HTML", it mostly depends on whether you're using Python 2.7.x or Python 3.x AND on how you build your HTML, but if you're using some decent framework with a decent template engine (if not you should reconsider your stack) chances are it will work out of the box.
As I already mentionned, learning about unicode and encodings will save you a lot of time.
It's just using a UTF-8 encoding, it is not "wrong".
string = 'Bachelor\u2019s Degree'
Bachelor’s Degree
You can decode and encode it again, but I can't see any reason why you would want to do that (this might not work in Python 2):
string = 'Bachelor\u2019s Degree'.encode().decode('utf-8')
Bachelor’s Degree
From requests docs:
When you make a request, Requests makes educated guesses about the
encoding of the response based on the HTTP headers. The text encoding
guessed by Requests is used when you access r.text
On the response object, you may use .content instead of .text to get the response in UTF-8

Fetching URL and converting to UTF-8 Python

I would like to do my first project in python but I have problem with coding. When I fetch data it shows coded letters instead of my native letters, for example '\xc4\x87' instead of 'ć'. The code is below:
import urllib.request
import sys
page = urllib.request.urlopen("http://olx.pl/")
test = page.read()
z = "ł"
I know that code here is poor but I tried many options to change encoding. I wrote z = "ł" to check if it can print any 'special' letter and it shows. I tried to encode it and it works also as it should. Sys.stdin.encoding shows cp852.
The data you read from a urlopen() response is encoded data. You'd need to first decode that data using the right encoding.
You appear to have downloaded UTF-8 data; you'd have to decode that data first before you had text:
test = page.read().decode('utf8')
However, it is up to the server to tell you what data was received. Check for a characterset in the headers:
encoding = page.info().getparam('charset')
This can still be None; many data formats include the encoding as part of the format. XML for example is UTF-8 by default but the XML declaration at the start can contain information about what codec was used for that document. An XML parser would extract that information to ensure you get properly decoded Unicode text when parsing.
You may not be able to print that data; the 852 codepage can only handle 256 different codepoints, while the Unicode standard is far larger.
The urlopen is returning to you a bytes object. That means it's a raw, encoded stream of bytes. Python 3 prints that in a repr format, which uses escape codes for non-ASCII characters. To get the canonical unicode you would have to decode it. The right way to do that would be to inspect the header and look for the encoding declaration. But for this we can assume UTF-8 and you can simply decode it as such, not encode it.
import urllib.request
import sys
page = urllib.request.urlopen("http://olx.pl/")
test = page.read()
print(test.decode("utf-8")) # <- note change
Now, Python 3 defaults to UTF-8 source encoding. So you can embed non-ASCII like this if your editor supports unicode and saving as UTF-8.
z = "ł"
Printing it will only work if your terminal supports UTF-8 encoding. On Linux and OSX they do, so this is not a problem there.
The others are correct, but I'd like to offer a simpler solution. Use requests. It's 3rd party, so you'll need to install it via pip:
pip install requests
But it's a lot simpler to use than the urllib libraries. For your particular case, it handles the decoding for you out of the box:
import requests
r = requests.get("http://olx.pl/")
# UTF-8
# <class 'str'>
# The HTML
get sends an HTTP GET request to the server and returns the respose.
We print the encoding requests thinks the text is in. It chooses this based on the response header Martijin mentions.
We show that r.text is already a decoded text type (unicode in Python 2 and str in Python 3)
Then we actually print the response.
Note that we don't have to print the encoding or type; I've just done so for diagnostic purposes to show what requests is doing. requests is designed to simplify a lot of other details of working with HTTP requests, and it does a good job of it.

BeautifulSoup 4 converting HTML entities to unicode, but getting junk characters when using print

