I'm trying to create a simple encryption/decryption code in Python like this (maybe you can see what I'm going for):
def encrypt():
import random
input1 = input('Write Text: ')
input1 = input1.lower()
key = random.randint(10,73)
output = []
for character in input1:
number = ord(character) - 96
number = number + key
print (''.join(map(str, output)))
def decrypt():
text = input ('What to decrypt?')
key = int(text[0:2])
text = text[2:]
text = text
text = [text[i:i+n] for i in range(0, len(text), n)]
text = map(int,text)
text = [x - key for x in text]
text = ''.join(map(str,text))
text = int(text)
print (text)
for character in str(text):
output = []
character = int((character+96))
number = str(chr(character))
print (''.join(map(str, output)))
When I run the decryptor with the output from the encryption output, I get "TypeError: Can't convert 'int' object to str implicitly."
As you can see, I've added some redundancies to help try to fix things but nothing's working. I ran it with different code (can't remember what), but all that one kept outputting was something like "generatorobject at ."
I'm really lost and I could use some pointers guys, please and thank you.
EDIT: The problem arises on line 27.
EDIT 2: Replaced "character = int((character+96))" with "character = int(character)+96", now the problem is that it only prints (and as I can only assume) only appends the last letter of the decrypted message.
EDIT 2 SOLVED: output = [] was in the for loop, thus resetting it every time. Problem solved, thank you everyone!
Full traceback would help, but it looks like character = int(character)+96 is what you want on line 27.
I'm trying to code another encrypter, I'm having problems with the decoding process.
I've read a lot of StackOverflow's questions about this argument, I alredy know that someone is going to mark this question as a duplicate but I'm writing this because I can't find a solution to my problem.
The encode function gives me this string
That is the encoded message (it says 'Hello world!') and I have the 'Key' (randomly generated every time I start the program), that cointains the combiantions of numbers needed to decode the message.
Here is the key
it's a bit long.
And now that I have the parameters you need to put them in the decoder
input_text = input('Encrypted MSG\n> ')
key = input('Key\n> ')
alphabet = list(" qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmQWERTYUIOPASDFGHJKLZXCVBNM1234567890èéòç#à°#ù§[]+*,;.:-_<>£$₽%&()=?ì^/|!ėëęēêĖËĘĒÉÈÊūûüúŪÛÜÚÙīïįíìîĪÏĮÍÌκōøõœöôóŌØÕŒÖÓÒãåāáâäæÃÅĀªÀÁÂÄÆßẞÇñÑ¥¢∆¶×÷π√•`~©®™✓йцукенгшщзхфывапролджэячсмитьбюЙЦУКЕНГШЩЗХФЫВАПРОЛДЖЭЯЧСМИТЬБЮ⌂☻‼‰╛┐└┴┬├─┼╞╟╚╔╩╦╠═╬╧╨╤▬╥╙╘╒╓╫╪┘┌¤█▄▌▐▀αΣσ░▒▓│┤╡╢╖╕╣║╗╝¿þ¼½¾ⁿ⌠⌡≤≥±≡∩∞ΘΩð«»⌐¬¨↨↑↓→←↔₧☼♥♦♣♠♂♀♪◘○◙►◄▲▼Þ‘’“”„☭卐")
key = key.replace('0', '')
key = key.replace('1', ' ')
key = key.split()
charmap = zip(key, alphabet)
_map = dict(charmap)
output_text = ''.join(str(_map.get(c)) for c in input_text)
print(f'Output\n> {output_text}')
The output [ACTUAL]
Encrypted MSG
> 4697625275273471234347364527724769
> 12040512030417060213060413030716060915090216080313040713060215090916020217020419040215050918070812050414030615020715020512061602071404091407041805160407170516030919090718050315070618020719070218050812030317020918060815070817020816040318080414060914060414050419030818030513020419030517040912040218020918030616050313050413040319070618020617060518060314090616070612080615060613020912040413070619070918050217040512070813020816020513090812090218080715020317050217050313070419020717090712060814020816030518040317030616050915020215030516050518080314040619060815030816020613040518080817060913070312080316050717020714070212090915090812090517030916060218091905051608071904041303021209031606081707051209081908041302051808021602081202041508031708041204031608041504031708051307051908081405091809051207091408061805061806021306061902021805041706081902061303031606051803091309061202031504061702021206091402091604041906041709091609061506081908091707021604061604081309051508091905041903031903071202021705061409091205091803071409041505071204061709041909091209061409051309041707031207041709061704021804051907071703031707091605081907051506041308051305071407031708031607021902051802051705041209071909081709051804041804091403021503031507071208051307021507041806051404031904031903061208041607031204071609091904091809031807031206041308091907041