Count how many matrices have full rank for all submatrices - python

I would like to count how many m by n matrices whose elements are 1 or -1 have the property that all its floor(m/2)+1 by n submatrices have full rank. My current method is naive and slow and is in the following python/numpy code. It simply iterates over all matrices and tests all the submatrices.
import numpy as np
import itertools
from scipy.misc import comb
m = 8
n = 4
rowstochoose = int(np.floor(m/2)+1)
maxnumber = comb(m, rowstochoose, exact = True)
matrix_g=(np.array(x).reshape(m,n) for x in itertools.product([-1,1], repeat = m*n))
nofound = 0
for A in matrix_g:
count = 0
for rows in itertools.combinations(range(m), int(rowstochoose)):
if (np.linalg.matrix_rank(A[list(rows)]) == int(min(n,rowstochoose))):
if (count == maxnumber):
print nofound, 2**(m*n)
Is there a better/faster way to do this? I would like to do this calculation for n and m up to 20 but any significant improvements would be great.
Context. I am interested in getting some exact solutions for .
As a data point to compare implementations. n,m = 4,4 should output 26880 . n,m=5,5 is too slow for me to run. For n = 2 and m = 2,3,4,5,6 the outputs should be 8, 0, 96, 0, 1280.
Current status Feb 2, 2014:
The answer of leewangzhong is fast but is not correct for m > n . leewangzhong is considering how to fix it.
The answer of Hooked does not run for m > n .

