Why does this character ▯ appear? - python

So this character ▯ appears when I run my code which I think means there is a missing character therefor it can't be displayed. (Not sure correct me if I am wrong) And well basically I want to be able to get rid of that character. Here is what it looks like when I run my code:
However in the back-end in the idle when I click on one of the boxes for it to be displayed up top it doesn't register and looks like this in idle:
Why does it appear on screen if it isn't going to appear in idle?
Also how can I get rid of the ▯ character from the main screen?
Here is my full code.
Here are segments in which I think the problem lies. (However I have not been able to solve the problem)
My classes for Tree comparison to find the sentences and their frequent use:
class Branch():
def __init__(self, value):
self.left = None
self.right = None
self.value = value
self.frequency = 1
def incFreq(self):
self.frequency = self.frequency + 1
def freq(self):
return self.frequency
class Tree():
highest = []
def __init__(self):
self.root = None
self.found = False
def findHighest(self):
from operator import itemgetter, attrgetter
self.highest = []
self.highest = sorted(self.highest, key=itemgetter(1), reverse=True)
return self.highest
#lessThan function needed to compare strings
def lessThan(self, a, b):
if len(a) < len(b):
loopCount = len(a)
loopCount = len(b)
for pos in range(0, loopCount):
if a[pos] > b[pos]:
return False
return True
def outputTree(self):
def insert(self, value):
#increment freq if already exists, else insert
if not self.exists(value):
self.root = self.insertAtBranch(self.root, value)
def exists(self, value):
#set the class variable found to False to assume it is not there
self.found = False
self.findAtBranch(self.root, value)
return self.found
#Used to fine a value in a tree
def findAtBranch(self, branch, value):
if branch == None:
#print ("[" + branch.value + "][" + value + "]") # Error checking
if branch.value == value:
self.found = True
#print("found " + value)
self.findAtBranch(branch.left, value)
self.findAtBranch(branch.right, value)
def insertAtBranch(self, branch, value):
if branch == None:
return Branch(value)
if self.lessThan(branch.value, value):
branch.right = self.insertAtBranch(branch.right, value)
branch.left = self.insertAtBranch(branch.left, value)
return branch
def inorder(self, branch):
if branch == None: return
self.highest.append((branch.value, branch.freq()))
#print (branch.value)
#print (branch.freq())
This is where I use the tree and pass sentences to be used on a different function:
def getPhrases(self, numToReturn):
topPhrases = []
phrasesTree = Tree()
#load tree with phrases from phrase text file
file = open('setPhrases.txt', 'r')
for line in file:
#create a list of the top n of phrases to return
val = 0
for phrase in phrasesTree.findHighest():
if val < numToReturn:
val = val + 1
return topPhrases
This is where I use the sentences to be able to display them on the screen:
def createPhrases(self):
self.show_keyboard = False
self.show_words = False
self.show_phrases = True
self.show_terminal = True
words = self.getPhrases(10)
for word, count in words:
self.addPane("{}".format(word, count), WORDS)
self.addPane("Boxes", PHRASE)
self.addPane("Keyboard", PHRASE)
self.addPane("OK", PHRASE)

When you read lines from file, newline characters are at the end. pygame's documentation states that:
The text can only be a single line: newline characters are not rendered.
So, you should change this fragment:
file = open('setPhrases.txt', 'r')
for line in file:
to this:
file = open('setPhrases.txt', 'r')
for line in file:


Why is my helper method not activating recursively?

