Python Whitespace Issues - python

I have a py script which amongst other things parses a value from a HTML table using BeautifulSoup.
The value which is being returned (outTempReal) seems to have some whitespace after the value. I know this due to the print I use...
print "Temp 1 =", avgtemperatures[0],
print "Temp 2 =", avgtemperatures[1],
print "Temp 3 =", avgtemperatures[2],
print "Temp 4 =", avgtemperatures[3],
print "Temp 5 =", avgtemperatures[4],
print "Outside Temp =", outTempReal,
print "METAR Temp =", currentTemp,
print "Plant Room Temp =", avgtemperatures[5],
print "Flow Temp =", avgtemperatures[6],
print "Return Temp =", avgtemperatures[7]
Which returns the following...
Temp 1 = 79.625 Temp 2 = 79.1456666667 Temp 3 = 31.229 Temp 4 = 28.125 Temp 5 = 27.2706666667 Outside Temp = 4.8 METAR Temp = 5 Plant Room Temp = 16.7913333333 Flow Temp = 13.875 Return Temp = 18.312
You can see that after the Outside Temp = 4.8 there is whitespace before the next print value.
This is the code used to get the value in the first place...
table = soup.find('table')
for row in table.findAll('tr')[1:]:
col = row.findAll('td')
if len(col) >= 2:
time = col[1].string
temp = col[2].string
outTempReal = re.sub(r'[^0-9\-\d.\s+]',' ', temp)
I have tried the following two methods to remove the whitespace but no joy...
re.sub('\s+',' ',outTempReal)
I really need this value to be just the decimal number because it is used to update a RRD.
Can anyone help?

.rstrip() will trim any trailing whitespace:
>>> thing = 'value '
>>> thing
'value '
>>> thing.rstrip()


How do I read, loop, compare, manipulate and write CSV File in Python 2 correct

I tried a lot now, and also read a lot the past days, but I can't come up with a correct solution to my problem. Maybe someone can give me helping hand.
I have to CSV Files where wdw_clip_db_2018-01-17_2 (4720 lines) should have all data and wdw_content_complete (2752 lines) only a subset.
What I need to come up with is are the following csv files readable by Excel:
Where wdw_clean_assets holds every line which matches the file and the external_refernce (e.g. 0_7cjgob0v).
Where wdw_to_add_ext_refs holds every line which matches the file but has a NULL in the external_reference field. The NULL is replaced with the external reference found in wdw_clip_db_2018-01-17_2.csv.
When I compare the number of lines, there seam to be lines in wdw_content_complete.csv which are not in wdw_clip_db_2018-01-17_2.csv. To be honest this shouldn't be so I need to find out what's wrong with these lines. Therefore I need to put the Rest of wdw_content_complete.csv in a new CSV file.
And finally I need the Rest of both CSVs wdw_clip_db_2018-01-17_2.csv and wdw_content_complete.csv in two separate CSVs. Therefore I tried to somehow substract one list from another which unfortunately also doesn't work correct.
