I have searched many ways of making histograms centered around tick marks but not able to find a solution that works with seaborn displot. The function displot lets me stack the histogram according to a column in the dataframe and thus would prefer a solution using displot or something that allows stacking based on a column in a data frame with color-coding as with palette.
Even after setting the tick values, I am not able to get the bars to center around the tick marks.
Example code
# Center the histogram on the tick marks
tips = sns.load_dataset('tips')
hue="day", multiple = 'stack', data=tips)
plt.xticks(np.arange(0, 50, 5))
I would also like to plot a histogram of a variable that takes a single value and choose the bin width of the resulting histogram in such a way that it is centered around the value. (0.5 in this example.)
I can get the center point by choosing the number of bins equal to a number of tick marks but the resulting bar is very thin. How can I increase the bin size in this case, where there is only one bar but want to display all the other possible points. By displaying all the tick marks, the bar width is very tiny.
I want the same centering of the bar at the 0.5 tick mark but make it wider as it is the only value for which counts are displayed.
Any solutions?
tips['single'] = 0.5
hue="day", multiple = 'stack', data=tips, bins = 10)
plt.xticks(np.arange(0, 1, 0.1))
Would it be possible to have more control over the tick marks in the second case? I would not want to display the round off to 1 decimal place but chose which of the tick marks to display. Is it possible to display just one value in the tick mark and have it centered around that?
Does the min_val and max_val in this case refer to value of the variable which will be 0 in this case and then the x axis would be plotted on negative values even when there are none and dont want to display them.
For your first problem, you may want to figure out a few properties of the data that your plotting. For example the range of the data. Additionally, you may want to choose beforehand the number of bins that you want displayed.
tips = sns.load_dataset('tips')
min_val = tips.total_bill.min()
max_val = tips.total_bill.max()
val_width = max_val - min_val
n_bins = 10
bin_width = val_width/n_bins
hue="day", multiple = 'stack', data=tips,
bins=n_bins, binrange=(min_val, max_val),
plt.xlim(0, 55) # Define x-axis limits
Another thing to remember is that width a of a bar in a histogram identifies the bounds of its range. So a bar spanning [2,5] on the x-axis implies that the values represented by that bar belong to that range.
Considering this, it is easy to formulate a solution. Assume that we want the original bar graphs - identifying the bounds of each bar graph, one solution may look like
plt.xticks(np.arange(min_val-bin_width, max_val+bin_width, bin_width))
Now, if we offset the ticks by half a bin-width, we will get to the centers of the bars.
plt.xticks(np.arange(min_val-bin_width/2, max_val+bin_width/2, bin_width))
For your single value plot, the idea remains the same. Control the bin_width and the x-axis range and ticks. Bin-width has to be controlled explicitly since automatic inference of bin-width will probably be 1 unit wide which on the plot will have no thickness. Histogram bars always indicate a range - even though when we have just one single value. This is illustrated in the following example and figure.
single_val = 23.5
tips['single'] = single_val
bin_width = 4
fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 2, sharey=True, figsize=(12,4)) # Get 2 subplots
# Case 1 - With the single value as x-tick label on subplot 0
hue="day", multiple = 'stack', data=tips,
binwidth=bin_width, binrange=(single_val-bin_width, single_val+bin_width),
ticks = [single_val, single_val+bin_width] # 2 ticks - given value and given_value + width
title='Given value as tick-label starts the bin on x-axis',
xlim=(0, int(single_val*2)+bin_width)) # x-range such that bar is at middle of x-axis
# Case 2 - With centering on the bin starting at single-value on subplot 1
hue="day", multiple = 'stack', data=tips,
binwidth=bin_width, binrange=(single_val-bin_width, single_val+bin_width),
ticks = [single_val+bin_width/2] # Just the bin center
title='Bin centre is offset from single_value by bin_width/2',
xlim=(0, int(single_val*2)+bin_width) ) # x-range such that bar is at middle of x-axis
I feel from your description that what you are really implying by a bar graph is a categorical bar graph. The centering is then automatic. Because the bar is not a range anymore but a discrete category. For the numeric and continuous nature of the variable in the example data, I would not recommend such an approach. Pandas provides for plotting categorical bar plots. See here. For our example, one way to do this is as follows:
n_colors = len(tips['day'].unique()) # Get number of uniques categories
agg_df = tips[['single', 'day']].groupby(['day']).agg(
val_count=('single', 'count'),
).reset_index() # Get aggregated information along the categories
agg_df.pivot(columns='day', values='val_count', index='val').plot.bar(
color=sns.color_palette("Paired", n_colors), # Choose "number of days" colors from palette
width=0.05 # Set bar width
This yields:
I am using plotly (python) in Dash to create a bar plot. I want to set the absolute height of the yaxis (not the full plot).
