Retrieve date data from browser [closed] - python

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I am doing web application and I cannot retrieve a date value from the browser. I have selected the date 01/16/2014.
The query string looks like:
and my code is:
from django.http import HttpResponse, HttpResponseNotFound
import cgi, cgitb
form = cgi.FieldStorage()
def pod_available(request):
dat = form.getvalue('dd')
print dat
return HttpResponse("<html><body>Hello<em>" + str(dat) + "</em></body></html>")

If you are building a Django application, you are not using CGI. The forms variable will only be filled once, and will forever be empty. You may as well remove the cgi and cgitb module imports, they are of no use to you here.
You need to re-read the Django tutorial; the request parameter to your view contains all your form variables:
def pod_available(request):
dat = request.GET['dd']
print dat
return HttpResponse("<html><body>Hello<em>" + str(dat) + "</em></body></html>")
The request.GET object is a dictionary holding the request parameters passed in via the URL.

If this is a Django application, then using CGI in any way makes absolutely no sense. I assume that pod_available is being called with a HttpRequest object passed to it, so if you want to read the request data, you have to access that object to get it.
You can do that by accessing they key—'dd' in this case—of the object:
def pod_available(request):
dat = request['dd']
return HttpResponse("<html><body>Hello<em>" + str(dat) + "</em></body></html>")
In any way, this is not a CGI application, so don’t use any CGI stuff in there.


What is the best way to fetch all data (posts and their comments) from Reddit? [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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I have a requirement to analyse all the comments about a subreddit, (e.g. r/dogs, say from 2015 onward) using the Python Reddit API Wrapper (PRAW). I'd like the data to be stored in a JSON.
I have found a way to get all of the top, new, hot, etc. submissions as a JSON using PRAW:
new_submissions = reddit.subreddit("dogs").new()
top_submissions = reddit.subreddit("dogs").top("all")
However, these are only the submissions for the subreddit, and do not include comments. How can I get the comments for these posts as well?
You can use the Python API Wrapper (PSAW) to get all the most recent submissions and comments from a specific subreddit, and can even do more complex queries (such as searching for specific text inside a comment). The docs are available here.
For example, you can use the get_submissions() function to get the top 1000 submissions from r/dogs from 2015:
import datetime as dt
import praw
from psaw import PushshiftAPI
r = praw.Reddit(...)
api = PushshiftAPI(r)
start_epoch=int(dt.datetime(2015, 1, 1).timestamp()) # Could be any date
submissions_generator = api.search_submissions(after=start_epoch, subreddit='dogs', limit=1000) # Returns a generator object
submissions = list(submissions_generator) # You can then use this, store it in mongoDB, etc.
Alternatively, to get the first 1000 comments from r/dogs in 2015, you can use the search_comments() function:
start_epoch=int(dt.datetime(2015, 1, 1).timestamp()) # Could be any date
comments_generator = api.search_comments(after=start_epoch, subreddit='dogs', limit=1000) # Returns a generator object
comments = list(comments_generator)
As you can see, PSAW still uses PRAW, and so returns PRAW objects for submissions and comments, which may be handy.

Sending a variable in python payload - http client [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I'm trying to send a variable in python using a payload created by postman, I tried using {{}} and it
didn't work for me, the place where I need the variable is indicated as VARIABLE_SPOT, please let me know what I did wrong in order to send a variable and not a text.
payload = "{\r\n \"some_key\": \"VARIABLE_SPOT\",\r\n }
Just Declare Your Payload Like Below
payload = {"some_key": VARIABLE_SPOT}
if you want to stringfy it run json.dumps(payload)
You can create a dict and covert it to string:
import json
some_variable = 'some_variable'
payload_dict = {"some_key": some_variable}
payload_text = json.dumps(payload_dict)
payload_text is your payload now.
> print(payload_text)
{"some_key": "some_variable"}
> print(type(payload_text))
<class 'str'>

