I tried to connect to FTX using Python to get account information but it keeps giving me not logged in error; my code shown below:
from requests import Request, Session
import time
import hmac
method = 'GET'
ENDPOINT = 'https://ftx.com/api/'
# ENDPOINT = 'https://ftx.us/api/'
path = 'account'
API_KEY = '...'
API_SECRET = '...'
request = Request(method, ENDPOINT + path)
ts = int(time.time() * 1000)
prepared = request.prepare()
print('{0}{1}{2}'.format(ts, prepared.method, prepared.path_url))
signature_payload = '{0}{1}{2}'.format(ts, prepared.method, prepared.path_url).encode()
if prepared.body:
signature_payload += prepared.body
signature = hmac.new(API_SECRET.encode(), signature_payload, 'sha256').hexdigest()
request.headers['FTX-KEY'] = API_KEY
request.headers['FTX-SIGN'] = signature
request.headers['FTX-TS'] = str(ts)
# get data...
request1 = request.prepare()
print('{0}{1}{2}'.format(ts, request1.method, request1.path_url))
response = Session().send(request1)
data = response.json()
the data gives me:
{'success': False, 'error': 'Not logged in'}
I wonder where I did wrong? I locate in US is this might cause issue? and my account hasn't traded anything yet not sure if that's the issue.
fwiw, it's been a while and I haven't done much more work on this.. but I believe it's because of the location.. if the account is registered under FTX international this should work...
Please change headers to the following and url to ftx.us/api
request.headers['FTXUS-KEY'] = API_KEY
request.headers['FTXUS-SIGN'] = signature
request.headers['FTXUS-TS'] = str(ts)
I need some help implementing a python app that accesses the Quickbooks API. I have successfully written several apps that use APIs, but once we get into the OAuth world, I get a bit lost.
At any rate, I found the quickbooks-python wrapper here:
but there are zero examples of working code showing how to implement properly. I imagine that a more experienced python programmer could figure out how to make this work without any instructions, but it seems like I'm missing the basics.
If I could get it connected, I could probably get it to work from there...
It seems like the documentation on github jumps around and for a more experienced programmer, would probably make perfect sense. But I'm just not following...
from quickbooks import *
consumerKey = "fromApiConsole"
consumerSecret = "fromApiConsole"
callbackUrl = "https://quickbooks.api.intuit.com/v3"
qbObject = QuickBooks(
consumer_key = consumerKey,
consumer_secret = consumerSecret,
callback_url = callbackUrl
authorize_url = qbObject.get_authorize_url() # will create a service, and further set up the qbObject.
oauth_token = request.GET['oauth_token']
oauth_verifier = request.GET['oauth_verifier']
realm_id = request.GET['realmId']
session = qbObject.get_access_tokens(oauth_verifier)
# say you want access to the reports
reportType = "ProfitAndLoss"
url = "https://quickbooks.api.intuit.com/v3/company/asdfasdfas/"
url += "reports/%s" % reportType
r = session.request( #This is just a Rauth request
header_auth = True,
realm = realm_id,
qb = QuickBooks(
consumer_key = consumerKey,
consumer_secret = consumerSecret,
access_token = qbtoken.access_token, # the stored token
access_token_secret = qbtoken.access_token_secret, # the stored secret
company_id = qbtoken.realm_id #the stored realm_id
qbText = str(qb.query_objects(business_object, params, query_tail))
print qbText
I am pretty sure that I am:
importing the wrong modules/classes
missing huge pieces of code to "glue together" the samples found on github
not using django here and i know the request class above is in django, but i'd really like to just make this work as a python script without using django
not getting the token/identifier/realmId from the initial authorize_url function. it prints on the screen, but i'm not sure how to grab it...
The end goal here is really just to connect and get a P&L statement from Quickbooks Online. If I can get that far, I am sure I can get the rest of what I need out of the API. I don't really need to CHANGE anything, I'm just looking to include data from the reports into some dashboards.
okay, i figured out how to get it to connect, but i'm not sure how to get to the reports.
the answer was this, which was on the prior API page:
Accessing the API
Once you've gotten a hold of your QuickBooks access tokens, you can create a QB object:
qb = QuickBooks(consumer_key = QB_OAUTH_CONSUMER_KEY,
consumer_secret = QB_OAUTH_CONSUMER_SECRET,
access_token = QB_ACCESS_TOKEN,
access_token_secret = QB_ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET,
company_id = QB_REALM_ID
still trying to get the basic reports...