(Now a partial solution for n = m//2+1, and the requested code.)
Let k := m//2+1
This is somewhat equivalent to asking, "How many collections of m n-dimensional vectors of {-1,1} have no linearly dependent sets of size min(k,n)?"
For those matrices, we know or can assume:
The first entry of every vector is 1 (if not, multiply the whole by -1). This reduces the count by a factor of 2**m.
All vectors in the list are distinct (if not, any submatrix with two identical vectors has non-full rank). This eliminates a lot. There are choose(2**m,n) matrices of distinct vectors.
The list of vectors are sorted lexicographically (rank isn't affected by permutations). So we're really thinking about sets of vectors instead of lists. This reduces the count by a factor of m! (because we require distinctness).
With this, we have a solution for n=4, m=8. There are only eight different vectors with the property that the first entry is positive. There is only one combination (sorted list) of 8 distinct vectors from 8 distinct vectors.
array([[ 1, 1, 1, 1],
[ 1, 1, 1, -1],
[ 1, 1, -1, 1],
[ 1, 1, -1, -1],
[ 1, -1, 1, 1],
[ 1, -1, 1, -1],
[ 1, -1, -1, 1],
[ 1, -1, -1, -1]], dtype=int8)
100 size-4 combinations from this list have rank 3. So there are 0 matrices with the property.
For a more general solution:
Note that there are 2**(n-1) vectors with first coordinate -1, and choose(2**(n-1),m) matrices to inspect. For n=8 and m=8, there are 128 vectors, and 1.4297027e+12 matrices. It might help to answer, "For i=1,...,k, how many combinations have rank i?"
Alternatively, "What kind of matrices (with the above assumptions) have less than full rank?" And I think the answer is exactly, A sufficient condition is, "Two columns are multiples of each other". I have a feeling that this is true, and I tested this for all 4x4, 5x5, and 6x6 matrices.(Must've screwed up the tests) Since the first column was chosen to be homogeneous, and since all homogeneous vectors are multiples of each other, any submatrix of size k with a homogeneous column other than the first column will have rank less than k.
This is not a necessary condition, though. The following matrix is singular (first plus fourth is equal to third plus second).
array([[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, -1],
[ 1, 1, -1, -1, 1],
[ 1, 1, -1, -1, -1],
[ 1, -1, 1, -1, 1]], dtype=int8)
Since there are only two possible values (-1 and 1), all mxn matrices where m>2, k := m//2+1, n = k and with first column -1 have a majority member in each column (i.e. at least k members are the same). So for n=k, the answer is 0.
For n<=8, here's code to generate the vectors.
from numpy import unpackbits, arange, uint8, int8
#all distinct n-length vectors from -1,1 with first entry -1
def nvectors(n):
if n > 8:
raise ValueError #is that the right error?
return -1 + 2 * (
#explode binary numbers to arrays of 8 zeroes and ones
unpackbits(arange(2**(n-1),dtype=uint8)) #unpackbits only takes uint
.reshape((-1,8)) #unpackbits flattens, so we need to shape it to 8 bits
[:,-n:] #only take the last n bytes
.view(int8) #need signed
Matrix generator:
#generate all length-m matrices that are combinations of distinct n-vectors
def matrix_g(n,m):
return (array(mat) for mat in combinations(nvectors(n),m))
The following is a function to check that all submatrices of length maxrank have full rank. It stops if any have less than maxrank, instead of checking all combinations.
rankof = np.linalg.matrix_rank
#all submatrices of at least half size have maxrank
#(we only need to check the maxrank-sized matrices)
def halfrank(matrix,maxrank):
return all(rankof(submatr) == maxrank for submatr in combinations(matrix,maxrank))
Generate all matrices that have all half-matrices with full rank
def nicematrices(m,n):
maxrank = min(m//2+1,n)
return (matr for matr in matrix_g(n,m) if halfrank(matr,maxrank))
Putting it all together:
import numpy as np
from numpy import unpackbits, arange, uint8, int8, array
from itertools import combinations
#all distinct n-length vectors from -1,1 with first entry -1
def nvectors(n):
if n > 8:
raise ValueError #is that the right error?
if n==0:
return array([])
return -1 + 2 * (
#explode binary numbers to arrays of 8 zeroes and ones
unpackbits(arange(2**(n-1),dtype=uint8)) #unpackbits only takes uint
.reshape((-1,8)) #unpackbits flattens, so we need to shape it to 8 bits
[:,-n:] #only take the last n bytes
.view(int8) #need signed
#generate all length-m matrices that are combinations of distinct n-vectors
def matrix_g(n,m):
return (array(mat) for mat in combinations(nvectors(n),m))
rankof = np.linalg.matrix_rank
#all submatrices of at least half size have maxrank
#(we only need to check the maxrank-sized matrices)
def halfrank(matrix,maxrank):
return all(rankof(submatr) == maxrank for submatr in combinations(matrix,maxrank))
#generate all matrices that have all half-matrices with full rank
def nicematrices(m,n):
maxrank = min(m//2+1,n)
return (matr for matr in matrix_g(n,m) if halfrank(matr,maxrank))
#returns (number of nice matrices, number of all matrices)
def count_nicematrices(m,n):
from math import factorial
return (len(list(nicematrices(m,n)))*factorial(m)*2**m, 2**(m*n))
for i in range(0,6):
print (i, count_nicematrices(i,i))
count_nicematrices(5,5) takes about 15 seconds for me, the vast majority of which is taken by the matrix_rank function.

