Python ldap connection test - python

I want to be able to test that a connection to a host and port is valid.
I'm using the current line:
ldapObject ="host", port=389)
This seems to return an instance. I need to determine if it can find the host or not?
Any suggestions?

open is deprecated.
This is a working example. See if this helps.
def ldap_initialize(remote, port, user, password, use_ssl=False, timeout=None):
prefix = 'ldap'
if use_ssl is True:
prefix = 'ldaps'
# ask ldap to ignore certificate errors
ldap.set_option(ldap.OPT_X_TLS_REQUIRE_CERT, ldap.OPT_X_TLS_NEVER)
if timeout:
ldap.set_option(ldap.OPT_NETWORK_TIMEOUT, timeout)
ldap.set_option(ldap.OPT_REFERRALS, ldap.OPT_OFF)
server = prefix + '://' + remote + ':' + '%s' % port
conn = ldap.initialize(server)
conn.simple_bind_s(user, password)
return conn

Found a solution:
import ldap
ldapObject ="host", port=389)
ldapObject .simple_bind_s()
except ldap.SERVER_DOWN:


smtp = smtplib.SMTP(host) > (

I have a scanning script that currently works by connecting to an SMTP server, printing the results and moving to the next server in the list. This is the first connect code:
def sendchk(listindex, host, user, password): # seperated function for checking
smtp = smtplib.SMTP(host)
smtp.login(user, password)
code = smtp.ehlo()[0]
After the fail "except":
except(socket.gaierror, socket.error, socket.herror, smtplib.SMTPException), msg:
print "[-] Login Failed:", host, user, password
I'm trying to get it to repeat the same code with the same host, adding a subdomain. "mail." I thought this would work:
except(socket.gaierror, socket.error, socket.herror, smtplib.SMTPException), msg:
print "[-] Login Failed:", host, user, password
sub1 = 'mail.'
host2 = '{0}#{1}'.format(sub1, host)
smtp = smtplib.SMTP(host2)
But it jams, saying there's an issue in server list.
What would be the better way to inject the prefix to the host here?
Without having tested it: if sub1 is "mail." and host is "" then '{0}#{1}'.format(sub1, host) will result in Is that really your subdomain name? I suppose it should be If so then drop the "#" in your formatting string.

Paramiko raises 'AuthenticationException' sometimes

This is one of those rare cases that it's nearly impossible to reproduce, but I've seen it happen 4 times out of 20.
Here's my open_session method:
def open_session:
self.session = paramiko.SSHClient() = host
self.username = username
self.password = password
self.session.connect(, username=self.username, port=port, password=self.password, timeout=self.connect_timeout)
except paramiko.ssh_exception.BadHostKeyException:
message = "host key could not be verified"
raise BadCredentials(message)
except paramiko.ssh_exception.AuthenticationException:
message = "authentication failed."
raise BadCredentials(message)
except (paramiko.ssh_exception.SSHException, socket.error) as e:
message = "could not establish connection, an error occurred: {}".format(e)
raise ConnectionFail(message)
except socket.timeout:
message = "could not establish connection, time's out!"
raise ConnectionFail(message)
Any particular reason why Paramiko does this?
It should be:
self.session = paramiko.SSHClient() = host
self.username = username
self.password = password
self.session.load_system_host_keys() # u missed this
Load host keys from a system (read-only) file. Host keys read with this method will not be saved back by save_host_keys.
Upon further investigation, it turns out that it's an issue with the machine itself. The code mentioned in my initial question is good as is and worked 300 times in a row without fail on another, more stable machine.