What I got so far is this Python Script:
import csv
# CSV Files
# wdw_clip_db_2018-01-17_2.csv
# wdw_content_complete.csv
# Reading the CSV Files
hansi_assets = []
with open('wdw_clip_db_2018-01-17_2.csv') as hansi_db:
reader = csv.reader(hansi_db)
for row in reader:
mediahub_assets = []
with open('wdw_content_complete.csv') as mediahub_db:
reader = csv.reader(mediahub_db)
for row in reader:
clean_asset = []
clean_assets = []
to_add_ext_ref = []
to_add_ext_refs = []
to_clean_assets = []
hansi_assets_rest = []
mediahub_assets_rest = []
hansi_assets_rm = []
mediahub_assets_rm = []
num_clean_rwos = 0
num_to_clean_rows = 0
num_to_add_ext_refs = 0
num_dirty_rows = 0
num_hansi_iterations = 0
num_mediahub_iterations = 0
num_mediahub_null = 0
num_hansi_mediahub_matches = 0
# Looping over the CSV Files
for hansi_asset in hansi_assets:
num_hansi_iterations += 1
for mediahub_asset in mediahub_assets:
num_mediahub_iterations += 1
# Checking if there are similar, clean entries
if hansi_asset[2] == mediahub_asset[1] or hansi_asset[3] == mediahub_asset[1] and hansi_asset[1] == mediahub_asset[2]:
# Counting for evaluation reasons
num_clean_rwos += 1
# Checking if there are entries which miss the Ext_Ref field and replacing the NULL by the corresponding Ext_Ref in the hansi_asset
elif hansi_asset[2] == mediahub_asset[1] or hansi_asset[3] == mediahub_asset[1] and mediahub_asset[2] == "NULL":
to_add_ext_ref = [mediahub_asset[1], hansi_asset[1]]
# Counting for evaluation reasons
num_to_add_ext_refs += 1
# Checking if there are entries that don't match
elif hansi_asset[2] != mediahub_asset[1] or hansi_asset[3] != mediahub_asset[1]:
to_clean_assets.append([mediahub_asset[1], mediahub_asset[2]])
# Counting for evaluation reasons
num_to_clean_rows += 1
# Creating a list to substract from its origin to get the Rest
# Just counting the Matches
for hansi_asset in hansi_assets:
for mediahub_asset in mediahub_assets:
if hansi_asset[2] == mediahub_asset[1] or hansi_asset[3] == mediahub_asset[1]:
num_hansi_mediahub_matches += 1
# Just counting the NULLs
for mediahub_asset in mediahub_assets:
num_mediahub_iterations += 1
if mediahub_asset[2] == "NULL":
num_mediahub_null += 1
# for mediahub_asset_rm in mediahub_assets_rm:
# if mediahub_asset[1] != mediahub_asset_rm[1]:
# mediahub_assets_rest = Diff(mediahub_assets, mediahub_assets_rm)
# Trying to substract medihub_assets_rm from mediahub_assets to get the Rest
mediahub_assets_rest = [item for item in mediahub_assets_rm if item not in mediahub_assets]
hansi_assets_rest = [item for item in hansi_assets_rm if item not in hansi_assets]
# Printing some lines for evaluation
print hansi_assets[1]
print mediahub_assets[1]
print clean_assets[1]
print to_clean_assets[1]
print to_add_ext_refs[1]
print hansi_assets_rest[1]
print mediahub_assets_rest[1]
print hansi_assets_rm[1]
print mediahub_assets_rm[1]
print "Num Hansi Assets: " + str(len(hansi_assets))
print "Num Mediahub Assets: " + str(len(mediahub_assets))
print "Num Clean Assets: " + str(len(clean_assets))
print "Num Hansi Assets to remove: " + str(len(hansi_assets_rm))
print "Num Mediahub Assets to remove: " + str(len(mediahub_assets_rm))
print "Num Hansi Rest Assets: " + str(len(hansi_assets_rest))
print "Num Mediahub Rest Assets: " + str(len(mediahub_assets_rest))
print "Num Mediahub NULLs: " + str(num_mediahub_null)
print "Num Hansi Mediahub Matches: " + str(num_hansi_mediahub_matches)
print "Num Clean Rows: " + str(num_clean_rwos)
print "Num To Clean Rows: " + str(num_to_clean_rows)
print "Num To Add Ext_Ref: " + str(num_to_add_ext_refs)
print "Num Dirty Rows: " + str(num_dirty_rows)
print "Num Hansi Iterations: " + str(num_hansi_iterations)
print "Num Mediahub Iterations: " + str(num_mediahub_iterations / num_hansi_iterations)
# Writing clean_assets to a file
wdw_clean_assets = []
with open('wdw_clean_assets.csv', 'w') as wdw_clean_assets:
writer = csv.writer(wdw_clean_assets)
for row in clean_assets:
wdw_to_add_ext_refs =[]
with open('wdw_to_add_ext_refs.csv', 'w') as wdw_to_add_ext_refs:
writer = csv.writer(wdw_to_add_ext_refs)
for row in to_add_ext_refs:
wdw_to_clean_assets = []
with open('wdw_to_clean_assets.csv', 'w') as wdw_to_clean_assets:
writer = csv.writer(wdw_to_clean_assets)
for row in to_clean_assets:
wdw_hansi_assets_rest = []
with open('wdw_hansi_assets_rest.csv', 'w') as wdw_hansi_assets_rest:
writer = csv.writer(wdw_hansi_assets_rest)
for row in hansi_assets_rest:
wdw_mediahub_assets_rest = []
with open('wdw_mediahub_assets_rest.csv', 'w') as wdw_mediahub_assets_rest:
writer = csv.writer(wdw_mediahub_assets_rest)
for row in mediahub_assets_rest:
Any help appreciated!