Since no one's answered yet, here's an answer without code. The useful symmetries that I see are as follows.
Multiply a row by -1.
Multiply a column by -1.
Permute the rows.
Permute the columns.
I would attack this problem by exhaustively generating the non-isomorphs, filtering them, and summing the sizes of their orbits. nauty will be quite useful for the first and third steps. Assuming that most matrices have few symmetries (undoubtedly an excellent assumption for n large, but it's not obvious a priori how large), I would expect 8x8 to be doable, 9x9 to be borderline, and 10x10 to be out of reach.
Expanded pseudocode:
Generate one representative of each orbit of the (m - 1) by (n - 1) 0-1 matrices acted upon by the group generated by row and column permutations, together with the size of the orbit (= (m - 1)! (n - 1)! / the size of the automorphism group). Perhaps the author of the paper that Tim linked would be willing to share his code; otherwise, see below.
For each matrix, replace entries x by (-1)^x. Add one row and one column of 1s. Multiply the size of its orbit by 2^(m + n - 1). This takes care of the sign change symmetries.
Filter the matrices and sum the orbit sizes of the ones that remain. You might save a little computation time here by implementing Gram--Schmidt yourself so that when you try all combinations in lexicographic order there's an opportunity to reuse partial results for the shared prefixes.
Isomorph-free enumeration:
McKay's template can be used to generate the representatives for (m + 1) by n 0-1 matrices from the representatives for m by n 0-1 matrices, in a manner amenable to depth-first search. With each m by n 0-1 matrix, associate a bipartite graph with m black vertices, n white vertices, and the appropriate edge for each 1 entry. Do the following for each m by n representative.
For each length-n vector, construct the graph for the (m + 1) by n matrix consisting of the representative together with the new vector and run nauty to get a canonical labeling and the vertex orbits.
Filter out the possibilities where the vertex corresponding to the new vector is in a different orbit from the black vertex with the lowest number.
Filter out the possibilities with duplicate canonical labelings.
nauty also computes the orders of automorphism groups.

You will need to rethink this problem from a mathematical point of view. That said even with brute force, there are some programming tricks you can use to speed up the process (as SO is a programming site). Little tricks like not recalculating int(min(n,rowstochoose)) and itertools.combinations(range(m), int(rowstochoose)) can save a few percent - but the real gain comes from memoization. Others have mentioned it, but I thought it might be useful to have a complete, working, code example:
import numpy as np
from scipy.misc import comb
import itertools, hashlib
m,n = 4,4
rowstochoose = int(np.floor(m/2)+1)
maxnumber = comb(m, rowstochoose, exact = True)
combo_itr = (x for x in itertools.product([-1,1], repeat = m*n))
matrix_itr = (np.array(x,dtype=np.int8).reshape((n,m)) for x in combo_itr)
sub_shapes = map(list,(itertools.combinations(range(m), int(rowstochoose))))
required_rank = int(min(n,rowstochoose))
memo = {}
no_found = 0
for A in matrix_itr:
check = True
for s in sub_shapes:
view = A[s].view(np.int8)
h = hashlib.sha1(view).hexdigest()
if h not in memo:
memo[h] = np.linalg.matrix_rank(view)
if memo[h] != required_rank:
check = False
if check: no_found+=1
print no_found, 2**(m*n)
This gives a speed gain of almost 10x for the 4x4 case - you'll see substantial improvements for larger matrices if you care to wait long enough. It's possible for the larger matrices, where the cost of the rank is proportionally more expensive, that you can order the matrices ahead of time on the hashing:
idx = np.lexsort(view.T)
h = hashlib.sha1(view[idx]).hexdigest()
For the 4x4 case this makes it slightly worse, but I expect that to reverse for the 5x5 case.

Algorithm 1 - memorizing small ones
I would use memorizing of the already checked smaller matrices.
You could simply write down in binary format (0 for -1, 1 for 1) all smaller matrices. BTW, you cane directly check for ranges matrices of (0 and 1) instead of (-1 and 1) - it is the same. Let us call these coding IMAGES. Using long types you can have matrices of up to 64 cells, so, up to 8x8. It is fast. Using String you can them have as large as you need.
Really, 8x8 is more than enough - in the 8GB memory we can place 1G longs. it is about 2^30, so, you can remember matrices of about up to 25-28 elements.
For every size you'll have a set of images:
for 2x2: 1001, 0110, 1000, 0100, 0010, 0001, 0111, 1011, 1101, 1110.
So, you'll have archive=array of NxN, each element of which will be an ordered list of binary images of good matrices.
- (for matrix size MxN, where M>=N, the appropriate place in archive will have coordinates M,N. If M
When you are checking a new large matrix, divide it into small ones
For every small matrix T
If the appropriate place in the archive for size of T has no list, create it and fill by images of all full-rank matrices of size of T and order images. If you are out of memory, stop the process of archive filling.
If T could be in archive, according to size:
Make image of T
Look for image(t) in the list - if it is in it, it is OK, if no, the large matrix should be thrown off.
If T is too big for the archive, check it as you do it.
Algorithm 2 - increasing sizes
The other possibility is to create larger matrices by adding pieces to the lesser ones, already found.
You should decide, up to what size the matrices will grow.
When you find a "correct" matrix of size MxN, try to add a row to top it. New matrices should be checked only for submatrices that include the new row. The same with the new column.
You should set exact algorithm, which sizes are derived from which ones. Thus you can minimize the number of remembered matrices. I thought about that sequence:
Start from 2x2 matrices.
continue with 3x2
4x2, 3x3
5x2, 4x3
6x2, 5x3, 4x4
7x2, 6x3, 5x4
So you can remember only (M+N)/2-1 matrices for searching among sizes MxN.
If each time when we can create new size from two old ones, we derive from more square ones, we could also greatly spare place for matrices remembering: For "long" matrices as 7x2 we do need remember and check only the last line 1x2. For matrices 6x3 we should remember their stub of 2x3, and so on.
Also, you don't need to remember the largest matrices - you won't use them for further counting.
Again use "images" for remembering the matrix.


