I currently use PYODBC to connect to MS SQL Server and MYSQL, but now need to access an Oracle database as well.
I have Oracle SQL Developer installed on my work comp (but there doesn't seem to be a separate Net Manager client per other SO posts), which I can use to access the DB.
Ideally, I would run what I need to in python, but am having difficulties. As it stands, I have created a linked server object to the Oracle DB in a MS SQL Server DB as a work around, but this isn't ideal.
What do I need to do to get PYODBC (or substitute) to connect to Oracle? Thanks very kindly.
I ran into the same issue where I could connect to a database via Oracle SQL Developer but not via pyodbc. Someone else did most of the database setup, so I wasn't sure of the proper connection parameters. I'll run you through how I was able to connect on a Windows computer.
In the Start Menu I typed "odbc" and selected "Microsoft ODBC Administrator". Under the "System DSN" tab I found my DSN name (we'll call it myDSN) and corresponding driver (mine was "Oracle in OraClient11g_home2"). I also have to specify a username and password for my database so my connection line now looks like this:
cnxn = pyodbc.connect(driver='{Oracle in OraClient11g_home2}', dsn='myDSN', uid='HODOR', pwd='hodor')
Maybe at this point it will work for you, but I still wasn't able to connect. This computer is a mess of 32 and 64 bit drivers so I figured I was pointing to the wrong one. So once again into the Start Menu, where under All Programs I found a folder called "Oracle in OraClient11g_home2" and right under it, one called "Oracle in OraClient11g_home32Bit". I changed my connection line in Python to the following:
cnxn = pyodbc.connect(driver='{Oracle in OraClient11g_home32Bit}', dsn='myDSN', uid='HODOR', pwd='hodor')
And it connected.
I can connect to databases in MS SQL Server Management Studio using my python script without issues (using pyodbc).
I then created a database called tempdb - see the db explorer pic referred to below. I did this by running a direct query in MS SQL Management Studio, and created a table (DepartmentTest)
Now, in my script if I do:
cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM DepartmentTest")
I get:
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Invalid object name
Also tried: a few options for the above query such as:
(instead of just DepartmentTest as above.)
I don't have this issue when connecting to the master database and accessing the tables in the master database
e.g. I can execute:
cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM MSreplication_options")
and I get back the contents. I.e. anything under System Tables works fine with the script.
In the explorer pic referred to below: I can access the tables circled in green. I can't access my table, circled in red.
I assume I am not correctly pointing to my table with the syntax I am using, but I'm not sure how to modify my query. (it's as though anything under System Tables is fine to access with my code.
(I did connect to the correct database name with my code)
Thanks and
You should double check you’re connected to the right database, which is suppose to be ‘tempdb’. If you do that and try running the query again, it should work.
It seems as though the trusted connection to the server was the problem. Once I did a connection with user and password credentials, I was able to access that database.
I created an Azure Function with Python and want to write some data into an Azure SQL DB.
If I run the code on my local machine via AZ Function Debugger, everything is working. But when I deploy everything to Azure, I only get a message that there is an error (no additional specific information).
I think this is related to the ODBC Driver?
I'm using the following code to connect and insert data:
with pyodbc.connect('DRIVER='+driver+';SERVER=tcp:'+server+';PORT='+port+';DATABASE='+database+';UID='+username+';PWD='+ password + ";Authentication=ActiveDirectoryPassword", timeout=120) as conn:
with conn.cursor() as cursor:
logging.error("Can't execute SQL Query!")
I use driver= '{ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server}' as driver.
I assume that this is missing in Azure? How can this issue be fixed? What is the right approach to connect from Azure Functions to an Azure SQL DB via Python?
It seems the ODBC driver is included, it was just poorly documnented:
There is an example project here:
The full tutorial including creating the system assigned identity can be found here:
There is currently a SQL Extension under development but it only supports C# at the moment. Python has been requested as an ehancement so you could add your 👍 to the issue so that you could use bindings
I'm trying to connect to an oldschool jTDS ms server for a variety of different analysis tasks. Firstly just using Python with SQL alchemy, as well as using Tableau and Presto.
Focusing on SQL Alchemy first at the moment I'm getting an error of:
Data source name not found and no default driver specified
With this, based on this thread here Connecting to SQL Server 2012 using sqlalchemy and pyodbc
import urllib
params = urllib.parse.quote_plus("DRIVER={FreeTDS};"
engine = sa.create_engine("mssql+pyodbc:///?odbc_connect={FreeTDS}".format(params))
Connecting works fine through Dbeaver, using a jTDS SQL Server (MSSQL) driver (which is labelled as legacy).
Curious as to how to resolve this issue, I'll keep researching away, but would appreciate any help.
I imagine there is an old drive on the internet I need to integrate into SQL Alchemy to begin with, and then perhaps migrating this data to something newer.
Appreciate your time
I can currently connect to my SQL Server and query any database I want to directly.
The problem is when I want to query a linked server. I cannot directly reference the linked servers name in the connect() method and I have to connect to a local database first and then run an OPENQUERY() against the linked server.