I have a Binary Search Tree and I am trying to trace recursively in order through the tree and append each key,value to a list. It is only appending the first key,value to the list and not going through the list in order. I pasted my code below, along with the test code I used at the bottom. Any help on how to get past this issue is super appreciated!
class TreeMap:
class Node:
def __init__(self, key, value):
self.key = key
self.value = value
self.left = None
self.right = None
def __init__(self):
self.root = None
self.numsearches = 0
self.numcomparisons = 0
def add(self, newkey, newvalue):
newkey = newkey.lower()
if self.root == None:
self.root = TreeMap.Node(newkey, newvalue)
TreeMap.add_helper(self.root, newkey, newvalue)
def add_helper(thisnode, newkey, newvalue):
if newkey <= thisnode.key:
if thisnode.left == None:
thisnode.left = TreeMap.Node(newkey, newvalue)
TreeMap.add_helper(thisnode.left, newkey, newvalue)
if thisnode.right == None:
thisnode.right = TreeMap.Node(newkey, newvalue)
TreeMap.add_helper(thisnode.right, newkey, newvalue)
def print(self):
TreeMap.print_helper(self.root, 0)
def print_helper(somenode, indentlevel):
if somenode == None:
print(" "*(indentlevel),"---")
if not TreeMap.isleaf(somenode):
TreeMap.print_helper(somenode.right, indentlevel + 5)
print(" "*indentlevel + str(somenode.key) + ": " +str(somenode.value))
if not TreeMap.isleaf(somenode):
TreeMap.print_helper(somenode.left, indentlevel + 5)
def isleaf(anode):
return anode.left == None and anode.right == None
def listify(self, whichorder="in"):
Returns a list consisting of all the payloads of the tree. (This returns a plain old Python List.)
The order of the payloads is determined by whichorder, which defaults to inorder.
The other possibilities are "pre" and "post".
If the tree is empty, return the empty list.
assert type(whichorder) is str,"Whichorder is a string, and can only be pre, in or post"
assert whichorder in ["pre","in","post"],"Whichorder is a string, and can only be pre, in or post"
return TreeMap.listify_helper(self.root, whichorder)
def listify_helper(somenode, whichorder):
order_list = []
if somenode == None:
return order_list
elif somenode != None and whichorder == 'in':
TreeMap.listify_helper(somenode.left, 'in')
order_list.append(somenode.key+ '='+somenode.value)
TreeMap.listify_helper(somenode.right, 'in')
return order_list
import treemap
translator = treemap.TreeMap()
translator.add("cat", "Katze")
translator.add("bird", "Vogel")
translator.add("dog", "Hund")
translator.add("snake", "IDK")
translator.add("bear", "IDK")
translator.add("octopus", "Tintenfisch")
translator.add("horse", "Pferd")
translator.add("zebra", "IDK")
print (translator.listify())
The problem is here:
def listify_helper(somenode, whichorder):
order_list = []
This function initialises its own local order_list every time it is invoked. Pass order_list as a parameter instead so that the same list is appended to by each recursive invocation.
Alternatively, append each element of the result of the recursive calls of listify_helper to order_list, although this approach could result in unneeded copying.

I'm having difficulty speeding up my HashMap

I'm given a .txt file with a total of 1 million songs and their respective authors. My given task is to write a HashMap in python which can store this information using either the Author or the Song as a key. I've written a HashMap that works but is running incredibly slow, taking up to 2 minutes to finish. (Expected time is apparently a few seconds at most, according to my tutor)
For collision handling I decided to use linked lists as from what I've gathered it's an effective way to handle collisions without drastically reducing performance.
from HashNode import HashNode
class HashTabell:
def __init__(self, size):
self.size = size
self.dict = {}
self.krock = 0
def store(self, nyckel, data):
hashval = self.__hash(nyckel)
## Shit is empty
if self.dict.get(hashval) != None:
get_val = self.dict[hashval]
## Is list, append normally
if isinstance(get_val, list):
list2 = self.dict[hashval]
found = False
for (k, val) in enumerate(list2):
if val.get_nyckel == nyckel:
list[k] = HashNode(nyckel, data) ## Update old value
found = True
if found:
self.dict[hashval] = list2
self.dict[hashval] = get_val + [HashNode(nyckel, data)]
self.krock += 1
## Create list
if get_val.get_nyckel() == nyckel:
self.dict[hashval] = HashNode(nyckel, data) ## Update old value
self.dict[hashval] = [get_val, HashNode(nyckel, data)] ## Append to existing node
self.krock += 1
self.dict[hashval] = HashNode(nyckel, data)
def __getitem__(self, nyckel):
return search(nyckel)
def __contains__(self, nyckel):
return (search(nyckel) != None)
def search(self, nyckel):
hashval = self.__hash(nyckel)
## Get val
get_val = self.dict.get(hashval)
if get_val == None:
raise KeyError("Key not found")
## Check if has multiple entries or not
if isinstance(get_val, list):
## Multiple
for value in get_val:
if(get_val.get_nyckel() == nyckel):
return get_val
raise KeyError("Key not found")
## Single
if get_val.get_nyckel() == nyckel:
return get_val
raise KeyError("Key not found")
## Hash function
def __hash(self, input):
inp = str(input) ## Get chars
value = 0
for k in input:
value += ord(k)
return (value % self.size)
def get_dict(self):
return self.dict
def get_krock(self):
return self.krock
Where the HashNode class is simply:
class HashNode:
def __init__(self, nyckel, data):
self.nyckel = nyckel
self.data = data
def get_nyckel(self):
return self.nyckel
def get_data(self):
return self.data
I've been staring myself blind with this issue for the past 2 weeks and I'm not getting any help from my lecturer/assistants, would greatly appreciate any advice on how to improve the speed.