NumPy array row differences

I have a NumPy array vectors = np.random.randn(rows, cols). I want to find differences between its rows according to some other array diffs which is sparse and "2-hot": containing a 1 in its column corresponding to the first row of vectors and a -1 corresponding to the second row. Perhaps an example shall make it clearer:
diffs = np.array([[ 1, 0, -1],
[ 1, -1, 0]])
then I can compute the row differences by simply diffs # vectors.
Unfortunately this is slow for diffs of 10_000x1000 and vectors 1000x15_000. I can get a speedup by using scipy.sparse: sparse.csr_matrix(diffs) # vectors, but even this is 300ms.
Possibly this is simply as fast as it gets, but some part of me thinks whether using matrix multiplications is the wisest decision for this task.
What's more is I need to take the absolute value afterwards so really I'm doing np.abs(sparse.csr_matrix(diffs) # vectors) which adds ~ 200ms for a grand total of ~500ms.
I can compute the row differences by simply diffs # vectors.
This is very inefficient. A matrix multiplication runs in O(n*m*k) for a (n,m) multiplied by a (m,k) one. In your case, there is only two values per line and you do not actually need a multiplication by 1 or -1. Your problem can be computed in O(n*k) time (ie. m times faster).
Unfortunately this is slow for diffs of 10_000x1000 and vectors 1000x15_000. I can get a speedup by using scipy.sparse.
The thing is the input data representation is inefficient. When diff is an array of size (10_000,1000), this is not reasonable to use a dense matrix that would be ~1000 times bigger than needed nor a sparse matrix that is not optimized for having only two non-zero values (especially 1 and -1). You need to store the position of the non-zeros values in a 2D array called sel_rows of shape (2,n) where the first row contains the location of the 1 and the second one contains the location of the -1 in the diff 2D array. Then, you can extract the rows of vectors for example with vectors[sel_rows[0]]. You can perform the final operation with vectors[sel_rows[0,:]] - vectors[sel_rows[1,:]]. This approach should be drastically faster than a dense matrix product and it may be a bit faster than a sparse one regarding the target machine.
While the above solution is simple, it create multiple temporary arrays that are not cache-friendly since your output array should take 10_000 * 15_000 * 8 = 1.1 GiB (which is quite huge). You can use Numba so to remove temporary array and so improve the performance. Multiple threads can be used to improve performance even further. Here is an untested code:
import numba as nb
#nb.njit('(int_[:,::1], float64[:,::1])', parallel=True)
def compute(diffs, vectors):
n, k = diffs.shape[0], vectors.shape[1]
assert diffs.shape[1] == 2
res = np.empty((n, k))
for i in nb.prange(n):
a, b = diffs[i]
for j in range(k):
# Compute nb.abs here if needed so to avoid
# creating new temporary arrays
res[i, j] = vectors[a, j] - vectors[b, j]
return res
This above code should be nearly optimal. It should be memory bound and able to saturate the memory bandwidth. Note that writing such huge arrays in memory take some time as well as reading (twice) the input array. On x86-64 platforms, a basic implementation should move 4.4 GiB of data from/to the RAM. Thus, on a mainstream PC with a 20 GiB/s RAM, this takes 220 ms. In fact, the sparse matrix computation result was not so bad in practice for a sequential implementation.
If this is not enough to you, then you can use simple-precision floating-point numbers instead of double-precision (twice faster). You could also use a low-level C/C++ implementation so to reduce the memory bandwidth used (thanks to non-temporal instructions -- ~30% faster). There is no much more to do.