Python parsing csv file to store in file

I have not used Python in years and trying to get back into it. I have a Input_file (.csv) that I want to parse and store the output in a output.csv or .txt
I have managed to parse the .csv file using this code, and for the most part the it works but I cant get it save to save to file (Issue 1) without getting the below error (error 1)
import csv
import re
import itertools
file_name = 'PhoneCallData1.txt'
lol = list(csv.reader(open(file_name, 'r'), delimiter=' '))
count =0
print('File cannot be opened:',file_name)
fout = open('output.txt','w')
Print("File cannot be written to:","OutputFile")
d = dict()
for item in itertools.chain(lol): # Lists all items (field) in the CSV file.
count +=1 # counter to keep track of row im looping through
if lol[count][3] is None:
print("value is not blank")
count +=1
check_date ='(\d+/\d+/\d+)', lol[count][3]) # check to determine if date is a date
check_cost = re.compile(r'($+\d*)', lol[count][9]) # check to determine if value is a cost
if check_date ==TRUE:
key =lol[count][3] # If is a date value, store key
except ValueError:
if check_cost==TRUE:
value = lol[count][9] # if is a cost ($) store value
d[key] = value
print (d[key])
# fout.write((d[key])
# What if there is no value in the cell?
# I keep getting "IndexError: list index out of range", anyone know why?
# Is there a better way to do this?
# I only want to store the destination and the charge
and now comes the complicated part. The file I need to parse has a number of irrelevant rows of data before and in between the required data.
Data Format
What I want to do;
I want to iterate over two columns of data, and only store the rows that have a date or cost in them, dis-guarding the rest of the data.
import csv
import re
import itertools
lol = list(csv.reader(open('PhoneCallData1.txt', 'r'), delimiter=' '))
count =0
d = dict()
for item in itertools.chain(lol): #Lists all items (field) in the CSV file.
count +=1 # counter to keep track of row im looping through
check_date ='(\d+/\d+/\d+)', lol[count][3]) #check to determine
check_cost = re.compile(r'($+\d*)', lol[count][9]) #check to determine if value is a cost
if check_date ==TRUE:
key =lol[count][3] #If is a date value, store key
if check_cost==TRUE:
value = lol[count][9] #if is a cost ($) store value
d[key] = value
print (d[key])
#What if there is no value in the cell?
# I keep getting "IndexError: list index out of range", anyone know why?
# Is there a better way to do this?
# I only want to store the destination and the charges
What I have tried;
I tried to index the data after I loaded it, but that didn't seem to work.
I created this to only look at rows at that were more than a certain length, but its terrible code. I was hoping for something more practical and reusable.
import re
with open('PhoneCallData1.txt','r') as f, open('sample_output.txt','w') as fnew:
for line in f:
if len(line) > 50:
fnew.write(line + '\n')
Import csv
lol = list(csv.reader(open('PhoneCallData1.txt', 'rb'), delimiter='\t'))
#d = dict()
#key = lol[5][0] # cell A7
#value = lol[5][3] # cell D7
#d[key] = value # add the entry to the dictionary
Keep getting index out of bounds errors
import re
import csv'(\d+/\d+/\d+)','testing date 11/12/2017')
Trying to use regex to search for the date in the first column of data.
