I have two lists .
import numpy
x = numpy.array([7250, ... list of 600 ints ... ,7849])
y = numpy.array([2.4*10**-16, ... list of 600 floats ... , 4.3*10**-16])
They make a U shaped curve.
Now I want to fit a gaussian to that curve.
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
n = len(x)
mean = sum(y)/n
sigma = sum(y - mean)**2/n
def gaus(x,a,x0,sigma,c):
return a*numpy.exp(-(x-x0)**2/(2*sigma**2))+c
popt, pcov = curve_fit(gaus,x,y,p0=[-1,mean,sigma,-5])
I just end up with the noisy original U-shaped curve and a straight horizontal line running through the curve.
I am not sure what the -1 and the -5 represent in the above code but I am sure that I need to adjust them or something else to get the gaussian curve. I have been playing around with possible values but to no avail.
Any ideas?
First of all, your variable sigma is actually variance, i.e. sigma squared --- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Variance#Definition.
This confuses the curve_fit by giving it a suboptimal starting estimate.
Then, your fitting ansatz, gaus, includes an amplitude a and an offset, is this what you actually need? And the starting values are a=-1 (negated bell shape) and offset c=-5. Where do they come from?
Here's what I'd do:
fix your fitting model. Do you want just a gaussian, does it need to be normalized. If it does, then the amplitude a is fixed by sigma etc.
Have a look at the actual data. What's the tail (offset), what's the sign (amplitude sign).
If you're actually want just a gaussian without any bells and whistles, you might not actually need curve_fit: a gaussian is fully defined by two first moments, mean and sigma. Calculate them as you do, plot them over the data and see if you're not all set.
p0 in your call to curve_fit gives the initial guesses for the additional parameters of you function in addition to x. In the above code you are saying that I want the curve_fit function to use -1 as the initial guess for a, -5 as the initial guess for c, mean as the initial guess for x0, and sigma as the guess for sigma. The curve_fit function will then adjust these parameters to try and get a better fit. The problem is your initial guesses at your function parameters are really bad given the order of (x,y)s.
Think a little bit about the order of magnitude of your different parameters for the Gaussian. a should be around the size of your y values (10**-16) as at the peak of the Gaussian the exponential part will never be larger than 1. x0 will give the position within your x values at which the exponential part of your Gaussian will be 1, so x0 should be around 7500, probably somewhere in the centre of your data. Sigma indicates the width, or spread of your Gaussian, so perhaps something in the 100's just a guess. Finally c is just an offset to shift the whole Gaussian up and down.
What I would recommend doing, is before fitting the curve, pick some values for a, x0, sigma, and c that seem reasonable and just plot the data with the Gaussian, and play with a, x0, sigma, and c until you get something that looks at least some what the way you want the Gaussian to fit, then use those as the starting points for curve_fit p0 values. The values I gave should get you started, but may not do exactly what you want. For instance a probably needs to be negative if you want to flip the Gaussian to get a "U" shape.
Also printing out the values that curve_fit thinks are good for your a,x0,sigma, and c might help you see what it is doing and if that function is on the right track to minimizing the residual of the fit.
I have had similar problems doing curve fitting with gnuplot, if the initial values are too far from what you want to fit it goes in completely the wrong direction with the parameters to minimize the residuals, and you could probably do better by eye. Think of these functions as a way to fine tune your by eye estimates of these parameters.
hope that helps
I don't think you are estimating your initial guesses for mean and sigma correctly.
Take a look at the SciPy Cookbook here
I think it should look like this.
x = numpy.array([7250, ... list of 600 ints ... ,7849])
y = numpy.array([2.4*10**-16, ... list of 600 floats ... , 4.3*10**-16])
n = len(x)
mean = sum(x*y)/sum(y)
sigma = sqrt(abs(sum((x-mean)**2*y)/sum(y)))
def gaus(x,a,x0,sigma,c):
return a*numpy.exp(-(x-x0)**2/(2*sigma**2))+c
popy, pcov = curve_fit(gaus,x,y,p0=[-max(y),mean,sigma,min(x)+((max(x)-min(x)))/2])
If anyone has a link to a simple explanation why these are the correct moments I would appreciate it. I am going on faith that SciPy Cookbook got it right.
