interpolation of transformPerspective openCV - python

I have made a small program that reads an image, transforms the perspective and then redraws the image. Currently I rewrite each pixel to the output manually but this way a lot of points are lost and the result is image that is very faint (the larger the transformation the fainter the image). This is my code:
U, V = np.meshgrid(range(img_array.shape[1]), range(img_array.shape[0]))
UV = np.vstack((U.flatten(),V.flatten())).T
UV_warped = cv2.perspectiveTransform(np.array([UV]).astype(np.float32), H)
UV_warped = UV_warped[0]
UV_warped = UV_warped.astype(
x_translation = min(UV_warped[:,0])
y_translation = min(UV_warped[:,1])
new_width = np.amax(UV_warped[:,0])-np.amin(UV_warped[:,0])
new_height = np.amax(UV_warped[:,1])-np.amin(UV_warped[:,1])
UV_warped[:,0] = UV_warped[:,0] - int(x_translation)
UV_warped[:,1] = UV_warped[:,1] - int(y_translation)
# create box for image
new_img = np.ones((new_height+1, new_width+1))*255 # 0 = black 255 - white background
for uv_pix, UV_warped_pix in zip(UV, UV_warped):
x_orig = uv_pix[0] # x in origineel
y_orig = uv_pix[1] # y in origineel
color = img_array[y_orig, x_orig]
x_new = UV_warped_pix[0] # new x
y_new = UV_warped_pix[1] # new y
new_img[y_new, x_new] = np.array(color)
img = Image.fromarray(np.uint8(new_img))"test.jpg")
Is there a way to do this differently (with interpolation maybe?) so I won't loose so many pixels and the image is not so faint?

You are looking for the function warpPerspective (As already mentioned in answer to your previous question OpenCV perspective transform in python).
You can use this function like this (although I'm not familiar with python) :
cv2.warpPerspective(src_img, H_from_src_to_dst, dst_size, dst_img)
EDIT: You can refer to this OpenCV tutorial. It uses affine transformations, but there exists similar OpenCV functions for perspective transformations.


