Python and very small decimals - python

Interesting fact on Python 2.7.6 running on macosx:
You have a very small number like:
You can represent it as:
>>> 0.1 / (10 ** 20)
But you can see the floating pointing error at the end. What we really have is something like this:
So we got an error in the number, but thats ok. The problem is the following:
As expected:
>>> 0.1 / (10 ** 20) == 0
But, wait, whats this?
>>> 0.1 / (10 ** 20) + 1 == 1
>>> repr(0.1 / (10 ** 20) + 1)
Looks like python is using another data type to represent my number as this only happens when using the 16th decimal digit and so on. Also why python decided to automatically turn my number to 0 on the addition? Should not I be dealing with a decimal number with a very small decimal part and with a floating point error?
I know this problem can fall in the floating point errors umbrella, and the solution normally is do not trust floating point for this kinda of calculation, but I would like to understand more about whats happening under the hood.

Consider what happens when you attempt to add 7.00 and .001 and are only permitted to use three digits for the answer. 7.001 is not allowed. What do you do?
Of the values you can return, such as 6.99, 7.00, and 7.01, the closest to the correct answer is 7.00. So, when asked to add 7.00 and .001, you return 7.00.
The computer has the same issue when you ask it to add a number near 1e-21 and 1. It has only 53 bits to use for the fraction portion of the floating-point value, and 1e-21 is almost 70 bits below 1. So, it rounds the correct result to the closest value it can, 1, and returns that.

Floating point numbers work like scientific notation. 1.0000000000000001e-21 fits within the 53 bits of significand/mantissa a 64-bit float allows. Adding 1 to that, many orders of magnitude larger than the tiny fraction, causes the minor detail to be discarded, and storing exactly 1 instead


Convert scientific to decimal - dynamic float precision?

I have a random set of numbers in a SQL database:
The decimals way below zero are displayed as scientific notation
num = 0.0000000000232
> 2.23e-11
But that causes the rest of my code to bug out as the api behind it expects a decimal number. I checked it as I increased the precision with :.20f - that works fine.
Since the very small numbers are not constant with their precision, It would be unwise to simply set a static .20f.
What is a more elegant way to translate this to the correct decimal, always dynamic with the precision?
If Python provides a way to do this, they've hidden it very well. But a simple function can do it.
def float_to_str(x):
to_the_left = 1 + floor(log(x, 10))
to_the_right = sys.float_info.dig - to_the_left
if to_the_right <= 0:
s = str(int(x))
s = format(x, f'0.{to_the_right}f').rstrip('0')
return s
>>> for num in [1.2, 0.4, 5.1, 0.0000000000232, 1, 7.54, 0.000000000000006534]:
The first part uses the logarithm base 10 to figure out how many digits will be on the left of the decimal point, or the number of zeros to the right of it if the number is negative. To find out how many digits can be to the right, we take the total number of significant digits that a float can hold as given by sys.float_info.dig which should be 15 on most Python implementations, and subtract the digits on the left. If this number is negative there won't be anything but garbage after the decimal point, so we can rely on integer conversion instead - it never uses scientific notation. Otherwise we simply conjure up the proper string to use with format. For the final step we strip off the redundant trailing zeros.
Using integers for large numbers isn't perfect because we lose the rounding that naturally occurs with floating point string conversion. float_to_str(1e25) for example will return '10000000000000000905969664'. Since your examples didn't contain any such large numbers I didn't worry about it, but it could be fixed with a little more work. For the reasons behind this see Is floating point math broken?

How to disable rounding in Decimal python?

When calculating, I get the wrong last digit of the number. At first, I just calculated with an accuracy of one digit more than I needed, and then I just removed the last rounded digit with a slice. But then I noticed that sometimes Decimal rounds more than one digit. Is it possible to calculate without rounding?
For example
from decimal import Decimal as dec, Context, setcontext, ROUND_DOWN
from math import log
def sqr(x):
return x*x
def pi(n):
for _ in range(int(log(n,2))):
return sqr(a+b)/(4*t)
If I try pi (12) I get "3.141592653591" (the last 2 digits are wrong), but if I try pi(13), they both change to the correct ones - "3.1415926535899".
It's called Roundoff Error and is unavoidable when working with Floating-Point Arithmetic. You can write the following code in your Python REPL and should get, interestingly, False.
0.2 + 0.1 == 0.3 # False
It's because the last bits of float numbers are, actually, garbage. One way you can work around this is by using more terms in your series and, then, rounding the result to the wanted precision.
If you want to understand this deeper, you can read these two links I've attached and, maybe, some Numerical Computing textbook.

