Dictionaries under dictionary are copied by value not copied by reference? - python

In the beginning I create xls_dict and xml_dict
Then wrapped the above 2 dicts into dictionary's creation. (I though it is copy be reference)
So I will load the json files into the 2 dicts.
However, I found when I exit the
for export_file, data_dict in json_files.iteritems(): block.
the xls_dict and xml_dict are not changed.
The was not my expectation.
Where did I misunderstand ? Thanks
xls = MultiLangXls(xls_path, XLS_COLUMN)
xls_dict = xls.load()
xml = MultiLangXML(xml_path)
xml_dict = xml.load()
"xls.json": xls_dict,
"xml.json": xml_dict
for export_file, data_dict in json_files.iteritems():
if os.path.isfile(export_file):
else: # If json file not exists, then ouput the dict into json file
with open( export_file , 'w') as f:
json.dump(data_dict, f, encoding="utf-8")
load_file = open(export_file).read().decode("utf-8-sig")
data_dict = {}
data_dict = json.loads( load_file )

The data_dict variable does refer to the same object and not to a copy. Assigning a new dict to data_dict, however, disconnects the variable from that object and assigns to it a brand new one.
To clear the existing dict, and fill it with new contents, you want to write something like this:

Problem here:
data_dict = {} #You create new empty dictionary
# And rewrite it. But old dictionare are not cleaned.
data_dict = json.loads( load_file )
You must clean by data_dict.clean()

You are reassigning data_dict to a new dictionary object.
See Passing values in Python


How to get complete dictionary data from a JSON file based on a value

I have a json file, which I will read and based on the xyz details will create excel report. Below is the sample json file I will use to extract the information which holds data in format of multiple dictionaries.
Now my requirement is to fetch xyz value one by one and based on it using certain field create a report. Below is the small snippet of the code where I am reading the file and based on key populating results. The data I am referencing after reading it from a file.
def pop_ws(dictionary,ws):
for k,v in dictionary.items():
ws.cell(row=r+1,column=1).value = k
ws.cell(row=r+1,column=4).value = v['abc']
ws.cell(row=r+1,column=5).value = v['def']
count +=1
if wrk !='SAT':
ws.cell(row=r+1,column=7).value =k
ws.cell(row=r+1,column=8).value =tmp1['public_date']
if 'cvss' in list(tmp1.keys()):
def read_f(data):
with open(dat.json) as f:
wrk = f.read()
I am pretty much stuck on how to code in def read_f(data):, so that it read dat.json and based on value i.e data, fetch details defined as in dictionary structure one by one for all the required data and populate as defined under pop_ws in my code.
The data in def read_f(data): will be a dynamic value and based on it I need to filter the dictionary which have value (stored in data) defined against a key and then extract the whole dictionary into another json file.
Any suggestion on this will be appreciated.
Use json package to load json format data like below:
# Python program to read
# json file
import json
# Opening JSON file
f = open('data.json',)
# returns JSON object as
# a dictionary
data = json.load(f)
# Iterating through the json
# list
for i in data['emp_details']:
# Closing file
I got this from this link, now you can get dict from the file.
Next you can just filter the dict with specific value like below.
You should use filter() built-in function, with a function that returns True, if the dictionary contains one of the values.
def filter_func(dic, filterdic):
for k,v in filterdic.items():
if k == 'items':
if any(elemv in dic[k] for elemv in v):
return True
elif v == dic[k]:
return True
return False
def filter_cards(deck, filterdic):
return list(filter(lambda dic, filterdic=filterdic: filter_func(dic, filterdic) , deck))
You should use a dictionary as the second element.
filter_cards(deck, {'CVE': 'moderate'})
Hopefully, this could helpful for your situation.
Once you get your json object, you can access each value using the key like so:
print(json_obj["key"]) #prints the json value for that key
In your case
print(wrk["CVE"]) # prints CVE-2020-25624

txt with str of dict into dict [duplicate]