I am getting File SyntaxError: invalid syntax for line 13 self = self.trieDict[word[0]]

I am writing code to insert words into a trie data structure and then search the words. I am getting invalid syntax error for line self = self.trieDict[word[0]] (3rd line in the insert function)
#Trie data structure
class TrieNode():
trieDict = {}
isComplete = False
def __init__(self, dic, isComplete):
self.trieDict = dic
self.isComplete = isComplete
#self is the root node
def insert(self, word):
while len(word) != 0 and self is not None:
if word[0] in self.trieDict:
self = self.trieDict[word[0]]
word = word[1:]
child = self.TrieNode({}, False)
self.trieDict[word[0]] = child
self = child
word = word[1:]
self.isComplete = True
def search(self, word):
while len(word) != 0 and self is not None:
if word[0] in self.trieDict:
word = word[1:]
self = self.trieDict[word[0]]
return False
return self.isComplete
When I copied the following line from your code
self = self.trieDict[word[0]]
an unrecognized symbol is right in front of the second self that is causing your syntax error. (It seems to be Unicode 0013) Simply delete it or rewrite the line on a new line and remove the offending line.
On a sidenote, assigning to self in a method is usually not a good idea as it points to the instance on which you are executing the method. While not syntactically incorrect, it will definitely cause confusion to the reader.
Here is the code after correction (for inserting nodes into a trie and searching nodes in the trie:
class TrieNode():
trieDict = {}
isComplete = False
def __init__(self, dic, isComplete):
self.trieDict = dic
self.isComplete = isComplete
#self is the root node
def insert(self, word):
current = self
while len(word) != 0 and current is not None:
if word[0] in current.trieDict:
current = current.trieDict[word[0]]
word = word[1:]
child = TrieNode({}, False)
current.trieDict[word[0]] = child
current = child
word = word[1:]
current.isComplete = True
def search(self, word):
current = self
while len(word) != 0 and current is not None:
if word[0] in current.trieDict:
current = current.trieDict[word[0]]
word = word[1:]
return False
return current.isComplete
def test():
node = TrieNode({}, False)