908031809071704031807071909021209041509071304041804071309071707061603081305051606031304021208071908021407081803021807021406071808051602041502061903091205051508051206031803081802021503061602031403081403091909061409081703021606071504051609041409031504021308021509051905031206071605021206051507021408021402061907031502041705091504081308081207051902091704061603071503041202061605061303091507091408041906091608061609081504041706071205021405021603041303041305031607081403051703041406061304081306071308061307081602091207061203091403071503091202051607041308071506021407071803031305021309031805091203061906051406031304061704071207071706031508061206021709021404051403041508071704041203071403031306081705051709081708061706041207031909031309091507031708021404041704081702031404071307071203051409071
> NoneNoneNoneNoneNoneNoneNoneNoneNoneNoneNoneNoneNoneNoneNone NoneNoneNoneNoneNoneNoneNoneNoneNoneNoneNoneNoneNoneNoneNoneNoneNoneNone
The output [EXPECTED]
Encrypted MSG
> 4697625275273471234347364527724769
> 12040512030417060213060413030716060915090216080313040713060215090916020217020419040215050918070812050414030615020715020512061602071404091407041805160407170516030919090718050315070618020719070218050812030317020918060815070817020816040318080414060914060414050419030818030513020419030517040912040218020918030616050313050413040319070618020617060518060314090616070612080615060613020912040413070619070918050217040512070813020816020513090812090218080715020317050217050313070419020717090712060814020816030518040317030616050915020215030516050518080314040619060815030816020613040518080817060913070312080316050717020714070212090915090812090517030916060218091905051608071904041303021209031606081707051209081908041302051808021602081202041508031708041204031608041504031708051307051908081405091809051207091408061805061806021306061902021805041706081902061303031606051803091309061202031504061702021206091402091604041906041709091609061506081908091707021604061604081309051508091905041903031903071202021705061409091205091803071409041505071204061709041909091209061409051309041707031207041709061704021804051907071703031707091605081907051506041308051305071407031708031607021902051802051705041209071909081709051804041804091403021503031507071208051307021507041806051404031904031903061208041607031204071609091904091809031807031206041308091907041908031809071704031807071909021209041509071304041804071309071707061603081305051606031304021208071908021407081803021807021406071808051602041502061903091205051508051206031803081802021503061602031403081403091909061409081703021606071504051609041409031504021308021509051905031206071605021206051507021408021402061907031502041705091504081308081207051902091704061603071503041202061605061303091507091408041906091608061609081504041706071205021405021603041303041305031607081403051703041406061304081306071308061307081602091207061203091403071503091202051607041308071506021407071803031305021309031805091203061906051406031304061704071207071706031508061206021709021404051403041508071704041203071403031306081705051709081708061706041207031909031309091507031708021404041704081702031404071307071203051409071
> Hello world!
The debug that I made with Visual Studio Code show that the problem is the map function
Can you help me please?
You read one by one digit on the Encrypted message.
So if you have a 4 on your encrypted message to find 4 on the map you need to have 141 on your key due to the processing you do on your key.
In your exemple you dont have 141 on your generated key thats why you get None.
I change the key to use
It finds w for 4 which is the result intended.
Best regards
I need this program to create a sheet as a list of strings of ' ' chars and distribute text strings (from a list) into it. I have already coded return statements in python 3 but this one keeps giving
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
It's the return(riplns) on line 39. I want the function to create a number of random numbers (randint) inside a range built around another randint, coming from the function ripimg() that calls this one.
I see clearly where the program declares the list I want this return() to give me. I know its type. I see where I feed variables (of the int type) to it, through .append(). I know from internet research that SyntaxErrors on python's return() functions usually come from mistype but it doesn't seem the case.