Okay, so here's how to make this work. I'm focused on the reports, so here's how you can get reports from Quickbooks Online API using Python:
1) Go to https://github.com/finoptimal-dev/quickbooks-python and download the code
2) Make sure you have rauth installed. If you are on AWS/EC2, simply:
sudo yum install rauth
3) Edit the quickbooks2.py file and add the following to the END:
qb = QuickBooks(consumer_key = QB_OAUTH_CONSUMER_KEY,
consumer_secret = QB_OAUTH_CONSUMER_SECRET,
access_token = QB_ACCESS_TOKEN,
access_token_secret = QB_ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET,
company_id = QB_REALM_ID
4) Setup a sandbox application on the Quickbooks site here: https://developer.intuit.com/v2/ui#/app/startcreate (you will have to create a developer account if you don't already have one)
5) Once setup, you can go to the "Keys" tab of the App and grab the App Token, OAuth Consumer Key and OAuth Consumer Secret.
6) Go to the Intuit Developer Playground at https://appcenter.intuit.com/Playground/OAuth/IA and use the info from step #5 to obtain the Access Token and Access Token Secret.
7) Change the variables in Step #3 to the correct values. For QB_REALM_ID, this is the Company ID. You can get this in the sandbox by logging into https://developer.intuit.com/v2/ui#/sandbox and looking for Company ID.
7) add the following code below the code from step #3 above
print qb.get_report('ProfitAndLoss','summarize_column_by=Month&start_date=2014-01-01&end_date=2014-12-31')
I use the above dates b/c the Quickbooks Sandbox company has no Income/Expense data in 2015, so you have to pick dates in 2014.
8) IMPORTANT: To use with the Quickbooks Sandbox for reporting purposes, you need to change the get_report() function to use the base_url_v3 instead of being hard-coded to the production URL.
Look for a row in the get_report() function that looks like this:
url = "https://quickbooks.api.intuit.com/v3/company/%s/" % \
and change it to this:
url = self.base_url_v3 + "/company/%s/" % \
9) Now you can change base_url_v3 all the way at the top to this:
base_url_v3 = "https://sandbox-quickbooks.api.intuit.com/v3"
10) And now you should now be able to run:
python quickbooks2.py
You should see a bunch of JSON data from the Quickbooks Sandbox company.
11) You can explore a bit to test out the appropriate URLs here: https://developer.intuit.com/apiexplorer?apiname=V3QBO#Reports
12) The report reference is here: https://developer.intuit.com/docs/0100_accounting/0400_references/reports and this shows you which parameters you can use. To test parameters in the Explorer, you enter them in the "Request Body" section.
I struggled with this for a while and finally figured it out. Hope this helps someone else.
I do not have much experience with Python but someone had shared this code with me for oauth earlier.If you have additional questions on the code, I will not be able to answer them.
NOTE: The below code also makes calls to V2 QBO apis. Please do not use that part as it is deprecated.
See if it helps-
Import Python
from rauth import OAuth1Session, OAuth1Service
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
import xmltodict
class QuickBooks():
"""A wrapper class around Python's Rauth module for Quickbooks the API"""
access_token = ''
access_token_secret = ''
consumer_key = ''
consumer_secret = ''
company_id = 0
callback_url = ''
session = None
base_url_v3 = "https://quickbooks.api.intuit.com/v3"
base_url_v2 = "https://qbo.intuit.com/qbo1"
request_token_url = "https://oauth.intuit.com/oauth/v1/get_request_token"
access_token_url = "https://oauth.intuit.com/oauth/v1/get_access_token"
authorize_url = "https://appcenter.intuit.com/Connect/Begin"
# Things needed for authentication
qbService = None
request_token = ''
request_token_secret = ''
def __init__(self, **args):
if 'consumer_key' in args:
self.consumer_key = args['consumer_key']
if 'consumer_secret' in args:
self.consumer_secret = args['consumer_secret']
if 'access_token' in args:
self.access_token = args['access_token']
if 'access_token_secret' in args:
self.access_token_secret = args['access_token_secret']
if 'company_id' in args:
self.company_id = args['company_id']
if 'callback_url' in args:
self.callback_url = args['callback_url']
def get_authorize_url(self):
"""Returns the Authorize URL as returned by QB,
and specified by OAuth 1.0a.