solve Ax=b for outrigger A matrix python

I implement Crank-Nicolson 2D finite-difference method.
I get a matrix A which is banded with 1 band above and below the main diagonal, but also contains 2 additional bands , further apart from the main diagonal, so it is NOT penta-diagonal.
A picture showing the structure is below. My matrix is the RHS one. The LHS is easy, it's the penta-diagonal one.
I couldn't find up until now a way to solve Ax = b with A being the RHS matrix from the photo in python.
I could barely find a name for it, in these lecture notes it is called an 'outrigger' matrix (page 403).
At the moment I am using spsolve from from scipy.sparse.linalg, into which I feed two arguments, namely sparse.csc_matrix(A) and sparse.csc_array(b), where A and b have been defined initially as A = sparse.dok_matrix((size, size), dtype=np.complex64) and b = sparse.dok_array((size, 1), dtype=np.complex64), then populated with values by iterating element by element through them.
It is extremely slow and I was wondering maybe someone more experienced knows a way to exploit the structure appearing in A.
Thank you!
You should consider ussing the Gauss-Seidel method.
If your system is diagonal dominant it will converge, if it is not you probably can make it so by changing using a higher resolution grid.
Where both x and b have shape (N, M) and A has shape (N, N).
Let L = np.diag(np.diag(A)), vL = np.diag(A).reshape(N, 1) and U = A - L.
The inv(L) * (b - U # x) iteration can be written as (b - U # x) / vL, so each iteration will have O(n) complexity if you use sparse matrices.
If you want to make it even more efficient you can do the multiplications by sum of rolled diagonal matrices.
np.roll(np.diag(np.roll(A, k, axis=0)) * x[:,0], -k, axis=0).reshape(N, M)
You can precompute the rolled diagonals, then your matrix multiplication is performed by 4 (or five if the structure is not symmetric) vector multiplications, and some additional rolling and adding operations.

Increase speed of finding minimum element in a 2-D numpy array which has many entries set to np.inf