Image stitching problem using Python and OpenCV

I got output like below after stitching result of 24 stitched images to next 25th image. Before that stitching was good.
Is anyone aware of why/when output of stitching comes like this? What are the possibilities of output coming like that? What may be the reason of that?
Stitching code is following standard stitching steps like finding keypoints, descriptors then matching points, calculating homography and then warping of images. But I am not understanding why that output is coming.
Core part of stitching is like below:
detector = cv2.SIFT_create(400)
# find the keypoints and descriptors with SIFT
gray1 = cv2.cvtColor(image1,cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
ret1, mask1 = cv2.threshold(gray1,1,255,cv2.THRESH_BINARY)
kp1, descriptors1 = detector.detectAndCompute(gray1,mask1)
gray2 = cv2.cvtColor(image2,cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
ret2, mask2 = cv2.threshold(gray2,1,255,cv2.THRESH_BINARY)
kp2, descriptors2 = detector.detectAndCompute(gray2,mask2)
keypoints1Im = cv2.drawKeypoints(image1, kp1, outImage = cv2.DRAW_MATCHES_FLAGS_DEFAULT, color=(0,0,255))
keypoints2Im = cv2.drawKeypoints(image2, kp2, outImage = cv2.DRAW_MATCHES_FLAGS_DEFAULT, color=(0,0,255))
# BFMatcher with default params
matcher = cv2.BFMatcher()
matches = matcher.knnMatch(descriptors2,descriptors1, k=2)
# Apply ratio test
good = []
for m, n in matches:
if m.distance < 0.75 * n.distance:
print (str(len(good)) + " Matches were Found")
if len(good) <= 10:
return image1
matches = copy.copy(good)
matchDrawing = util.drawMatches(gray2,kp2,gray1,kp1,matches)
#Aligning the images
src_pts = np.float32([ kp2[m.queryIdx].pt for m in matches ]).reshape(-1,1,2)
dst_pts = np.float32([ kp1[m.trainIdx].pt for m in matches ]).reshape(-1,1,2)
H = cv2.findHomography(src_pts, dst_pts, cv2.RANSAC,5.0)[0]
h1,w1 = image1.shape[:2]
h2,w2 = image2.shape[:2]
pts1 = np.float32([[0,0],[0,h1],[w1,h1],[w1,0]]).reshape(-1,1,2)
pts2 = np.float32([[0,0],[0,h2],[w2,h2],[w2,0]]).reshape(-1,1,2)
pts2_ = cv2.perspectiveTransform(pts2, H)
pts = np.concatenate((pts1, pts2_), axis=0)
# print("pts:", pts)
[xmin, ymin] = np.int32(pts.min(axis=0).ravel() - 0.5)
[xmax, ymax] = np.int32(pts.max(axis=0).ravel() + 0.5)
t = [-xmin,-ymin]
Ht = np.array([[1,0,t[0]],[0,1,t[1]],[0,0,1]]) # translate
result = cv2.warpPerspective(image2,, (xmax-xmin, ymax-ymin))
resizedB = np.zeros((result.shape[0], result.shape[1], 3), np.uint8)
resizedB[t[1]:t[1]+h1,t[0]:w1+t[0]] = image1
# Now create a mask of logo and create its inverse mask also
img2gray = cv2.cvtColor(result,cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
ret, mask = cv2.threshold(img2gray, 0, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY)
kernel = np.ones((5,5),np.uint8)
k1 = (kernel == 1).astype('uint8')
mask = cv2.erode(mask, k1, borderType=cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT)
mask_inv = cv2.bitwise_not(mask)
difference = cv2.bitwise_or(resizedB, resizedB, mask=mask_inv)
result2 = cv2.bitwise_and(result, result, mask=mask)
result = cv2.add(result2, difference)
This image shows match drawing while stitching 25 to result until 24 images:
And before that match drawing:
I have total 97 images to stitch. If I stitch 24 and 25 image separately they stitches properly. If I start stitching from 23rd image onwards then also stitching is good but it gives me problem when I stitches starting from 1st image. I am not able to understand the problem.
Result after stitching 23rd image:
Result after stitching 24th image:
Result after stitching 25th image is as above which went wrong.
Strange Observation: If I stitch 23,24,25 images seperately with same code it gets stitches. If I stitch images after 23 till 97 , it gets stitches. But somehow if I stitch images from 1st, it breaks while stitching 25th image. I am not understanding why this happens.
I have tried different combination like different keypoint detection, extraction methods, matching methods, different homography calculations, different warping code but those combinations didn't work. Something is missing or wrong in the steps combination code. I am not able to figure it out.
Sorry for this long question. As I am completely new to this I am not able to explain and get the things properly. Thanks for your help and guidance.