NOTE: I wanted to try Pandas but I feel I need to start here. Any Help would be awesome.
answer to if next record need to be parsed must be specific, and I have answer a similar question, in the same way, finite-state machine may help
main code is:
state = 'init'
output = []
# for line loop:
if state == 'init': # seek for start parsing
# check if start parsing
state = 'start'
elif state == 'start': # start parsing now
# parsing
# check if need to end parsing
state = 'init'
import csv
import re
import itertools
import timeit
start_time = timeit.default_timer()
# code you want to evaluate
file_name = 'PhoneCallData.txt'
lol = list(csv.reader(open(file_name, 'r'), delimiter=' '))
print('File cannot be opened:', file_name)
fout = open('output.txt','w')
Print("File cannot be written to:","OutputFile")
# I could assign key value pairs and store in dictionry. Then print, search,ect on the dictionary. Version2
# d = dict()
count =0
total = 0
for row in lol: # Lists all items (field) in the CSV file.
count +=1 # counter to keep track of row im looping through
if len(row) == 8:
if row[2].isdigit():
# Remove the $ and convert to float
cost = re.sub('[$]', '', row[7])
# Assign total value
# Calculate total for verification purposes
total = total + float(cost)
total = round(total, 2)
string = str(row[2] + " : " + (row[7]) + " : " + str(total) + "\n")
print (string)
if len(row) == 9:
if row[2].isdigit():
# Remove the $ and convert to float
cost = re.sub('[$]', '', row[8])
# Assign total value
# Calculate total for verification purposes
total = total + float(cost)
total = round(total, 2)
string = str(row[2] + " : " + row[8] + " : " + str(total) + "\n")
if len(row) == 10:
# print (row[2] +":"+ row[9])
# Remove the $ and convert to float
cost = re.sub('[$]', '', row[9])
# Assign total value
# Calculate total for verification purposes
total = total + float(cost)
total = round(total, 2)
string = str(row[2] + " : " + row[9] + " : " + str(total) + "\n")
# Convert to string so I can print and store in file
count_string = str(count)
total_string = str(total)
total_string.split('.', 2)
# Write to screen
print (total_string + " Total\n")
print("Rows parsed :" + count_string)
# write to file
fout.write(count_string + " Rows were parsed\n")
fout.write(total_string + " Total")
# Calcualte time spent on task
elapsed = timeit.default_timer() - start_time
round_elapsed = round(elapsed, 2)
string_elapsed = str(round_elapsed)
print(string_elapsed + " seconds")

remove similar lines in text file

I am not using Python but I have script in python:
part of script
elif line.find("CONECT") > -1:
con = line.split()
line_value = line_value + 1
#print line_value
#print con[2]
line_j = "e" + ', ' + str(line_value) + ', ' + con[2] + "\n"
line_i = "e" + ', ' + str(line_value) + ', ' + con[3] + "\n"
line_k = "e"+ ', ' + str(line_value) + ', ' + con[4] + "\n"
except IndexError:
which give .txt output in format
e, 1, 2
e, 1, 3
e, 1, 4
e, 2, 1
e, 2, 3
I need remove similar lines with the same numbers, but no matter on order this numbers
i.e. line e, 2, 1..
Is it possible?
Of course, it is better to modify your code to remove that lines BEFORE you're writing them to file. You can use a list to store already saved values, and on each itereation, perfom a search if the values you're want to add is already exists in that list. The code below isn't tested and optimized, but it explains an idea:
# 'added = []' should be placed somewhere before 'if'
added = []
# you part of code
elif line.find("CONECT") > -1:
con = line.split()
line_value = line_value + 1
line_j = "e, %s, %s\n" % (str(line_value),con[2])
tmp = sorted((str(line_value),con[2]))
if tmp not in added:
line_i = "e, %s, %s\n" % (str(line_value),con[3])
tmp = sorted((str(line_value),con[3]))
if tmp not in added:
line_k = "e, %s, %s\n" % (str(line_value),con[4])
tmp = sorted((str(line_value),con[4]))
if tmp not in added:
except IndexError:
Here is a comparison method for two lines of your file:
def compare(line1, line2):
els1 = line1.strip().split(', ')
els2 = line2.strip().split(', ')
return Counter(els1) == Counter(els2)
See the documentation for the Counter class.