#loads the asciified image ("/home/userX/Documents/Programmazione/Python projects/imgascii/myascify/ascimg4")
#creates a sheet "foglio1", same number of lines as the asciified image, and distributes text on it on a randomised line
#create the sheet foglio1
def create():
ref = open("/home/userX/Documents/Programmazione/Python projects/imgascii/myascify/ascimg4")
charcount = ""
field = []
for line in ref:
for c in line:
if c != '\n':
charcount += ' '
if c == '\n':
for i in range(50):#<------- VALUE ADJUSTMENT FROM WRITER.PY GOES HERE(default : 50):
charcount += ' '
charcount += '\n'
for line in ref:
#turn text in a list of lines and trasforms the lines in a list of strings
def poemln():
txt = open("/home/gcg/Documents/Programmazione/Python projects/imgascii/writer/poem")
arrays = []
for line in txt:
#rander is to be called in ripimg()
def rander(rando, fldepth):
riplns = []
for i in range(fldepth):
return(riplns) #<---- THIS RETURN GIVES SyntaxError upon execution
#opens a rip on the side of the image.
def ripimg():
upmost = randint(160, 168)
positions = []
fldepth = 52 #<-----value is manually input as in DISTRIB function.
positions = rander(upmost,fldepth)
I omitted the rest of the program, I believe these functions are enough to get the idea, please tell me if I need to add more.
You have incomplete set of previous line's parenthesis .
In this line:-
You have to add one more brace at the end. This was causing error because python was reading things continuously and thought return statement to be a part of previous uncompleted line.
I do not know how to read a random character from a text file, and would like to learn how.
This is what happened when I started messing around with python! I know I will be doing something like this later on in school so I am practising. Reading a line would not suffice as you will see - I am open to tips and just a straight answer as I realise my code is very sloppy. The Raspberry Pi with this code on is running Raspbian lite with a few bits extra installed (a gui, idle), and runs python 3.5.3.
I write some of these to a text file:
f = open("selected.txt","w")
chars = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
smbls = '`¬!"£$%^&*()-_=+{[}]:;#~#<,>.?'
nos = '1234567890'
space = ' '
Like this:
usechars = input('Use lower case letters? answer y or n.')
if usechars == 'y':
useucchars = input('Use upper case letters? answer y or n.')
if useucchars == 'y':
usesmbls = input('Use symbols? answer y or n.')
if usesmbls == 'y':
usenos = input('Use numbers 0-9? answer y or n.')
if usenos == 'y':
usespace = input('Use spaces? answer y or n.')
if usespace == 'y':
I would like to print a selected amount of random characters from the text file and print it in the shell, but I do not know how to get a random single character from a text file. If there would be a better way of doing it (probably the case) or you need more code please tell me. Thanks in advance.
here is the code:
with open("selected.txt","r") as f:
contents = f.read
random_character = random.choice(contents)
for i in range(amnt):
password = ''
for c in range(length):
password += random_character
If the file is not very large an easy way to pick a random character is to read it into a string first, then just select a random character from the string:
import random
with open("selected.txt", "r") as f:
contents = f.read() # NOTE the () after read
random_character = random.choice(contents)
print("The random character I've chosen is: ", random_character)
If you'd like to create a string with random choices you can use your for loop, but you have to choose a new random character inside the loop:
with open("selected.txt","r") as f:
contents = f.read()
password = ''
for i in range(amnt):
random_character = random.choice(contents)
for c in range(length):
password += random_character
I've recently been having trouble writing a program that involves taking the password and username from a .txt file. So far I have written:
username_file = open("usernameTest1.txt","rt")
name = username_file.readlines()
Player1Name = name[0]
nametry = ""
while nametry != (name[0]):
while True:
nametry = input("What is your Username player1?: ")
except ValueError:
print("Not a valid input")
(The various prints are to help me to see what the error is)
The password is successfully extracted from the file however when it is put into a variable and put through an if statement, it doesn't work!
Any help would be much appreciated!
Hopefully this is a simple fix!
