I have looked through around and there doesn't seem to be anything that has exactly answered what I am looking for, using the following model I want to join all the tables:
class A(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(max_length=60)
class B(models.Model):
a = models.ForeignField(A)
class C(models.Model):
a = models.ForeignField(A)
class D(models.Model):
a = models.ForeignField(A)
This is a very basic sort of structure I have going on, I want to join all the tables based on there foreign key link the A. I have looked at select_related but it seems like that is the reverse direction of what I want to do because it links an object to what it references and I want to join based on what references it.
Basically I want to join the tables like this MySQL query:
SELECT * FROM A, B, C, D WHERE A.id = B.aID AND A.id = C.aID AND A.id = D.aID;
You can use a custom join for your purpose:
# assume our models.py contains the following
class Contact(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(max_length=255)
phones = models.ManyToManyField('Phone')
addresses = models.ManyToManyField('Address')
class Phone(models.Model):
number = models.CharField(max_length=16)
# join as follows
contacts = Contact.objects.extra(
select={'phone': 'crm_phone.number'}
# setup intial FROM clause
# OR contacts.query.get_initial_alias()
contacts.query.join((None, 'crm_contact', None, None))
# join to crm_contact_phones
connection = (
contacts.query.join(connection, promote=True)
# join to crm_phone
connection = (
contacts.query.join(connection, promote=True)
Wash, rinse, repeat for every pair of tables till you're happy. If this is too involved, you can always use custom SQL.
I have three models
class A(models.Model):
field1 = models.IntegerField()
class B(models.Model):
id_a = models.ForeignKey(A,on_delete=models.CASCADE)
field1 = models.IntegerField()
field2 = models.IntegerField()
class C(models.Model):
id_a = models.ForeignKey(A,on_delete=models.CASCADE)
field1 = models.IntegerField()
field2 = models.IntegerField()
I want to write a request that looks like this: SELECT * FROM B,C,A WHERE B.id_a=C.id_a WHERE A.id_a=2 and display all the attributes of the two tablesHere is what I tried to do:
a_id_att = 1
data = B.objects.filter(id_a=C.objects.filter(id_a=a_id_att)[0])
It does not work. How to write the join and make to display all the attributes of the tables?
The SQL statement that you wrote seems strange.
WHERE B.id_a = C.id_a
AND A.id_a = 2
It seems that you want a single row from A and then all related rows from B and C, which your SQL query does NOT achieve.
Did you mean something like this:
WHERE A.id = 2
AND B.id_a = A.id
AND C.id_a = A.id
You can achieve something like that in Django using prefetch_related(), which builds a query so that the related rows are also loaded into memory in the first query and not in subsequent queries.
# this will return a queryset with a single element, or empty
qs = A.objects.prefetch_related('b_set', 'c_set').filter(id=2)
for elem in qs: # here the single DB query is made
print(elem.field1) # A.field1
for det in elem.b_set.all():
print(det.field1) # B.field1, does NOT make another DB query
print(det.field2) # B.field2, does NOT make another DB query
for det in elem.c_set.all():
print(det.field1) # C.field1, does NOT make another DB query
print(det.field2) # C.field2, does NOT make another DB query
Note: I use b_set here because that is the default for the ForeignKey field; this changes if the field would specify a different related_name.
Does this address and solve your issue?
I want use Django ORM. I build SQL query:
select itinerary.id, count(users.home_location_id) from itinerary_itinerary as itinerary left join (select to_applicationuser_id as id, users.home_location_id from custom_auth_applicationuser_friends as friends join custom_auth_applicationuser as users on friends.to_applicationuser_id = users.id where from_applicationuser_id = 28)
as users on itinerary.location_id = users.home_location_id
WHERE user_id = 28
GROUP BY itinerary.id, users.home_location_id
Could anybody tell me how make left join with table from subquery?
28 is current user_id.
I use something like:
tables=['(select to_applicationuser_id as id, users.home_location_id from custom_auth_applicationuser_friends as friends join custom_auth_applicationuser as users on friends.to_applicationuser_id = users.id where from_applicationuser_id = 28) as users'],
where=['itinerary.location_id = users.home_location_id']
But I got error
ProgrammingError relation "(select to_applicationuser_id as id,
users.home_location_id fro" does not exist
Models (it is just simple scheme):
class ApplicationUser(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(max_length=255)
home_location = models.ForeignKey(Location)
friends = models.ManyToManyFieled('self')
class Location(models.Model):
loc_name = models.CharFiled(max_length=255)
class Itinerary(models.Model):
user = models.ForeignKey(ApplicationUser)
location = models.ForeignKey(Location)
When you add tables with extra, they get added to the from list, which does not accept an sql statement.