Cache Proxy Server in Python

I have a homework assignment which involves implementing a proxy cache server in Python. The idea is to write the web pages I access to temporary files on my local machine and then access them as requests come in if they are stored. Right now the code looks like this:
from socket import *
import sys
def main():
#Create a server socket, bind it to a port and start listening
tcpSerSock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM) #Initializing socket
tcpSerSock.bind(("", 8030)) #Binding socket to port
tcpSerSock.listen(5) #Listening for page requests
while True:
#Start receiving data from the client
print 'Ready to serve...'
tcpCliSock, addr = tcpSerSock.accept()
print 'Received a connection from:', addr
message = tcpCliSock.recv(1024)
print message
#Extract the filename from the given message
print message.split()[1]
filename = message.split()[1].partition("/")[2]
print filename
fileExist = "false"
filetouse = "/" + filename
print filetouse
try: #Check whether the file exists in the cache
f = open(filetouse[1:], "r")
outputdata = f.readlines()
fileExist = "true"
#ProxyServer finds a cache hit and generates a response message
tcpCliSock.send("HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n")
for data in outputdata:
print 'Read from cache'
except IOError: #Error handling for file not found in cache
if fileExist == "false":
c = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM) #Create a socket on the proxyserver
hostn = filename.replace("www.","",1)
print hostn
c.connect((hostn, 80)) #
# Create a temporary file on this socket and ask port 80 for
# the file requested by the client
fileobj = c.makefile('r', 0)
fileobj.write("GET " + "http://" + filename + "HTTP/1.0\r\n")
# Read the response into buffer
buffr = fileobj.readlines()
# Create a new file in the cache for the requested file.
# Also send the response in the buffer to client socket and the
# corresponding file in the cache
tmpFile = open(filename,"wb")
for data in buffr:
print "Illegal request"
else: #File not found
print "404: File Not Found"
tcpCliSock.close() #Close the client and the server sockets
To test my code, I run the proxy cache on my localhost and set my browser proxy settings accordingly like so
However, when I run this code and try to access google with Chrome, I'm greeting with an error page saying err_empty_response.
Stepping through the code with the debugger made me realizing it's failing on this line
c.connect((hostn, 80))
and I have no idea why. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
P.S. I'm testing this with Google Chrome, Python 2.7, and Windows 10
You cannot use a name on connect. Connect expects an IP address to connect to.
You can get the socket information you need to build the connection using getaddrinfo(). In my pure-python-whois package I used the following code to create a connection:
def _openconn(self, server, timeout, port=None):
port = port if port else 'nicname'
for srv in socket.getaddrinfo(server, port, socket.AF_UNSPEC, socket.SOCK_STREAM, 0, socket.AI_ADDRCONFIG):
af, socktype, proto, _, sa = srv
c = socket.socket(af, socktype, proto)
except socket.error:
c = None
if self.source_addr:
except socket.error:
c = None
except socket.gaierror:
return False
return c
Note that this isn't great code because the loop is actually there for nothing instead of using the different alternatives. You should only break the loop once you have established a connection. However, this should work as an illustration for using getaddrinfo()
You are also not cleaning your hostname correctly. I get / when I try accessing which obviously won't resolve. I'd suggest that you use a regular expression to get the file name for your cache.