How do I make a REST query in python with a comparison statement? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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How do I make a REST query in python with a comparison statement? Like (in quasi code):
result = foo where bar > 10
I want to make a rest api query from python 2.7 using requests. What I want is to get all articles that have been updated during the last 24 hours.
In javascript it looks like this and it works great:{"update_date":{"$gt":"2018-08-27 13:44"}}
I just can't recreate this with python. Does anyone know how?
that's actually ?q=, i.e. a query string
and the query should be JSON (it looks like it)
and the endpoint returns JSON:
import requests, json
query = json.dumps(
{"update_date": {"$gt": "2018-08-27 13:44"}}
resp = requests.get(
params={"q": query},
data = resp.json()

Python Search and Scrape [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I have a problem I'd like to know if it's worth spending the time trying to solve with Python. I have a large CSV file of scientific names of fishes. I would like to cross-reference that CSV file with a large database of fish morphology information ( and have the code return the maximum length of each fish. Basically, I need to create code that will search the fishbase website for each fish, then find the maximum length info on the page and return it to me in a CSV file. The last two parts are relatively straightforward, but the first part is where I'm stuck. Thanks in advance.
It looks like you can generate the url directly from the genus and species, ie
rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) becomes
so something like
def make_url(genus, species):
return (
.format(genus.title(), species.lower())
Looking at the page source, the html is severely unsemantic; while parsing html with regular expressions is evil and awful, I really think it's the easiest method in this case:
import re
fishlength = re.compile("max length : ([\d.]+) ([cm]{1,2})", re.I).search
def get_length_in_cm(html):
m = fishlength(html)
if m: # match found
value = float(
unit =
if unit == "cm":
return value
elif unit == "m":
return value * 100.
raise ValueError("Unknown unit: {}".format(unit))
raise ValueError("Length not found")
then grabbing each page,
import csv
import requests
from time import sleep
with open("fish.csv") as inf:
next(inf) # skip header row
for row in csv.reader(inf):
url = make_url(row[GENUS_COL], row[SPECIES_COL])
# should add error handling, in case
# that page doesn't exist
html = requests.get(url).text
length = get_length_in_cm(html)
# now store the length value somewhere
# be nice, don't pound their site
So, in order to use the information in other web applications you will need to use an API to get hold of their data. (or .org) does not have an official public-facing API. There is some chat in 2013 about creating a RESTful API which would be just the ticket for what you need, but this hasn't happened yet (don't hold your breath).
An alternative is using the name of the fish you need to lookup, dropping that into the URI (eg and then using Xquery or similar to drill down the DOM to find the maximum length.
Unfortunately, fishbase does not have the sort of URIs needed for this method either, this is the URI for Rainbow Trout - uses an ID rather than a name to easily look up.
I would suggest looking into another data provider looking for either of these two APIs.
Regarding the second method: the site owners may not appreicate you using their website in this manner. Ask them beforehand if you can.

Python generator expression Twitter [closed]

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Questions asking for code must demonstrate a minimal understanding of the problem being solved. Include attempted solutions, why they didn't work, and the expected results. See also: Stack Overflow question checklist
Closed 9 years ago.
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I am kinda new to working with json and python and I am stuck on the parsing the data in js to generate an expression. I would really appreciate anyone suggestions on the best path to take.
Here is the Data I am working with
{"statuses":[{"metadata":{"result_type":"recent","iso_language_code":"en"},"created_at":"Fri Dec 06 15:06:44 +0000 2013","id":408975801577926656,"id_str":"408975801577926656","text":"RT #jk636575: #GhanaNudes contact me if you want to swing\","user":{"id":974873810,"id_str":"974873810","name":"Gh Nudes","screen_name":"GhanaNudes","location"
Here is my code:
def main():
ts = TwitterSearch()
response, data ='', result_type='recent')
js = json.loads(data)
messages = ([data_items] for msg in js)
I need to parse the content in js and turn it into a generator expression so that I only write: Created_at , text , user:{is
Based on the Twitter search API docs,
messages = ([msg['created_at'], msg['txt'], msg['user']['id']] for msg in js['statuses'])
Note that I have updated my answer to the original question to include this.
Edit: It might be a bit safer to replace in js['statuses'] with in js.get('statuses', []).