Here is the solution thanks to everyone .
x = numpy.array([7250, ... list of 600 ints ... ,7849])
y = numpy.array([2.4*10**-16, ... list of 600 floats ... , 4.3*10**-16])
n = len(x)
mean = sum(x)/n
sigma = math.sqrt(sum((x-mean)**2)/n)
def gaus(x,a,x0,sigma,c):
return a*numpy.exp(-(x-x0)**2/(2*sigma**2))+c
popy, pcov = curve_fit(gaus,x,y,p0=[-max(y),mean,sigma,min(x)+((max(x)-min(x)))/2])
Maybe it is because I use matlab and fminsearch or my fits have to work on much fewer datapoints (~ 5-10), I have much better results with the following starter values (as simple as they are):
a = max(y)-min(y);
imax= find(y==max(y),1);
mean = x(imax);
avg = sum(x.*y)./sum(y);
sigma = sqrt(abs(sum((x-avg).^2.*y) ./ sum(y)));
c = min(y);
The sigma works fine.
I have data points distributed in this manner:
Now, I want to fit a smooth Gaussian over it. Can anyone tell me what would be the best way to fit a smooth Gaussian for these data points
There can't be. It is obviously not a gaussian at all.
You have to find another model. For example, a constant + a gaussian.
In that case, you could, for example, imitate Gaussian fit for Python . Except that in this example, the model is a Gaussian, when in your case it is not.
So what you want to fit with curve_fit looks more like
def GaussPlusConst(x, c, a, x0, sigma):
return c + a * np.exp(-(x - x0)**2 / (2 * sigma**2))
Then, since you have an extra parameter (the constant), you need to call curve_fit with that extra parameter
popt,pcov = curve_fit(Gauss, x, y, p0=[min(y), max(y)-min(y), mean, sigma])
I used a rough adaptation of the initial guess (anyway, it is just an initial guess). Constant is the minimum, since, gaussian is so sharp that it is practically 0 on large part of the chart.
Then amplitude of the gaussian is not just max(y) but max-min (it is the amplitude of what is added to this constant).
Then estimates for mean and sigma should also be adjusted to concern only the gaussian part (what is over the constant)
mean = sum(x*(y-min(y)))/n
sigma = sum((y-min(y))*(x-mean)**2)/n
But that is just an example (my estimate of the constant is very rough. Plus, you may want to change the model. Even that constant+gaussian is not that realistic)
I am experimenting with Python to fit curves to a series of data-points, summary below:
From the below, it would seem that polynomials of order greater than 2 are the best fit, followed by linear and finally exponential which has the overall worst outcome.
While I appreciate this might not be exponential growth, I just wanted to know whether you would expect the exponential function perform so badly (basically the coefficient of x,b, has been set to 0 and an arbitrary point has been picked on the curve to intersect) or if I have somehow done something wrong in my code to fit.
The code I'm using to fit is as follows:
# Fitting
def exponenial_func(x,a,b,c):
return a*np.exp(-b*x)+c
def linear(x,m,c):
return m*x+c
def quadratic(x,a,b,c):
return a*x**2 + b*x+c
def cubic(x,a,b,c,d):
return a*x**3 + b*x**2 + c*x + d
x = np.array(x)
yZero = np.array(cancerSizeMean['levelZero'].values)[start:]
print len(x)
print len(yZero)
popt, pcov = curve_fit(exponenial_func,x, yZero, p0=(1,1,1))
expZeroFit = exponenial_func(x, *popt)
plt.plot(x, expZeroFit, label='Control, Exponential Fit')
popt, pcov = curve_fit(linear, x, yZero, p0=(1,1))
linearZeroFit = linear(x, *popt)
plt.plot(x, linearZeroFit, label = 'Control, Linear')
popt, pcov = curve_fit(quadratic, x, yZero, p0=(1,1,1))
quadraticZeroFit = quadratic(x, *popt)
plt.plot(x, quadraticZeroFit, label = 'Control, Quadratic')
popt, pcov = curve_fit(cubic, x, yZero, p0=(1,1,1,1))
cubicZeroFit = cubic(x, *popt)
plt.plot(x, cubicZeroFit, label = 'Control, Cubic')
*Edit: curve_fit is imported from the scipy.optimize package
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
curve_fit tends to perform poorly if you give it a poor initial guess with functions like the exponential that could end up with very large numbers. You could try altering the maxfev input so that it runs more iterations. otherwise, I would suggest trying with with something like:
-.01, since it ~doubles from 300 to 500 and you have -b in your eqn, 100 0 since it is ~3000 at 300 (1.5 doublings from 0). See how that turns out
As for why the initial exponential doesn't work at all, your initial guess is b=1, and x is in range of (300,1000) or range. This means python is calculating exp(-300) which either throws an exception or is set to 0. At this point, whether b is increased or decreased, the exponential is going to still be set to 0 for any value in the general vicinity of the initial estimate.