Python + Twisted + FtpClient + SOCKS

I just started using Twisted. I want to connect to an FTP server and perform some basic operations (use threading if possible). I am using this example.
Which does the job quite well. The question is how to add a SOCKS4/5 proxy usage to the code? Can somebody please provide a working example? I have tried this link too.
# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
# See LICENSE for details.
An example of using the FTP client
# Twisted imports
from twisted.protocols.ftp import FTPClient, FTPFileListProtocol
from twisted.internet.protocol import Protocol, ClientCreator
from twisted.python import usage
from twisted.internet import reactor, endpoints
# Socks support test
from socksclient import SOCKSv4ClientProtocol, SOCKSWrapper
from twisted.web import client
# Standard library imports
import string
import sys
from cStringIO import StringIO
except ImportError:
from StringIO import StringIO
class BufferingProtocol(Protocol):
"""Simple utility class that holds all data written to it in a buffer."""
def __init__(self):
self.buffer = StringIO()
def dataReceived(self, data):
# Define some callbacks
def success(response):
print 'Success! Got response:'
print '---'
if response is None:
print None
print string.join(response, '\n')
print '---'
def fail(error):
print 'Failed. Error was:'
print error
def showFiles(result, fileListProtocol):
print 'Processed file listing:'
for file in fileListProtocol.files:
print ' %s: %d bytes, %s' \
% (file['filename'], file['size'], file['date'])
print 'Total: %d files' % (len(fileListProtocol.files))
def showBuffer(result, bufferProtocol):
print 'Got data:'
print bufferProtocol.buffer.getvalue()
class Options(usage.Options):
optParameters = [['host', 'h', ''],
['port', 'p', 21],
['username', 'u', 'webmaster'],
['password', None, 'justapass'],
['passive', None, 0],
['debug', 'd', 1],
# Socks support
def wrappercb(proxy):
print "connected to proxy", proxy
def run():
def sockswrapper(proxy, url):
dest = client._parse(url) # scheme, host, port, path
endpoint = endpoints.TCP4ClientEndpoint(reactor, dest[1], dest[2])
return SOCKSWrapper(reactor, proxy[1], proxy[2], endpoint)
# Get config
config = Options()
config.opts['port'] = int(config.opts['port'])
config.opts['passive'] = int(config.opts['passive'])
config.opts['debug'] = int(config.opts['debug'])
# Create the client
FTPClient.debug = config.opts['debug']
creator = ClientCreator(reactor, FTPClient, config.opts['username'],
config.opts['password'], passive=config.opts['passive'])
#creator.connectTCP(config.opts['host'], config.opts['port']).addCallback(connectionMade).addErrback(connectionFailed)
# Socks support
proxy = (None, '', 1111, True, None, None)
sw = sockswrapper(proxy, "")
d = sw.connect(creator)
def connectionFailed(f):
print "Connection Failed:", f
def connectionMade(ftpClient):
# Get the current working directory
ftpClient.pwd().addCallbacks(success, fail)
# Get a detailed listing of the current directory
fileList = FTPFileListProtocol()
d = ftpClient.list('.', fileList)
d.addCallbacks(showFiles, fail, callbackArgs=(fileList,))
# Change to the parent directory
ftpClient.cdup().addCallbacks(success, fail)
# Create a buffer
proto = BufferingProtocol()
# Get short listing of current directory, and quit when done
d = ftpClient.nlst('.', proto)
d.addCallbacks(showBuffer, fail, callbackArgs=(proto,))
d.addCallback(lambda result: reactor.stop())
# this only runs if the module was *not* imported
if __name__ == '__main__':
I know the code is wrong. I need Solution.
Okay, so here's a solution (gist) that uses python's built-in ftplib, as well as the open source SocksiPy module.
It doesn't use twisted, and it doesn't explicitly use threads, but using and communicting between threads is pretty easily done with threading.Thread and threading.Queue in python's standard threading module
Basically, we need to subclass ftplib.FTP to support substituting our own create_connection method and add proxy configuration semantics.
The "main" logic just configures an FTP client that connects via a localhost socks proxy, such as one created by ssh -D localhost:1080, and downloads a source snapshot for GNU autoconf to the local disk.
import ftplib
import socket
import socks # socksipy (
class FTP(ftplib.FTP):
def __init__(self, host='', user='', passwd='', acct='',
"""Like ftplib.FTP constructor, but with an added `proxyconfig` kwarg
`proxyconfig` should be a dictionary that may contain the following
proxytype - The type of the proxy to be used. Three types
are supported: PROXY_TYPE_SOCKS4 (including socks4a),
addr - The address of the server (IP or DNS).
port - The port of the server. Defaults to 1080 for SOCKS
servers and 8080 for HTTP proxy servers.
rdns - Should DNS queries be preformed on the remote side
(rather than the local side). The default is True.
Note: This has no effect with SOCKS4 servers.
username - Username to authenticate with to the server.
The default is no authentication.
password - Password to authenticate with to the server.
Only relevant when username is also provided.
self.proxyconfig = proxyconfig or {}
ftplib.FTP.__init__(self, host, user, passwd, acct, timeout)
def connect(self, host='', port=0, timeout=-999):
'''Connect to host. Arguments are:
- host: hostname to connect to (string, default previous host)
- port: port to connect to (integer, default previous port)
if host != '': = host
if port > 0:
self.port = port
if timeout != -999:
self.timeout = timeout
self.sock = self.create_connection(, self.port) =
self.file = self.sock.makefile('rb')
self.welcome = self.getresp()
return self.welcome
def create_connection(self, host=None, port=None):
host, port = host or, port or self.port
if self.proxyconfig:
phost, pport = self.proxyconfig['addr'], self.proxyconfig['port']
err = None
for res in socket.getaddrinfo(phost, pport, 0, socket.SOCK_STREAM):
af, socktype, proto, canonname, sa = res
sock = None
sock = socks.socksocket(af, socktype, proto)
if self.timeout is not socket._GLOBAL_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT:
sock.connect((host, port))
return sock
except socket.error as _:
err = _
if sock is not None:
if err is not None:
raise err
raise socket.error("getaddrinfo returns an empty list")
sock = socket.create_connection((host, port), self.timeout)
return sock
def ntransfercmd(self, cmd, rest=None):
size = None
if self.passiveserver:
host, port = self.makepasv()
conn = self.create_connection(host, port)
if rest is not None:
self.sendcmd("REST %s" % rest)
resp = self.sendcmd(cmd)
# Some servers apparently send a 200 reply to
# a LIST or STOR command, before the 150 reply
# (and way before the 226 reply). This seems to
# be in violation of the protocol (which only allows
# 1xx or error messages for LIST), so we just discard
# this response.
if resp[0] == '2':
resp = self.getresp()
if resp[0] != '1':
raise ftplib.error_reply, resp
raise Exception("Active transfers not supported")
if resp[:3] == '150':
# this is conditional in case we received a 125
size = ftplib.parse150(resp)
return conn, size
if __name__ == '__main__':
ftp = FTP(host='', user='anonymous', passwd='guest',
proxyconfig=dict(proxytype=socks.PROXY_TYPE_SOCKS5, rdns=False,
addr='localhost', port=1080))
with open('autoconf-2.69.tar.xz', mode='w') as f:
ftp.retrbinary("RETR /gnu/autoconf/autoconf-2.69.tar.xz", f.write)
To elaborate why I asked some of my original questions:
1) Do you need to support active transfers or will PASV transfers be sufficient?
Active transfers are much harder to do via a socks proxy because they require the use of the PORT command. With the PORT command, your ftp client tells the FTP server to connect to you on a specific port (e.g., on your PC) in order to send the data. This is likely to not work for users behind a firewall or NAT/router. If your SOCKS proxy server is not behind a firewall, or has a public IP, it is possible to support active transfers, but it is complicated: It requires your SOCKS server (ssh -D does support this) and client library (socksipy does not) to support remote port binding. It also requires the appropriate hooks in the application (my example throws an exception if passiveserver = False) to do a remote BIND instead of a local one.
2) Does it have to use twisted?
Twisted is great, but I'm not the best at it, and I haven't found a really great SOCKS client implementation. Ideally there would be a library out there that allowed you to define and/or chain proxies together, returning an object that implements the IReactorTCP interface, but I have not yet found anything like this just yet.
3) Is your socks proxy behind a VIP or just a single host directly connected to the Internet?
This matters because of the way PASV transfer security works. In a PASV transfer, the client asks the server to provide a port to connect in order to start a data transfer. When the server accepts a connection on that port, it SHOULD verify the client is connected from the same source IP as the connection that requested the transfer. If your SOCKS server is behind a VIP, it is less likely that the outbound IP of the connection made for the PASV transfers will match the outbound IP of the primary communication connection.