:return URI:
self.qbService = OAuth1Service(
name = None,
consumer_key = self.consumer_key,
consumer_secret = self.consumer_secret,
request_token_url = self.request_token_url,
access_token_url = self.access_token_url,
authorize_url = self.authorize_url,
base_url = None
self.request_token, self.request_token_secret = self.qbService.get_request_token(
return self.qbService.get_authorize_url(self.request_token)
def get_access_tokens(self, oauth_verifier):
"""Wrapper around get_auth_session, returns session, and sets
access_token and access_token_secret on the QB Object.
:param oauth_verifier: the oauth_verifier as specified by OAuth 1.0a
session = self.qbService.get_auth_session(
data={'oauth_verifier': oauth_verifier})
self.access_token = session.access_token
self.access_token_secret = session.access_token_secret
return session
def create_session(self):
if self.consumer_secret and self.consumer_key and self.access_token_secret and self.access_token:
# print "hi"
session = OAuth1Session(self.consumer_key,
# print session
self.session = session
#TODO: raise an error
return self.session
def keep_trying(self, r_type, url, header_auth, realm, payload=''):
if self.session != None:
session = self.session
session = self.create_session()
self.session = session
trying = True
tries = 0
while trying:
print url
tries += 1
if "v2" in url:
r = session.request(r_type, url, header_auth, realm, data=payload)
r_dict = xmltodict.parse(r.text)
# print "DICT", r_dict
if "FaultInfo" not in r_dict or tries > 4:
trying = False
# url = "https://qb.sbfinance.intuit.com/v3/company/184010684/query?query=SELECT * FROM JournalEntry"
# url = "https://quickbooks.api.intuit.com/v3/company/184010684/journalentry/24772"
# url = "https://quickbooks.api.intuit.com/v3/company/184010684/query?query='SELECT+*+FROM+JournalEntry'"
# url = "https://qb.sbfinance.intuit.com/v3/company/184010684/query?query=SELECT%20%2A%20FROM%20JournalEntry&"
print url, r_type
headers = {'Accept': 'application/json'}
r = session.request(r_type, url, header_auth, realm, headers = headers)
# r.headers
print "\n\n INITIAL TEXT \n\n", r.text
print "request headers:", r.request.headers
print "request URL:", r.request.url
print "response headers:", r.headers
r_dict = r.text
if "Fault" not in r_dict or tries > 4:
trying = False
r_dict = []
return r_dict
def fetch_customer(self, pk):
if pk:
url = self.base_url_v2 + "/resource/customer/v2/%s/%s" % ( self.company_id, pk)
r_dict = self.keep_trying("GET", url, True, self.company_id)
return r_dict['Customer']
def fetch_customers(self, all=False, page_num=0, limit=10):
if self.session != None:
session = self.session
session = self.create_session()
self.session = session
# We use v2 of the API, because what the fuck, v3.
url = self.base_url_v2
url += "/resource/customers/v2/%s" % (self.company_id)
customers = []
if all:
counter = 1
more = True
while more:
payload = {
trying = True
# Because the QB API is so iffy, let's try until we get an non-error
# Rewrite this to use same code as above.
while trying:
r = session.request("POST", url, header_auth = True, data = payload, realm = self.company_id)
root = ET.fromstring(r.text)
if root[1].tag != "{http://www.intuit.com/sb/cdm/baseexceptionmodel/xsd}ErrorCode":
trying = False
print "Failed"
qb_name = "{http://www.intuit.com/sb/cdm/v2}"
for child in root:
# print child.tag, child.text
if child.tag == "{http://www.intuit.com/sb/cdm/qbo}Count":
if int(child.text) < 30:
more = False
print "Found all customers"
if child.tag == "{http://www.intuit.com/sb/cdm/qbo}CdmCollections":
for customer in child:
customers += [xmltodict.parse(ET.tostring(customer))]
counter += 1
# more = False
# print more
payload = {
r = session.request("POST", url, header_auth = True, data = payload, realm = self.company_id)
root = ET.fromstring(r.text)
#TODO: parse for all customers
return customers
def fetch_sales_term(self, pk):
if pk:
url = self.base_url_v2 + "/resource/sales-term/v2/%s/%s" % ( self.company_id, pk)
r_dict = self.keep_trying("GET", url, True, self.company_id)
return r_dict
def fetch_invoices(self, **args):
if "query" in args:
payload = ""
if "customer" in args['query']:
payload = {
"Filter":"CustomerId :Equals: %s" % (args['query']['customer'])
# while more:
url = self.base_url_v2 + "/resource/invoices/v2/%s/" % (self.company_id)
r_dict = self.keep_trying("POST", url, True, self.company_id, payload)
invoices = r_dict['qbo:SearchResults']['qbo:CdmCollections']['Invoice']
return invoices
elif "pk" in args:
# TODO: Not tested
url = self.base_url_v2 + "/resource/invoice/v2/%s/%s" % ( self.company_id, args['pk'])
r_dict = self.keep_trying("GET", url, True, self.company_id)
return r_dict
url = self.base_url_v2 + "/resource/invoices/v2/%s/" % (self.company_id)
r_dict = self.keep_trying("POST", url, True, self.company_id, payload)
return "BLAH"
def fetch_journal_entries(self, **args):
""" Because of the beautiful way that journal entries are organized
with QB, you're still going to have to filter these results for the
actual entity you're interested in. Luckily it only returns the entries
that are relevant to your search
:param query: a dictionary that includes 'customer', and the QB id of the
if "query" in args:
payload = {}
more = True
counter = 1
journal_entries = []
if "customer" in args['query']:
payload = {
"Filter":"CustomerId :Equals: %s" % (args['query']['customer'])
# payload = {
# "query":"SELECT * FROM JournalEntry",
# }
while more:
payload["ResultsPerPage"] = 30
payload["PageNum"] = counter
# url = self.base_url_v2 + "/resource/journal-entries/v2/%s/" % (self.company_id)
# url = self.base_url_v3 + "/company/%s/query" % (self.company_id)
url = "https://qb.sbfinance.intuit.com/v3/company/184010684/query?query=SELECT%20%2A%20FROM%20JournalEntry&"
r_dict = self.keep_trying("GET", url, True, self.company_id, payload)
more = False
# print r_dict['qbo:SearchResults']['qbo:Count']
counter = counter + 1
# if int(r_dict['qbo:SearchResults']['qbo:Count']) < 30:
# more = False
# journal_entry_set = r_dict['qbo:SearchResults']['qbo:CdmCollections']['JournalEntry']
# journal_entries += [journal_entry_set]
return []
# return r_dict['qbo:SearchResults']['qbo:CdmCollections']['JournalEntry']
elif "pk" in args:
# TODO: Not Tested
url = self.base_url_v2 + "/resource/journal-entry/v2/%s/%s" % ( self.company_id, args['pk'])
r_dict = self.keep_trying("GET", url, True, self.company_id)
return r_dict
url = self.base_url_v2 + "/resource/journal-entries/v2/%s/" % (self.company_id)
r_dict = self.keep_trying("POST", url, True, self.company_id)
print r_dict
return "BLAH"
i'm trying to access twitter using the api
i created an app and checked "Allow this application to be used to Sign in with Twitter", then i followed these steps:
but i'm getting
urllib2.HTTPError: HTTP Error 401: Unauthorized
so i must have done something wrong or missed something
can somebody spot my mistake?