Python precision issues with float formatting

Please look at the below Python code that I've entered into a Python 3.6 interpreter:
>>> 0.00225 * 100.0
>>> '{:.2f}'.format(0.00225 * 100.0)
>>> '{:.2f}'.format(0.225)
>>> '{:.2f}'.format(round(0.00225 * 100.0, 10))
Hopefully you can immediately understand why I'm frustrated. I am attempting to display value * 100.0 on my GUI, storing the full precision behind a cell but only displaying 2 decimal points (or whatever the users precision setting is). The GUI is similar to an Excel spreadsheet.
I'd prefer not to lose the precision of something like 0.22222444937645 and round by 10, but I also don't want a value such as 0.00225 * 100.0 displaying as 0.22.
I'm interested in hearing about a standard way of approaching a situation like this or a remedy for my specific situation. Thanks ahead of time for any help.
Consider using the Decimal module, which "provides support for fast correctly-rounded decimal floating point arithmetic." The primary advantages of Decimal relevant to your use case are:
Decimal numbers can be represented exactly. In contrast, numbers like 1.1 and 2.2 do not have exact representations in binary floating point. End users typically would not expect 1.1 + 2.2 to display as 3.3000000000000003 as it does with binary floating point.
The exactness carries over into arithmetic. In decimal floating point, 0.1 + 0.1 + 0.1 - 0.3 is exactly equal to zero. In binary floating point, the result is 5.5511151231257827e-017. While near to zero, the differences prevent reliable equality testing and differences can accumulate. For this reason, decimal is preferred in accounting applications which have strict equality invariants.
Based on the information you've provided in the question, I cannot say how much of an overhaul migrating to Decimal would require. However, if you're creating a spreadsheet-like application and always want to preserve maximal precision, then you will probably want to refactor to use Decimal sooner or later to avoid unexpected numbers in your user-facing GUI.
To get the behavior you desire, you may need to change the rounding mode (which defaults to ROUND_HALF_EVEN) for Decimal instances.
from decimal import getcontext, ROUND_HALF_UP
getcontext().rounding = ROUND_HALF_UP
n = round(Decimal('0.00225') * Decimal('100'), 2)
print(n) # prints Decimal('0.23')
m = round(Decimal('0.00225') * 100, 2)
print(m) # prints Decimal('0.23')
perhaps use decimal?
from decimal import *
getcontext().prec = 2
n = Decimal.from_float(0.00225)
m = n * 100
print(n, m)
print(m.quantize(Decimal('.01'), rounding=ROUND_DOWN))
print(m.quantize(Decimal('.01'), rounding=ROUND_UP)

Python representation of floating point numbers [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Floating Point Limitations [duplicate]
(3 answers)
Closed 9 years ago.
I spent an hour today trying to figure out why
return abs(val-desired) <= 0.1
was occasionally returning False, despite val and desired having an absolute difference of <=0.1. After some debugging, I found out that -13.2 + 13.3 = 0.10000000000000142. Now I understand that CPUs cannot easily represent most real numbers, but this is an exception, because you can subtract 0.00000000000000142 and get 0.1, so it can be represented in Python.
I am running Python 2.7 on Intel Core architecture CPUs (this is all I have been able to test it on). I'm curious to know how I can store a value of 0.1 despite not being able to apply arithmetic to particular floating point values. val and desired are float values.
Yes, this can be a bit surprising:
>>> +13.3
>>> -13.2
>>> 0.1
All these numbers can be represented with some 16 digits of accuracy. So why:
>>> 13.3-13.2
Why only 14 digits of accuracy in that case?
Well, that's because 13.3 and -13.2 have 16 digits of accuracy, which means 14 decimal points, since there are two digits before the decimal point. So the result also have 14 decimal points of accuracy. Even though the computer can represent numbers with 16 digits.
If we make the numbers bigger, the accuracy of the result decreases further:
>>> 13000.3-13000.2
>>> 1.33E10-13.2E10
In short, the accuracy of the result depends on the accuracy of the input.
"Now I understand that CPUs cannot easily represent most floating point numbers with high resolution", the fact you asked this question indicates that you don't understand. None of the real values 13.2, 13.3 nor 0.1 can be represented exactly as floating point numbers:
>>> "{:.20f}".format(13.2)
>>> "{:.20f}".format(13.3)
>>> "{:.20f}".format(0.1)
To directly address your question of "how do I store a value like 0.1 and do an exact comparison to it when I have imprecise floating-point numbers," the answer is to use a different type to represent your numbers. Python has a decimal module for doing decimal fixed-point and floating-point math instead of binary -- in decimal, obviously, 0.1, -13.2, and 13.3 can all be represented exactly instead of approximately; or you can set a specific level of precision when doing calculations using decimal and discard digits below that level of significance.
val = decimal.Decimal(some calculation)
desired = decimal.Decimal(some other calculation)
return abs(val-desired) <= decimal.Decimal('0.1')
The other common alternative is to use integers instead of floats by artificially multiplying by some power of ten.
return not int(abs(val-desired)*10)