Stitched result of 23,24,25 images separately with SAME code:
With different code (gives black lines in between stitching), if I stitched 97 images then 25th goes up in stitching and stitches as shown below (right corner point):
Firstly, I was not able to recreate your problem and solve it as the images were too big for my system to process. However, I had faced the same problem in my Panorama Stitching project, so I am sharing the reason behind it and my approach to solving my problem. Hope this helps you too.
Here's what my problem looked like when I stitched 4 images together just like you did.
As you can see, the 4th image was getting distorted a lot which must not happen. The same thing happened with you but on a greater level.
Now, here's the output when I stitched 8 images after some image pre-processing.
After some pre-processing on the input images, I was able to stitch 8 images together perfectly without any distortion.
To understand the exact reason behind this kind of distortion, watch this video by Joseph Redmon between 50:26 - 1:07:23.
As suggested in the video, we'll first have to project the images onto a cylinder and then unroll them and then stitch these unrolled images together.
Below is the initial input image(left) and the image after projection and unrolling onto a cylinder(right).
For your problem, as you are using satellite images, I guess projection onto a sphere would work better than the cylinder however you'll have to give it a try.
Sharing below my code for projecting the image onto a cylinder and unrolling it for reference. The mathematics used behind it is the same as given in the video.
def Convert_xy(x, y):
global center, f
xt = ( f * np.tan( (x - center[0]) / f ) ) + center[0]
yt = ( (y - center[1]) / np.cos( (x - center[0]) / f ) ) + center[1]
return xt, yt
def ProjectOntoCylinder(InitialImage):
global w, h, center, f
h, w = InitialImage.shape[:2]
center = [w // 2, h // 2]
f = 1100 # 1100 field; 1000 Sun; 1500 Rainier; 1050 Helens
# Creating a blank transformed image
TransformedImage = np.zeros(InitialImage.shape, dtype=np.uint8)
# Storing all coordinates of the transformed image in 2 arrays (x and y coordinates)
AllCoordinates_of_ti = np.array([np.array([i, j]) for i in range(w) for j in range(h)])
ti_x = AllCoordinates_of_ti[:, 0]
ti_y = AllCoordinates_of_ti[:, 1]
# Finding corresponding coordinates of the transformed image in the initial image
ii_x, ii_y = Convert_xy(ti_x, ti_y)
# Rounding off the coordinate values to get exact pixel values (top-left corner)
ii_tl_x = ii_x.astype(int)
ii_tl_y = ii_y.astype(int)
# Finding transformed image points whose corresponding
# initial image points lies inside the initial image
GoodIndices = (ii_tl_x >= 0) * (ii_tl_x <= (w-2)) * \
(ii_tl_y >= 0) * (ii_tl_y <= (h-2))
# Removing all the outside points from everywhere
ti_x = ti_x[GoodIndices]
ti_y = ti_y[GoodIndices]
ii_x = ii_x[GoodIndices]
ii_y = ii_y[GoodIndices]
ii_tl_x = ii_tl_x[GoodIndices]
ii_tl_y = ii_tl_y[GoodIndices]
# Bilinear interpolation
dx = ii_x - ii_tl_x
dy = ii_y - ii_tl_y
weight_tl = (1.0 - dx) * (1.0 - dy)
weight_tr = (dx) * (1.0 - dy)
weight_bl = (1.0 - dx) * (dy)
weight_br = (dx) * (dy)
TransformedImage[ti_y, ti_x, :] = ( weight_tl[:, None] * InitialImage[ii_tl_y, ii_tl_x, :] ) + \
( weight_tr[:, None] * InitialImage[ii_tl_y, ii_tl_x + 1, :] ) + \
( weight_bl[:, None] * InitialImage[ii_tl_y + 1, ii_tl_x, :] ) + \
( weight_br[:, None] * InitialImage[ii_tl_y + 1, ii_tl_x + 1, :] )
# Getting x coorinate to remove black region from right and left in the transformed image
min_x = min(ti_x)
# Cropping out the black region from both sides (using symmetricity)
TransformedImage = TransformedImage[:, min_x : -min_x, :]
return TransformedImage, ti_x-min_x, ti_y
You just have to call the function ProjectOntoCylinder and pass it an image to get the resultant image and the coordinates of white pixels in the mask image. Use the code below to call this function and get the mask image.
# Applying Cylindrical projection on Image
Image_Cyl, mask_x, mask_y = ProjectOntoCylinder(Image)
# Getting Image Mask
Image_Mask = np.zeros(Image_Cyl.shape, dtype=np.uint8)
Image_Mask[mask_y, mask_x, :] = 255
Here are links to my project and its detailed documentation for reference:
Part 1:
Source Code,
Part 2:
Source Code,