I am trying to scrape text from the web using BeautifulSoup 4 to parse it out. I am running into an issue when printing bs4 processed text out to the console. Whenever I hit a character that was originally an HTML entity, like ’ I get garbage characters on the console. I believe bs4 is converting these entities to unicode correctly because if I try using another encoding to print out the text, it will complain about the appropriate lack of unicode mapping for a character (like u'\u2019.) I'm not sure why the print function gets confused over these characters. I've tried changing around fonts, which changes the garbage characters, and am on a Windows 7 machine with US-English locale. Here is my code for reference, any help is appreciated. Thanks in advance!
import json
import urllib2
import cookielib
import bs4
cj = cookielib.CookieJar()
opener = urllib2.build_opener(urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor(cj))
url = "http://api.nytimes.com/svc/search/v2/articlesearch.json?q=Tiguan\
response = opener.open(url)
articles = response.read()
decoded = json.loads(articles)
totalpages = decoded['response']['meta']['hits']/10
for page in range(totalpages + 1):
if page>0:
url = "http://api.nytimes.com/svc/search/v2/articlesearch.json?\
q=Tiguan&page=" + str(page) + "&api-key=blah"
response = opener.open(url)
articles = response.read()
decoded = json.loads(articles)
for url in decoded['response']['docs']:
print url['web_url']
urlstring = url['web_url']
art = opener.open(urlstring)
soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(art.read())
goodstuff = soup.findAll('nyt_text')
for tag in goodstuff:
print tag.prettify().encode("UTF")
The problem has nothing to do with bs4, or HTML entities, or anything else. You could reproduce the exact same behavior, on most Windows systems, with a one-liner program to print out the same characters that are appearing as garbage when you try to print them, like this:
print u'\u2019'.encode('UTF-8')
The problem here is that, like the vast majority of Windows systems (and nothing else anyone uses in 2013), your default character set is not UTF-8, but something like CP1252.
So, when you encode your Unicode strings to UTF-8 and print those bytes to the console, the console interprets them as CP1252. Which, in this case, means you get ’ instead of ’.
Changing fonts won't help. The UTF-8 encoding of \u2013 is the three bytes \xe2, \x80, and \x99, and the CP1252 meaning of those three bytes is â, €, and ™.
If you want to encode manually for the console, you need to encode to the right character set, the one your console actually uses. You may be able to get that as sys.stdout.encoding.
Of course you may get an exception trying to encode things for the right character set, because 8-bit character sets like CP1252 can only handle about 240 of the 110K characters in Unicode. The only way to handle that is to use the errors argument to encode to either ignore them or replace them with replacement characters.
Meanwhile, if you haven't read the Unicode HOWTO, you really need to. Especially if you plan to stick with Python 2.x and Windows.
If you're wondering why a few command-line programs seem to be able to get around these problems: Microsoft's solution to the character set problem is to create a whole parallel set of APIs that use 16-bit characters instead of 8-bit, and those APIs always use UTF-16. Unfortunately, many things, like the portable stdio wrappers that Microsoft provides for talking to the console and that Python 2.x relies on, only have the 8-bit API. Which means the problem isn't solved at all. Python 3.x no longer uses those wrappers, and there have been recurring discussions on making some future version talk UTF-16 to the console. But even if that happens in 3.4 (which seems very unlikely), that won't help you as long as you're using 2.x.
#abarnert's answer contains a good explanation of the issue.
In your particular case, you could just pass encoding parameter to prettify() instead of default utf-8.
If you are printing to console, you could try to print Unicode directly:
print soup.prettify(encoding=None, formatter='html') # print Unicode
It may fail. If you pass ascii; then BeautifulSoup may use numerical character references instead of non-ascii characters:
print soup.prettify('ascii', formatter='html')
It assumes that current Windows codepage is ascii-based encoding (most of them do). It should also work if the output is redirected to a file or another program via a pipe.
For portability, you could always print Unicode (encoding=None above) and use PYTHONIOENCODING to get appropriate character encoding e.g., utf-8 for files, pipes and ascii:xmlcharrefreplace to avoid garbage in a console.

python3: different charset support

I am using python 3.3 in Windows 7.
if "iso-8859-1" in str(source):
source = source.decode('iso-8859-1')
if "utf-8" in str(source):
source = source.decode('utf-8')
So, currently my application is valid for the above two charsets only ... but I want to cover every possible charset.
Actually, I'm finding these charsets manually from the source of the website, and I have experienced that all the websites in the world are not just from these two. Sometimes websites do not show their charset in their HTML source! So, my application fails to move ahead there!
What should I do to detect a charset automatically and decode according to it?
Please try to make me aware in-depth and with examples if possible. You can suggest important links too.
BeautifulSoup provides a function UnicodeDammit() that goes through a number of steps1 to determine the encoding of any string you give it, and converts it to unicode. It's pretty straightforward to use:
from bs4 import UnicodeDammit
unicode_string = UnicodeDammit(encoded_string)
If you use BeautifulSoup to process your HTML, it will automatically use UnicodeDammit to convert it to unicode for you.
1According to the documentation for BeautifulSoup 3, these are the actions UnicodeDammit takes:
Beautiful Soup tries the following encodings, in order of priority, to
turn your document into Unicode:
An encoding you pass in as the fromEncoding argument to the soup constructor.
An encoding discovered in the document itself: for instance, in an XML
declaration or (for HTML documents) an http-equiv META tag. If Beautiful
Soup finds this kind of encoding within the document, it parses the
document again from the beginning and gives the new encoding a try. The
only exception is if you explicitly specified an encoding, and that
encoding actually worked: then it will ignore any encoding it finds in the
An encoding sniffed by looking at the first few bytes of the file. If an
encoding is detected at this stage, it will be one of the UTF-* encodings,
An encoding sniffed by the chardet library, if you have it installed.
That explanation doesn't seem to be present in the BeautifulSoup 4 documentation, but presumably BS4's UnicodeDammit works in much the same way (though I haven't checked the source to be sure).