If the count of elements doesn't matter you can replace the Counter class with set instead
The following approach should work. First add the following line further up in your code:
seen = set()
Then replace everything inside the try with the following code:
for con_value in con[2:5]:
entry = frozenset((line_value, con_value))
if entry not in seen:
line_j = "e" + ', ' + str(line_value) + ', ' + con_value + "\n"
Make sure this code is indented to the same level as the code it replaces.

Python - Variable being printed over string

I am using python 2.7 and i have a problem that i haven't encountered before, when i print a certain string and then a variable on the same line the variable is printed over the string. e.g. the script is coded like so print 'IP Rating = ', ipRating and the output in command prompt will be 'IP20ating = '. I have no idea why this is happening but i have the same code for various variables and string in the same script and they all come out as expected, i have tried renaming the variable and changing the string but there is still no difference, has anybody encoutered this error before or have any ideas why this might be happening? i can post the code if requested.
Many thanks :)
Here is the code - I know i may have repeated myself a few times and there are unneccessary library's in there but the way i work is by importing all libraries i might need and then removing unnecessary code at the end.
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as Soup
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from urllib import urlopen
import webbrowser
import httplib
import urllib2
import urllib
import string
import mylib
import xlrd
import glob
import xlwt
import bs4
import sys
import os
import re
print '\nStarting Web Search'
found = False
while found == False:
excelFile = "F:\\len\\web sheets completed\\csv formatted\\imported\\re-imported\\Import Corrections\\saxby web spreadsheet.xls"
inFi = xlrd.open_workbook(excelFile)
found = True
except IOError:
print 'File not found.'
inFi = xlrd.open_workbook(excelFile)
inWS = inFi.sheet_by_index(0)
headers = mylib.getHeader(inWS)
supplyHead = mylib.findHeader('Supplier Part Ref', headers)
saxbeginurl = ""
badLink = "index.php?pg=search&ser=10180&next=0"
resLink = ""
overCount = 0
for t in range(524,534):
projection = 0
ipRating = 0
diameter = 0
width = 0
weight = 0
length = 0
height = 0
i = 0
w = 0
l = 0
h = 0
d = 0
p = 0
x = 0
iP = 0
wei = 0
imgStock = str(inWS.cell(t, supplyHead).value.encode('latin-1'))
overCount = overCount + 1
print '\n',imgStock
if imgStock == '3TRAWI':
url = ''
elif imgStock == '10313':
url = ''
url = saxbeginurl + imgStock
html_page = urllib2.urlopen(url)
soup = BeautifulSoup(html_page)
img_tags = soup.find_all("img")
the_image_tag = soup.find("img", src='/images/dhl_logo.png')
for dataSheet in soup.find('div',{'class':'panes'}):
#print dataSheet, ' -- ', str(i)
i = i + 1
if i == 4:
reqData = str(dataSheet).split('<img', 1)[0]
first_Data = reqData.replace('<br/>','\n')
second_Data = first_Data.replace('<b>','')
third_Data = second_Data.replace('</b>','')
fourth_Data = third_Data.replace(':',': ')
dataList = fourth_Data.split('\n')
#print dataList
for information in dataList:
if 'Weight' in dataList[wei]:
pre_Weight = dataList[wei]
sec_weight = str(pre_Weight).replace('Weight :','')
weight = sec_weight.replace(' ','')
wei += 1
if 'IP' in dataList[iP]:
ipRating = str(dataList[iP])
iP += 1
for product_Dimensions in dataList:
if 'Product dimensions :' in dataList[x]:
#print dataList[x]
dimensionList = str(dataList[x]).replace('mm','mm:')
#print dimensionList
prelim_Dimensions = dimensionList.replace('Product dimensions :','')
first_Dimensions = prelim_Dimensions.replace('cm','0mm')
