Find closest point on mesh in specific axis (maya) - python

Let's say I have one locator above a polyPlane. What I want to do is a lookup or trace from the locator in negative or positive y until it hits the polyPlane and return the position of the closest point/vertex/uv/
I imagine this have been done one million times but the only examples I have found works by locating the closest point based on all axis which in my case is close to useless.
I would appreciate any help I could get!
Added image of the difference between the first suggested solution and what I want to achieve

What we can do is use OpenMaya (Maya's API) to loop over the faceVerts gathered in an array, check to see which is shortest distance from the locator position compared to the current facevert, if it is shorter than the last shortest distance, save it as the closestVertex variable.
import maya.OpenMaya as OpenMaya
from pymel.core import *
geo = PyNode('pSphere1')
pos = PyNode('locator1').getRotatePivot(space='world')
nodeDagPath = OpenMaya.MObject()
selectionList = OpenMaya.MSelectionList()
nodeDagPath = OpenMaya.MDagPath()
selectionList.getDagPath(0, nodeDagPath)
warning('OpenMaya.MDagPath() failed on %s' %
mfnMesh = OpenMaya.MFnMesh(nodeDagPath)
pointA = OpenMaya.MPoint(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z)
pointB = OpenMaya.MPoint()
space = OpenMaya.MSpace.kWorld
util = OpenMaya.MScriptUtil()
idPointer = util.asIntPtr()
mfnMesh.getClosestPoint(pointA, pointB, space, idPointer)
idx = OpenMaya.MScriptUtil(idPointer).asInt()
faceVerts = [geo.vtx[i] for i in geo.f[idx].getVertices()]
closestVertex = None
minLength = None
for v in faceVerts:
thisLength = (pos - v.getPosition(space='world')).length()
if minLength is None or thisLength < minLength:
minLength = thisLength
closestVertex = v
This could probably be done with python without the API, but if you've got maya, you've got access to the API :)
I hope this helps


Optimizing a path finding alg. from grid with rules

I'm trying to code a path finding algorithm, for this problem: You're given a grid with values, and your goal is to find the longest path from the highest point to the lowest point (least steep one).
I experimented with code I on here [], but for large grids (e.g. 140x140). Since the code is checking every single possible route, it's taking really long to calculate it. Could I implement any stopping solution that would just not continue finding the path is the path isn't optimal ?
As i said earlier, i found code on here that works, but is just way too slow for me to use. Here's my code with the grid. The code works perfectly for smaller grids.
The code below itsn't full, because the grid is too large to be posted here. The full code can be found here -
def find_paths_recursive(grid, current_path=[(136,136)], solutions=[]):
n = len(grid)
dirs = [(-1,0), (1,0), (0,1), (0,-1)]
last_cell = current_path[-1]
for x,y in dirs:
new_i = last_cell[0] + x
new_j = last_cell[1] + y
# Check if new cell is in grid
if new_i<0 or new_i>=n or new_j<0 or new_j>=n:
# Check if new cell has bigger value than last
if grid[new_i][new_j] > grid[last_cell[0]][last_cell[1]]:
# Check if new cell is already in path
if (new_i, new_j) in current_path:
# Add cell to current path
current_path_copy = current_path.copy()
current_path_copy.append((new_i, new_j))
if new_i==0 and new_j ==0:
# Create new current_path array for every direction
find_paths_recursive(grid, current_path_copy, solutions)
return solutions
def compute_cell_values(grid1, solutions):
path_values = []
for solution in solutions:
solution_values = []
for cell in solution:
return path_values
grid1 = [...]
solutions = find_paths_recursive(grid1)
path_values = compute_cell_values(grid1, solutions)