Your problem is that readlines() function lets the \n character remain in your text lines and that causes the texts to not match. You can use this instead when opening the file:
name = username_file.read().splitlines()
give it a try.
the readlines function doen't strip the newline character from the end of the lines, so eventough you wrote "samplename" as input, it won't equal "samplename\n".
You can try this:
name = [x.rstrip() for x in username_file.readlines()]
I have a text file which contains entry like
I wrote this program to read:
(Sorry the indendetion is bit messed up here)
def generateSyntheticData(fileName):
dataDict = {}
# rowDict = []
innerDict = {}
# for key in range(5):
# count = 0
myFile = open(fileName)
c = 0
#del innerDict[0:len(innerDict)]
for line in myFile:
c += 1
#line = str(line)
n = len(line)
#print 'n: ',n
if n is not 1:
# if c%100 ==0: print "%d: "%c, " entries read so far"
# words = line.replace(' ','_')
words = line.replace('::',' ')
words = words.strip().split()
#print 'userid: ', words[0]
userId = int( words[0]) # i get error here
movieId = int (words[1])
rating =float( words[2])
print "userId: ", userId, " productId: ", movieId," :rating: ", rating
#print words
#words = words.replace('_', ' ')
innerDict = dataDict.setdefault(userId,{})
innerDict[movieId] = rating
dataDict[userId] = (innerDict)
innerDict = {}
except IOError as (errno,strerror):
print "I/O error({0}) :{1} ".format(errno,strerror)
print "total ratings read from file",fileName," :%d " %c
return dataDict
But i get the error:
ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: ''
Funny thing is, it is working just fine reading the same format data from other file..
Actually while posting this question, I noticed something weird..
The entry 70154::308933::3
each number has a space.in between like 7 space 0 space 1 space 5 space 4 space :: space 3...
BUt the text file looks fine..:( on copy pasting only it shows this nature..
Anyways.. but any clue whats going on.
The "spaces" thay you are seeing appear to be NULs ("\x00"). There is a 99.9% chance that your file is encoded in UTF-16, UTF-16LE, or UTF-16BE. If this is a one-off file, just open it with Notepad and save as "ANSI", not "Unicode" and not "Unicode bigendian". If however you need to process it as is, you'll need to know/detect what the encoding is. To find out which, do this:
print repr(open("yourfile.txt", "rb").read(20))
and compare the srtart of the output with the following:
>>> ucode = u"70154:"
>>> for sfx in ["", "LE", "BE"]:
... enc = "UTF-16" + sfx
... print enc, repr(ucode.encode(enc))
UTF-16 '\xff\xfe7\x000\x001\x005\x004\x00:\x00'
UTF-16LE '7\x000\x001\x005\x004\x00:\x00'
UTF-16BE '\x007\x000\x001\x005\x004\x00:'
You can make a detector that's good enough for your purposes by inspecting the first 2 bytes:
if f2b in `"\xff\xfe\xff"`: UTF-16
elif f2b[1] == `"\x00"`: UTF-16LE
elif f2b[0] == `"\x00"`: UTF-16BE
else: cp1252 or UTF-8 or whatever else is prevalent in your neck of the woods.
You could avoid hard-coding the fallback encoding:
>>> import locale
>>> locale.getpreferredencoding()
Your line-reading code will look like this:
rawbytes = open(myFile, "rb").read()
enc = detect_encoding(rawbytes[:2])
for line in rawbytes.decode(enc).splitlines():
# whatever
Oh, and the lines will be unicode objects ... if that gives you a problem, ask another question.
Debugging 101: simply change the line:
words = words.strip().split()
words = words.strip().split()
print words
and see what comes out.
I will mention a couple of things. If you have the literal UserId::... in the file and you try to process it, it won't take kindly to trying to convert that to an integer.
And the ... unusual line:
if n is not 1:
I would probably write as:
if n != 1:
If, as you indicate in your comment, you end up seeing:
['\x007\x000\x001\x005\x004\x00', '\x003\x000\x008\x009\x003\x003\x00', '3']
then I'd be checking your input file for binary (non-textual) data. You should never end up with that binary information if you're just reading text and trimming/splitting.
And because you state that the digits seem to have spaces between them, you should do a hex dump of the file to find out what's really in there. It may be a UTF-16 Unicode string, for example.