A "round"ed number multiplied by 0.01 results in x.y00000000000001 and not x.y?

The reason I'm asking this is because there is a validation in OpenERP that it's driving me crazy:
>>> round(1.2 / 0.01) * 0.01
>>> round(12.2 / 0.01) * 0.01
>>> round(122.2 / 0.01) * 0.01
>>> round(1222.2 / 0.01) * 0.01
As you can see, the second round is returning an odd value.
Can someone explain to me why is this happening?
This has in fact nothing to with round, you can witness the exact same problem if you just do 1220 * 0.01:
>>> 1220*0.01
What you see here is a standard floating point issue.
You might want to read what Wikipedia has to say about floating point accuracy problems:
The fact that floating-point numbers cannot precisely represent all real numbers, and that floating-point operations cannot precisely represent true arithmetic operations, leads to many surprising situations. This is related to the finite precision with which computers generally represent numbers.
Also see:
Numerical analysis
Numerical stability
A simple example for numerical instability with floating-point:
the numbers are finite. lets say we save 4 digits after the dot in a given computer or language.
0.0001 multiplied with 0.0001 would result something lower than 0.0001, and therefore it is impossible to save this result!
In this case if you calculate (0.0001 x 0.0001) / 0.0001 = 0.0001, this simple computer will fail in being accurate because it tries to multiply first and only afterwards to divide. In javascript, dividing with fractions leads to similar inaccuracies.
The float type that you are using stores binary floating point numbers. Not every decimal number is exactly representable as a float. In particular there is no exact representation of 1.2 or 0.01, so the actual number stored in the computer will differ very slightly from the value written in the source code. This representation error can cause calculations to give slightly different results from the exact mathematical result.
It is important to be aware of the possibility of small errors whenever you use floating point arithmetic, and write your code to work well even when the values calculated are not exactly correct. For example, you should consider rounding values to a certain number of decimal places when displaying them to the user.
You could also consider using the decimal type which stores decimal floating point numbers. If you use decimal then 1.2 can be stored exactly. However, working with decimal will reduce the performance of your code. You should only use it if exact representation of decimal numbers is important. You should also be aware that decimal does not mean that you'll never have any problems. For example 0.33333... has no exact representation as a decimal.
There is a loss of accuracy from the division due to the way floating point numbers are stored, so you see that this identity doesn't hold
>>> 12.2 / 0.01 * 0.01 == 12.2
bArmageddon, has provided a bunch of links which you should read, but I believe the takeaway message is don't expect floats to give exact results unless you fully understand the limits of the representation.
Especially don't use floats to represent amounts of money! which is a pretty common mistake
Python also has the decimal module, which may be useful to you
Others have answered your question and mentioned that many numbers don't have an exact binary fractional representation. If you are accustomed to working only with decimal numbers, it can seem deeply weird that a nice, "round" number like 0.01 could be a non-terminating number in some other base. In the spirit of "seeing is believing," here's a little Python program that will print out a binary representation of any number to any desired number of digits.
from decimal import Decimal
n = Decimal("0.01") # the number to print the binary equivalent of
m = 1000 # maximum number of digits to print
p = -1
r = []
w = int(n)
n = abs(n) - abs(w)
while n and -p < m:
s = Decimal(2) ** p
if n >= s:
n -= s
p -= 1
print "%s.%s%s" % ("-" if w < 0 else "", bin(abs(w))[2:],
"".join(r), "..." if n else "")
