Read JHOVE attributes From TIFF And JPEG-2000 Files using Python? - python

I am trying to read JHOVE attribues from TIFF and JP2 files. Is there a python library that makes this possible?

I would use the tifflib python binding (for TIFF file) and jpylyzer (for JP2 file). You should be able to extract all meta data from the input file, just select the one you need.


How to read custom metatags from .wav file?

I have been trying to load in Python the custom metatags that were probably added to the .wav files I am dealing with through Audacity or Metadatics. These aren't ID3, and from what I can tell by opening the .wav file in a text editor, they are appended to the end of the .wav file, although they are separated by non-readable characters, as seen here
With libraries such as mutagen and tinytag I have only been able to read the standard metadata fields. Is there any way to read these in Python or would I have to consider manually parsing them?

How to extract contents from WMI file in python?

I have WMI-files on my hdd, which I can open using some supporting tools (LogReader). In wmi-files, I have some report information as text module. I want to convert these files into .txt, .xml or some other datatype, which is suitable to use in python. So, I can use the information for further tasks. I tried to extract contents of WMI-Files in python but I couldn't accomplish it.
Is there any way to solve this problem of mine?

Python : Convert multiple images as multiple pages in pdf for windows

How to convert multiple images(jpeg) as a pdf file with multiple pages in windows.
Using Image library, i can convert every image as single pdf, i can merge those converted files to a single pdf file using pdfminer, but it is two way work.
I try to download MagicK, but couldn't get binary for windows. Is it possible to achieve using PIL ?
I'm not totally sure, but you can create a report with jasperReport and create a pdf file after. I believe python also can work with jasper reports.
what do you think? maybe is too much work.

How can I extract the tables, text and the pictures in ODT(OpenDocumentText) format using Python?

How can I extract the tables, text and the pictures in an ODT(OpenDocumentText) file to output them to another ODT file using Python on Ubuntu?
OOoPy seems to be a good fit. I've never used it, but it comes with documentation and code examples, and it can read and write ODT files.
An easy way is to just rename the foo.odt to and then extract it. the extracted directory contains many files including Pictures.
However I think it's better to change it's type to docx and then do the process on docx (extract it). Because it extract images with better name (image1, image2, ...).

Embed image into xls sheet via python

Currently I have a data export going on that does a CSV file like:
name, file
But now I need to make something that embeds the image in a way that it would be visible in excel. How can I accomplish that?
xlwt is a nice package for creating .xls files. And as these examples (1, 2) suggest, it can embed images. Though it can only embed Windows Bitmap format, namely .bmp files. If you have images in a different format, you may need to process them first.
