For example I know this method: os.system("cmd") but it starts console in the directory of the script or in the dir of the interpreter, is there a way to gain control of this issue ?
The prefered method for subprocess forking is the «subprocess» module.
You can specify a working directory for the command. e.g. :
import subprocess
subprocess.check_call( ['ls'], cwd='/tmp' )
See documentation for the subprocess module.
You can use os.chdir(target_directory) to change your program's working directory before starting the external application.
I need to launch an external program from my python script.
This program crashes, so I need to get a core dump from it.
what can i do?
Check out the python resource module. It will let you set the size of core files, etc., just like the ulimit command. Specifically, you want to do something like
resource.setrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_CORE, <size>)
before launching your target program.
My guess at usage (I haven't done this myself) is:
import resource
import subprocess
command = 'command line to be launched'
# os.system(command) would work, but os.system has been deprecated
# in favor of the subprocess module
I want to use python to write a shell command... that I can customize some paths in my config file, that I can "shortcut" to these paths directly, not need to "cd" and "cd" again and again...
I want to use python, because I don't know anything about bash. Is that possible ?if yes, could you give me any idea about how to use python to fullfill this shell command...
Thanks !
You have to give a look to the os library of python
The os.path module helps you to deal with paths.
With the subprocess module you can also execute commands, configure timouts (if the command hangs out), check the result, etc
I would like to invoke multiple commands from my python script.
I tried using the os.system(), however, I'm running into issues when the current directory is changed.
os.system("ls -l")
os.system("<some command>") # This will change the present working directory
os.system("launchMyApp") # Some application invocation I need to do.
Now, the third call to launch doesn't work.
os.system is a wrapper for the C standard library function system(). Its argument can be any valid shell command as long as it fits into the memory reserved for environment and argument lists of a process.
So, delimit each command with a semicolon or a newline and they will be executed one after another in the same environment.
os.system(" ls -l; <some command>; launchMyApp")
ls -l
<some command>
Try this
import os
os.system("ls -l")
os.chdir('path') # This will change the present working directory
os.system("launchMyApp") # Some application invocation I need to do.
Each process has its own current working directory. Normally, child processes can't change parent's directory that is why cd is a builtin shell command: it runs in the same (shell) process.
Each os.system() call creates a new shell process. Changing the directory inside these processes has no effect on the parent python process and therefore on the subsequent shell processes.
To run multiple commands in the same shell instance, you could use subprocess module:
#!/usr/bin/env python
from subprocess import check_call
check_call(r"""set -e
ls -l
<some command> # This will change the present working directory
launchMyApp""", shell=True)
If you know the destination directory; use cwd parameter suggested by #Puffin GDI instead.
It’s simple, really.
For Windows separate your commands with &, for Linux, separate them with ;.
str.replace is a very good way to approach the problem, used in the example below:
import os
os.system('''cd /
mkdir somedir'''.replace('\n', ';')) # or use & for Windows
When you call os.system(), every time you create a subshell - that closes immediately when os.system returns (subprocess is the recommended library to invoke OS commands). If you need to invoke a set of commands - invoke them in one call.
BTW, you may change working director from Python - os.chdir
Try to use subprocess.Popen and cwd
subprocess.Popen('launchMyApp', cwd=r'/working_directory/')
os.system("ls -l && <some command>")
You can change back to the directory you need to be in with os.chdir()
Just use
os.system("first command\nsecond command\nthird command")
I think you have got the idea what to do
Note: This is not a very reliable approach if you are doing a complex
job using CLI tools. Popen and subprocess methods are better there.
Although small task link copy, move, list will work fine
I need to execute the simple command below in windows 7 command prompt using Python26.
cd C:\Python26\main project files\Process
C:\Aster\runtime\waster Analysis.comm
It runs a FEM simulation and I tried it manually and it worked well. Now, I want to automate the write procedure using Python26.
I studied the other questions and found that the os.system works but it didn't. Also I saw subprocess module but it didn't work.
The current directory is a process property: Every single process has its own current directory. A line like
os.system("cd xyz")
starts a command interpreter (cmd.exe on Windows 7) and execute the cd command in this subprocess, not affecting the calling process in any way. To change the directory of the calling process, you can use os.chdir() or the cwd keyword parameter to subprocess.Popen().
Example code:
p = subproces.Popen(["C:/Aster/runtime/waster", "Analysis.comm"],
cwd="C:/Python26/main project files/Process")
(Side notes: Use forward slashes in path names in Python files. You should avoid os.system() and passing shell=True to the function in the subprocess module unless really necessary.)
Is it possible to change the Windows command prompt working directory via Python script?
>> cd
>> c:\windows\system32
>> cd
>> c:\windows
I have tried a few things which don't work:
import os
import os, subprocess
subprocess.Popen("chdir /D \"%s\"" %path, shell=True)
import os, subprocess
subprocess.Popen("cd \"%s\"" %path, shell=True)
import os, subprocess
subprocess.Popen("CD=\"%s\"" %path, shell=True)
As I understand it and observe these operations change the current processes working directory - which is the Python process and not the prompt its executing from.
The path I would want to change to is dynamic (based on what project I am working on, the full path to a build location changes) hence I wanted to code a solution in Python rather than hack around with a Windows batch file.
I ended up hacking a batch file together to do this ;(
Thanks everyone.
I'm not clear what you want to do here. Do you want a python script which you can run from a Windows command prompt which will change the working directory of the Windows command session?
If so, I'm 99.9% sure that's impossible. As you said yourself the python.exe process is a separate process from the Windows cmd.exe and anything you do in Python won't affect the Command prompt.
There may be something you can do via the Windows API by sending keystrokes to the Windows or something but it would be pretty brittle.
The only two practical options I can think of involve wrapping your Python script in a Batch file:
Output your desired directory from the Python script, read the output in your Batch file and CD to it.
Start your Python script from a batch file, allow your Python script to start a new cmd.exe Window and get the Batch file to close the original Command window.
I have a Python script to make moving around a file tree easier:
Briefly, I have an file, which writes Windows commands to stdout:
# Obviously, this should be more interesting..
import sys
print "cd", sys.argv[1]
Then an xdir.cmd file:
#echo off
python %* >%TEMP%\__xdir.cmd
call %TEMP%\__xdir.cmd
Then I create a doskey alias:
doskey x=xdir.cmd $*
The end result is that I can type
$ x subdir
and change into subdir.
The script I linked to above does much more, including remembering history, maintaining a stack of directories, accepting shorthand for directories, and so on.
One common solution is a two-part script.
Part 1 is Python, which creates a temporary .BAT file that contains the appropriate CD command.
Part 2 is the temporary .BAT file.
python >temp.bat
As people mentioned, child processes (i.e. your program) can't change the current working directory of a parent process (i.e. the terminal). This is why you need the two steps that everybody is describing. In most shells there's a way to make a macro or function to perform this two-step functionality.
For example, in bash, you can make a single alias to compute the path and change the current working directory, similar to what #S.Lott describes for Windows:
alias my_cd='TMP=``; cd $TMP;'
Note that the cd command is still being interpreted in the parent process (the terminal), which has the ability to change its own current working directory.
The subprocess.Popen() doc page says a child process will be created for the sub-process, so any working directory changes will be local to that subprocess.
If cwd is not None, the child’s current directory will be changed to cwd before it is executed. Note that this directory is not considered when searching the executable, so you can’t specify the program’s path relative to cwd.
This will be the same for any changes done explicitly inside the subproceess, similar to the commands that appear in the question.
imoprt os
os.system("start cmd.exe /k \"cd /d c:\\windows\\system32 & python\"")