This seams like a odd work around. Is there a way to query the linked server directly (from my research you cannot connect directly to a linked server) or at least connect to the server without specifying a database where I can then run the OPENQUERY() for anything without having to first connect to a database?
Example of what I have to do currently:
import pyodbc
ex_value = "SELECT * FROM OPENQUERY(LinkedServerName,'SELECT * FROM LinkedServerName.SomeTable')"
# I have to connect to some local database on the server and cannot connect to linked server initially.
odbc_driver, server, db = '{ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server}', 'MyServerName', 'LocalDatabase'
with pyodbc.connect(driver=odbc_driver, host=server, database=db, trusted_connection='yes') as conn:
conn.autocommit = False
cursor = conn.cursor()
tables = cursor.fetchall()
for row in tables:
print('Row: {}'.format(row))
As Sean mentioned, a linked server is just a reference to another server that's stored within the local server.
You do not need to manage 100+ user credentials though. If you have the users using Windows auth, and you have Kerberos working between the servers, the linked server can just impersonate you when it connects to the other server via the linked server definition.
Then you can use either 4 part names to refer to objects on the other server, or use OPENQUERY when you want more control over what gets executed where.
Finally, if they're both SQL Servers and both use the same collation, make sure you set the linked server option to say they are collation compatible. That can make a major difference to your linked server performance. I regularly see systems where that isn't set and it should be.
I have been at this for a while, trying all kinds of different packages from openSource, IBM, and many others. I have not yet found one that works without some sort of confusing install method that I can not get to work, or some sort of integration with other third-party pieces that I can not seem to get working.
I am simply trying to perform SQL statements on a Informix Server using Python. No different than mySQL and other tools. Using cursors or full result dumps, really do not care. I want to be able to formalize a query string statically or dynamically and then tell whatever tools/module to execute said query and return results (if any).
I have tried:
ibm_db (https://pypi.python.org/pypi/ibm_db)
IBM Informix Client SDK
Looked at but do not want to use Jython (JPython).
What I have managed:
I have been able to install and get the IBM Informix Client SDK installed and working. I can connect to my Informix DB server and perform queries.
I have mySQL working and connecting and querying.
I have written a Java program to perform queries using a Java driver, compiled it, combined it with a bash script to perform queries and email results.
I am just stumped. Looking for assistance on what to download (URLs), how to go about installing it (tips and tricks, environment variables, where to install it, etc..) I want to have something that does not depend on Java or writing Java, etc. I am looking for a solution that may will give me the ability to write Python to query, insert, update, and delete from an Informix database and tables. I want to combine my previously written Java and Bash script into a Python script.
Frustrated and looking for any assistance.
Thank you for listening and please ask questions if you do not understand my plea.
Informix on Linux is a bag of pain. My personal setup to get Informix-connect to work with CPython3 is stacking the Informix Client SDK with unixODBC and pyodbc. There are some hoops to jump through, none of which are documented. Almost all the setup is completely useless yet required to prevent some parts of the Informix-driver to bail out. Note that some options are case- and space-sensitive (Description=Informix != description = Informix).
Install the Informix Client SDK. You don't need all the garbage that comes in the package, just Informix Connect. I assume you use the default path /opt/IBM/informix
Add /opt/IBM/informix/lib/cli and /opt/IBM/informix/lib/esql to your dynamic linker lookup paths. On Fedora you can do this by putting them in a new file /etc/ld.so.conf.d/informix.conf
Create a new /etc/odbc.ini and add the following:
[ODBC Data Sources]
Create a new /etc/odbcinst.ini and add the following
Description=Informix Driver
You need to set the environment variables INFORMIXDIR and ODBCINI. On Fedora you may add a new file /etc/profile.d/informix.sh and add
export INFORMIXDIR=/opt/IBM/informix
export ODBCINI=/etc/odbc.ini
Edit /opt/IBM/informix/etc/sqlhosts and put your basic connection information there. In the most simple case it has only one line that reads
Note that pdap-np is actually port 1526 which is also the Informix "Turbo"-Driver tcp port. See your /etc/services
Create an empty .odbc.ini in your $HOME e.g. by touch $HOME/.odbc.ini. It needs to be there. It needs to be 0 bytes. I love this part.
Install unixODBC and pyodbc from your favorite repository.
Remember to get your env-changes going, e.g. via reboot. You can now connect like this:
import pyodbc
con = pyodbc.connect(constr, autocommit=False)
From there on you can get your cursor, execute queries, fetch results and such. Note that there are numerous bugs in quirks in IBM's ODBC-driver, out of my head:
Rows that contain NULLs may cause a segfault as the IBM driver puts a 32bit int where a 64bit int is expected to signal the value being null. In case you are affected by this, you need to patch unixODBC for all possible column types to deal with this.
Columns without names cause the driver to segfault (e.g. SELECT COUNT(*) FROM foobar needs to be SELECT COUNT(*) AS c FROM foobar).
Make sure your encoding actually works as expected. UTF8 is something not enterprise-enough for IBM and UCS-2 is the only thing I got to work.