How to make a shape larger or smaller without changing the resolution of the image using OpenCV or PIL in Python

I would like to be able to make a certain shape in either a PIL image or an OpenCV image 3 times larger and smaller without changing the resolution of the image or changing the shape of the shape I want to make larger. I have tried using OpenCV's dilation method but that is not it's intended use, plus it changed the shape of the image. For an example:
Here's a way of doing it:
find the interesting shape, i.e. non-white ROI area
extract it
scale it up by a factor
clear the original image to white
paste the scaled ROI back into image with same centre
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import cv2
import numpy as np
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Open image
orig = cv2.imread('image.png',cv2.IMREAD_COLOR)
# Get extent of interesting part, i.e. non-white part
y, x, _ = np.nonzero(~orig)
y0, y1 = np.min(y), np.max(y) # top and bottom rows
x0, x1 = np.min(x), np.max(x) # left and right cols
h, w = y1-y0, x1-x0 # height and width
ROI = orig[y0:y1, x0:x1] # extract ROI
cv2.imwrite('ROI.png', ROI) # DEBUG only
# Upscale ROI
factor = 3
scaledROI = cv2.resize(ROI, (w*factor,h*factor), interpolation=cv2.INTER_NEAREST)
newH, newW = scaledROI.shape[:2]
# Clear original image to white
orig[:] = [255,255,255]
# Get centre of original shape, and position of top-left of ROI in output image
cx, cy = (x0 + x1) //2, (y0 + y1)//2
top = cy - newH//2
left = cx - newW//2
# Paste in rescaled ROI
orig[top:top+newH, left:left+newW] = scaledROI
cv2.imwrite('result.png', orig)
That transforms this:
to this:
Puts me in mind of a pantograph:

How to transform source image to destination image automatically using opencv

I am having source image on the left. I distorted this image manually using grids from paint and result is on the right side. I was wondering if opencv offers any function which compares both images and gives some transformation matrix which I can use for further use. e.g. Passing this matrix to the video and I have distorted video like the image on right side.
I appreciate the help of this community :)
I was wondering if opencv offers any function which compares both images and gives some transformation matrix which I can use for further use.
Neither OpenCV nor any other library can calculate transformation matrix for non-linear transformation. It is impossible to represent non-linear transformation as a transformation matrix. However, one may find a transformation matrix that will be linear approximation of non-linear transformation. Such approximations should not necessarily yield satisfactory results.
As the image that you distort has a check pattern, you may describe the distortion by the movement of the corners of squares. I suggest that you try the following two-step approach:
Step1: Find corners both in original and distorted images.
OpenCV has a bunch of functions that are used in camera calibration and are designed for check pattern images. The following function uses cv2.findChessboardCorners function from OpenCV to find the corner points. Note: get_chessboard_corner_points returns relative coordinates, not the exact ones.
def get_chessboard_corner_points(img, corner_shape=(10,15)):
criteria = (cv2.TERM_CRITERIA_EPS + cv2.TERM_CRITERIA_MAX_ITER, 30, 0.01)
success, corners = cv2.findChessboardCorners(img, corner_shape)
if success:
corners = cv2.cornerSubPix(img, corners, (11,11), (-1,-1), criteria)
corners = np.squeeze(corners, axis=1)
for i in range(len(corners)):
corners[i] = (corners[i][0]/img.shape[1], corners[i][1]/img.shape[0])
#You may also try adding boundary points of the image by uncommenting the next line.
#corners = np.append(corners, np.array([[0,0],[0,1],[1,0],[1,1]]), 0)
#In addition you may also add other boundary points acording to your needs
return corners
return []
Step2: Distort each frame of video using interpolation and points found in the previous step.
Now when you have the points you need to write the distortion part.The distort_image function will do the job, though you may change it according to your needs. Note: src and dest contain relative coordinates. For target image we calculate and keep the exact coordinates in src_exact and dest_exact respectively. Then, griddata from SciPy is being used for interpolation.
def distort_image(img, src, dest):
height, width = img.shape[:2]
src_exact = []
dest_exact = []
for i in range(len(src)):
src_exact.append((int(src[i][1]*height), int(src[i][0]*width)))
dest_exact.append((int(dest[i][1]*height), int(dest[i][0]*width)))
grid_x, grid_y = np.mgrid[0:height - 1:complex(0, height), 0:width - 1:complex(0, width)]
grid_z = griddata(dest_exact, src_exact, (grid_x, grid_y), method='cubic')
map_x = np.append([], [ar[:, 1] for ar in grid_z]).reshape(height, width)
map_y = np.append([], [ar[:, 0] for ar in grid_z]).reshape(height, width)
map_x_32 = map_x.astype('float32')
map_y_32 = map_y.astype('float32')
distorted = cv2.remap(img, map_x_32, map_y_32, cv2.INTER_CUBIC)
return distorted
And here are a few lines that allow you to test the above presented functions.
import cv2
import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import griddata
TEST_IMG_PATH = "" #path to original grid
SOURCE_IMG_PATH = "" #path to distorted grid
DEST_IMG_PATH = "" #path to image to be distorted(this can be replaced by a video frame)
CORNER_SHAPE = (10, 15)
src_img = cv2.cvtColor(cv2.imread(SOURCE_IMG_PATH), cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
dest_img = cv2.cvtColor(cv2.imread(DEST_IMG_PATH), cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
test = cv2.cvtColor(cv2.imread(TEST_IMG_PATH), cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
src_points = get_chessboard_corner_points(src_img, CORNER_SHAPE)
dest_points = get_chessboard_corner_points(dest_img, CORNER_SHAPE)
if len(src_points) != 0 and len(dest_points) != 0:
result = distort_image(test, src_points, dest_points)