Basically, python uses a numerical method with limited precision, and the exponential estimate went outside of the range of values it can handle
I'm not sure how you're fitting the curves -- are you using polynomial least squares? In that case, you'd expect the fit to improve with each additional degree of flexibility, and you choose the power based on diminishing marginal improvement / outside theory.
The improving fit should look something like this.
I actually wrote some code to do Polynomial Least Squares in python for a class a while back, which you can find here on Github. It's a bit hacky though and loosely commented since I was just using it to solve exercises. Hope it's helpful.
I have a very specific task, where I need to find the slope of my exponential function.
I have two arrays, one denoting the wavelength range between 400 and 750 nm, the other the absorption spectrum. x = wavelengths, y = absorption.
My fit function should look something like that:
y_mod = np.float(a_440) * np.exp(-S*(x - 440.))
where S is the slope and in the image equals 0.016, which should be in the range of S values I should get (+/- 0.003). a_440 is the reference absorption at 440 nm, x is the wavelength.
Modelled vs. original plot:
I would like to know how to define my function in order to get an exponential fit (not on log transformed quantities) of it without guessing beforehand what the S value is.
What I've tried so far was to define the function in such way:
def func(x, a, b):
return a * np.exp(-b * (x-440))
And it gives pretty nice matches
fitted vs original.
What I'm not sure is whether this approach is correct or should I do it differently?
How would one use also the least squares or the absolute differences in y approaches for minimization in order to remove the effect of overliers?
Is it possible to also add random noise to the data and recompute the fit?
Your situation is the same as the one described in the documentation for scipy's curve_fit.
The problem you're incurring is that your definition of the function accepts only one argument when it should receive three: x (the independent variable where the function is evaluated), plus a_440 and S.
Cleaning a bit, the function should be more like this.
def func(x, A, S):
return A*np.exp(-S*(x-440.))
It might be that you run into a warning about the covariance matrix. you solve that by providing a decent starting point to the curve_fit through the argument p0 and providing a list. For example in this case p0=[1,0.01] and in the fitting call it would look like the following
curve_fit(func, x, y, p0=[1,0.01])
Suppose 'h' is a function of x,y,z and t and it gives us a graph line (t,h) (simulated). At the same time we also have observed graph (observed values of h against t). How can I reduce the difference between observed (t,h) and simulated (t,h) graph by optimizing values of x,y and z? I want to change the simulated graph so that it imitates closer and closer to the observed graph in MATLAB/Python. In literature I have read that people have done same thing by Lavenberg-marquardt algorithm but don't know how to do it?
You are actually trying to fit the parameters x,y,z of the parametrized function h(x,y,z;t).
You're right that in MATLAB you should either use lsqcurvefit of the Optimization toolbox, or fit of the Curve Fitting Toolbox (I prefer the latter).
Looking at the documentation of lsqcurvefit:
x = lsqcurvefit(fun,x0,xdata,ydata);
It says in the documentation that you have a model F(x,xdata) with coefficients x and sample points xdata, and a set of measured values ydata. The function returns the least-squares parameter set x, with which your function is closest to the measured values.