sec_Dimensions = first_Dimensions.replace(' ',' ')
third_Dimensions = sec_Dimensions.strip()
dimenList = third_Dimensions.split('mm:')
#print dimenList
for project in dimenList:
if 'Proj' in dimenList[p]:
pre_pro = str(dimenList[p]).replace('Proj','')
sec_pro = pre_pro.replace(':','')
thro_pro = sec_pro.replace(' ','')
projection = thro_pro
elif p == len(dimenList):
print 'Projection not found'
p += 1
for diamet in dimenList:
if 'dia' in dimenList[d]:
pre_dia = str(dimenList[d]).replace('dia','')
sec_dia = pre_dia.replace(':','')
third_dia = sec_dia.replace(' ','')
diameter = third_dia
elif d == len(dimenList):
print 'Diameter not found'
d += 1
for heig in dimenList:
if 'H:' in dimenList[h]:
pre_hei = str(dimenList[h]).replace('H','')
sec_hei = pre_hei.replace(':','')
third_hei = sec_hei.replace(' ','')
height = third_hei
elif h == len(dimenList):
print 'Height not found'
h += 1
for lent in dimenList:
if 'L:' in dimenList[l]:
pre_leng = str(dimenList[l]).replace('L','')
sec_leng = pre_leng.replace(':','')
third_leng = sec_leng.replace(' ','')
length = third_leng
elif l == len(dimenList):
print 'Length not found'
l += 1
for wid in dimenList:
if 'W:' in dimenList[w]:
pre_wid = str(dimenList[w]).replace('W','')
sec_wid = pre_wid.replace(':','')
third_wid = sec_wid.replace(' ','')
width = third_wid
elif w == len(dimenList):
print 'Width not found'
w += 1
x += 1
print 'IP Rating = ', ipRating
print 'Weight = ', weight
print 'Projection = ', projection, 'mm'
print 'Diameter = ',diameter, 'mm'
print 'Length = ',length, 'mm'
print 'Height = ',height, 'mm'
print 'Width = ',width, 'mm'
except TypeError:
print 'Type Error... skipping this product and carrying on.'
Here is an example output
IP44ating =
Weight = .51KGS
Projection = 35 mm
Diameter = 0 mm
Length = 0 mm
Height = 90 mm
Width = 120 mm
I strongly suspect that your data ipRating that you think is IP20 is actually \rIP20. That is: that you have a stray 0x13 carriage return character in there at the start of the variable. The carriage return character is moving the print position to the start of the line and then the variable is overwriting what you printed before.
You can test whether this is the problem by adding the line:
ipRating = ipRating.replace("\r", "")
before your print statement.
This is the proper way to do what you're doing.
print('IP Rating = %s' % ipRating)
print('IP Rating = %d' % ipRating)
That is just one example from all the print statements you have at the end of your code.
If you're putting a string variable in print, use a %s or otherwise use a %d. If you have any more questions just ask.

Working with dictionaries

I have dictionary that takes data from a file and puts it in list. I want to make a search engine that when I type name or quantity or price of a component it will find all with that name and print info that it holds (price, quantity, category).
I just can't make my script read info from lines in the file. The file's text looks like:
AMD A4-3300 2.5GHz 2-Core Fusion APU Box|5.179,00 din|58|opis|Procesor
AMD Athlon II X2 340 3.2GHz Box|4.299,00 din|8|opis|Procesor
INTEL Celeron G465 1.9GHz Box|3.339,00 din|46|opis|Procesor
INTEL Celeron Dual Core G550 2.6GHz Box|1.439,00 din|13|opis|Procesor
Here is my code which should be a search engine for my components, I just don't know how I can take form list data and target that data full info for example I type key word like AMD and seach engine print all AMD components that have AMD in their name or price I put price range and I got all prices in that range. I tried some things but it wont work.Sorry for long time to respond.I translated my code, there may be some lines left out but I hope you get the picture.