I have a 16000*16000 matrix and want to find the minimum entry. This matrix is a distance matrix, so it is symmetric about diagonal. In order to get exactly one minimum at each time, I set the lower triangle and the diagonal to np.inf. Below is an 5*5 matrix example:
inf a0 a1 a2 a3
inf inf a4 a5 a6
inf inf inf a7 a8
inf inf inf inf a9
inf inf inf inf inf
I want to find the index of the minimum entry only in the upper triangle. However, when I use np.argmin(), it will still go through the whole matrix. Is there any way to "ignore" the lower triangle and increase speed?
I have tried many methods, such as:
Use masked array
Use triu_indices() to extract the upper triangle and then find the minimum
Set the entries in the lower triangle and diagonal to None instead of np.inf, then use np.nanargmin() to find the minimum
However, all of the methods I tried are slower the using np.argmin() directly.
Thank you for your time, I would appreciate it if you can help me.
UPDATE 1: Some background of my problem
In fact, I am implementing a modified version of agglomerative clustering from scratch. The original dataset is 16000*64 (I have 16000 points, each is 64-dimensional). At first, I build 16000 clusters and each contains exactly one point. In each iteration, I find the nearest 2 clusters and merge them, until meet the terminate condition.
To avoid repeated calculation of distances, I store the distances in a 16000*16000 distance matrix. I set the diagonal and lower triangle to np.inf. In each iteration, I will find the smallest entry in the distance matrix, and the index of this entry corresponds to the 2 nearest clusters, say c_i and c_j. Afterwards, in the distance matrix, I fill the 2 rows and 2 columns corresponding to c_i and c_j to np.inf, which means that these 2 clusters are merged and do not exist anymore. Then I will calculate an array of the distances between the new cluster and all other clusters, then put the array in the 1 row and 1 column corresponding to c_i.
Let me make it clear: in the whole process, the size of the distance matrix never change. In each iteration, for the 2 rows and 2 columns correspond to the 2 nearest clusters I found, I fill 1 row and 1 column with np.inf and put the distance array of the new cluster in the other 1 row and 1 column.
Now the bottleneck of the performance is finding the smallest entry in the distance matrix, which takes 0.008s. The run time of the whole algorithm is about 40 minutes.
UPDATE 2: How I compute distance matrix
Below is the code I used to generate distance matrix:
from sklearn.metrics import pairwise_distances
dis_matrix = pairwise_distances(dataset)
for i in range(num_dim):
for j in range(num_dim):
if i >= j or (cluster_list[i].contain_reference_point and cluster_list[j].contain_reference_point):
dis_matrix[i][j] = np.inf
Nevertheless, I need to say that generating the distance matrix is not the bottleneck in the algorithm now, because I generate it only once, and then I just update the distance matrix (as mentioned above).
If we back up a step, assuming the distance matrix is symmetric and based on an (i, n) shaped array with i points in n dimensions, and the distance metric is cartesian, this can be done very efficiently with a KDTree data structure:
i = 16000
n = 3
points = np.random.rand(i, n) * 100
from scipy.spatial import cKDTree
tree = cKDTree(points)
close = tree.sparse_distance_matrix(tree,
max_distance = 1, #can tune for your application
output_type = "coo_matrix")
ix =
i, j = (close.row[ix], close.col[ix])
This is pretty blazing fast, but it depends on your application and distance metric if it's useful for you.
If you don't need the distance matrix at all (and only need indices), you can do:
d, ix = tree.query(points, 2)
j, i = ix[d[:, 1].argmin()]
EDIT: this doesn't work well for high-dimensionality data. Since you're up against the curse of dimensionality, you'll probably need to brute force. I recommend scipy.spatial.distance.pdist for this:
from scipy.spatial.distance import pdist
D = pdist(points, metric = 'seuclidean') # this only returns the upper diagonal
ix = np.argmin(D)
def ix_to_ij(ix, n):
sorter = np.arange(n-1)[::-1].cumsum()
j = np.searchsorted(sorter, ix)
i = ix - sorter[j]
return i, j
ix_to_ij(ix, 16000)
Not completely tested but I think that should work.
One thing I can think of that might give you a boost is using numba.njit:
def upper_min(m):
x = np.inf
for r in range(0, m.shape[0] - 1):
for c in range(r + 1, m.shape[1] + 1):
if x < m[r, c]:
x = m[r, c]
Be sure not to time it the first time you run it. The compilation is slow.
Another way could be to use sparse matrices somehow.
You can select upper triangle of array by masking, simple example:
import numpy as np
arr = np.array([[0, 1], [2, 3]])
# Mask of upper triangle
mask = np.array([[True, True],[False, True]])
# Masking returns only upper triangle as 1D array
min_val = np.min(arr[mask]) # Equal to np.min([0, 1, 3])
So instead of making lower triangle as inf, you have to generate a mask where lower triangle is False and upper triangle is True and apply masking arr[mask] which returns 1D array of upper triangle, then you apply min

Most efficient algorithm in Python to generate all 6x6 (0,1) matrices with sum in columns and rows lower than 2?