So each bar should have a maximum height of x pixels and the whole plot area including the tick labels can expand as necessary for the labels.
Is this possible?
figure explaining desired height
I have a plotly graph that uses the Dash library to manipulate the x-values on the plot for simple comparison. When x values, in this case countries, is greater than 1, the legend is properly positioned outside of the graph. However, when there is only one country on the plot, the legend covers half of the plot.
I have tried: setting the legend x attribute to 3, x anchor to right, and changing the graph margin to add padding. I haven't found a solution that works.
Below is the section of the code that updates the plotly fig.
window_width = 1500
fig = px.bar(data_frame=dfi5.loc[(value_country)], width=(window_width / 4) * len(value_country))
fig.update_xaxes(showticklabels=True, title='')
fig.update_yaxes(showticklabels=True, title='Percent of Respondents')
fig.update_layout(autosize=False, title_text='Favorite K-Drama by Country', title_x=.46, title_font_size=20,
legend_title_text='Drama Title', margin_r=1, legend_xanchor='right', legend_x=3, legend_itemsizing='constant')
Update: I was able to find a workaround by reducing the legend font size, which reduces the area of the legend. I would be interested to learn if there is a way to explicitly set the location of the legend. The issue seems to occur when the legend area is wider than the plot area.
Is there a way to anchor the ticks and tick labels of the x-axis so that they cross the y-axis at a different location than where the actual x-axis crosses the y-axis? This can basically be accomplished with:
ax = plt.gca()
For example:
Except that I am working with audio file inputs and the y-axis is variable (based on the highest/lowest amplitude of the waveform). Therefore, the maximum and minimum y-axis values change depending on the audio file. I am concerned that pad=NUM will be moving around relative to the y-axis.
Therefore, I am looking for a way to accomplish what pad does, but have the ticks and tick labels be anchored at the minimum y-axis value.
As a bonus, flipping this around so that the y-axis is anchored somewhere differently than the y-axis tick labels would surely benefit someone also.
In my particular case, I have the x-axis crossing the y-axis at y=0. The x-axis ticks and tick labels will sometimes be at -1.0, sometimes at -0.5, sometimes at -0.25, etc. I always know what the minimum value of the y-axis is, and therefore want it to be the anchor point for x-axis ticks and tick labels. (In fact, I am happy to do it with only the x-axis tick labels, if it is possible to treat ticks and tick labels separately). An example of this is shown in this image above (which I accomplished with pad=500).
I looked around other threads and in the documentation, but I'm either missing it or don't know the correct terms to find it.
UPDATE: I added gridlines and was getting very unexpected behavior (e.g. linestyle and linewidth didn't work as expected) due to the top x-axis being shifted. I realized yet a better way - keep the axes (turn off the splines) and simply plot a second line at (0, 0) to (max_time, 0).
ax.plot([0,times[-1]], [0,0], color='k') # Creates a 'false' x-axis at y=0
ax.spines['top'].set_color('none') # Position unchanged
ax.spines['bottom'].set_color('none') # Position unchanged
Figured it out! I was thinking about this the wrong way...
Problem: Moving the bottom x-axis to the center and padding the tick labels
Solution: Keep the bottom x-axis where it is (turn off the bottom spine) and move the top x-axis to the center (keep top spine, but turn off ticks and tick labels).
ax.spines['bottom'].set_color('none') # Position unchanged
plt.setp() as in https://matplotlib.org/stable/gallery/images_contours_and_fields/image_annotated_heatmap.html#sphx-glr-gallery-images-contours-and-fields-image-annotated-heatmap-py solved the problem for me.
I try to label my vertical gridlines in a plot. I have set my xticks and also enabled my vertical grids.
Now my question is:
Is it possible to label the gridlines? For example the gridline vertical from the x value 10 should be labeled 'number 10'. Also the labels should be rotated by 90°.
I tried it with pl.text() but that can't be the best way.
Assuming ax is matplotlib.axes.Axes .
I think what you need is - Axes.set_xticklabels() function. Documentation for that is here.
Example -
ax.set_xticklabels(labels) #labels is a list of strings,that should be the labels for your xticks.