I am trying to pass in a JSON file and convert the data into a dictionary.
So far, this is what I have done:
import json
json1_file = open('json1')
json1_str = json1_file.read()
json1_data = json.loads(json1_str)
I'm expecting json1_data to be a dict type but it actually comes out as a list type when I check it with type(json1_data).
What am I missing? I need this to be a dictionary so I can access one of the keys.
Your JSON is an array with a single object inside, so when you read it in you get a list with a dictionary inside. You can access your dictionary by accessing item 0 in the list, as shown below:
json1_data = json.loads(json1_str)[0]
Now you can access the data stored in datapoints just as you were expecting:
datapoints = json1_data['datapoints']
I have one more question if anyone can bite: I am trying to take the average of the first elements in these datapoints(i.e. datapoints[0][0]). Just to list them, I tried doing datapoints[0:5][0] but all I get is the first datapoint with both elements as opposed to wanting to get the first 5 datapoints containing only the first element. Is there a way to do this?
datapoints[0:5][0] doesn't do what you're expecting. datapoints[0:5] returns a new list slice containing just the first 5 elements, and then adding [0] on the end of it will take just the first element from that resulting list slice. What you need to use to get the result you want is a list comprehension:
[p[0] for p in datapoints[0:5]]
Here's a simple way to calculate the mean:
sum(p[0] for p in datapoints[0:5])/5. # Result is 35.8
If you're willing to install NumPy, then it's even easier:
import numpy
json1_file = open('json1')
json1_str = json1_file.read()
json1_data = json.loads(json1_str)[0]
datapoints = numpy.array(json1_data['datapoints'])
avg = datapoints[0:5,0].mean()
# avg is now 35.8
Using the , operator with the slicing syntax for NumPy's arrays has the behavior you were originally expecting with the list slices.
Here is a simple snippet that read's in a json text file from a dictionary. Note that your json file must follow the json standard, so it has to have " double quotes rather then ' single quotes.
Your JSON dump.txt File:
{"test":"1", "test2":123}
Python Script:
import json
with open('/your/path/to/a/dict/dump.txt') as handle:
dictdump = json.loads(handle.read())
You can use the following:
import json
with open('<yourFile>.json', 'r') as JSON:
json_dict = json.load(JSON)
# Now you can use it like dictionary
# For example:
The best way to Load JSON Data into Dictionary is You can user the inbuilt json loader.
Below is the sample snippet that can be used.
import json
f = open("data.json")
data = json.load(f))
I am working with a Python code for a REST API, so this is for those who are working on similar projects.
I extract data from an URL using a POST request and the raw output is JSON. For some reason the output is already a dictionary, not a list, and I'm able to refer to the nested dictionary keys right away, like this:
datapoint_1 = json1_data['datapoints']['datapoint_1']
where datapoint_1 is inside the datapoints dictionary.
pass the data using javascript ajax from get methods
**//javascript function
function addnewcustomer(){
//This function run when button click
//get the value from input box using getElementById
var new_cust_name = document.getElementById("new_customer").value;
var new_cust_cont = document.getElementById("new_contact_number").value;
var new_cust_email = document.getElementById("new_email").value;
var new_cust_gender = document.getElementById("new_gender").value;
var new_cust_cityname = document.getElementById("new_cityname").value;
var new_cust_pincode = document.getElementById("new_pincode").value;
var new_cust_state = document.getElementById("new_state").value;
var new_cust_contry = document.getElementById("new_contry").value;
//create json or if we know python that is call dictionary.
var data = {"cust_name":new_cust_name, "cust_cont":new_cust_cont, "cust_email":new_cust_email, "cust_gender":new_cust_gender, "cust_cityname":new_cust_cityname, "cust_pincode":new_cust_pincode, "cust_state":new_cust_state, "cust_contry":new_cust_contry};
//apply stringfy method on json
data = JSON.stringify(data);
//insert data into database using javascript ajax
var send_data = new XMLHttpRequest();
send_data.open("GET", "http://localhost:8000/invoice_system/addnewcustomer/?customerinfo="+data,true);
send_data.onreadystatechange = function(){
if(send_data.readyState==4 && send_data.status==200){
django views
def addNewCustomer(request):
#if method is get then condition is true and controller check the further line
if request.method == "GET":
#this line catch the json from the javascript ajax.
cust_info = request.GET.get("customerinfo")
#fill the value in variable which is coming from ajax.
#it is a json so first we will get the value from using json.loads method.
#cust_name is a key which is pass by javascript json.
#as we know json is a key value pair. the cust_name is a key which pass by javascript json
cust_name = json.loads(cust_info)['cust_name']
cust_cont = json.loads(cust_info)['cust_cont']
cust_email = json.loads(cust_info)['cust_email']
cust_gender = json.loads(cust_info)['cust_gender']
cust_cityname = json.loads(cust_info)['cust_cityname']
cust_pincode = json.loads(cust_info)['cust_pincode']
cust_state = json.loads(cust_info)['cust_state']
cust_contry = json.loads(cust_info)['cust_contry']
#it print the value of cust_name variable on server
return HttpResponse("Yes I am reach here.")**