I don't think you need to use extra at all here, you can get a similar query with the ORM without the need to join on a select statement. The following code, using filtering and annotations, will give the same results as much as I was able to understand your query:
Q(itinerary__location_id = F('friends__home_location_id')) |
'itinerary__id', 'friends__home_location_id'
).annotate(location_count = Count('friends__home_location_id')
).values_list('itinerary__id', 'location_count')
there are two tables:
class TBLUserProfile(models.Model):
userid = models.IntegerField(primary_key=True)
relmusicuid = models.IntegerField()
fansnum = models.IntegerField()
class TSinger(models.Model):
fsinger_id = models.IntegerField()
ftbl_user_profile = models.ForeignKey(TBLUserProfile, db_column='Fsinger_id')
I want to get Tsinger info and then order by TBLUserProfile.fansnum, I know how to write sql query: select * from t_singer INNER JOIN tbl_user_profile ON (tbl_user_profile.relmusicuid=t_singer.Fsinger_id) order by tbl_user_profile.fansnum, but I don't want to use model raw function. relmusicuid is not primary key otherwise I can use ForeignKey to let it work. How can I use django model to achieve this?
You can do like this :
For information about Django JOIN :
29 Dec: updated models
I have got three models as follows:
class Job(models.Model):
job_number = models.CharField(max_length=20, primary_key=True)
class Project(models.Model):
job = models.ForeignKey(Job, null=True) # updated (null=True)***
source = models.ForeignKey(Source) # added***
class Task(models.Model):
project = models.ForeignKey(Project)
class Source(models.Model): # added***
And I would like to get the job number for a task. Something like below:
job = Job.objects.all().select_related()
jobno = job[0].project.job.job_number
I'm not sure how many times the query above will hit the DB. But I guess it will be more than twice, won't it?
select_related can only pre-cache the foreign key for 2 tables to my understanding. Any one can suggest the best practice in this case to reduce the number of times hitting the DB?
select_related() joins all these three models in one query:
>>> from app.models import Task
>>> task = Task.objects.all().select_related()[0]
>>> task.project.job.job_number
>>> from django.db import connection
>>> len(connection.queries)
>>> connection.queries
[{u'time': u'0.002', u'sql': u'QUERY = u\'SELECT "app_task"."id", "app_task"."project_id", "app_project"."id", "app_project"."job_id", "app_job"."job_number" FROM "app_task" INNER JOIN "app_project" ON ( "app_task"."project_id" = "app_project"."id" ) INNER JOIN "app_job" ON ( "app_project"."job_id" = "app_job"."job_number" ) LIMIT 1\' - PARAMS = ()'}]
Readable SQL:
SELECT "app_task"."id", "app_task"."project_id", "app_project"."id",
"app_project"."job_id", "app_job"."job_number"
FROM "app_task"
INNER JOIN "app_project" ON ( "app_task"."project_id" = "app_project"."id" )
INNER JOIN "app_job" ON ( "app_project"."job_id" = "app_job"."job_number" )
You can use a filter:
task = Task.objects.all().select_related().filter(
Sorry for probably simple question but I'm a newby in Django and really confused.
I have an ugly legacy tables that I can not change.
It has 2 tables:
class Salespersons(models.Model):
id = models.IntegerField(unique=True, primary_key=True)
xsin = models.IntegerField()
name = models.CharField(max_length=200)
surname = models.CharField(max_length=200)
class Store(models.Model):
id = models.IntegerField(unique=True, primary_key=True)
xsin = models.IntegerField()
brand = models.CharField(max_length=200)
So I suppose I can not add Foreign keys in class definitions because they change the tables.
I need to execute such sql request:
SELECT * FROM Salespersons, Store INNER JOIN Store ON (Salespersons.xsin = Store.xsin);
How can I achieve it using Django ORM?
Or I'm allowed to get Salespersons and Store separately i.e.
stores = Store.objects.filter(xsin = 1000)
salespersons = Salespersons.objects.filter(xsin = 1000)
Given your example query, are your tables actually named Salespersons/Store?
Anyway, something like this should work:
results = Salespersons.objects.extra(tables=["Store"],
where=["""Salespersons.xsin = Store.xsin"""])
However, given the names of the tables/models it doesn't seem to me that an inner join would be logically correct. Unless you always have just 1 salesperson per store with same xsin.
If you can make one of the xsin fields unique, you can use a ForeignKey with to_field to generate the inner join like this:
class Salespersons(models.Model):
xsin = models.IntegerField(unique=True)
class Store(models.Model):
xsin = models.ForeignKey(Salespersons, db_column='xsin', to_field='xsin')
>>> Store.objects.selected_related('xsin')
I don't see why you can't use the models.ForeignKey fields even if the database lacks the constraints -- if you don't explicitly execute the SQL to change the database then the tables won't change. If you use a ForeignKey then you can use Salespersons.objects.select_related('xsin') to request that the related objects are fetched at the same time.