def option_p_components():
option = 0
#component = []
components = []
while option == 0 :
option_comp = option_p_components_str()
option_k = int(raw_input("Chose option : ")
print "" \
if option_k != 1 and option_k != 2 :
error = "!!!Error!!!"
error_p = " you typed wrong command please try again ."
print "-" * 80
print "-" * 80
option = 0
if option_k == 1 :
option_p_d = 0
print "Components search "
print"-" * 80
cu = temp_comp(components)
print cu
print "X)Working with components(editing, deleting )"
print"-" * 80
print "1)Change components "
print "2)Editing components"
print "3)Delating componetns"
print "4)Components search "
print "5)Back"
print"-" * 80
option_p_d = int(raw_input("Chose option :"))
if Option_p_d == 2 :
option_d = 0
for I in range(5):
u_component_name = raw_input("Unesite naziv komponente :")
u_component_price= raw_input("Unestie cenu komponente:")
u_component_quantity = raw_input("Unesite kolicinu komponente :")
u_component_opis = raw_input("Unesite opis komponente :")
u_component_category = raw_input("Unesite kategoriju komponente:")
component = {"name_compo":u_komponenta_ime,
upis_komponente = saving_components(component)
print"-" * 80
print "1)New component"
print "2)Back"
print"-" * 80
option_d = int(raw_input("Odaberite opciju :"))
if option_d == 1 :
option_k = 0
elif option_d == 2 :
elif option_k == 2 :
print "Back"
def saving_components(component):
final_komponenta = component["name_compo"] + "|" + component["price"] + "|" + componenta["quantity"] + "|"\
+ component["opis"] + "|" + component["category"]
file = open("Data/component.txt", "a")
def reading_component(component):
file = open("Data/component.txt", "r")
for line in file :
name_comp, price, quantity, opis, category = line.split("|")
komponenta = {"name_compo": name_comp,
"price": price,
"quantity": quantity,
"opis" : opis,
"category": category}
# ovo izvlaci samo pojedinacne vrednosti iz recnika
compon_info = "Name: " + component["name_compo"] + "\n" + "price: " + component["Price"]+"\n" +\
"Quantity:" + component["quantity"] + "\n" + "Opis: " + komponenta["opis"] + \
"\n" + "category: " + component["category"] + "\n"
#print compon_info
#print sortiranje(kompon_info)
#print sorted([compon_info])
#print compon_info.sort()
#Vrti koliko ima u fajlu for ...a to je 7
return component
def temp_comp(components):
def pretraga_po_opisu(komponente):
kolicina = str(raw_input("Unesite kolicinu:"))
for komponenta in komponente:
if komponenta["kolicina"] == kolicina:
print komponenta["kolicina"]
return None
def pera(komponente, cena):
ulaz = input("Unesi")
list = komponente.pera("cena",cena)
All you need is csv.DictReader() together with a sequence of key names for each column:
with open(inputfilename, 'rb') as fileobj:
reader = csv.DictReader(fileobj,
('name_compon', 'price', 'quantity', 'something_else', 'category'),
for row in reader:
print row
where row is the dictionary you wanted.
If you want to look into using zip, you could always use it here:
component_dicts = []
components = ("name_compon", "price", "quanity", "category")
with open('/path/to/data') as f:
for line in f.readlines():
components_dicts.append(dict(zip(components, line.split("|")[:4])))
#slicing the first four elements because you never say which 4 out of 5 you wanted.
for c in components_dict:
print c
Here the line.split("|") method is creating a list of str's, dividing the string being read wherever the "|" character is found.
Then zip will return a list of tuples which you then feed into a dict:
# This is what it would look like after you zip the components tuple and the line.split("|") data
[(name_compon, 'AMD A4-3300 2.5GHz 2-Core Fusion APU Box'), (price, '5.179,00 din'), (quanity, 58), (type, opis)]
