Pycharm exit code 0 - python

Whenever I run any code, my console always ends with Process finished with exit code 0.
For example, if i were to just print("hellow"):
pydev debugger: process 21021 is connecting
Connected to pydev debugger (build 131.618)
Process finished with exit code 0
Is there any way to make the output just "hellow"?

You realize it is not part of the output right? It's just additional information provided by the IDE's console. The real program is just outputting hellow as expected.
Saying that the Process finished with exit code 0 means that everything worked ok. If an exception occurs in your program or otherwise an exit is generated with non-zero argument, the IDE is gonna inform you about this, which is useful debug information.
You're not supposed to run your Python programs from the IDE when in production so I think trying to remove that is irrelevant.

I got the same error and reason in my case was that previous python script was running through Pycharm. To resolve this, trying stopping all previous running scripts from Pycharm then run your current script. This may be helpful.

If you stop your script and it throws an exception you can add the following except that returns the same message.
except KeyboardInterrupt:
Process finished with exit code 0


Visual Studio Code: The terminal process terminated with exit code: {0}

I just installed VSC and did a 2 line code as per the tutorial:
msg = "Hello World"
when running the code, the following error message is displayed:
The terminal process terminated with exit code: {0}
If I click on the terminal menu, and then new terminal, it briefly appears and vanishes with same error message.
Try running the program by pushing the green arrow in Visual Studio Code. I think what you’re seeing is that the code completes and the terminal closes. It’s not waiting for you to do anything, so it’s finished.
Assuming you’re in Windows, the easiest way to get around this is to run the code within the Visual Studio itself.
Another handy way to use PowerShell. Open PowerShell. Navigate to the directory were you have saved the program and type “python”. The program will still end quickly, but you will be able to see what it printed.
Finally, you can use Python IDLE. IDLE is an IDE, like VS Code, but specifically for Python. You can open your program with IDLE and it will display the results in a similar way that it would appear in PowerShell.
There are a lot of different options. It’s confusing when you’re first trying to get your bearings. You’ll find something that feels good for you.

WxPython exit code 1073740940

I build a project with wxpython that also include multi-threading and sockets.
Sometimes when I ran the project, the run is stopped and i get a strange exit code such as
"Process finished with exit code -1073740940 (0xC0000374)"
After research I found that this line makes it happen - messageTxt.CharRight()
Someone knows why?

How to see which part of the code is running in terminal

When you run a python script from terminal and before it completes running of you control + c it, it gives a traceback where the code was currently running. Is it possible to see which part of a code is running without terminating it.
in pycharm, you can debug by selecting code areas that you want to work, and by pressing next and next, you'll see how does program running it, without terminating it.
You can do this in PyCharm using the debugging facility. It allows you to step through your code line by line, running each line as you pass it. You can see what variables have been assigned etc. Very helpful for debugging!
See here:

PyCharm: Why are only exit code lines displayed?

For example, running the following line of code:
print("Hello, world! My name is Enkouyami")
Only outputs this:
Process finished with exit code 0
The only way to get it to display that text is to go to the python console.
My AV Program was pausing the installer and the Pycharm application, asking me if I want to allow the program to perform certain actions. Even though I allowed it, it messed up my Pycharm setup. Reinstalling Pycharm fixed the problem.

Python access violation

Here is a Python 3.4 user, in VS 2013 and PTVS...
I'd written a program to plot something by Matplotlib... The output had been generating and everything was ok...
So, I closed VS and now I've opened it again after an hour, running the very script, but this time as soon as I press F5, a window appears and says Python has stopped working...
There is a short log in the output window, which asserts that:
The program '[9952] python.exe' has exited with code -1073741819 (0xc0000005) 'Access violation'.
Who could decrypt this error, please?!...
Kind Regards
I just tested again with no change... The error has been changed to:
The program '[11284] python.exe' has exited with code -1073741819 (0xc0000005) 'Access violation'.
Debug shows that when the program points to the drawing command of the matloptlib, i.e., this crash will happen...
All of the attempts sounds futile...
Even removing the VS is a challenging stuff... and as people consider, changing the OS is the most stable way to get rid of VS in the presence of such anomalies regarding its libraries...
So... I changed the OS... and installed the VS and PTVS again...
It seems to be a problem with your python and PTVS. Try to remove every .pyc file and have another go at it