python OOP functions into classes/method

I am coding a huffman coding tree in python, I have used one class for tree nodes, but I want the whole program to be object oriented. I just cant seem to be able to turn my functions into classes and run the whole thing as OOP. Is it possible to convert functions into classes/methods or does it involve rewriting the entire code in OOP style. The code works ok, im just trying to get my head around OOP and how to implement it. Any help would be great! Code below.
import heapq
class TreeNode(object):
def __init__(self, freq, char=None, left=None, right=None):
self.char = char
self.freq = freq
self.left = left
self.right = right
def __lt__(self, other):
return self.freq < other.freq
def isLeaf(self):
return (self.left == None and self.right == None)
def createTree(freqData):
huffmanNodes = []
for char in freqData:
huffmanNodes.append(TreeNode(freqData[char], char))
while (len(huffmanNodes) > 1):
# obtain the two minimum-frequency Huffman nodes
child1 = heapq.heappop(huffmanNodes)
child2 = heapq.heappop(huffmanNodes)
parent = TreeNode(child1.freq + child2.freq, left=child1, right=child2)
heapq.heappush(huffmanNodes, parent)
return None if huffmanNodes == [] else heapq.heappop(huffmanNodes)
def hTreeToHCode(hTree):
code = dict()
def getCode(hNode, curCode=""):
if (hNode == None): return
if (hNode.left == None and hNode.right == None):
code[hNode.char] = curCode
getCode(hNode.left, curCode + "0")
getCode(hNode.right, curCode + "1")
if hNode.char == None:
print('Character = {} : Freq = {} --- Encoded into {}'.format(hNode.char, hNode.freq, curCode))
return code
def encode(s, freqData):
hTree = createTree(freqData)
hCode = hTreeToHCode(hTree)
hEncoded = ""
for char in s:
hEncoded += hCode[char]
return hEncoded.strip()
def decode(s, freqData):
hTree = createTree(freqData)
decodedStr = ""
curTreeNode = hTree
for charCode in s:
if (charCode == "0"):
curTreeNode = curTreeNode.left
curTreeNode = curTreeNode.right
if (curTreeNode.isLeaf()):
decodedStr += curTreeNode.char
curTreeNode = hTree
return decodedStr
words = "hello welcome to my huffman algorithm code"
charlst = {}
for char in words:
charlst[char] = charlst.get(char,0) + 1
freqData = charlst
encodedStr = encode(words, freqData)
print("encodedStr", encodedStr)
decodedStr = decode(encodedStr, freqData)
print("decodedStr", decodedStr)
you can put function outside the NodeTree class in a Main class and add a run method with var initialisation etc and put at the end of your program a
if __name__=='__main__':

Paired Delimeter Matching

I would like to write a class that will return true if and only if the expression entered contains only correctly matching delimiters such as " (), <>, [], {} " What I have written thus far will do exactly that.
delim_openers = '{([<'
delim_closers = '})]>'
def check_delimiters(expr):
val = Stack()
for c in expr:
if c == (any(x) for x in delim_openers):
elif c == (any(y) for y in delim_closers):
return False
return val.empty()
I am a little confused however if I were test this case against specific cases such as the one below, it'll return true when I assumed it would return False, my stack shouldn't be popping the delimiter in this case. Test case:
from unittest import TestCase
tc = TestCase()
tc.assertFalse(check_delimiters('[ ( ] )'))
tc.assertFalse(check_delimiters('((((((( ))))))'))
How might I edit the `check_delimiters' method to correctly return False in these scenarios? The stacks first-in-last-out capability tends to confuse me. Also here's the stack class code in case anything else is confusing.
class Stack:
class Node:
def __init__(self, val, next=None):
self.val = val
self.next = next
def __init__(self):
self.top = None
def push(self, val):
self.top = Stack.Node(val, self.top)
def pop(self):
assert self.top, 'Stack is empty'
val = self.top.val
self.top = self.top.next
return val
def peek(self):
return self.top.val if self.top else None
def empty(self):
return self.top == None
def __bool__(self):
return not self.empty()
def __repr__(self):
if not self.top:
return ''
return '--> ' + ', '.join(str(x) for x in self)
def __iter__(self):
n = self.top
while n:
yield n.val
n = n.next
No need for any, a simple contains-check will suffice. Then you have to check whether the closer matches the opener, otherwise you are just checking whether closers and openers are equal in numbers and that the closers never take the lead count-wise:
class Stack(list):
push = list.append
def peek(self):
return self[-1] if self else None
# ...
match = dict(zip('{([<', '})]>')) # dict makes the matching check faster
delim_openers = set(match.keys()) # set makes the 'in' check faster
delim_closers = set(match.values())
def check_delimiters(expr):
val = Stack()
for c in expr:
if c in delim_openers:
elif c in delim_closers:
assert match[val.pop()] == c
# fails if stack is empty or brackets don't match
return False
return not val
> check_delimiters('[ ( ] )')
> check_delimiters('[ ( ) ]')