OpenCV: Understanding warpPerspective / perspective transform

I made a small example for myself to play around with OpenCVs wrapPerspective, but the output is not completely as I expected.
My input is a bar at an 45° angle. I want to transform it so that it's vertically aligned / at an 90° angle. No problem with that. However, what I don't understand is that everything around the actual destination points is black. The reason I don't understand this is, that actually only the transformation matrix gets passed to the wrapPerspective function, not the destination points themselves. So my expected output would be a bar at an 90° angle and most around it to be yellow instead of black. Where's my error in reasoning?
# helper function
def showImage(img, title):
fig = plt.figure()
# read and show test image
img = mpimg.imread('test_transform.jpg')
showImage(img, "input image")
# source points
top_left = [194,430]
top_right = [521,103]
bottom_right = [549,131]
bottom_left = [222,458]
pts = np.array([bottom_left,bottom_right,top_right,top_left])
# target points
y_off = 400; # y offset
top_left_dst = [top_left[0], top_left[1] - y_off]
top_right_dst = [top_left_dst[0] + 39.6, top_left_dst[1]]
bottom_right_dst = [top_right_dst[0], top_right_dst[1] + 462.4]
bottom_left_dst = [top_left_dst[0], bottom_right_dst[1]]
dst_pts = np.array([bottom_left_dst, bottom_right_dst, top_right_dst, top_left_dst])
# generate a preview to show where the warped bar would end up
cv2.polylines(preview,np.int32([dst_pts]),True,(0,0,255), 5)
cv2.polylines(preview,np.int32([pts]),True,(255,0,255), 1)
showImage(preview, "preview")
# calculate transformation matrix
pts = np.float32(pts.tolist())
dst_pts = np.float32(dst_pts.tolist())
M = cv2.getPerspectiveTransform(pts, dst_pts)
# wrap image and draw the resulting image
image_size = (img.shape[1], img.shape[0])
warped = cv2.warpPerspective(img, M, dsize = image_size, flags = cv2.INTER_LINEAR)
showImage(warped, "warped")
The result using this code is:
Here's my input image test_transform.jpg:
And here is the same image with coordinates added:
By request, here is the transformation matrix:
[[ 6.05504680e-02 -6.05504680e-02 2.08289910e+02]
[ 8.25714275e+00 8.25714275e+00 -5.12245707e+03]
[ 2.16840434e-18 3.03576608e-18 1.00000000e+00]]
Your ordering in your arrays or their positions might be the fault. Check this Transformed Image: The dst_pts array is: np.array([[196,492],[233,494],[234,32],[196,34]]), thats more or less like the blue rectangle in your preview image.(I made the coordinates myself to make sure they are right)
NOTE: Your source and destination points should be in right order