I am working on a problem which requires me to find all 6x6 (0,1) matrices with some given properties:
The sum of a row/column must be lower than 2.
The matrices are not symmetrical.
I am using this code:
import numpy as np
import itertools as it
for i in it.product([0, 1], repeat = n**2):
if (np.reshape(np.array(i), (n, n)).sum(axis=1) < 2).all() and (np.reshape(np.array(i), (n, n)).sum(axis=0)< 2).all() :
if (np.transpose(np.reshape(np.array(i), (n, n))) != np.reshape(np.array(i), (n, n))).any():
li.append(np.reshape(np.array(i), (n, n)))
The problem is that this method has to go through all 68719476736 (0,1) matrices. After this piece of code I still have to impose extra conditions.
Is there a faster algorithm to find this list of matrices?
The problem I am working on is one to find unique adjacency matrices (graph theory) up to a certain equivalence class. For instance, in the 4x4 version of the problem I wanted to find all (0,1) matrices such that:
The sum in a row/column is lower than 2;
Are not symmetrical, i.e. A^T != A;
Also A^T != P^T A P, where P is a matrix representation of the dihedral group D8 (order 8) which is a subgroup of S4.
After this last step I get a certain number of matrices. If A relates to B through the relation B = P^T A P, then it represents the same matrix. I follow to choose only one representative of this equivalence class.
In the 4x4 problem I go from 65536 to 3.
My estimate of the result after sorting through the first condition (sums) is 46080. In the 6x6 problem, the group of transformations P is of order 48.
You have trouble with your math, because if the row/column sum is less than 2, it could be 0 or 1 -- that means that in every row/column can be only one non-zero elememt, which is 7^6 = 117649 possible matrices.
100k matrices is pretty much doable by using a brute force, with additional filtering to remove vertical/horizontal flips and diagonal symmetries.
Here's a simple code that should get you started:
import numpy as np
from itertools import permutations
for perm in permutations( range(7), 6 ) : # there are only 5040 permutations
m = np.zeros(6, 6) # start with an empty matrix
for i, j in enumerate(perm) :
if j == 6 : continue # all zeros
m[i][j] = 1 # put `1` in the current (i)-th row, (j) pos
# here you check `m` for symmetry and save it somewhere or not