how to append data in nested dictionary in python

I have a to add a data in a nested dictionary, where nested keys names can be unknown so it should create new keys itself if it doesn't find one or else it should append it an existing key
this is my logic
if os.path.exists(str(base_path)+"/face_encodings.pickle"):
with open(str(base_path) + "/face_encodings.pickle", 'rb') as handle:
faces_encodings = pickle.load(handle)
faces_encodings[location][name] = encoding
faces_encodings[location] = {}
faces_encodings[location][name] = encoding
faces_encodings = {location:{}}
with open(str(base_path) + "/face_encodings.pickle", 'wb') as handle:
faces_encodings[location][name] = encoding
pickle.dump(faces_encodings, handle, protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
In brief, suppose this is a dictionary looks like
So by my logic code if I have to save new encoding of location which does not exist it should create a new or else push it into existing location nested dict, but the issue it's replacing the other ids data
If I understand your question correctly,
you could check if a key exists in a dictionary using the "in" keyword. For example, if you have a dict myDict = {"message":"Hello"} then this statement
if "message" in myDict:
return true
return false
will return true.
Using this logic, you can then either 1) Create a new dict OR 2) Change the existing content of the nested dict by adding new key
The defaultdict is perfect for this. It automatically creates the dict values if they don't already exist.
from collections import defaultdict
d = defaultdict(dict)
d[location][name] = encoding
For example:
d = defaultdict(dict)
d['giraffe']['description'] = 'tall'
d['giraffe']['legs'] = 4
d['fish']['legs'] = 0
# > defaultdict(dict,
# > {'giraffe': {'description': 'tall', 'legs': 4},
# > 'fish': {'legs': 0}})

Retrieving attributes of objects stored in dictionary

class Customer:
def __init__(self,custid,name,addr,city,state,zipcode):
self.monthlySpending =0
Well i am able to read a file and then split it such that in dictionary key is my customerid and value is the customer object. But i can't retrieve the attributes for each object stored in my dictionary. How to get each objects attributes from dictionary.
for line in open('customers.dat','r'):
intput =line.split(',')
sample data of customer is :
619738273,Admiral Ackbar,383 NeiMoidian Road,Utapau,MA,01720
118077058,Padme Amidala,846 Amani Road,D'Qar,MA,01508
360513913,Wedge Antilles,700 NeiMoidian Road,D'Qar,MA,01508
while my output after storing each object in dictionary is :
{'739118188': [<Customer.Customer object at 0x005FF8B0>],
'578148567': [<Customer.Customer object at 0x005FF9B0>]}
So how to get attributes for the object stored in the dictionary.
I'm not sure why you wrapped each one in a list, but simply access them as normal:
>>> d['619738273'][0].name
'Admiral Ackbar'
I'd recommend not wrapping each one in a list:
d[s2] = cc
Then you don't need the [0]:
>>> d['619738273'].name
'Admiral Ackbar'
You can also streamline the parsing step:
with open('customers.dat') as f:
for line in f:
k,*data = line.split(',')
d[k] = Customer.Customer(k, *data)
Although it'd be better to use csv, since it looks like you're working with a CSV file:
import csv
with open('customers.dat') as f:
reader = csv.reader(f)
for k,*data in reader:
d[k] = Customer.Customer(k, *data)

How to put pickle dict value into an object

I am using pickle to dump a dictionary object into a txt file. I need to grab the dictionary from the file and extract only certain values and put them inside of an object as a string.
My dictionary looks something like this:
obj_dict = { 'name': 'MYID', 'value': 'usdf23444',
'name': 'MYID2', 'value' : 'asdfh3479' }
Part of the dilemma I have is that there are two 'name' and two 'value' in the dictionary and I need to grab each separately.
Here is the code I am using:
import pickle
filepath = file.txt
output = open(filepath, 'rb')
obj_dict = pickle.load(output)
for i in obj_dict:
NewString = "VALUE1=" + i['value1'] + "VALUE2=" + i['value2']
I know this code doesn't work, I'm more showing what I need my end result to look like but basically I need each value to be put into a string that I can use later. How can I reference 'value1' and 'value2' correctly? Also I am getting this error when trying to just get one 'value':
TypeError: list indices must be integers or slices, not str
I'm not sure if that's true, I can run this code:
output = open(filepath, 'rb')
obj_dict = pickle.load(output)
for i in obj_dict:
and my output is:
After the update, it looks like it is a list of dicts. Try:
strings = ["VALUE{}={}".format(i, d['value']) for i, d in enumerate(obj_dict)]