Fitting algorithms usually need starting points, some implementations can choose randomly, in case of lsqcurvefit this is what x0 is for. If you have
h = #(x,y,z,t) ... %// actual function here
t_meas = ... %// actual measured times here
h_meas = ... %// actual measured data here
then in the conventions of lsqcurvefit,
fun <--> #(params,t) h(params(1),params(2),params(3),t)
x0 <--> starting guess for [x,y,z]: [x0,y0,z0]
xdata <--> t_meas
ydata <--> h_meas
Your function h(x,y,z,t) should be vectorized in t, such that for vector input in t the return value is the same size as t. Then the call to lsqcurvefit will give you the optimal set of parameters:
x = lsqcurvefit(#(params,t) h(params(1),params(2),params(3),t),[x0,y0,z0],t_meas,h_meas);
h_fit = h(x(1),x(2),x(3),t_meas); %// best guess from curve fitting
In python, you'd have to use the scipy.optimize module, and something like scipy.optimize.curve_fit in particular. With the above conventions you need something along the lines of this:
import scipy.optimize as opt
popt,pcov = opt.curve_fit(lambda t,x,y,z: h(x,y,z,t), t_meas, y_meas, p0=[x0,y0,z0])
Note that the p0 starting array is optional, but all parameters will be set to 1 if it's missing. The result you need is the popt array, containing the optimal values for [x,y,z]:
x,y,z = popt
h_fit = h(x,y,z,t_meas)
So I've got a signal, and I've tried fitting a curve to it using two methods that I thought should have been numerically equivalent, but apparently are not.
Method 1: Explicit fitting of sinusoids by least squares:
def curve(x, a0, a1, b1, a2, b2):
return a0 + a1*np.cos(x/720*2*math.pi) + b1*np.sin(x/720*2*math.pi) + a2*np.cos(x/720*2*math.pi*2) + b2*np.sin(x/720*2*math.pi*2)
def fit_curve(xdata, ydata):
guess = [10, 0, 0, 0, 0]
params, params_covariance = optimize.curve_fit(curve, xdata, ydata, guess)
return params, params_covariance
Method 2: Use of inbuilt FFT algorithm to do the same thing:
f = np.fft.rfft(y,3)
curve = np.fft.irfft(f, width)
I have two problems. The first one is minor, the FFT is 'out of scale', so I apply a scaling factor mean(y)/mean(curve) to fix it, which is a bit of a hack. I'm not sure why this is the case.
The main problem I have is that I believe these should produce almost identical results, but they don't. The explicit fitting produces a tighter fit every time than the FFT results- my question is, should it?
One can find discrete fourier transform coefficients using linear algebra, though I imagine it's only useful to understand the DFT better. The code below demonstrates this. To find coefficients and phases for a sine series will take a little bit more work, but shouldn't be too hard. The Wikipedia article cited in the code comments might help.
Note that one doesn't need scipy.optimize.curve_fit, or even linear least-squares. In fact, although I've used numpy.linalg.solve below, that is unnecessary since basis is a unitary matrix times a scale factor.
from __future__ import division, print_function
import numpy
# points in time series
n= 101
# final time (initial time is 0)
tfin= 10
# *end of changeable parameters*
# stepsize
dt= tfin/(n-1)
# sample count
s= numpy.arange(n)
# signal; somewhat arbitrary
y= numpy.sinc(dt*s)
fy= numpy.fft.fft(y)
# frequency spectrum in rad/sample
wps= numpy.linspace(0,2*numpy.pi,n+1)[:-1]
# basis for DFT
# see, e.g., http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Discrete_Fourier_transform#equation_Eq.2
# and section "Properties -> Orthogonality"; the columns of 'basis' are the u_k vectors
# described there
basis= 1.0/n*numpy.exp(1.0j * wps * s[:,numpy.newaxis])
# reconstruct signal from DFT coeffs and basis
recon_y= numpy.dot(basis,fy)
# expect yerr to be "small"
yerr= numpy.max(numpy.abs(y-recon_y))
# find coefficients by fitting to basis
lin_fy= numpy.linalg.solve(basis,y)
# fyerr should also be "small"
fyerr= numpy.max(numpy.abs(fy-lin_fy))
On my system this gives
yerr: 2.20721480995e-14
fyerr 1.76885950227e-13
Tested on Ubuntu 14.04 with Python 2.7 and 3.4.
Take a look at the docstring for np.fft.rfft. In particular, this: "If n is smaller than the length of the input, the input is cropped." When you do this:
f = np.fft.rfft(y,3)
you are computing the FFT of the first three data points in y, not the first three Fourier coefficients of y.