How do I test if there is a server open on a port with python?

Ok, so I did the following, figuring it would raise an exception if it could not connect:
>>> s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
>>> s.settimeout(0.2)
>>> s.connect(("", 80))
But no exception was raised. How do I test if there is a server open on a port with Python's socket module? Thanks!
Here's why the code above never fails.
My ISP (Frontier) configures DNS such that for any domain that does not exist, it will return "". As such, they actually have a web server listening on port 80 at that address to display some garbage/spam search results. Change your host to use (Google server) for DNS and your code above will likely work.
Given that these sorts of "captive networks" are common, the first thing your code should do is determine if it is on such a network. Hence, the right thing to do is call socket.gethostbyname(""). If it actually returns a value, then you know you are behind such a DNS server. As such, then do a gethostbyname call on the server you want to probe. If it returns the same DNS address, you know the server doesn't exist. Otherwise, proceed with the connect call to finish the test.
Update: I've been learning Python over the holidays, so I used this problem as excuse to practice. Here's my code:
import socket
def DoesServiceExist(host, port):
captive_dns_addr = ""
host_addr = ""
captive_dns_addr = socket.gethostbyname("")
host_addr = socket.gethostbyname(host)
if (captive_dns_addr == host_addr):
return False
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
s.connect((host, port))
return False
return True
I found this solution using telnetlib and urllib to test the connection between servers in urls like "", in this particular case, I'm looking for the port first, then the schema. I'm considering just "http" and "https" but it's easy to add or change the schema (sftp, ssh, etc.).
import telnetlib
import time
from urllib.parse import urlsplit
def verify_service(endpoint):
netloc = "{0.netloc}".format(urlsplit(endpoint))
scheme = "{0.scheme}".format(urlsplit(endpoint))
if netloc == '':
return False
p = netloc.split(":")
if len(p) == 2:
host = p[0]
port = p[1]
host = p[0]
port = 80 if scheme == "http" else "443"
tn = telnetlib.Telnet(host,port)
return False
return True