Python error in array manipulation

I have 2 arrays (for the sake of the example, let's name them A and B) and i perform the following manipulations at them, but i get an error at the assignment of "d2" in my code.
n = len(tracks) #tracks is a list containing different-length 3d arrays
n=30; #test with a few tracks
length = len(tracks) #list containing the total number of "samples"
perm_index = np.random.permutation(length) #uniform sampling without replacement
subset_len = 5 # choose the size of subset of tracks A
subset_A = [tracks[x:x+1] for x in xrange(0, subset_len, 1)]
subset_B = [tracks[x:x+1] for x in xrange(subset_len, n, 1)]
tempA = distance_calc.dist_calcsub(len(subset_A), subset_A) # distance matrix calculation
tempA = mcp.sym_mcp(len(subset_A), tempA) # symmetrize mcp ???
tempB = distance_calc.dist_calcsubs(subset_A, subset_B) # distance matrix calculation
#symmetrize mcp ? ? its not diagonal, symmetric . . .
A = affinity.aff_conv(60, tempA) # conversion to affinity
B = affinity.aff_conv(60, tempB) # conversion to affinity
#((row,col)) = np.shape(A)
#A = normalization_affinity.norm_aff(row, col, A) # normalization of affinity matrix
# Normalize A and B for Laplacian using row sums of W, where W = [A B; B' B'*A^-1*B].
# Let d1 = [A B]*1, d2 = [B' B'*A^-1*B]*1, dhat = sqrt(1./[d1; d2]).
d1 = np.sum( np.vstack((A, np.transpose(B))) )
d2 = np.sum(B,0) +,0),, B ))
dhat = np.transpose(np.sqrt( 1/ np.hstack((d1, d2)) ))
A = A* dhat[0:subset_len], np.transpose(dhat[0:subset_len]) )
B = B* dhat[0:subset_len], np.transpose(dhat[subset_len:n]) )
The error again is "ValueError: matrices are not aligned." because the vectors are 1d vectors of different size; I know the reason why this is happening but I am following exactly the equations to perform the Nystrom method.
P.S: I am following the method described in p.90-92 in this thesis: thesis link
Looking at the paper, you've got two problems here.
Let's start with the information you left out of your question. You're trying to do this operation:
bc + B.T * A^−1 * br
where ar and br are column vectors containing the row sums of A and B and bc is
the column sum of B.
In particular, you're mapping that A^-1 * br to np.linalg.pinv(A), np.sum(B, 0)).
The first problem is that np.linalg.pinv is the pseudo-inverse, A+, not the multiplicative inverse, A^-1. Using a completely different operation just because it doesn't give you an error doesn't solve the problem.
So, how do you calculate the multiplicative inverse? Well, you can't. In general, the multiplicative inverse doesn't exist for non-square matrices, so given a 5x10 A, you're stuck right at the beginning.
Anyway, the second problem comes from the fact that your br isn't a column vector. If you want to think in matrix terms, as the paper does, it's a row vector, 10x1 instead of 1x10. If you want to think in numpy ndarray terms, it's a 1D (10,) array instead of a 2D (1, 10) array. If you think of the operation in matrix multiplication terms, you can't multiply a 10x5 matrix with a 10x1 matrix; if you think of it in NumPy terms as the multidimensional dot product, you can't multiply a (10, 5) array with a (10,) array.
It's true that you can extend the dot product to specifically the domain of MxN matrices vs. M vectors, and under that definition your multiplication would make sense. But that's not the definition used by either the paper's standard matrix multiplication notation or NumPy's dot function. So, what can you do? Well, note that the operation you're trying to do is commutative, so swapping the order of operands is perfectly legal—and if you do that, then it does happen to correspond to the general dot product. So, you could write this as, 0), np.linalg.pinv(A)) and get the result you want. And there are a number of other ways you could transform the arrays that are idempotent in your matrix-vs.-vector multiplication domain but meaningful for, and they will all get you the same result. For example,, np.sum(B, 0)) will also work.
I'm also not sure why you're using dot product in the first place. I don't see anything in the notation to imply that
But all of this is a sideshow; if you inverted A properly, you would have something with the same dimensions as A, and multiply a 5x10 matrix with a 10x1 vector, or a (5, 10) array with a (10,) array, is already perfectly well defined. The only problem is that, again, you can't generally invert non-square matrices, so there's no way you can actually get to this place.
So, the real solution is to go back to wherever you decided on those shapes for A and B and try again.
In particular, it's pretty clear from the illustration in the paper showing the derivation of A and B from the larger matrix that the height of A is the height of B, and the width of A is the width of B.T, which is of course the height of B again.
Also, if the larger matrix is supposed to symmetric, and A is the upper left corner of a symmetric matrix, A has to be symmetric.
I also think you've mixed up row-column order and x-y order a few times, and bc is supposed to the column sums of B, not the column sums of B.T (which would just be the row sums of B, flipped into a row vector instead of a column vector).
While we're at it, let's use methods and operators where possible instead of writing everything in the longest possible way.
So, I think what you wanted is something like this:
A = np.random.random_sample((4, 4)) # square
A = (A + A.T) / 2 # and symmetric
B = np.random.random_sample((4, 10))
ar = A.sum(1)
br = B.sum(1)
bc = B.sum(0) # not B.T.sum(0), that's just br again!
d1 = ar + br
d2 = bc +,, br))
Without actually reading the paper I can't be sure this is what you actually want, but this looks like it fits with a quick skim of those two pages, and it runs without any errors, so hopefully you can at least look at the results and see if they are what you want.
You are summing over the first dimension of B, so the shape is 10, the size of the second dimension of B.
You can calculate np.sum(B, 0), np.linalg.pinv(A))
but this gives you a vector with 5 elements, but B_T has only a size of 4. So something doesn't fit in your sample data.