How to get instance objects to change position horizontally

I'm creating an instance python command where the primary purpose is to generate objects in neat horizontal rows. Even though I can randomize rotation and set the range, I still can't figure out how to get the objects to appear in horizontal rows.
I already tried to use the xform command to get the objects to move along the x coordinates.
import maya.cmds as MC
import random as RN
def ChainmailGenerator():
thing =
print thing
if not thing:
MC.error (" ***Error - you need to select an object *** ")
# create a group node
grp =, name=thing[0] + '_grp#')
#Loop though the items below with the range of a
for i in range (0,25):
instanceObj = MC.instance(thing, name=thing[0]+'instance#', smartTransform=True)
rx = RN.uniform(-1,1)*5
ry = RN.uniform(-1,1)*5
rz = RN.uniform(-1,1)*5
MC.rotate (rx,ry,rz, instanceObj)
MC.xform (r=True, ro=(90, 0, 0) )
tx = 5
MC.xform ( instanceObj, t=(0,15+1,0))
MC.parent (instanceObj,grp)
print "*** chainmail ***"
The expectations are for the objects to generate in horizontal increments as if they're forming neat rows.
here is an example to create 10 spheres along x, moving them with xform :
step = 1
tx = 0
for x in range(10):
sphere = cmds.polySphere()[0]
cmds.xform(sphere, t=[tx,0,0])
tx+= step
The reason yours is placing everything in the same place now is because you aren't multiplying it against a value that keeps increasing. Normally you could hard-code some random value to space each one out, but this would yield inconsistent results.
Here's a generic way to go about it that seems to work with any object.
The idea is to use the mesh's bounding box to determine what the spacing should be by looking at the size of its x axis. You can also move it in place with xform, but you do need to include its worldspace parameter so that it doesn't move it relative to its current position.
import maya.cmds as cmds
def cloneInRow(count):
# Get selection.
thing =
if not thing:
cmds.error("You need to select an object")
# Get selection's mesh shape.
mesh = cmds.listRelatives(thing[0], shapes=True, f=True, ni=True, type="mesh")
if not mesh:
cmds.error("Unable to find a mesh on the selected object")
# Determine spacing by looking at object's bounding box. Use its `x` axis size.
bb_min = cmds.getAttr(mesh[0] + ".boundingBoxMin")[0]
bb_max = cmds.getAttr(mesh[0] + ".boundingBoxMax")[0]
spacing = bb_max[0] - bb_min[0]
# Create a root transform to parent to.
grp =, name=thing[0] + '_grp#')
# Create instance, and move it in place.
for i in range (0, count):
instanceObj = cmds.instance(thing[0], name=thing[0] + 'instance' + str(i), smartTransform=True)
cmds.xform(instanceObj, ws=True, t=(i * spacing, 0, 0))
cmds.parent(instanceObj, grp)
With this I can take this crossbow:
And clone any of its objects and get nice spacing:
The only catch is rotation. If your pivot isn't centered to the mesh, then randomizing its rotation will lose its place in space (since rotating would also effects its position!) So if you got weird pivots then it won't look nice when you add back on rotations.

How do you use the maxDistance flag in OpenMaya.MMeshIntersector.getClosestPoint

I'm trying to find the closest point on a mesh using the OpenMaya MMeshIntersector class but I want to limit the distance it searches. I'm using this so I can get the barycentricCoords to get a more accurate value.
Whenever I enter in a value to limit the distance, I get a RuntimeError: (kFailure): Unexpected Internal Failure. However if I enter in a value higher than 47.0, it works, but that's too high a value for my usage, I'm hoping to use values lower than 1.
I'm not sure how to use the maxDistance flag, and there isn't much documentation on how to use it. Does anyone have any links or info on how to use it?
I've google searched and gone through the maya documents, haven't had much of luck getting any concrete info
import maya.OpenMaya as OpenMaya
def getBarycentricCoords(sourceMesh, targetMesh, distanceThreshold):
selectionList = OpenMaya.MSelectionList()
sourceMeshDag = OpenMaya.MDagPath()
selectionList.getDagPath(0, sourceMeshDag)
selectionList = OpenMaya.MSelectionList()
targetMeshDag = OpenMaya.MDagPath()
selectionList.getDagPath(0, targetMeshDag)
mObj = OpenMaya.MObject()
currentFace = OpenMaya.MItMeshPolygon( sourceMeshDag, mObj )
targetMeshMPointArray = OpenMaya.MPointArray()
targetMeshMFnMesh = OpenMaya.MFnMesh(targetMeshDag)
targetMeshMFnMesh.getPoints(targetMeshMPointArray, OpenMaya.MSpace.kWorld)
matrix = sourceMeshDag.inclusiveMatrix()
node = sourceMeshDag.node()
intersector = OpenMaya.MMeshIntersector()
intersector.create( node, matrix )
pointInfo = OpenMaya.MPointOnMesh()
uUtil = OpenMaya.MScriptUtil(0.0)
uPtr = uUtil.asFloatPtr()
vUtil = OpenMaya.MScriptUtil(0.0)
vPtr = vUtil.asFloatPtr()
pointArray = OpenMaya.MPointArray()
vertIdList = OpenMaya.MIntArray()
for idx in range(targetMeshMPointArray.length()):
intersector.getClosestPoint( targetMeshMPointArray[idx], pointInfo, distanceThreshold )
I expect any float value as the maxDistance should work, but I get RuntimeError: (kFailure): Unexpected Internal Failure from maya that doesn't really help me debug the error itself.