import urllib2
import time
import urllib
import hashlib
import hmac
import base64
def escape(s):
return urllib.quote(s, safe='~')
consumer_key = 'yBsHl3G6MqXx9JpnoLoGbA'
consumer_secret = 'JBk5oUDLSuNAXxdBHrDmoUFxemw7IJ1a2yWPmCydX7w'
http_method = 'POST'
base_url = 'https://api.twitter.com/oauth/request_token'
oauth_token_secret = ''
header = {
'oauth_consumer_key': consumer_key,
'oauth_timestamp': str(int(time.time())),
'oauth_nonce': hashlib.md5(str(time.clock())).hexdigest(),
'oauth_version': '1.0',
'oauth_signature_method': 'HMAC-SHA1'
paramstr = ''
for k in sorted(header):
paramstr = paramstr[:-1]
print paramstr
sig_base_str = http_method.upper()+'&'+escape(base_url)+'&'+escape(paramstr)
print sig_base_str
key = escape(consumer_secret)+'&'+escape(oauth_token_secret)
signature = base64.b64encode(hmac.new(key, sig_base_str, hashlib.sha1).digest())
header['oauth_signature'] = signature
header_str = 'OAuth '
for k in sorted(header):
header_str+=escape(k)+'="'+escape(header[k])+'", '
header_str = header_str[:-2]
print header_str
req=urllib2.Request(base_url, data=urllib.urlencode(data))
req.add_header('Authorization', header_str)
print urllib2.urlopen(req).read()
i know there are libs for doing this, but i would like to write my own code for testing purposes
i solved it myself. the twitter docs are not 100% correct.
for example here
they say that the authorization header should look like this
OAuth oauth_nonce="K7ny27JTpKVsTgdyLdDfmQQWVLERj2zAK5BslRsqyw", oauth_callback="http%3A%2F%2Fmyapp.com%3A3005%2Ftwitter%2Fprocess_callback", oauth_signature_method="HMAC-SHA1", oauth_timestamp="1300228849", oauth_consumer_key="OqEqJeafRSF11jBMStrZz", oauth_signature="Pc%2BMLdv028fxCErFyi8KXFM%2BddU%3D", oauth_version="1.0"
but this is wrong, you should not add oauth_callback="http%3A%2F%2Fmyapp.com%3A3005%2Ftwitter%2Fprocess_callback" to the authorization header
from rauth.service import OAuth1Service
class TwitterClient:
KNOWN_USERS = ['177512438-pJTdMgOPLJ8hCQFfDbPmkU3LRcCSHZd5VqoM3WaY', '7Z50XjV1CqDF1753Rzd4MkzSYN1oCY2FaaFtAZU']
def __init__(self):
# Get a real consumer key & secret from https://dev.twitter.com/apps/new
self.twitter = OAuth1Service(
#self.KNOWN_USERS = ['177512438-pJTdMgOPLJ8hCQFfDbPmkU3LRcCSHZd5VqoM3WaY', '7Z50XjV1CqDF1753Rzd4MkzSYN1oCY2FaaFtAZU']
def new_session(self):
request_token, request_token_secret = self.twitter.get_request_token()
authorize_url = self.twitter.get_authorize_url(request_token)
print 'Visit this URL in your browser: ' + authorize_url
pin = raw_input('Enter PIN from browser: ')
session = self.twitter.get_auth_session(request_token,
data={'oauth_verifier': pin})
print session.access_token, session.access_token_secret # Save this to database
return session
def reuse_session(self, user2):
access_token = user2[0]
access_token_secret = user2[1]
session = self.twitter.get_session((access_token, access_token_secret))
return session
def init_session(self, user2):
if user2[0] == self.KNOWN_USERS[0] and user2[1] == self.KNOWN_USERS[1] : session = self.reuse_session(user2)
else : session = self.new_session()
return session
def list_tweets(self, user2):
session = self.init_session(user2)
params = {'include_rts': 1, # Include retweets
'count': 10} # 10 tweets
r = session.get('statuses/home_timeline.json', params=params)
for i, tweet in enumerate(r.json(), 1):
handle = tweet['user']['screen_name'].encode('utf-8')
text = tweet['text'].encode('utf-8')
print '{0}. #{1} - {2}'.format(i, handle, text)
tc = TwitterClient()
user1 = ['177512438-pJTdMgOPLJ8hCQFfDbPmkU3LRcCSHZd5VqoM3WaY', '7Z50XjV1CqDF1753Rzd4MkzSYN1oCY2FaaFtAZU']
tc.list_tweets( user1 )
But this gives the following error in line 50:
string indices must be integer
So instead I write this:
from rauth.service import OAuth1Service
class TwitterClient:
KNOWN_USERS = { # (access_token, access_token_secret)
'user1' : ('177512438-pJTdMgOPLJ8hCQFfDbPmkU3LRcCSHZd5VqoM3WaY', '7Z50XjV1CqDF1753Rzd4MkzSYN1oCY2FaaFtAZU')
def __init__(self):
# Get a real consumer key & secret from https://dev.twitter.com/apps/new
self.twitter = OAuth1Service(
def new_session(self):
request_token, request_token_secret = self.twitter.get_request_token()
authorize_url = self.twitter.get_authorize_url(request_token)
print 'Visit this URL in your browser: ' + authorize_url
pin = raw_input('Enter PIN from browser: ')
session = self.twitter.get_auth_session(request_token,
data={'oauth_verifier': pin})
print session.access_token, session.access_token_secret # Save this to database
return session
def reuse_session(self, user1):
access_token, access_token_secret = self.KNOWN_USERS[user1]
session = self.twitter.get_session((access_token, access_token_secret))
return session
def init_session(self, user1):
if user1 in self.KNOWN_USERS : session = self.reuse_session(user1)
else : session = self.new_session()
return session
def list_tweets(self, user1):
session = self.reuse_session(user1)
params = {'include_rts': 1, # Include retweets
'count': 10} # 10 tweets
r = session.get('statuses/home_timeline.json', params=params)
print r.json
#for i, tweet in enumerate(r.json(), 1):
#handle = tweet['user']['screen_name'].encode('utf-8')
#text = tweet['text'].encode('utf-8')
#print '{0}. - {2}'.format(i, text)
tc = TwitterClient()
But I get the following error:
<bound method Response.json of <Response [401]>>
With the minimal information you've given us, I'm guessing your GET request is failing, causing you to receive a JSON object that looks like this:
{"errors":[{"message":"Bad Authentication data","code":215}]}
This will decode as a dictionary, and when you iterate over it you'll get the keys in the dictionary, which are strings. When you attempt to index into those strings using dictionary keys, you'll get the error that you can only index into strings (or any sequences) using integers.
Verify this by printing r.json() before iterating over it. Fix it by reading the error message you're getting back and remedying the problem it's reporting to you.
Okay so I'm using code very similar to this (https://gist.github.com/metadaddy-sfdc/1374762)
to get authentication token and do simple query's using the libur2 for the rest api in python for a sales force database, but when I tried to follow the instructions which were given in this answer How to make HTTP DELETE method using urllib2?,
I cannot get it to work so that I can use delete, both codes use liburl but they seem to be in different format, so that I don't know how to apply the solution offered on stack exchange, to my code, as you can tell I am a beginner so any help would be greatly appreciated
here is the code I'm using with keys/passwords blanked
import urllib
import urllib2
import json
import pprint
import re
import subprocess
def authorise():
consumer_key = '**********************'
consumer_secret = '**************'
username = '***********'
password = '*****************'
login_server = 'https://login.salesforce.com'
token_url = login_server+'/services/oauth2/token'
params = urllib.urlencode({
'grant_type': 'password',
'client_id': consumer_key,
'client_secret': consumer_secret,
'username': username,
'password': password
data = urllib2.urlopen(token_url, params).read()
oauth = json.loads(data)
return oauth
def country_id_query(params):
query_url = oauth['instance_url']+'/services/data/v23.0/query?%s' % params
headers = {
'Authorization': 'OAuth '+oauth['access_token']
req = urllib2.Request(query_url, None, headers)
data = urllib2.urlopen(req).read()
result = json.loads(data)
id = result['records'][0]['Id']
return id
oauth = authorise()
token = oauth['access_token']
print "\ntoken is = " + token
params = urllib.urlencode({
'q': 'SELECT id from Country__c WHERE name = \'A New Found Land\''
id = country_id_query(params)
print "\nCountry id is "+id + "\n"
I am looking to find out what I need to add to this to get DELETE working
Okay, found the solution to above for anyone with a similar problem:
def delete_country(id):
query_url = oauth['instance_url']+'/services/data/v23.0/sobjects/Country__c/%s' % id + '/'
headers = {
'Authorization': 'OAuth '+oauth['access_token']
opener = urllib2.build_opener(urllib2.HTTPHandler)
req = urllib2.Request(query_url, None, headers)
req.get_method = lambda: 'DELETE' # creates the delete method
url = urllib2.urlopen(req) # deletes database item