Python - Perspective transform for OpenCV from a rotation angle

I'm working on depth map with OpenCV. I can obtain it but it is reconstructed from the left camera origin and there is a little tilt of this latter and as you can see on the figure, the depth is "shifted" (the depth should be close and no horizontal gradient):
I would like to express it as with a zero angle, i try with the warp perspective function as you can see below but i obtain a null field...
P =,,,A1)))
dst = cv2.warpPerspective(depth, P, (2048, 2048))
with :
#Projection 2D -> 3D matrix
A1 = np.zeros((4,3))
A1[0,0] = 1
A1[0,2] = -1024
A1[1,1] = 1
A1[1,2] = -1024
A1[3,2] = 1
#Rotation matrice around the Y axis
theta = np.deg2rad(5)
Rot = np.zeros((4,4))
Rot[0,0] = np.cos(theta)
Rot[0,2] = -np.sin(theta)
Rot[1,1] = 1
Rot[2,0] = np.sin(theta)
Rot[2,2] = np.cos(theta)
Rot[3,3] = 1
#Translation matrix on the X axis
dist = 0
Transl = np.zeros((4,4))
Transl[0,0] = 1
Transl[0,2] = dist
Transl[1,1] = 1
Transl[2,2] = 1
Transl[3,3] = 1
#Camera Intrisecs matrix 3D -> 2D
cam = np.concatenate((C1,np.zeros((3,1))),axis=1)
cam[2,2] = 1
P =,,,A1)))
dst = cv2.warpPerspective(Z0_0, P, (2048*3, 2048*3))
You can download the 32MB field dataset here: Then, load and view the image with:
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
img = np.load('testZ0.npy')
I have got a rough solution in place. You can modify it later.
I used the mouse handling operations available in OpenCV to crop the region of interest in the given heatmap.
(Did I just say I used a mouse to crop the region?) Yes, I did. To learn more about mouse functions in OpenCV SEE THIS. Besides, there are many other SO questions that can help you in this regard.:)
Using those functions I was able to obtain the following:
Now to your question of removing the tilt. I used the homography principal by taking the corner points of the image above and using it on a 'white' image of a definite size. I used the cv2.findHomography() function for this.
Now using the cv2.warpPerspective() function in OpenCV, I was able to obtain the following:
Now you can the required scale to this image as you wanted.
I have also attached some snippets of code for your perusal:
#First I created an image of white color of a definite size
back = np.ones((435, 379, 3)) # size
back[:] = (255, 255, 255) # white color
Next I obtained the corner points pts_src on the tilted image below :
pts_src = np.array([[25.0, 2.0],[403.0,22.0],[375.0,436.0],[6.0,433.0]])
I wanted the points above to be mapped to the points 'pts_dst' given below :
pts_dst = np.array([[2.0, 2.0], [379.0, 2.0], [379.0, 435.0],[2.0, 435.0]])
Now I used the principal of homography:
h, status = cv2.findHomography(pts_src, pts_dst)
Finally I mapped the original image to the white image using perspective transform.
fin = cv2.warpPerspective(img, h, (back.shape[1],back.shape[0]))
# img -> original tilted image.
# back -> image of white color.
Hope this helps! I also got to learn a great deal from this question.
Note: The points fed to the 'cv2.findHomography()' must be in float.
For more info on Homography , visit THIS PAGE