longest and shortest curves selected

I'm trying to create a script that will select a bunch of Nurbs curves,
and measure the length of those curves.
So ideally I could select the shortest curve leaving longer curves unselected (or the opposite).
So far i have this:
import maya
import string
for i in
    shapeNodes = maya.cmds.listRelatives(i,shapes=True)
    for shape in shapeNodes:
        if maya.cmds.nodeType(shape) == "nurbsCurve":
            print "Curve: %s is %s units long" % (shape, maya.cmds.arclen(shape,))
            cvs = mc.getAttr(string.join(shapeNodes) + '.spans')+1
            print "The: %s  has %s cvs" % (shape,cvs)
            print "Wrong: %s is a %s" % (shape, maya.cmds.nodeType(shape))
You can get out of doing the loops with a list comprehension. Collect all of the shapes and their lengths into a list of (length, shape) pairs and sort that - that gives you the shortest curve:
import maya.cmds as cmds
sel =
shapeNodes = cmds.listRelatives(sel,shapes=True)
shapeNodes =, type= 'nurbsCurve', l=True) # long paths to avoid confusion
selectable = [ ( cmds.arclen(item), item) for item in shapeNodes]
if selectable:
selectable.sort() selectable[0][-1])
else: = True)
You could also just make this into a function and return the selectable list for processing elsewhere.
i recommend to start using pymel for the obvious reasons of simplicity and ease
import pymel.core as pm
curveInfo = pm.createNode('curveInfo')
for thisCurve in
#get the shape node
thisShape = thisCurve.getShape()
#connect the world space to the curve info
thisShape.worldSpace >> curveInfo.inputCurve
#this is how you get the value
print curveInfo.arcLength.get()
#from here you can put the value in whatever you need
#delete the curve info

python function not recurving properly (adding nodes to graph)

I'm having a rare honest-to-goodness computer science problem (as opposed to the usual how-do-I-make-this-language-I-don't-write-often-enough-do-what-I-want problem), and really feeling my lack of a CS degree for a change.
This is a bit messy, because I'm using several dicts of lists, but the basic concept is this: a Twitter-scraping function that adds retweets of a given tweet to a graph, node-by-node, building outwards from the original author (with follower relationships as edges).
for t in RTs_list:
g = nx.DiGraph()
retweets = []
retweeters = []
u = api.get_status(t)
original_tweet = u.retweeted_status.id_str
print original_tweet
ot = api.get_status(original_tweet)
node_adder(, 1)
# Can't paginate -- can only get about ~20 RTs max. Need to work on small data here.
retweets = api.retweets(original_tweet)
for r in retweets:
followers_list["0"] = api.followers_ids([0]
print len(retweets),"total retweets"
level["1"] =
g.node[]['crossover'] = 1
if g.node[]["followers_count"]<4000:
bum_node_adder(followers_list["0"],level["1"], 2)
for r in retweets:
print ""
def rt_iterator(r,retweets,q,followers_list,hoppers,level):
q = q+1
if in followers_list[str(q-1)]:
followers_list[str(q)] = api.followers_ids([0]
level[str(q+1)] =
if g.node[]["followers_count"]<4000:
crossover = pull_crossover(followers_list[str(q)],followers_list[str(q-1)])
if q<10:
for r in retweets:
print ""
There's some other function calls in there, but they're not related to the problem. The main issue is how Q counts when going from a (e.g.) a 2-hop node to a 3-hop node. I need it to build out to the maximum depth (10) for every branch from the center, whereas right now I believe it's just building out to the maximum depth for the first branch it tries. Hope that makes sense. If not, typing it up here has helped me; I think I'm just missing a loop in there somewhere but it's tough for me to see.
Also, ignore that various dicts refer to Q+1 or Q-1, that's an artifact of how I implemented this before I refactored to make it recurve.
I'm not totally sure what you mean by "the center" but I think you want something like this:
def rt_iterator(depth, other-args):
# store whatever info you need from this point in the tree
if depth>= MAX_DEPTH:
# look at the nodes you want to expand from here
for each node, in the order you want them expanded:
rt_iterator(depth+1, other-args)
think I've fixed it... this way Q isn't incremented when it shouldn't be.
def rt_iterator(r,retweets,q,depth,followers_list,hoppers,level):
def node_iterator (r,retweets,q,depth,followers_list,hoppers,level):
for r in retweets:
if in followers_list[str(q-1)]:
level[str(q+1)] =
if g.node[]["followers_count"]<4000:
followers_list[str(q)] = api.followers_ids([0]
crossover = pull_crossover(followers_list[str(q)],followers_list[str(q-1)])
if q<10:
print ""
depth = depth+1
q = depth
if q<10:
